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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:27 pm

^^^Did you intend for that to come across "conspiracy theorist" like or just stating it "matter of factly" without inferring anything else?

I know I just ragged about how bad our leadership has been in that other thread and I'm not taking back anything I stated there already by posting this......I personally see it as a separate albeit intertwined issue. Again, I'm not trying to lessen any of the blame Trump deserves for his part in the unilateral failure of leadership at all levels, and I'm only sharing this because I think it very much a large part of what has happened. That part of the story won't ever get the light of day because it's about the blame that needs to be placed on those who cover, write, and report the stories.

Seriously, what can be done about our media universally sucking? Actually, I wish they just sucked but they go well beyond on it. Things that suck are annoying, unfortunate, not good, but that doesn't describe our media....they go into whatever you want to call the realm of evil that exists that's occupied by people believing they're actually doing work that is noble and good?

This also is an issue that isn't partisan....isn't a Relublican v. Democrat....isn't a Fox News v. CNN/MSNBC debate here.....

The media has been awful with Trump. I'd say easily the worst ever for any president any of us are actually familiar with. A know they ragged on Hoover and others a great deal and maybe some dork historian would argue worse than with Trump, but for what we know and have lived through Trump has been the worst they've covered.

But they weren't great for Obama, W, Clinton, or Bush 1 either. Yeah, I'd say they were a lot better for a Obama in particular but part of that was Obama didn't have any personal scandals. He was never caught fukcing around on his wife, no crazy shit we saw with every other president of my life with Bush 1 being the other exception. Reagan, Clinton, W, and my boy Trump represent(ed) a lot of very bizarre shit going on off camera, beyond press briefings, and normal job duties.

With that being said, we need to do something about our media so this shit doesn't happen anymore. So any president whether Republican or Democrat can get a fair chance at being allowed to simply try working to get the effing job done before being lambasted publicly by our media. Trump never got that chance. Obama wouldn't have had it not been for how low W's approval ratings were and how he basically let Obama take over prior to being sworn in because he didn't want to be president anymore after the economy took a shit and melted down. Even then there was still negative and oversensationalized press but nothing like what Trump had dealt with. Even Fox News took it easy on Obama being sworn in because they cared more about "allowing" hope (not going far as to also sell it) because they too wanted to see the economy be pulled out of the crapper. Plus when looking back, I think the media right knew it was inevitable and there wasn't any point to going full attack mode after W barely avoided leaving office with worse ratings than Nixon.

I'm sincerely stating this as a non-partisan plea to let anyone of whatever party who gets elected get a chance to do their job unfettered by the media enough to have a reasonable chance for success.

So what do we do about our awful media that either directly creates crisis for profit, contributes to said crisis, or magnifies crisis until they're worse? How do we fix that? Can that even be fixed at this point?

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Re: Coronavirus

Sun Mar 22, 2020 6:57 am

No, stating it matter of fact, theoretical, but matter of fact. Virus susceptibility is not new:

Scandinavians get sunburn more easily for the same reasons: regional genomic isolation creates certain traits, including immune response systems.

I know Italy has the oldest population in the world, but their problems seem exacerbated by some undiscovered variable. In New Jersey an "Italian" family had dinner together, all got sick and something like half of them died even though MOST of them were not in "high risk" groups.

So, how to get the press to stop sucking: get people to stop being stupid.

For the most part the thing the press sucks the most at is somehow thinking they are the Guardians of the Galaxy sent on some mission to provide objective views of reality...... but the reality is they are a bunch of alcoholic apologist weenies that were bullied in school or hipster chicks that crushed on the hot preppy cheerleaders while dating apologist weenies that were bullied in school.

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Re: Coronavirus

Sun Mar 22, 2020 10:44 am

Media is ridiculous

Yesterday they pester trump at his presser saying him talking about those antimalarial drugs possibly working is giving false hope, shouldn't be used, etc etc etc.

Today, Cuomo Democrat governor of NY, currently giving a presser how he is super excited Trump ordered the FDA to move fast on these antimalarial drugs and that NY has received the drugs from the FDA and will begin administering to patients on Tuesday as a trial.

He seriously can't do anything right in the medias eyes.

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Re: Coronavirus

Sun Mar 22, 2020 2:04 pm

We just about doubled our cases from Fri night at 9 PM

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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 23, 2020 7:47 am

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:We just about doubled our cases from Fri night at 9 PM

Only logical with more test being conducted.

These antimalarial drugs seems very promising. It's not if we can treat this, it's when . . . soon hopefully.

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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:01 am

Yes...however we stopped testing people in NYC and LA county unless they are hospitalized. Setting us up to artificially curb the numbers and "beat" this pandemic

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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:12 am

360,000 infected / 8,000,000,000 population = .000045% of the world population affected
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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:48 am

emptymag wrote:360,000 infected / 8,000,000,000 population = .000045% of the world population affected

It'll be looked back as the biggest blunder in human history......

......crashing the world economy by choice to "save" the lives of a handful of people, mainly above eighty years old and already dying.

How everyone in leadership universally agreed that the best course of action was to tell everyone to stay at not go to work, to not go out and buy shit, to not go blow fifty to a hundred bucks taking your chick to the bar/restaurant......

.....I mean, who could've ever foreseen that would fukc up the economy? Deliberately trying to bring it to a screeching halt? Who would've thought that would push the gravy train right off the tracks?

It's amazing that not one person in leadership anywhere had a half a brain that was required to see the writing on the wall and predict the obvious would happen.
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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:52 am

Seriously....this shit....our pathetic so God Damn retarded..... makes Neville Chamberlain look like a Great Leader in history....a flippin' genius compared to everyone we have leading us right now.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 23, 2020 4:26 pm

Without going all tinfoil hatty and into too much detail...

Not going to say the virus was purposely introduced. But it was used as a fall rebalance the economy. We were trading at ridiculous levels that could not be sustained when looking at GDP, forward p/e , all accounts we were way overvalued but they needed to be able to control the decline and recovery. The virus was a good excuse to dump this, get us back to reasonable levels where we can sustainably grow again, as well as serve as a transfer of wealth.

What ever happened to that national website being built by Google that was gonna screen people and send them to the nearest testing center?

Why has NYC and LA county offered guidance we no longer test people with symptoms, only those hospitalized with symptoms? To curb case numbers? Make it appear we are plateauing?

Last week we are talking about having to ramp up testing...this week trump and Democrat governor Cuomo are saying we need to start exploring how we ease into turning the economy back on, how the cure cannot be worse than the cause.

So how do we go from not even getting testing to where it was supposed to talking about turning the economy back on.

Keep in mind the 15 days to limit spread goes through the 31st...

I sense a fabricated plateau coming...yay, we succeeded in flattening the curve!

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