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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:05 pm

Meh, everyday your alive is one day closer to death.
"You can't eat ethical." - Ron Spomer

"There's a feeling I get, When I look to the west, And my spirit is crying for leaving" - LED ZEP

Mergie Marauder
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Re: RE: Re: Coronavirus

Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:25 am

cstemig wrote:It’s another media attempt by Pelosi to dethrone Trump.
Yep and wont work. Two months from now it will be over. Media hypes like crazy.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: RE: Re: Coronavirus

Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:32 am

Nershi wrote:I think the economic impact will be a much bigger deal than the health impact. Unless the virus changes anyway. It’s the media’s fault for spreading fear and the sheep eating it up. I’m surprised people still trust the media given their track record in recent years but people are stupid.

If trump losses the election for something he has no control over that will be the worst result. Especially if the socialist is his opponent.
If trump loses to bernie the current stock market decline is the least of our problems. The economy would crash and his drive to destroy our energy sector would drive gas up to 7 bucks a gallon imo. The media gets ratings hyping things and alot of the market fall is short sellers. Shorts love driving fear for profits.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:47 am

I'm hoping the Virus does something cool. Like in addition to taking out the very old, very young, and the sickly..... randomly mutates and wipes out fat black people.....has an ebola-zaire strain mortality on them.......Or it wipes out Somalis, just Somalis.....or it becomes contracted at an extremely high rate amongst the gay community and spreads like wildfire....just an insane rate of contraction and mortality that decimates the gays......

......but there's no way we're going to be lucky enough to see GRID happen again.

Gay Related Immune Deficiency = AIDS before they called it AIDS.

There was a point in the early 80's where doctors literally didn't think it heterosexual women could contract it. Then they started funding a few cases....dudes that were banging speed and hookers.....or closet homos so...dudes banging dudes.....and then bringing it home and giving it to their wives.

That's when they decided to start calling it AIDS....when they found a handful of cases of women getting it.

No way will this shit be anywhere near as awesome as GRID was.

Even if Bernie wins, which he won't, nothing will happen and the world will keep turning. Dude will die less than two years in, well before Congress will pass any of his agenda since they'll never pass any of it. Even most of the dems realize that nationalizing the banks, healthcare, free student loans, etc., ain't fukcing possible.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Feb 28, 2020 10:34 am

Markets are pricing in something very serious. You don't have to watch the media to think the tapes of orders going through and when you see half billion dollar sells go through something serious is happening. Retail traders listening to the media are not selling positions like that...these are the very people that control the markets that are dumping into retail who think they are dip buying.

Look at the spike of ceo's that stepped down from major companies in the last 2 weeks.

Coincidence... maybe. Telling of massive economic turbulence ahead? Maybe.

California has a full blown outbreak no doubt. The governor gave a press conference yesterday after having that random person test positive with no idea how they got it...meaning there's randos running around spreading it. And get this...they havent even been testing people with symptoms. I heard this and was like whaaaaa? We aren't testing people? The person that tested positive the CDC denied testing for 4 days lol. So if a person... hospitalized with symptoms....can't even get tested how is someone sick walking in a doctor's office supposed to?

Cali will hit 100+ cases by end of weekend/middle of next week once they start testing.

Follow this up with school closings, quarantines, etc ...Jesus.

Very very interesting to me

Mergie Marauder
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Re: RE: Re: Coronavirus

Fri Feb 28, 2020 10:53 am

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Markets are pricing in something very serious. You don't have to watch the media to think the tapes of orders going through and when you see half billion dollar sells go through something serious is happening. Retail traders listening to the media are not selling positions like that...these are the very people that control the markets that are dumping into retail who think they are dip buying.

Look at the spike of ceo's that stepped down from major companies in the last 2 weeks.

Coincidence... maybe. Telling of massive economic turbulence ahead? Maybe.

California has a full blown outbreak no doubt. The governor gave a press conference yesterday after having that random person test positive with no idea how they got it...meaning there's randos running around spreading it. And get this...they havent even been testing people with symptoms. I heard this and was like whaaaaa? We aren't testing people? The person that tested positive the CDC denied testing for 4 days lol. So if a person... hospitalized with symptoms....can't even get tested how is someone sick walking in a doctor's office supposed to?

Cali will hit 100+ cases by end of weekend/middle of next week once they start testing.

Follow this up with school closings, quarantines, etc ...Jesus.

Very very interesting to me
Did you sell all your stocks and go into all cash? It sounds like you have 100% bought into the panic and fear and are freaking out. Panic investors dont ride this stuff out they freak out. Get back to me in two months and im guessing things will mostly be back to normal. But its clear you are 100% convinced the cnn hysteria is all real.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:32 am

Coronavirus will cause 'temporary and modest' economic impact, Minnesota officials

The key word is temporary. They also say the first vaccine ia almost done from israel or in a few weeks Once the word comes our about a vaccine the markets will stabalize. The complete and utter freakout is really something to behold. Amazing people still listen to fake news cnn and others full blown hysteria.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: RE: Re: Coronavirus

Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:13 pm

recker7676 wrote:
maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Markets are pricing in something very serious. You don't have to watch the media to think the tapes of orders going through and when you see half billion dollar sells go through something serious is happening. Retail traders listening to the media are not selling positions like that...these are the very people that control the markets that are dumping into retail who think they are dip buying.

Look at the spike of ceo's that stepped down from major companies in the last 2 weeks.

Coincidence... maybe. Telling of massive economic turbulence ahead? Maybe.

California has a full blown outbreak no doubt. The governor gave a press conference yesterday after having that random person test positive with no idea how they got it...meaning there's randos running around spreading it. And get this...they havent even been testing people with symptoms. I heard this and was like whaaaaa? We aren't testing people? The person that tested positive the CDC denied testing for 4 days lol. So if a person... hospitalized with symptoms....can't even get tested how is someone sick walking in a doctor's office supposed to?

Cali will hit 100+ cases by end of weekend/middle of next week once they start testing.

Follow this up with school closings, quarantines, etc ...Jesus.

Very very interesting to me
Did you sell all your stocks and go into all cash? It sounds like you have 100% bought into the panic and fear and are freaking out. Panic investors dont ride this stuff out they freak out. Get back to me in two months and im guessing things will mostly be back to normal. But its clear you are 100% convinced the cnn hysteria is all real.

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The beauty of actively trading your holdings...and not having them stuck in 401k etc. Is you can capitalize on swings like this by shorting, selling puts, etc when opportunity presents itself. Or long hyped up coronavirus stocks...know how many vaccine stocks went 400%+ this week? So panic and sit on all cash definitely not.

I don't panic...I trade accordingly. You don't trade on emotions or you get trade based off others emotions and and you take advantage of others emotions.

All I'm saying is when you see massive orders worth hundreds of mil go through. CEO's stepping down. And investment banks saying everything is ok and they don't see a downturn likely...when they actively trade against retail should probably at least raise your guard.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Feb 28, 2020 3:09 pm

We were years overdue for a correction and this is simply the thing to get it rolling. We have never sold off before like this over something like that. All kinds of things are factored in including heavy shorting and manipulation to panic retail investors into selling. And it often works with weak hands. I have one stock up 7% and one up 6% today as they reported a great quarters yesterday. So not everything is getting slaughtered. Consider me worried if we drop another 10% in the next month or so.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Feb 28, 2020 7:12 pm

This is another ridiculous media hype, look at how many deaths there are from this years influenza and the Covid19.
Anything to sensationalize and sell ad time. Now is a good time to bargain shop stocks, he market was overdo for a correction. I am buying up what I can and sitting on it for 5 more years, then retirement baby!

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