Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:57 am

I've been dealing with an issue, possibly gastrointestinal, for years. But I've also been dealing with a lot of abdominal pain, back pain, leg/groin pain. Sometimes it's worse than others.

Well I had another one of the very severe episodes Monday, third time in about 3 years. I ate and within an hour it's like my intestines completely close up, gas builds up and within an hour I was vominting. Followed by severe back and abdominal pain to the point I didn't sleep Tues night.

This whole thing/symptoms has been very depressing as it affects my every day life, I couldn't take it any more I finally went in. I was possibly concerned I've had a hernia as well causing these issues

And wouldn't you apparent issues found that would be "bad". All the blood tests came back negative and the CT scan did not return anything abnormal. Doctors physical exam didn't yield anything concerning. Which is a relief in one had and kind of depressing in the other as I don't have a cause for how I feel. And I'm so sick of feeling like this.

Back pain did subside decent last night but I took one of the gf's muscle relaxers so hopefully it doesn't come back and whatever is causing the pain is working itself out. They didn't give me anything, which I guess I understand these days since they didn't find anything. Was just so surprised they didn't find anything given my pain.

I have to call the doctor back today to go over next steps hopefully we can get something figured out

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Feb 13, 2020 5:20 pm

Initially reading I was thinking Diverticulitis... but then you said it subsided, so unlikely that.
Colitis is more likely culprit. :(

I hope that you are feeling better.

I bet the phone will be ringing off the hook for frozen pipes/water damage the next couple of days...
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Fish Felon
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Feb 16, 2020 3:14 pm

Sorry to hear you're having health issues MLDS and feel like shit, but glad to hear it's nothing major.

Do you think it could be diet related?

You seem to be like me in that you eat a lot, and a lot of red meat, cheese, probably fast food through the week, drink beer, and work hard play hard.

I've had times where I thought my intestines were going to rupture/burst due to an insane amount of gas and then not being able to shit due to being constipated...due to doing speed. Usually I'm pretty regular. I can't remember what I ate....I think it was a couple brats washed down with a few hamm's while doing dope and yeah....thought I was going to die. I finally shit what felt like three giant turds and it was actually only three little marbles,but unplugged
I shit like two or three gallons of clay reddish hot magma.

I'm not a healthcare expert, but I'm guessing if I wasn't drinking, doing drugs, and eating very unhealthful that I probably wouldn't have experienced that occurrence. It's weird...whenever I'm clean and eating healthy?? No issues.

The other thing much water do you drink?

It's amazing how little of an amount of water some people consume daily. I drink a lot of water....and when I don''s very obvious. Fatigue, joint aches, mood, getting stopped up, etc., all sure symptoms that I need to drink more water. It seems like the intense gas and abdominal pain only happens when I'm dehydrated. 75% of Americans are and the leading cause of day time fatigue is lack of proper hydration. Reach for a glass/bottle of water instead of a pop or another cup of coffee when tired/thirsty.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Feb 16, 2020 10:16 pm

Fish Felon wrote:Sorry to hear you're having health issues MLDS and feel like shit, but glad to hear it's nothing major.

Do you think it could be diet related?

You seem to be like me in that you eat a lot, and a lot of red meat, cheese, probably fast food through the week, drink beer, and work hard play hard.

I've had times where I thought my intestines were going to rupture/burst due to an insane amount of gas and then not being able to shit due to being constipated...due to doing speed. Usually I'm pretty regular. I can't remember what I ate....I think it was a couple brats washed down with a few hamm's while doing dope and yeah....thought I was going to die. I finally shit what felt like three giant turds and it was actually only three little marbles,but unplugged
I shit like two or three gallons of clay reddish hot magma.

I'm not a healthcare expert, but I'm guessing if I wasn't drinking, doing drugs, and eating very unhealthful that I probably wouldn't have experienced that occurrence. It's weird...whenever I'm clean and eating healthy?? No issues.

The other thing much water do you drink?

It's amazing how little of an amount of water some people consume daily. I drink a lot of water....and when I don''s very obvious. Fatigue, joint aches, mood, getting stopped up, etc., all sure symptoms that I need to drink more water. It seems like the intense gas and abdominal pain only happens when I'm dehydrated. 75% of Americans are and the leading cause of day time fatigue is lack of proper hydration. Reach for a glass/bottle of water instead of a pop or another cup of coffee when tired/thirsty.

Yeah I mean overall, I'm "healthy"...that's in quotation because I don't eat fruits and veggies. Have subbed in multi vitamins and fiber in their place. But I don't eat out hardly ever, very few carbs, under 24 cans of pop a year, etc. Our meals typically consist of whole unprocessed meats. I drink pretty close to a gallon of water daily, limit my coffee to one 14 oz mug in the morning. I drink my whiskey neat or with water and given the on call nature of my work rarely have more than 2 shots worth on any given day. Lift 3 nights a week and run the dog 1 mile nightly.

I have long suspected dairy as a potential cause. For sure on these three serious reactions I have had...I've consumed some sort of dairy before hand.

But I've had lesser reactions, like eating a handful of jellybeans last Easter and suddenly turning very hot. I've had that a few other times with "sugary" stuff too.

I just started thinking, that maybe there's an underlying condition that gets exacerbated by certain foods vs the food causing issues itself. Possibly even stress locking up my system and then eating foods that produce gas(dairy) causing a reaction like this.

We'll see what they say, appt with a GI specialist tomorrow. I've been fighting this stuff for 3 years resisting going to the doctor, I can't take it anymore guess I'm jumping all in

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:19 pm

"You can't eat ethical." - Ron Spomer

"There's a feeling I get, When I look to the west, And my spirit is crying for leaving" - LED ZEP

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:54 pm

Hope it works out for you going to the doc. I hate doctors and think they are a mostly a pyramid scheme.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Feb 17, 2020 5:27 pm

emptymag wrote:conoravirus...????

Jd virus maybe don't drink beer so should be safe

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Feb 17, 2020 5:35 pm

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:Hope it works out for you going to the doc. I hate doctors and think they are a mostly a pyramid scheme.

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I never go...unless it's "serious" like this and even when it's serious can't get any answers, clear plan forward, etc. We'll just do a bunch of procedures and see if we can figure something out eventually. Today was far from enlightening.

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Mergie Marauder
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Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Feb 17, 2020 5:52 pm

Thats a bummer man. I had some weird health stuff in 2016, aches n pains, wild ass pulsatile tinnitus in my right ear, stomach issues, lymph nodes always being tender. really felt like I was paying a shitload of money for the privilege of being told there’s nothing wrong with me. These issues still come and go but I’m mostly just living with it. Now that my HSA is finally replenished 4 years later, I might go back but I doubt it. I don’t need any kind of pat on the head or sympathy for health care providers, but some of these doctors really rub me the wrong way. One literally checked her cellphone in the middle of a visit and tried to be sneaky about it.

western medicine is really great for fixing you up in an ER but for hard to diagnose issues it’s only good for extracting every last penny from you. It really seems like most doctors could not be interested in any challenge.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Feb 17, 2020 6:02 pm

Drunk Dynasty.... has Lyme Disease been on your radar? Over half of the people don’t even know they’ve been bitten by a deer tick

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