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Re: Economy going forward?

Mon Mar 23, 2020 7:35 am

I know it's hard for people to considering looking beyond tomorrow, but..... this is the shizzle that launches the next great era of growth. Things will suck for a decade, but if we can avoid going to war and people doing stupid sh!t, including the politicians, this is the type of sh!t that will finally cause us to develop warp drive. When people stop getting paid to do bullsh!t jobs they start inventing new sh!t. When the market is producing cash cows all day long, there is no investment into new.

We, as a moment in time, are fukced. We as a learning and functional society/market will be just fine.

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Re: Economy going forward?

Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:32 am

When people stop getting paid to do bullshit jobs is when they lose their homes, lose their vehicles, lose all their shit, lose their freedom since you're only free when you can afford to be, and lose their dignity.

When people lose their dignity they become animals.

We're going to have a country full of rabid dogs that have beaten and abused....

.....and they're about to break loose from their chains.

40% of the country didn't have $400 in their hands going into this. That demographic of people have already been attacking people at political rallies on either side....partisanship doesn't matter at this point, who cares who's mad at who? All that matters is we have a country full of people that believe they are victims. People are a lot more willing to fukc shit up when they feel they've been screwed. I know this from experience.

I agree with you on ten years things might her back some semblance of normal. Hopefully I'm wrong about getting through this next year as being a struggle to survive for a lot of people.

Humanity often tends to surprise me just when I'm expecting to see what's the worst in all of us rear it's ugly head......I've got my fingers crossed that'll be the case this time.......

.......fingers crossed on the one hand with the other hand on a gun.
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Economy going forward?

Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:45 am

There’s def gonna be a leftist movement when we come out of this shit. Like... a real leftist movement. Not this socialism lite shit were seein outta Bernie

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Re: Economy going forward?

Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:02 pm

Fish Felon wrote:When people stop getting paid to do bullshit jobs is when they lose their homes, lose their vehicles, lose all their shit, lose their freedom since you're only free when you can afford to be, and lose their dignity.

When people lose their dignity they become animals.

We're going to have a country full of rabid dogs that have beaten and abused....

.....and they're about to break loose from their chains.

You're spare parts, aren't ya bud?

The peeps without $400 in their account are the ones that are going to be fine. They're used to being broke, have networks to deal with it, and lower wage jobs will come back faster... with an increase in higher wage public works jobs like bridge and highway. Hell, Pa Ingall's had to go work the railroad after farming went bust, not the first time this has happened.....

Bullshit jobs: Bull shit jobs are jobs where someone gets paid an insane amount of money to be stupid. This is most of the people that work at Apple. They are SUPER ****!ng smart, but Apple pays them to be stupid. Example: iPhone X with wireless charger and swype key pad..... funny, I had a Droid X with wireless charger and swype key pad 6 years before Apple did. But holy SH!T did Apple think they cured the world of real problems.

I know people at Apple. Through one of their LinkedIn connections another Apple employee posted with dripping accolades because Apple donated N95 masks.... "what a company, I'm SO PROUD to be a part of a company that would think of this....." BARF. EVERYONE has been donating N95 masks, but apparently at Apple the stoopid people think they invented it. They also think Apple invented the iPod.... Apple designed the iPod, it's a ****!ng MP3 player that had been around for 5 years before Apple designed one.

Bankers. You want a ****!ng job that requires you to be really ****!ng stupid- go be a branch "Vice President" at a bank. Bull sh!t job. Sure, you need a great GPA, good credit, no criminal record, etc..... but fukc, you have to turn the synapses off, get a lobotomy, and swallow whatever pill Nurse Ratchet puts in your paper cup each morning.

Design Engineers- you know what the first thing a Design Engineer figures out at MOST companies? They figure out they don't get to design or engineer anything- marketing will tell them what to make, accounting will them what it has to cost, and next year they'll change the handle to call it "new and improved". Most of these people already want to put a bullet in their brain, but the paycheck is too high to afford that change of lifestyle.

Now, some of these, like the Design Engineer, are going to be freed from the BS and revel in it. There's a good possibility they have skills and can make shit. But bankers and Apple marketers- they are going to have a hard time understanding failure since they've been constantly rewarded for other's success. They won't be able to deal with failure. You'll see it with "business owners", too, like this guy a couple years ago: or the tales of Wall Street investment bankers jumping out of windows on Black Tuesday.

I'm not saying it's NOT going to be ugly regardless, but the market has been propped up with ever larger deficit spending and steeper tax breaks. Now that those have worn off the correction is coming and Covid-19 was the excuse. You're going to see more Keynsian economics that basically state it doesn't matter where the money comes from, it needs to come. Will some houses go dark- yep. But there's only one or two banks that actually WANT a house, and i'm guessing more houses went empty in 2008 than will in 2020/21. Landlords are going to take a hit, but if they have good tenants they are going to work with them because landlords aren't stupid enough to evict a later payer when everyone in the building lost their job. It's negotiation time.

Additionally, we've been at historically low labor participation rates. Why? easier to drive for Uber and make 15$ an hour than work for The Man at the gas station. If everyone decides $100 a night Uber budgets are a waste of cash, that labor comes back into the market in the form of construction workers, laborers, etc. Kwik Trip won't have difficulty finding people to work.

THE THING YOU SHOULD FEAR IS BERNIE SANDERS ON THE ELECTION TICKET THIS FALL. That's a scarier reality than your Armageddon fantasy rants....

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Re: Economy going forward?

Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:32 pm

Do you smoke, inject or huff whatever the ch!t it is you are on? Or is it a mental disorder?

My phucking word, get a hobby.

It is impressive though how before I get bored reading the doctorate thesis papers you write that are 4 days long on why or if ch!t really stinks or even truly exists, your spelling, pronunciation and grammar are actually pretty well. Or better. Or maybe goodly better than most forum divas.

Do you feel like nobody really listens to you and that's why forums are your safe space?
DENNIS ANDERSON, Then, about five years ago, in 2020, there were no more ducks in the state,

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Re: Economy going forward?

Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:35 pm

I'm not sure what you mean by the spare parts comment, but I'm betting it's most likely fair and accurate.

Employment wise I'll be fine. I'm in an industry that is recession resistant if not outright recession proof. I've been saving towards the downpayment on my next house. The housing market was absurdly overinflated. I bet my last house at the trough of the bottom of the last recession and absolute low point in the housing market. I've been waiting for a recession to buy. I was hoping to get rich off of what I've been working on for the past few years...the market taking a shit most likely **** that up, but I don't know yet. I haven't talked to my business partners in a two, three weeks. I've been hoping for the dust to settle but it's not going to....just giving them a little time to process all this since they just lost a SHITLOAD of money.

All in all this recession will be a good thing for me.

As far as worthless jobs, you missed the biggest one----data mining

A bell curve can take data obtained from 120 [unflawed] sample cases and be extrapolate it to the masses and be within 3 points at most. 1200 unflawed data samples and you're talking less than a percent and a half....12,000? You can extrapolate whatever observed findings to the entire country and it's going to be dead nuts on every time....with the keyword being "unflawed." If the sampling methods are fukced obviously everything that comes out of it is fukced.

Bottom line---there is no bigger bullshit section of the economy than the massive amount of jobs based off data. How many customer service and overall satisfaction surveys are you asked to film out nowadays compared to twenty years ago? That's not even beginning to look at the reams and reams of data that exist on every one of us on our consumer habits and tendencies, which account for like 96.4% of every action we make.

As far as money flowing in....we've been printing fake money since 1980 and for the most part no one has noticed. The dollar is still the global currency.

I think they're going to conjure so much fake money that it'll have to be and globally.

My thoughts are, why wouldn't we just keep printing money? Why try to be fiscally responsible and have the money actually need to mean have a link to something of value understood, why do that now?

It'll get noticed though this time around. The first of what will be many stimulus bills to prop up the economy already accounts for more money that all the discretionary spending the federal government "makes it rain" in an entire year. We're talking figures that are going to be multi-year's worth of the world's largest GDP when that GDP is gone. The Namibia's, Columbia's, Myanmar's, Slovakia's, etc., of the world are going to notice and no longer value our currency and that'll be a huge problem.

Like is usually the case, I hope I'm wrong......
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Re: Economy going forward?

Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:39 pm

get-n-birdy wrote:Do you smoke, inject or huff whatever the ch!t it is you are on? Or is it a mental disorder?

My phucking word, get a hobby.

It is impressive though how before I get bored reading the doctorate thesis papers you write that are 4 days long on why or if ch!t really stinks or even truly exists, your spelling, pronunciation and grammar are actually pretty well. Or better. Or maybe goodly better than most forum divas.

Do you feel like nobody really listens to you and that's why forums are your safe space?

I smoke what I'm on....and paint lately as a hobby. Unlike lanyard I feel like my spelling and grammar has gotten a lot less good in the past year....but I might just be high.
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Re: Economy going forward?

Tue Mar 24, 2020 12:28 am

lanyard wrote:You're spare parts, aren't ya bud?

Just got the reference....sorry, long day....didn't get home from work until 10:30pm after putting more business on the board over the last three days than most people do in a really good month.

I'm back in the industry that ruined me. Doing some research on what I had going I remembered how good I was at what I did.

This month will wrap up my second month contracted with a fortune 200 company.....and my first month as number one. The first month is mainly training modules and dealing with corporate fukcs. I clicked through over a month's worth of modules in a day and a half.

The last of the corporate fukcs that I repeatedly hung up on, walked away from and out the door for a three hour lunch when he came into "train" me....well, after I got sick of his bullshit and hung up on him for the last time, he called my boss livid and went off on how he was done....not willing to "work with me" anymore going forward.

My boss calls me into her office, has me shut the door behind me, take a seat, and stern faced starts going into how this multi-state territory manager would no longer work with me....

My exact response was, "Thank God! I was starting to get worried that dipshit wasn't ever going to get it."

My boss didn't find it that amusing. This was towards the end of my fourth week.

I'd already put up enough business that there was about as much chance of her firing me as there was of me letting corporate fukcs waste my time and then try to take credit for my success.

When I came in they were 26 out of 32 in the territory. After my first month which was barely even the equivalent of letting me stretch and take a few warm up shots before a basketball game I brought us up to 7th out of 32.... and in my first real month we're number one with a bullet.

At the end of my first week I started going through the analytics and reports. We were down 42% for new business year over year. That same report now has us up 86% year over year....85.9% to be exact. That report once updated with the new business I put up the last couple days should be at or above 100% growth in new business year over year.

The only reason I'd be going anywhere is if I want one can do what I can do.... I'm the fukcing Michael Jordan at doing what I do, and new company but same deal.....everyone already knows it....
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Re: Economy going forward?

Tue Mar 24, 2020 5:58 pm

Work issued face masks today. We’re classified as an essential business I guess and now have essentially unlimited overtime. Short on staff so I get to work 12hr+ shifts week days and fill in on night shift on the weekends.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Economy going forward?

Tue Mar 24, 2020 9:47 pm


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