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Re: Vikings 2019

Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:46 am

What does Lizzo mean by her lyric, "No Man on the Minnesota Vikings....."

Number one on the billboard hot 100 for five weeks now. Even in music and pop-culture the Vikings succeed at Choking......
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Re: Vikings 2019

Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:10 pm

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:I typically tip in that 20% range's someone trying to make a living, they deal with a lot of idiots and as you said a couple extra bucks can really make their day.

It's not about money, I ain't rich. But a kid stopped to help me out when my truck stalled a couple weeks back, towed me about 200' to get me out of an intersection. All I had was a $100 and I gave it to him. Should have seen the look on his face it was lit up totally made his day. But he took the time to stop and help someone out, do a good deed. That deserves to be rewarded in my mind.

Bartending/Serving really does suck. I did it for the summer, liked it at first, hated it after four months and quit after stacking up enough cash to fukc around for a while. When I started I was working four nights a week, 4pm to close or getting like 25 to maybe 30 hours a was fukcing perfect.

The problem is the "industry" if you want to call it that sucks. There's a ton of turnover and it's hard to find competent people, just like anywhere. By the end I was working six days a week, sixty to seventy hours, spending more time off the clock helping out with other shit, and the guy opening and closing the place down....counting and putting the money in the safe, locking up, and the only guy there the last hour or two before walking out.

You can make decent money but it sucks being people's bitch....that's what you are. You deal with a shitload of regulars that think they own the damn place and are raging alcoholics.....people are fukcing slobs.....leaving tables covered in shit....don't even push in their chairs before leaving. It's shitty work where you have to "be on" at all times. There's no such thing as a break. There were days where I worked 14-15 hours and literally the only time I was off my feet was when taking a shit....since I don't smoke or vape and didn't have a reason to go sit on the employee patio for fifteen minutes every couple hours.

My previous job was as a drain cleaner/sewer tech, where I had to carry a 250lbs machine in to people's basements, the cage with the cable was 130lbs or 170lbs if I needed the 150-footer....then you sit in someone's often shit filled basement and auger out their mainline clearing it of roots and toilet paper saturated in their shit.....your days....mainly nights consist of you constantly being wet and literally covered in other people's shit.....

.....and I found it to be much less degrading than bartending/serving.

Here's how I've always looked at tipping, even back prior to working in that industry for the first time in college.

If me and whatever chick I'm with at the time go out for dinner it's going to be fifty bucks between the entrees and drinks. I can leave five bucks for the bartender and/or server, spend $55, and look like a total cheap ass fukcing dbag.....or.....I can leave ten bucks, spend $60, and look like a fukcing awesome dude who the people that just spent at least the last hour waiting on me hand and foot view very positively.

That's makes that extra Lincoln I throw down about the best five dollars I could ever spend, in my opinion. I care that good, honest, hard-working people have a favorable opinion of me and don't view me as fukcing asshole. If all it takes to do that is spending $60 instead of $55....fukc it!?! I'm doing that every time. I'm already out the $55, why not make it $60 and be a good guy?

If you want to save money?

You do that by staying the fukc home and not going out. You don't do it by going out and stiffing on the tip because now you've got an "extra" $5 bucks after spending $55 you didn't need to....or an "extra" $10 after spending $110 you didn't need to....and so forth.

What goes around comes around. Kharma is real and it isn't supernatural. Good things happen to good people....and bad things happen to bad people. It's a pragmatic common sense view of how the world operates more than it is anything supernatural.
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Re: Vikings 2019

Wed Oct 02, 2019 1:07 pm

Is leaving your tip plus the extra change on the table a bdag move?

By change I mean coins. Damn I hate coins. Except some quarters for the car wash.

Can we ditch them f n things yet? It’s almost 2020. No one hardly carries cash let alone coins anymore.
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Re: Vikings 2019

Wed Oct 02, 2019 1:43 pm

No, leaving tip plus coins by no means a dbag move. When splitting up tips there were a couple other bartender/servers that would prefer to grab the piles with all the coins....said they never tapped into their change jar when short on cash but always spent any bills they had. I'd bring my change jar to the bank every two or three weeks, get it counted, and get back $80 to a little over a hundred in bills....then spend it on fishing shit....saved my other money besides on food, gas, and paying bills, but coins were my fun money where I didn't feel bad about going to fleet farm and blowing a hundred bucks on crankbaits, a new reel, rod, new line, planer boards, or other fishing tackle.
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Re: Vikings 2019

Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:36 pm

The biggest tip on tipping I have as to what bartenders/servers appreciate the most is....

Even if you're like most and using a card to pay....when possible, try to leave the tip in cash.

By law in Minnesota, a business owner doesn't have to give you a tip that was ran on a card until I think three business days after....with the law being put in place to protect them in case of there being insufficient funds, or the card company refusing the charges, etc.

I've never heard of an establishment not just giving out credit/debit card tips as cash the day of, but becomes money that has to be reported and claimed. If like at the place I was at, there was a grand ran on cards for tips in a day and six bartenders/servers, the business has to report that's what was paid out and those six people need to combine for and claim that grand as income....taxable income.

As a result, and as with anything else, in any business transaction there is....

.....nothing beats cash.

If you and your buddies rack up a hundred dollar bar tab and whoever loses credit card roulette runs it on their card with someone else paying the tip.....

....a twenty dollar cash tip...or any amount cash tip based off whatever the tab was.....regardless if the rest of the bill was paid by card or by cash is something you're bartender/server will greatly appreciate.

Twenty bucks cash is twenty bucks cash.

Twenty bucks off a card ends up being like $12 or $13 after getting taxed.
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Re: Vikings 2019

Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:45 pm

Fish Felon wrote:What does Lizzo mean by her lyric, "No Man on the Minnesota Vikings....."

Number one on the billboard hot 100 for five weeks now. Even in music and pop-culture the Vikings succeed at Choking......

She’s saying “NEW man on the Minnesota vikings”.... which is the biggest win the vikings organization has ever heard really. You could say the truth hurts.

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Re: Vikings 2019

Wed Oct 02, 2019 4:53 pm

“Bartending/Serving really does suck.”

You definitely/obviously worked at a terrible place. I worked “in the industry” for over a decade and eventually just sorta aged-out, on top of having a wife and small kids at the end. I’d jump back behind the bar tomorrow if I could handle it physically and had no responsibilities at home. For a skinny, uncool, farm kid who was (is) completely average in every way, the stuff I got to experience due to being in that world blows my mind to this day.

Knowing the way things work, I am much more critical of waitstaff as a rule, but will tip very generously if they’ve got their hustle down.
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Re: Vikings 2019

Thu Oct 03, 2019 9:15 am

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:
Fish Felon wrote:What does Lizzo mean by her lyric, "No Man on the Minnesota Vikings....."

Number one on the billboard hot 100 for five weeks now. Even in music and pop-culture the Vikings succeed at Choking......

She’s saying “NEW man on the Minnesota vikings”.... which is the biggest win the vikings organization has ever heard really. You could say the truth hurts.

Obviously she's not being serious since I'm guessing...."No Man on the Minnesota Vikings wants to fukc big fat chicks...."

But I'll admit to being wrong on the lyric and like you being a very positive thing for the team.

HnkrCrash wrote:You definitely/obviously worked at a terrible place.

I agree.

I did hook up with one 19yo hot blonde who thought I was ten years younger than I am....kept messing with her by stating I was 58, then 48, then 18, then 38, then 28....and she actually thought I was 28 and was pretty freaking pissed about it. Luckily she got fired a week and a half later for smoking dope (pot) on the employee smoker's patio. The owner was walking in and there were a few people smoking cigs or vaping and she was ripping a big glass bowl.

Other than was an extremely lame summer. There was one other twenty year old I kind of had a thing with and got to play grab ass with at work....actually brunette and one blonde....but the brunette only worked occasionally and had a boyfriend and the blonde who I'm still in contact with as friends, was too much of a good girl to go slumming with an old fukc like me. She's back at school, straight A type of chick, will graduate with her four year degree after three years this spring.

Not to make further excuses, but the area I was East Central MN....doesn't have much going for it. The amount of single women is next to zero. Unless you're counting ones with four kids, ones that weigh four-hundred pounds, or ones that only have four teeth....or in many cases they four kids, weigh four-hundred pounds, and only have four teeth....the tri-fecta that makes them still available.

I'd say I aged out, and was too old for this line of work, but then again the young guys there weren't doing shit....definitely not up to anything cool from what I saw. We had an eighteen year old cook that just graduated high school and his mom drove him to work and back each night, while usually getting hammered during his four or five hour shift. Every night he'd freak out after he started cleaning up too early and a late customer food order inevitably went in. I quit drinking for most of the summer and tried to give him some beers and booze and he freaked out about there's no way he could take it because his mom would catch him. The kid was a total pussy just like most kids these days.

Honestly? It was hard to get people to even go fishing with me....and I had a good vibe with everyone there. People just don't do shit these days but sit at home and fukc around on their phones. The kitchen manager kept telling me he'd get out with me one day....must have said it a hundred times after asking if I'd been out and me showing him fishing pics on my phone.....he never made it out, but a coworker showed me videos he posted on fb of him wearing his new VR gaming shit and freaking out.

That's people in a nutshell these days. Would it have been different in another area?

Dear God, I hope so. All in all, it was a pretty lame experience. I thought it'd be a cool and fun job yet by the end of it I was working way too much and given far more responsibilities than I ever sought out. Oh well, live and learn. I'm glad your experience was different and not lame like mine was.
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Re: Vikings 2019

Thu Oct 03, 2019 9:24 am Diggsy gone????
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Re: Vikings 2019

Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:54 am

Fish Felon Diggsy gone????

I really doubt it will happen..................
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