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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 09, 2020 10:43 am

This is totally driven by fear with no fact.

If you're under 50 you have a 99.7% recovery rate.
Most cases are very mild like the common cold with a few days of sickness.
H1N1 had a mortality rate of 17plus % Corno is 3.4% and holding. Most of the people dying are very old with comprises immune system.

The media is treating this like the spanish flu and it's just not.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 09, 2020 1:03 pm

I am not surprised that the stock market went down. We were due for a market correction at some point. Who knows in a year or next month it could be back up to where it was. As for the virus my only concern is for my mom who is in her mid 70's.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:35 pm

Why all these people buying toilet paper. You don't get diarrhea from this ****!ng thing..... Jack asses

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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 09, 2020 10:15 pm

LMAO I keep saying the same thing...shit really hits the fan wipe with the clothes that no longer fit your kids and the wife can't fit her fat ass in anymore, good to go. Seriously how much clothing do people have laying around home they no longer wear? Just about every house I'm in you see bins and bins worth

Mergie Marauder
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Re: RE: Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 09, 2020 10:28 pm

Hansen wrote:This is totally driven by fear with no fact.

If you're under 50 you have a 99.7% recovery rate.
Most cases are very mild like the common cold with a few days of sickness.
H1N1 had a mortality rate of 17plus % Corno is 3.4% and holding. Most of the people dying are very old with comprises immune system.

The media is treating this like the spanish flu and it's just not.
Swine flu killed 12000 americans so...

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: RE: Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 09, 2020 10:29 pm

Hansen wrote:This is totally driven by fear with no fact.

If you're under 50 you have a 99.7% recovery rate.
Most cases are very mild like the common cold with a few days of sickness.
H1N1 had a mortality rate of 17plus % Corno is 3.4% and holding. Most of the people dying are very old with comprises immune system.

The media is treating this like the spanish flu and it's just not.
One reason not to watch them and I dont. So who is going goose hunting???

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:24 pm

Just read this article about mortally rates and how exaggerated they are. ... d=69477312

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:30 pm

I'm curious, and this is a bit more broad than Corona Virus issues:

But- are the leftists and their fierce opponents, I'll call them 'wingers', the only ones that believe the leftists BS?

I'm generally conservative, mostly libertarian, and I don't really give a phuck about CNN as much as I don't give a phuck about Fox News.

I know I'm a bit sheltered out here in Cake Eater Estates, but JFC, the actual number of people I see on FBook, etc that are going nuts are the same number that A) think Trump is the Devil and B) think Obama is the Devil. Hysteria on the fringes, meanwhile everyone else is like: "wash your hands".

Organic Food: Leftists- fight the power! Wingers- It's a socialist plot!..... Everyone else: Is it on sale?

Vegetarian/Vegan: Leftists- Meat kills people, the environment, causes climate change; Wingers- It's a Socialist Plot!..... Everyone else: you can make it taste like meat now?

Free Trade: Wingers- it's the downfall of modern social structures and how the Chinese will become our nefarious overloards; Leftists- it costs less for us to give free things to poor people! Everyone else: yeah, my company sells sh!t all over the world, I'd like to go to work tomorrow.

Gun Control: Wingers- they will LOCK YOU UP and keep you suppressed with the same guns they took from you; Leftists- You won't die if no one has a gun! ...... Everyone else: you know, a couple rules seem prudent

Stock market: Wingers- hyper reaction to leftist bull sh!t from the leftist media using leftist scare tactics; Leftists- this is what corporate greed deserves, Covid 19 for Wall Street! Everyone else- yeah, like no one was talking about a bubble and there would be a price correction.... and somehow people still thinks markets are rational.... okeh.....

I'm going back into self imposed non-comment land. It's quieter there, less people. PHUCK!

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:14 pm

It’s wild as shit that a virus is a partisan issue.

This is gonna get me hate on here, but Donald Trump couldn’t make a unifying message out of 9/11 if it happened while he was in office.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Wed Mar 11, 2020 7:02 am

Cancelling sh!t and quarantine because some ONE has Covid 19:

Why does this feel like, when you're sitting in your car, and it's raining, and you trying to figure out how fast you got to move through a parking lot to minimum getting wet?

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