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Re: Vikings 2019

Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:47 am

I've never taken PA seriously as any type of Football Mind. For all the access he has, his 'takes' aren't any deeper than the sheet water on a set of breasts in a Yoga class.

With my kid as the only interaction: PA came through a space I got some sweet preseason tickets for a gig I wasn't getting paid for. My kid was diligent, hat out marker in hand, and by that time in preseason the players were down to the cut and bored with the rubes hanging out. He did get a wide receiver glove handed to him, sweaty as hell :-)

Anyway, the kid was diligent and waited while the players changed to see if anyone would come back out to sign autographs. Sort of hard with a grown douche filming everyone going in/out of the locker room with his phone. So here comes PA after the post game interviews trucking to the locker room. He stopped for some pics with the rubes, then blew them off and came over to talk to the kid, chatted him up a bit. Signed the kid's hat, which in all of signatures was like a free drink at a strip club, but my kid thought it was pretty cool.

Still wish he'd at least get in a fender bender.

Common is the only thing I can listen to regularly on KFAN. I need to get on the Soucheray podcast for drive time.

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Fish Felon
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Re: Vikings 2019

Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:49 am

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:I know people who have served him a B Dubbs on his Friday football feast and the guy doesn’t tip at all, after getting everything for free.

People only tip based off their bill. I did a semi-recent stint bartending and an old time chick pointed it out to remind me and it really is true.

If someone ends up getting a free drink or burger, and they're aware of it and grateful for whatever reason resulted in the gesture, a lot of servers anticipate that it's going to result in a bigger tip. Let's say the customer's tab would've been $45 and now it's $35 after you hooked them up..... 95% of cases they're going to leave you $5. They're not going to look at the money you saved them and leave you $10 realizing that's what their bill would have been prior to tipping at all had you not hooked them up.

If you're a server and want bigger tips?

You do whatever you can to ring their bill up higher.

You never miss adding a drink to their bill, you never ring a drink in at a lower price, you push drinks, you push dessert, when they ask what's good on the menu you push the 12oz prime do what you can to have their tab hit a hundred because even if they look at it like it, "Holy Shit!" they're still leaving you $15 even if they're cheap.

People don't pay attention to shit when they're out besides having a drink ready when they're just about finished with the one they have and making sure their food order comes out in a timely fashion, is correct, and hot.

If they drank five Miller Lites and you only rang them up for four they don't notice and certainly don't give a flying fukc about it when it comes time to tip. All they determine that by is from looking at their bill. They're drunk. They aren't counting drinks. The only way they notice is if you accidentally charge them for an extra they didn't have.

So I don't fault PA at all for not tipping. I actually think it's really shitty and stupid on your friend's part to spread that shit about him.

Prior to this last recent stint of bartending/serving, where the place by the cabin had a sign up looking for experienced wait staff and I figured, "Fugg it...why not spend a summer at the cabin slanging drinks, fishing every day, and working in tight spaces grabbing glasses and drinks in and around twenty year old blonde collegs chicks home from college for the summer?" I was making $600 on a Sunday....walking out with $400 of it in tips...straight cash homey....


Guess what I had that counted me as an "experienced bartender?"

Working at B-Dubbs sixteen years previously in college. Where on a Friday? Shit, we'd turn fifteen....maybe twenty customers by noon.

So if PA, Charch, Nordo, and crew came in and set up shop on a Friday morning from nine to noon.....and brought several hundred patrons through the door buying lots of food and drinks and tipping lots as a result....because they had a great time coming out to see PA..... fukcing shit would he not be allowed to ever even offer to pay for a damn thing.

First off, as I pointed out---no bill = no tip. A suggested gratuity, or social norm, of tipping 15%.....well, 15% of zero is zero.

Second, if for some reason he incorrectly felt the need to leave a gratuity after being the star the establishment was insanely fortunate to have come in and make everyone there a shitload of money.....if he tried to leave anything I would've absolutely refused to accept it, profusely thanked him again, tell him how grateful we all were, asked him if I could get him anything else....a food order for the road, a bottle of booze from behind the bar, anything.....

.....if he threw down even a $5 without making it apparent......I would've ran out to the parking lot with it hoping to catch him and give it back, profusely thank him again, and ask if there was anything....Anything....else I could do for him.

Your friend bitching about PA not tipping after hosting his Friday football feast at the B-Dubb's they worked at is one of the dumbest and most disrespectful and shitty things I've heard people talk shit about a public figurehead.

Your friend made bank that day....guaranteed...and for one reason and for one reason only.....being lucky enough to have PA come to work that day where they happened to work. No shit he's not going to open his wallet....he better fukcing not. The only way that happens is some giant dumbass working there doesn't understand how business is done in this country.
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Re: Vikings 2019

Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:03 am

You were working at b dubbs in college for 16 years?????

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Re: Vikings 2019

Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:14 am

Ha! Was it Drew Breeze that got hung out to dry for laying a 10% on a carryout order.... poor dude gets slammed for tipping something when most people leave nothing..... pretty certain the employee was released after they tweeted the receipt bitching.

I'm with Felon to a point: If PA is a high maintenance douche all the way through, the server is assigned to the Crew/Guests, and is busting balls making certain food/drinks are ordered/delivered at the right times for commercial breaks, etc....... and then the dude is stiffed because the management deal is "Band Drinks for Free"..... PA gets the slam by default by 1) being the brand manager not creating a culture that rewards appropriately; or 2) pulling d!ck like, "yo man, not my job, company policy/producer/Chad Abbott deal"..... i.e. if he's the Ambassador and #1 rube for all things Vikings, gotta figure that BDubs 'ees are rubes too and they need a Witness!Amen!

Think, like Michael Jordan goes to Vegas and he has an entourage. One of their roles is to settle everything up. Well, he's a high roller and doesn't ever pay for sh!t. But the Settle Man knows the waitress worked super hard, so he offers her a trip through Michael's room later so Mike can "show is appreciation".... maybe she's into it, but if she prefers the straight cash, guarantee she's calling Michael a douchebag no tipping prick, not the Accountant dude.

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Re: Vikings 2019

Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:16 am

I was a server for a long time in college. You are right about running the tab up at all costs. The only payback you get is if the customer is/was a server....if someone gives me anything for free I will "pay" for it by giving them that amount plus the tip. I tip big tho if the person is even an average server just because I would rather give someone money face to face than give to some charity where half goes to admin fees. Plus for a few extra dollars you can make someone's day.

If PA gets a bunch of stuff for free and he doesn't tip then I think he sucks.

I don't listen to sports talk radio very much but didn't his partner was it Dube or some shit get caught smoking crack? Anyway I was at Canterbury for some weird reason and from what I remember PA did some announcing there. So there is a group of hammered guys standing by me and PA walks by and one of the drunk dudes yells some thing about Dube smoking crack and PA goes ape shit!! It was really funny.

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Fish Felon
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Re: Vikings 2019

Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:51 am

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:You were working at b dubbs in college for 16 years?????

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Haha! Nope!

I worked there six months, making my previous experience as a bartender sixteen years prior to applying for my second bartending position this past spring.

Had a white collar, non-serving career in-between, minus some random jobs the past year or two.
Last edited by Fish Felon on Tue Oct 01, 2019 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vikings 2019

Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:58 am

Stute Slap wrote:I was a server for a long time in college. You are right about running the tab up at all costs. The only payback you get is if the customer is/was a server....if someone gives me anything for free I will "pay" for it by giving them that amount plus the tip. I tip big tho if the person is even an average server just because I would rather give someone money face to face than give to some charity where half goes to admin fees. Plus for a few extra dollars you can make someone's day.

If PA gets a bunch of stuff for free and he doesn't tip then I think he sucks.

I don't listen to sports talk radio very much but didn't his partner was it Dube or some shit get caught smoking crack? Anyway I was at Canterbury for some weird reason and from what I remember PA did some announcing there. So there is a group of hammered guys standing by me and PA walks by and one of the drunk dudes yells some thing about Dube smoking crack and PA goes ape shit!! It was really funny.

I tip 20% minimum as long as the service is decent....probably like most servers. If it's the worst service ever, I'll still tip 15%....I've maybe tipped 10% a couple times.

The big thing for me is that I want to make a point of what pissed me off and have them take it not tipping it looks like you're a cheap ass just trying to save a few bucks. If you still give a decent tip it demonstrates that it's not about the just felt disrespected by their shitty service and want them to improve....especially if it's a place you routinely frequent.

Dubay was the crackhead. Whitney Houston was right---Crack is whack.

We had a buddy that lost his shit and started stealing and doing all kinds of **** up shit. My older brother who has smoked meth every day now for at least a decade very accurately summed up what happened with,

"Schmiddy smoked crack....that's what happens when you smoke crack."
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Fish Felon
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Re: Vikings 2019

Tue Oct 01, 2019 12:07 pm

lanyard wrote:Ha! Was it Drew Breeze that got hung out to dry for laying a 10% on a carryout order.... poor dude gets slammed for tipping something when most people leave nothing..... pretty certain the employee was released after they tweeted the receipt bitching.

I'm with Felon to a point: If PA is a high maintenance douche all the way through, the server is assigned to the Crew/Guests, and is busting balls making certain food/drinks are ordered/delivered at the right times for commercial breaks, etc....... and then the dude is stiffed because the management deal is "Band Drinks for Free"..... PA gets the slam by default by 1) being the brand manager not creating a culture that rewards appropriately; or 2) pulling d!ck like, "yo man, not my job, company policy/producer/Chad Abbott deal"..... i.e. if he's the Ambassador and #1 rube for all things Vikings, gotta figure that BDubs 'ees are rubes too and they need a Witness!Amen!

Think, like Michael Jordan goes to Vegas and he has an entourage. One of their roles is to settle everything up. Well, he's a high roller and doesn't ever pay for sh!t. But the Settle Man knows the waitress worked super hard, so he offers her a trip through Michael's room later so Mike can "show is appreciation".... maybe she's into it, but if she prefers the straight cash, guarantee she's calling Michael a douchebag no tipping prick, not the Accountant dude.

I think it was Brees....Haha! Yeah, being a celebrity has it's downside. To a certain degree your damned if you, damned if you don't.

I can see why guys pay to have someone...a handler....bodyguard....whatever you want to call it.....go and do shit for them like picking up food.

On take out orders I always expect nothing but if it's busy and they show up before their order is ready....even if they don't have a drink while they wait....if they stop you and have you check on their order a time or two....hell, the time it takes to ring them up is time you could be getting a drink for another patron, yeah...they should tip a couple bucks at least. You're providing them a service and if they don't see it that way?

Fukc off and hit the drive through at McDonald's instead.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vikings 2019

Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:32 pm

I typically tip in that 20% range's someone trying to make a living, they deal with a lot of idiots and as you said a couple extra bucks can really make their day.

It's not about money, I ain't rich. But a kid stopped to help me out when my truck stalled a couple weeks back, towed me about 200' to get me out of an intersection. All I had was a $100 and I gave it to him. Should have seen the look on his face it was lit up totally made his day. But he took the time to stop and help someone out, do a good deed. That deserves to be rewarded in my mind.

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Re: Vikings 2019

Wed Oct 02, 2019 10:16 am

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:I typically tip in that 20% range's someone trying to make a living, they deal with a lot of idiots and as you said a couple extra bucks can really make their day.

It's not about money, I ain't rich. But a kid stopped to help me out when my truck stalled a couple weeks back, towed me about 200' to get me out of an intersection. All I had was a $100 and I gave it to him. Should have seen the look on his face it was lit up totally made his day. But he took the time to stop and help someone out, do a good deed. That deserves to be rewarded in my mind.

Yup I'd do the same.

On the flip side I have fixed people's flat tire (pulled out nail/screw and installed a plug, pumped up tire with little cig light pump) and when they tried to give me money I won't take it.

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