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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Tue Mar 03, 2020 12:23 pm

lanyard wrote:The last GOOD Doomsday prediction was Jan 1, 2000

It existed because of unknown variables.

This Doomsday device has Social media and a US population with 50 million more people and a global population that is 1.8 BILLION people larger.

And we make stupid people at a far greater rate.

People need stress in their lives. In the absence of stress they make it up. Used to be, people ACTUALLY died. Now we don't really accept death.

1) too many people
2) too many stupid people
3) too many stupid people that think they are going to avoid dead
4) now add a 24 hour information stream being consumed by Stupid People and the we reach the current embarrassment of humanity

Less people, please. Earth is full.

This, ALL of this!
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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 06, 2020 9:54 pm


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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:35 pm


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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 09, 2020 3:57 am

Great idea tying in wolves...Love It!
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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 09, 2020 8:33 am

Does anyone else think Covid-19 will actually be an economic windfall?

90% of our medical expenses are treating chronic illnesses at end of life. Keeping old people alive long after they were supposed to have died is what's bankrupted our healthcare system.

Covid-19 kills only old people in poor health.

Do the math.....

Killing a few million old people that then won't be around to spend 6mos to 24mos rotting in hospital beds hoping for a quicker death will save a shit ton of money on healthcare. Seriously, a bunch of old people dying quick and lets cross our fingers a high percentage die in their own homes.....

....holy shit.....can you imagine how much money that would otherwise been health insurance claims will be saved?

It's going to be an economic windfall in the longer short term!
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 09, 2020 8:43 am

Fish Felon wrote:Does anyone else think Covid-19 will actually be an economic windfall?

90% of our medical expenses are treating chronic illnesses at end of life. Keeping old people alive long after they were supposed to have died is what's bankrupted our healthcare system.

Covid-19 kills only old people in poor health.

Do the math.....

Killing a few million old people that then won't be around to spend 6mos to 24mos rotting in hospital beds hoping for a quicker death will save a shit ton of money on healthcare. Seriously, a bunch of old people dying quick and lets cross our fingers a high percentage die in their own homes.....

....holy shit.....can you imagine how much money that would otherwise been health insurance claims will be saved?

It's going to be an economic windfall in the longer short term!

When my sister is up at end of the month we'll be making certain mom's will and power of attorney are up to date..... was the plan anyway, but you know, Covid 19

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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:23 am

Yeah, I'm worried about my parents too. They're 68 and in very good health. Those will be the ones that if they start happening will be pretty sad....people that still have at least a decade left of quality life. People over 80 and in poor health? I'm not saying it isn't still sad, but they did it....they beat the average life expectancy, they lived their life.

At least they won't go out like this news anchor did.....
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:59 am

Kinda glad you put the tinfoil hat on first so I don't look quite as crazy FF...

I'm not a tinfoil hat guy but there's several interesting aspects of this from an economic point of view, especially in China where it originated. Right now the deaths don't back up the theories unless China has severely underreported or this keeps going and kills more and more people.

#1 is that elderly makes up 17% of China's population...a population that no longer contributes to the economy and as a matter of fact(this is not meant to offend any older people here it's just fact from an economic point of view) are an overall drain to the economy. This is devestating on the elderly population in a country that is already overpopulated.

#2 is this mostly leaves children alone, the strong backs that the future Chinese economy will be built on to try and overtake the US as #1

#3, there's concerns that males who contract this virus may have fertility issues...again... overpopulation control?

China had a goal to overtake the US economy I believe by 2019 and that failed. Slightly interesting timing. Maybe China knew they could curb it's spread in their own country through strong handed communistic methods thatd never work in the us leading to larger impacts here that cripple the economy and allow China to overtake?

Again, so far the numbers don't back any of this up, I've seen much crazier theories though. Something about airplanes spreading a digital virus that can be turned off and on with 5G towers LMAO

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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 09, 2020 10:17 am

Plus Xi is pissed about all the Winnie the Pooh me Winnie the Pooh f u I'll send the coronavirus to you

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 09, 2020 10:39 am

DOW currently down 2361.40 from March 2nd close as I post this and free falling.

566 cases and rolling with 7 days left from my March 2nd estimate of 2000 cases by March 16th.
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