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Fish Felon
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DNR Struggles To Incinerate Deer Carcasses

Thu Oct 31, 2019 10:42 pm

This just seems absurd to me.... ... -mns-deer/

Uh, let's see.....all you have to do is register your deer on your phone and say it was shot outside the CWD zone.

What's the point of even asking hunters to pick a permit area when buying a deer license?

It's totally meaningless. It doesn't limit the forcing them to hunt in that area.

A gun deer license is good in any and all open gun areas. I can say I'm hunting area 126 and then hunt 234 on the complete opposite corner of the state. Then you add in that party hunting is allowed and we have some of the most bizarre and useless deer management zone/units/areas in the country/world.

What dumbass is going to say he shot a deer in a CWD zone and then subject themselves to having to make sure the carcass ends up in a dumpster inside the zone so it gets incinerated?

DNR.....truly Damn Near Retarded on this one. It's getting more difficult as someone wanting to defend them to find any logic or reason in their actions these days.....nothing to grasp at or cling to that makes any damn sense whatsoever.........
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Re: DNR Struggles To Incinerate Deer Carcasses

Fri Nov 01, 2019 6:49 am

The spot we've been hunting the last few years is 1.5 miles North of 18 in the Crow Wing CWD zone. We're picking up stakes and heading 1.5 miles South of 18 to avoid the hassle.

If they want to incinerate carcasses, maybe they could start with the captive deer herds that kick this whole thing off..... 2.5 years of "monitoring" CWD herds is BS:

Sucks ass. Had a good spot.

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Re: DNR Struggles To Incinerate Deer Carcasses

Fri Nov 01, 2019 9:06 am

It is obvious that the deer herd lobbying at the MN state legislature is alive and well.

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Re: DNR Struggles To Incinerate Deer Carcasses

Fri Nov 01, 2019 9:06 am

CWD is caused and transmitted by infectious proteins called prions. CWD prions have been found in the urine of infected deer, although researchers have found no proven connection between urine-based hunting products and the spread of CWD.

Thoughts ??

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Re: DNR Struggles To Incinerate Deer Carcasses

Fri Nov 01, 2019 9:49 am

prairie hunter wrote:CWD is caused and transmitted by infectious proteins called prions. CWD prions have been found in the urine of infected deer, although researchers have found no proven connection between urine-based hunting products and the spread of CWD.

Thoughts ??

Never was much for any of the things in little brown bottles that smell like deer ass. I don't fancy myself a Big Buck Bro, more of a Brown It's Down Whiskey All Around kind of guy.

I'm less concerned about the CWD in a bottle of Doe PIss Up a Rope than the herd in confinement. These prions exist in some capacity in nature ,for some reason the only thing "they" seem to have confidence in is high concentrations of deer lead to infection. Don't know why biologists are so stupid: it's likely some natural response to over population. Hell, carp won't reproduce if the pond/lake is too full.... but empty it out and they'll that damn thing back up in a couple of cycles. Whales beaching themselves, whatever. Dumb asses always looking for a "human" understanding of why animals do sh!t. For as smart as we are our species centered ego has removed an lick of survivability for our species. Somehow we keep coming up with ways to keep our dumb asses alive.

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Re: DNR Struggles To Incinerate Deer Carcasses

Fri Nov 01, 2019 10:11 am

DNR struggles........

Well no ch!t, when haven't they.
DENNIS ANDERSON, Then, about five years ago, in 2020, there were no more ducks in the state,

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Re: DNR Struggles To Incinerate Deer Carcasses

Fri Nov 01, 2019 11:21 am

The people most worried about CWD are those whose incomes are from hunting. Manufacturers, outdoor writers, etc.

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Re: DNR Struggles To Incinerate Deer Carcasses

Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:17 pm

Fish Felon wrote:What's the point of even asking hunters to pick a permit area when buying a deer license?

It's totally meaningless. It doesn't limit the forcing them to hunt in that area.

I'm guessing (could be totally way off) it's to gauge hunter participation per zone

Fish Felon wrote:What dumbass is going to say he shot a deer in a CWD zone and then subject themselves to having to make sure the carcass ends up in a dumpster inside the zone so it gets incinerated?

My fear was the exact opposite. Seeing as how this is the first year ever (to my recollection) that a hunter could legally shoot more than one antlered deer (minus party hunting) my concern was that people would be shooting bucks outside of CWD zones and registering them to be able to keep hunting more bucks. If they're trophy hunting bucks in MN, disposing the carcass in a dumpster is a small task if it means you can shoot (perhaps) 2 more bucks.

But you're right our whitetail management is in the stone ages compared to other states. I truly believe the dnr's hands are tied however as the 1/2 million orange pumpkins have the loudest voice.

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Re: DNR Struggles To Incinerate Deer Carcasses

Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:55 pm

prairie hunter wrote:CWD is caused and transmitted by infectious proteins called prions. CWD prions have been found in the urine of infected deer, although researchers have found no proven connection between urine-based hunting products and the spread of CWD.

Thoughts ??

No way, no how....

Then again?

I think CWD has always been around, and it's been something Western states, like CO, have been aware of and monitored somewhat for over four decades now. Could it be in the urine? Perhaps, but it's seem like they'd be able to correlate piss used in stuff like Golden Estrous fairly easily since wouldn't the infected, captive deer start dying?

I'm just not that worried about CWD at all. Prions, mad cow and all....have been around for a long long as there have been brain tissue around to feed on probably.

It's one of many things where if it's going to get us? It'll eventually mutate and find a way to get us.

The earth is way overpopulated with a lot of species as it and deer especially.....

Look at WI on this it any wonder they had CWD show up more frequently with their deer density?

What was the amount of CWD found fifty to a hundred years ago? We don't know. They just started testing for it. For all we know it was present more back then than it is today.

Less Deer = Less CWD

To a certain degree, this isn't rocket science......just "science based" wildlife management is all.....

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Re: DNR Struggles To Incinerate Deer Carcasses

Fri Nov 01, 2019 3:13 pm

^^^ it started out somewhere in colorado sometime in the 60's. It's been around for a long long time with likely thousands of positive animals consumed unknowingly. I would guess... places harvesting urine for resale have some pretty stringent testing standards to ensure they're not contributing to the cause but guess I've never heard.

Oddly enough, mule deer/elk both seem to be doing fine and in areas where populations are below objective there's no real evidencee that cwd is a contributing factor. For the sake of argument they're under objective in several units where there is no presence of CWD. I don't know yet that I buy the "doom and gloom" from our officials that it is a herd-altering threat to our ungulates. That said QDMA has drawn a hard line in the sand often remarking that CWD remains the most serious threat to our deer herd as a whole. Most of those guys are far smarter than I so tend to listen but if that's the case I haven't seen it. In areas out there that it's been present since basically the beginning, populations seem to be fine. I do/would have concerns about eating infected animals however simply because of the "unknown". If I shot an infected animal I would 100% take the appropriate measures to discard it legally without consuming.There's just simply too much we don't know about CWD yet.

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