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Moose Hunt---Proof Of DNR Incompetence?

Thu Oct 10, 2019 9:10 am

So my older bro drew his once-in-a-lifetime NoDak moose tag. Myself, a couple other bros who are flying in, our bro-in-law, and longtime family friend are all coming for the party.

The ND moose population is growing, some say exploding, so the G&F is issuing more my bro put in for a cow unlike most and thus drew one right away.

Maybe one of my fellow residents of a state who's wildlife department is ran by academics that are climate-change-protagonists and use it as their blanket excuse for mismanaging natural resources......when the reality is more along the lines that they're incompetent. Natural resources are....well, natural. Understanding them requires being out in them and observing what's happening. Our DNR prefers to do their "management" by reading and then regurgitating academic papers and scouting reams of data looking for outliers to then study it's significance and hypothesize about what changing climate factors caused it.....when there isn't any....the number was off because some idiot transcribed that entry wrong when typing it into his computer making shit digital that day.

Minnesota no longer being able to hold a moose season doesn't have a fukcing thing to do with climate change. The DNR asserting climate change as the answer for why moose have disappeared in most of their range and severely declined and the lone pocket they still exist is absolutely offensive. If you're a sportsman it should offend you.

It's a very dangerous game to play when the "scientists" assert they know what's going on when they absolutely have no fukcing clue is arrogant, is a calculated effort to avoid having to continue to keep trying until they do actually figure it out....and then low and behold open up the possibility of something that's almost as rare for them as it is for our sports teams----achieving success.

Not figuring out what caused the MN moose decline is a distinct failure. I can handle that. If the DNR big game/moose biologists collectively threw up their arms and shouted, "We Give Up!" I wouldn't be thrilled but it wouldn't bug me....especially if one of them grew both a set of balls and some professional pride, decided to not accept failure, roll up their sleeves, and have the dignity to get back to work....and actually do the job we pay them to do.

Admitting Failure isn't a bad thing....technically it's the only thing until you succeed. If you're forced to answer a question when you don't know what the answer is? The only response that should be given is the single option that's true----"I don't know." That answer is sure beats the fukc out of making up a bunch of total bullshit like the DNR's answer for moose of,

"Climate Change"

Really?! Fukcing Climate Change!?!? In the 80's the NW part of the state had a moose herd over 8,000 head strong and was issuing 800 tags every year for that "low density" area.

Yet in 2004 the annual aerial survey counted only 84. A number low enough to accept moose for all intensive purposes were as good as extinct there....evidenced by that year being the last year they did the count. Why bother at that point, right? The only logical thing to do is throw in the towel and quit wasting time on....I dunno....your job.....trying to succeed in managing one of the state's most iconic animals would be around for future generations to enjoy.....

......things that really shouldn't take much to make the type of person who chose a career in wildlife management to get amped up about doing.

Sad really.....that's how little passion exists in the department these days. The state's herd of it's largest and culturally celebrated ungulate disappears for reasons unexplained and these fukcers who all chose to devote their lives to a career specialising in that precise area of work can't find any motivation to give a shit.

"Yup, the Boogey Man is to blame for this one too.....Climate Change got 'em. Case's backed by science."

Really!?! You don't say!?

So let me get this straight---In NW MN the climate changed so dramatically over the course of fifteen to twenty years that it caused the largest animal living here to go extinct? It had been living here in relatively large numbers over at least the last several thousand years......but the average temperature rising 0.01 of a degree over a two decade period is the reason for their disappearance, forever?

It is a disgrace that we as sportsmen have allowed our DNR to get away with this appalling effort at not just failure, but ensuring they have no accountability ever going forward to produce results of any kind besides failure.

The fukcers at the DNR have one main job description to fulfill, one goal they are employed to be successful, "successful" isn't the right word...."caretakers" of:

To manage the state's natural resources and wildlife populations in the best manner for the citizens of our state. It isn't that hard of a job. It isn't rocket science....not even's merely wildlife management, that sometimes uses some scientific methods to help give some tracking figures.

If you're the chief whitetail biologist? Peace of cake. It's not that hard of a job to manage the deer herd so there's enough around for guys to shoot, but not too many where insurance premiums start going through the roof from vehicle collisions. Again, piece of cake. Easy career to at least be competent at. I mean long as you don't somehow inexplicably have the deer herd go from being totally healthy to extinct in twenty're golden like a shower!

Oh wait.....

How did the people who we paid to do the very easy job of managing the moose herd at the level it'd was effortless to hold hunting seasons and where these fukcers literally had the herd disappear on their watch, can't tell you why, aren't trying to find out why, and seem to hope for the scenario that they can never come back being the case than they care to even consider being open to the possibility moose can make a comeback....

....all they have to do is realize there's something they're missing.....a link that's there they haven't figured but still can....and it has the very real potential once unlocked to cause moose to thrive here again.

Because if there isn't anything the DNR is missing, and climate change is the culprit.......

How is it that the same species of animal is booming not that far a short distance straight to the West of Minnesota's WoBegone Moose Range?

How is it possible that in ND, across the central to Western half, the moose population is significantly increasing? Epanding both their numbers and range?

Moose in ND are doing extremely well at lower latitudes South of MN moose country, to where it's not uncommon seeing them down to I-94. I saw a pretty decent bull running up the East side of hwy 83 South of Wilton, so ten to fifteen miles North of Bismarck.

How is "Climate Change" the culprit for extinction in MN, yet next door in terrain warmer, far more arid, with nowhere near the water on the landscape, moose are absolutely thriving?

Explain to me how that's possible? What's the DNR's theory on the stark juxtaposition contrary to what they've explained to us for why our state lost one of it's most cherished animals?

They're confident enough to where it caused them to quit. Case closed.

"Moose went the way of the Dodo. As always, the DNR did great work in saving as many for as long as they did. Lesser wildlife departments would have wiped out their entire herds of moose in five, maybe ten years tops. Other wildlife departments would have watched it happen while never figuring out anything that indicated what would have had to have been a very short term change that was responsible for such a drastic die-off, but yeah for us....the MN DNR does it again....the smoking gun was climate change. You're welcome for our stellar performance and expertise."

"Gosh, that sounds terrible. Can moose ever return?"

"Haha! Sorry....I'm going to need a minute before responding to that....need to get some of colleagues here first so they can get a good laugh with me once I point out how big of a dipshit you are."

[A few minutes later after three more DNR employees came to join the conversation]

"Hey dipshit....Moose aren't ever coming back! Do you how much of our mad science we threw at figuring that shit out? Uh, a lot. Trust me....and the science supports this and makes me saying it equal to God saying it.....the moose are gonzo. Yeah, we pretty much fukced that bitch sideways until it got boring be such super smart scientists so we quit and moved onto new things to blow your mind with. Peace Out!"

This is our DNR in a nutshell:

One of their big ideas they offered as a possible solution to stem the bleeding and stabilize the plummeting population?

Man-made moose cooling ponds.

They thought by digging a bunch of moose sized ponds across their range it'd allow them more opportunities to cool down. So on hot summer days once moose felt a little too hot for comfort all they'd have to do is take a short trot over to the kiddy-pond the DNR made for them, and that having this opportunity for moose might reduce the increased heat stress impact from Global Warming and enough would start surviving to reverse the population trend. No, I'm not making this up....yes, I wish I was joking.

Fun Fact: in 2017 North Dakota endured a severe drought in the Western part of the state. A drought severe enough to where it wiped out the upland populations. Grass never had enough water to grow, no cover, not enough moisture to get grasshoppers and other bugs hatching they need....not enough moisture to where there was dew in the mornings on the grass that never grew. Williston got 12" of precipitation for the year....the highs were over 90 on often over 100 degrees throughout most of the summer.

And guess what?

The Moose Population Still Increased That Year!!!!?!


I'm so fukcing sick of Minnesota....every day i hate it more and more. I absolutely hate the people.....this liberalized ultra-passive-aggressive "act offended by everything" and do nothing but point out how everyone else needs to be more PC.... to where if you call someone out for something they're doing that's blatantly unacceptable, they instantly disregard it, project that you're an asshole and need to seek help for your issues.....

....and that's exactly what would happen if I went into the DNR headquarters armed with the information shared here....but explicitly having it be presented in a much more professional and non-accusatory manner....

....and they'd summarily dismiss it, state that they have a lot of science....a lot of research....a lot of studies.....showing that Climate Change got rid of MN Moose for all of eternity....and if I pushed back at that point at all, like pointing the moose population not far away that experiences much more severe heat, drought, dry weather, with more vehicle traffic, construction. and people on the landscape than ever before......yet moose are flourishing. At that point they'd probably give me a stern goodbye, then walk back up after I leave to discuss how big of an asshole-idiot I was before they went back to doing nothing, yet going home and patting themselves on the back for saving the world because they said a few pleasant words to the phaggot....or transgender as they call them.....and this is enough to make them feel like a worthwhile person who is an advocate for what's good in going out of your way to talk to the guy in the line in front of you that cut his dick off, grew hideous fukced up tits, and pretends that he believes he's a woman but truthfully just relishes the attention he gets for being that fukced up getting to lash out and anyone that finds their sick, undignified, and disgusting appearance offensive.

"Welcome To Minnesota---Land Without Moose---A Biggest City With Two Black Trannys On Their Council---Somali Gangs Looking To Kill You For Your Cell Phone---And Citizens That Protest Police After They Barely Make It Home Alive After Having To Shoot Nutcases Randomly Attacking Them With Knifes---What We Lack In Weather That Could Be Considered Even Remotely Tolerable We Make Up For With Our Colorful People!"
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Re: Moose Hunt---Proof Of DNR Incompetence?

Thu Oct 10, 2019 10:35 am

Dang, that's quite a disturbing and informative rant. Do you ever sleep?

There is quite a bit wrong with the way the MN DNR manages resources and wildlife for sure. Haven't thought about the moose dilemma in a long time. I wonder how their elk herd management is going.

Yes, this state is a major liberal, warm & fuzzy feeling, love all community. Today's political event at the Mpls. Convention Center will be entertaining at best.
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Re: Moose Hunt---Proof Of DNR Incompetence?

Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:11 am

Wolves. The end.

My brother in law has a cabin in NE Wisconsin north of Hayward. Over the last 15 years the Wilson lake pack of wolves has almost completely wiped out the deer population. He use to deer hunt up there, awesome deer for decades and decades. That's all changed. It's not a popular opinion but it's true. Look at Isle Royal's moose population. Not wolves, or what there is sick, old and in bread. Moose population is at it's highest level since 1995. Same weather, same ticks, same environment, right?

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Re: Moose Hunt---Proof Of DNR Incompetence?

Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:51 am

Our DNR is a piece of shit. Period!

At least now, they don't need to administer a moose hunting season, it's a total win for them...even though a total loss for citizens of MN. If the moose failure(or similar) happened in any other would be all hands on deck throughout the natural resource department, and shit would get done.

We really, really need our DNR almost completely turned over...starting with the losers in the waterfowl departmemt!
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Re: Moose Hunt---Proof Of DNR Incompetence?

Thu Oct 10, 2019 12:16 pm

Wolves definitely play a part, but think brain worm from whitetails is the main culprit. Same moose decline is happening in Maine (fairly certain) as the whitetails expand north there. Isle Royals is also sheltered from this variable. Prior to whitetails expanding en masse to northern Minnesota, there were larger populations of both moose and wolves.
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Moose Hunt---Proof Of DNR Incompetence?

Thu Oct 10, 2019 3:46 pm

I didn’t read all that shit, but the moose season was ended because of political nightmare of continuing a hunt in the face of declining populations, even tho hunting wasn’t/isn’t a contributing factor to the decline. That’s it.

Climate change, brain worms, ticks are the biggest culprits. Wolves are too busy eating trophy white tails and black labs to worry about bringing down a moose.

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Re: Moose Hunt---Proof Of DNR Incompetence?

Thu Oct 10, 2019 3:59 pm

Hansen wrote:Wolves. The end.

My brother in law has a cabin in NE Wisconsin north of Hayward. Over the last 15 years the Wilson lake pack of wolves has almost completely wiped out the deer population. He use to deer hunt up there, awesome deer for decades and decades. That's all changed. It's not a popular opinion but it's true. Look at Isle Royal's moose population. Not wolves, or what there is sick, old and in bread. Moose population is at it's highest level since 1995. Same weather, same ticks, same environment, right?

It’s really not the end.... there’s also zero white tail deer or any other large ungulates on Isle Royal, no bears either. Isle Royal can’t really be correlated to the mainland.

The lack of deer in at the cabin in Hayward Wisconsin is not proof wolves are eating all the moose in MN. That’s a wild correlation too.

There were no wolves in northwest MN, which is where moose have seen the biggest decline. Hard to say wolves are the biggest contributor when they’ve always been on the landscape in northeast MN in fairly strong numbers.

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Re: Moose Hunt---Proof Of DNR Incompetence?

Thu Oct 10, 2019 6:17 pm

For you Simpson’s fans.

If only it was nuke the wolves...


Gotta nuke something
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Re: Moose Hunt---Proof Of DNR Incompetence?

Thu Oct 10, 2019 6:51 pm

No wolves in NW MN ?


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Re: Moose Hunt---Proof Of DNR Incompetence?

Thu Oct 10, 2019 8:59 pm

Quack wrote:No wolves in NW MN ?


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I guess if you consider Bemidji northwest MN. And even if there are “some” wolves in the northwest corner of the state their numbers pale in comparison to Arrowhead.

For the record, I’m 100% for the regulated harvest of wolves and the fact they are still on the ESA in the Great Lakes states is a joke, I just don’t think their to blame for the moose decline.

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