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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Sep 19, 2019 11:58 am

h2ofwlr wrote:Show the INSIDE of the pelt - what color is it?

I'm out doing a little poaching right now so it'll have to wait until later and I'm back at the cabin.

Right now I'm guessing it's a chalky white dry as shit piece of leather color. I haven't worked it yet to soften it....not that is relevant to the conversation since i already know what your referring to and it's equally stupid as your comment about not having long black always, you couldn't admit you were wrong on that one after getting undeniably bitch slapped with how you mistaken you clearly were.

Guess what?

A coon skin, or any animal with a desired pelt for that matter, does not change from blue in the summer to white in the winter. That's unbelievably fukcing retarded that you would think that.

The reason why it's white?

That's called fat. That's the shit you have to flesh off the skin, along with all the connective tissue, and small muscle groups that separate with the skin......or the point when dumb asses like you dumps a bunch of salt on the "white skin" not realizing all you're doing is creating disgusting pelt that stinks like shit with the fur looking like you dumped a gallon of vegetable oil on it once the fat....AKA the entire white surface covering the pelt you chose to leave on instead of getting down to it's "blue summer skin" breaks down and starts leaching grease and saturating it and anything it touches, which usually occurs at about the year mark.

Since you're at home, post up some pics of your finest skins amigo....shit....I bet you got so many awesome ones of all kinds it will be hard to pick. Try not to waste too much time in selecting the ones you're going to share with us.....they're for sure all better than mine, you're going to make me look foolish just like you always do.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Sep 19, 2019 1:23 pm

Ask any experienced trapper or houndsman what color are the inside hide is at the end of Oct in MN - and they will say blue. It is NOT light buckskin color like we see 1st part of Dec . The color NOTHING to do with fat. I've skinned a 1000+ coon back in the day, and some dumb fuuck amateur is trying to tell me that it's prime in the middle of Sept. in MN. :lol:
it's like a 4 YO kid trying to scam a parent its so laughable! :lol: :lol: :lol: You may have a few of the other 4 YOs here convinced, but us in the know, do know I am speaking the truth. There's a word that you are clueless about too!

Being I don't trust you as far as I can spit, you'll likely post up a hide from Dec to say it's the 1 from this week. :roll:

In the photo, left and right are prime hides, in the middle are blue unprime hides. The young of the year are the last to prime up, be it a coon, mink, fox, etc. Notice that they are smaller in size, young of the year hides. The others were prime already.
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Last edited by h2ofwlr on Thu Sep 19, 2019 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Sep 19, 2019 1:50 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:left and right are prime hides, in the middle are blue unprime hides.

You really are just a giant fukcing retard....

Those "blue" pelts in the middle?

They're wet dipshit. That's why the kid is reaching up towards them. The example of the stage those furs just enter the category of is called,

"Put Up"'re such a fukcing moron. Those furs on the left and right?

They're dry.

The differences between the different colors you're misguidedly thinking is a distinction in the quality of fur is nothing......from this picture no difference in quality between those furs can be made.

The only thing that is shown to be different is the amount of moisture in the pelt. Fresh pelts look like the ones in the middle.

The fact that you think all these furs were put up the same day and the different hues of their leather is caused by anything other than moisture still in them should be fukcing embarrassing to you.....YOU ARE SO FUKCING DUMB to think that, let alone publicly try calling someone out along those lines.

And FYI dipshit....

"Prime" is determined by the quality of the fur. That is how it's graded....when the shit in the pic you posted gets turned inside out and judged for it's quality off it's fur.

There's no way of knowing if anything hanging there is worth a fukc until you turn 'em.

You ever see a coyote with mange? Or any other type that's rubbed and total shit?

Could be on any fur you see....if you're a dumb tool that is looking at them from the wrong side.

Have you ever even seen a fur coat?

If so....then tell me this Einstein, why would they look at fur and grade them the way you're stating is how they do it......

.....when the part that people pay thousands of dollars to extravagantly wear.......

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Sep 19, 2019 2:06 pm

I’ve had several old timers that trapped a lot tell me that the best months to get good fur end with r. September, October, November and December. A lot of the coyotes I’ve shot in January and February are rubbed and worth little or nothing. I don’t doubt there’s some good fur around in sept now, not much but some. I know a group of guys that call coyotes in early to mid October and put the smack down on them and a lot of those get put up.
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Sep 19, 2019 2:46 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:Ask any experienced trapper or houndsman what color are the inside hide is at the end of Oct in MN - and they will say blue. It is NOT light buckskin color like we see 1st part of Dec . The color NOTHING to do with fat. I've skinned a 1000+ coon back in the day, and some dumb fuuck amateur is trying to tell me that it's prime in the middle of Sept. in MN. :lol:
it's like a 4 YO kid trying to scam a parent its so laughable! :lol: :lol: :lol: You may have a few of the other 4 YOs here convinced, but us in the know, do know I am speaking the truth. There's a word that you are clueless about too!

Being I don't trust you as far as I can spit, you'll likely post up a hide from Dec to say it's the 1 from this week. :roll:

In the photo, left and right are prime hides, in the middle are blue unprime hides. The young of the year are the last to prime up, be it a coon, mink, fox, etc. Notice that they are smaller in size, young of the year hides. The others were prime already.


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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Sep 19, 2019 9:54 pm

I've got a short story in the works titled....

"Fur-tarded: Alan 'Prime Time' Nikolai"

It's main character is this quirky coyote hunter that somehow appears in the field once guys are walking away from the coyote they just shot that has mange.

He comes out of nowhere to yell, "Don't Worry! I Have A Knife!" and then runs up to all these disgusting mangey coyotes and starts skinning them without abandon.....while being super jacked to see what color their skin is...and when he sees it's mainly white with some blue mixed in he puts his arms and shouts, "Yes! PRIME TIME!!!" and then dives back into skinning them. At one point he meets up with a buyer and tells him he better not try lowballing him, he knows what he's got....the primest of the prime...and the buyer is like, "WTF?! These all are full of mange!" That's when Prime Time flips them over and goes, "See? You see that? Very little blue. Very little. These furs are prime. Prime Time!"

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Sep 20, 2019 9:41 am

Who knew arguing about trash panda road kill pelts could cause such a fuss.

Looks like a good pelt, why so much animosity?

Looked like a big coon with a nice pelt.
But I'm no expert on anything. Might have to start a thread on what color snatch is the best.
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Sep 20, 2019 9:51 am

Trash Panda..... that's funny

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Sep 20, 2019 11:32 am

because fowler is the almighty one and he must throw in his 2 cents when ever possible. In his years of being boring and sober he has forgot what he use to know. I have met his types before. They know it all and could not give 2 shits about other peoples idea or opinions. They feel insecure with them selves so they have to feel the need to call people out when unnecessary. My buddies dad is the same way, we go out and actually do shit like hunt and fish and come back and he asked how it went. Even if we arent successful (which isnt often) he has all the ideas why and makes sure we know. The only thing wrong is he hasnt been in the field in 10 years doing any of what he "says" we should do. Then he trys to go "hunting" and it ends up with him just driving roads looking for a lost caribou to shoot yet he doesnt get one. He also told us one time that at 20 below the only thing you need to keep a ice house warm is a lantern....he hasnt been on the ice in 20 years i bet.
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Sep 20, 2019 6:14 pm

get-n-birdy wrote:Who knew arguing about trash panda road kill pelts could cause such a fuss.

Looks like a good pelt, why so much animosity?

Yeah, I was confused by that as well. I'll be the first to admit I'm not a fur guy. I've never trapped. I've gone predator hunting and a handful of occasions with little to no success. Nowhere in regards to that picture, or anywhere else, have I said I knew shit about furs at any given point, ever.

I know enough about them that when I drove by this one I pulled over and turned back to give it a look. Once I saw it was in really good shape, fresh, and it's coat looked surprisingly grown in for that early......with nothing on the agenda stopping me from skinning it out, why not?

Why he took insult with and got annoyed by me picking up a roadkill coon that looked pretty good in my opinion, and yours, I'll never a lot of things fowler.

I had no idea what he was getting at when he was so big on seeing the skinned side. What threw me off was what he originally called me out not having guard very much a real thing. After I posted the pics I really became confused with him not going, "Yeah, it's not bad. Nice pelt," and just letting it go.

Who knows where the hell he got that pic, but once he posted that I looked at it in bewilderment for a couple minutes absolutely befuddled. What was I missing?

Again, me not knowing crap about furs....him saying he's some fur expert that skinned thousands of coons in his day.....

.....I figured he was embellishing like he always does, but I also believed that he had some experience with furs and knew a thing or two. Him calling me an amateur? Not offensive at all. I never claimed to be anything and wouldn't even call myself an amateur. I'm a guy that has skinned one roadkill raccoon as the only fur I've put up in at least three years....did a couple muskrats several years back that my dad shot in front of the cabin because they were digging into the shorelines and making dens.

So I'm not sure why he felt such a need to attempt to bring me down a peg.....

.....when he literally knows less than I do about furs....a lot less....and I know very, very little.

I find h2ofwlr to be such an intriguing/interesting/conflicted character and this one might be my most favorite example of that.

Staring at that picture he posted was such a mindfukc for was honestly pretty awesome....I love it when stuff like that happens......pure and utter confusion.....what color "is" the sky, really?

Then I finally pieced it together and realized there wasn't anything I was missing besides assuming h2ofwlr knew something pertaining to what he was claiming to be an expert at.....he literally knew less than where the only things he knew were not based in anything that existed in reality.

What sucks is that I know I'll never find out where he got the notion that fur is graded by the color of the hide, not the fur, and that it changes during different months, and between mature and immature animals.

Where he got that I'd love to know. Was that something he was told back in the 80's by a coworker that trapped? Did he read it in a magazine ten years ago? Did he find it online after googling it three minutes before he posted that pic?

How did he come up with something so specific that was distinctly wrong and not a thing.....that he chose to go all in on with total conviction and never questioning if it was totally ridiculous and he'd look like a complete fukcing moron.....having to realize he knew so little that he might be doing that.....why...why...why?????????

I find it really fascinating. What motivated him to that fight the good fight against a guy skinning a September roadkill coon, and be defeated so handedly because he knew absolutely nothing about what he was talking about......but how could he possibly care as much as he clearly did about a topic that he knew nothing about? Why would an area in which you have no knowledge in, most likely a result of very little interest, become something he so passionately called someone out and got into a pissing match over? Why.....why......why????

When it comes to h2ofwlr sometimes I feel like the guy on the episode of 'Seinfeld' that meets Kramer and is enthralled with him....calls him "the most fascinating person he's ever encountered" and does that painting of him, I think.
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