Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 23, 2020 6:41 pm

I was told the Chinese are buying up our stocks at these discounted prices. I’ve actually been more busy at work with this deal so haven’t had a chance to look in to it but if true it is very suspicious and certainly makes you wonder if they released this. Now they are going to own our national debt and a big chunk of our stocks.

Personally I’m glad they are starting the discussion about weighing the cure (shut down economy) vs the cost (old and sick people dieing). I’m more worried about the effects on our economy.

Thank god we are an employer that is able to keep our employees on payroll (for now anyways). Talked to a lot of business owners in the last week who were devastated about having to lay off their employees. Some in tears over it.

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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:21 pm

My work is already moving from Growth to Turnaround. Too many companies are going to take on debt to try and weather the storm but won't have the cash flow to manage it.

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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:00 pm

His whole presser today was about restarting the economy, faster than most people think lol.

Also announced new guidance saying Nationwide testing should be reserved for those showing symptoms in the hospital.

This is them "flattening the curve"...just stop testing those who have non severe symptoms and cases will fall as they won't be "confirmed"

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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:04 pm

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:His whole presser today was about restarting the economy, faster than most people think lol.

Also announced new guidance saying Nationwide testing should be reserved for those showing symptoms in the hospital.

This is them "flattening the curve"...just stop testing those who have non severe symptoms and cases will fall as they won't be "confirmed"

It's like when I golf with my uncle: when get to the cart and ask each other a score, if the other guy says, "An 8", you know he stopped counting.

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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:31 pm

Right lol

We'll see what happens through the week but...

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Re: Coronavirus

Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:56 pm

Nershi wrote:Personally I’m glad they are starting the discussion about weighing the cure (shut down economy) vs the cost (old and sick people dieing). I’m more worried about the effects on our economy.

Agreed. That has been refreshing.

Along with the powers that be finally addressing what I've been saying since the start.....

We need to focus on "Raising Up Healthcare" versus the unrealistic/unreasonable "Flattening the Curve."

The [anticipated] problem is healthcare not being able to handle a large influx of ICU patients needing to be put on ventilators.

Their solution was to slow down the rate of infection and spread out the influx the patients and somehow they didn't foresee the obvious, that following this plan would destroy the economy.

Who pushed the idea of "Flattening the Curve?"


Makes you wonder...with everyone freaking out no one even questioned what was a surefire way to kill our anyone who took a moment to pause and think about it.

The solution to the perceived problem has been obvious from the start. If our healthcare system won't be able to handle all the CV-19 patients you fix that by beefing up healthcare and telling the old and the sick to isolate themselves from the rest of society at all costs because not doing so will most likely kill them.

Expecting college kids to stop drinking, partying, and fukcing, as a plan to save 85 year olds from dying was by far the worst plan ever.

Quarantine nursing homes and hospital patients with compromised immune systems and call it good. If a 70yo couple wants to go out to for a fancy anniversary dinner at a nice restaurant?

Everyone is responsible for their own health. If they want to take that risk that is their choice. They know what could happen. That choice still should never be determined by the government. That should always be up to the people. Their lives are their lives. My life is my life. If I want to shoot myself in the head (which I don't, just making an example) no one is going to stop me....and there's zero point in trying.

You can't bubble wrap society for anyone, and you especially can't do it at the benefit of one very small demographic to the detriment of everyone else.
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Re: Coronavirus

Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:41 am

Trump screwed up - he should have banned all airplanes, ships, cars, etc from China entering the USA 8 weeks ago, and 1 month ago from everywhere - then there would not have been no mass layoffs and minimal or no virus in the USA.

I'll just say it - I think Trump has lost his ability to discern fiction from reality. His "We'll be back to normal by Easter" comments yesterday regarding cv-19 shows that he is delusional.
We are 2 weeks behind Italy and a ticking bombs across the US. The MAIN outbreak with the flattened curve will be 3 to 6 weeks from now. And People on average just do NOT have food stockpiled for more than 2 weeks. It's going to get VERY interesting when people run out of food and TP. Can you say roaming gangs stealing from others? I think there will be martial law in most major cities as a result.
NY/NJ is a cluster fukc right now with the fuse lit and 1" away from that area exploding and very likely 100K could be dead in those 2 states alone in the next month with their combined pop of 30M. If 10M get it over the next 3 months, that's 300K dead based on 3%, which seems to be a realistic %.
We could see bulldozers making mass graves for the people, entire rural farms being converted to cemeteries. Heck you'd need crematories like the Nazis used at Auschwitz to try to keep up with the dead everyday. :o
If this (3M dead from 100M infected in USA over the next 3 months) happens - can you say 40% laid off and a world wide economic depression that will make 2008 and 1934 look like Sunday afternoon picnics.
Also hyper inflation will happen as they keep printing money. My suggestion - buy precious metals as a hedge not to loose value. Gold surged $100 yesterday. We could see it at $3k by summer and $5k in a years time as the USD devalues.

Speaking of ships - they found the virus still alive on infected passenger ships after 17 days of no one on board. :o I read about it yesterday from I think is was CDC or WHO or a similar credible source.

We are so FUBARed it is ridiculous!

Does anyone have an extra ar-15 or similar with 500 rounds of ammo to sell me?
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Re: Coronavirus

Wed Mar 25, 2020 8:36 am

Jesus Fowler did your tin foil hat come off. It's a virus. . . . . not some disease no one has ever seen before. Multiple accounts of treatment plans working. There are multiple vaccines in various forms of testing. The sky isn't falling. ... tions.html

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Re: Coronavirus

Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:24 am

h2ofwlr wrote:Trump screwed up - he should have banned all airplanes, ships, cars, etc from China entering the USA 8 weeks ago, and 1 month ago from everywhere - then there would not have been no mass layoffs and minimal or no virus in the USA.

I'll just say it - I think Trump has lost his ability to discern fiction from reality. His "We'll be back to normal by Easter" comments yesterday regarding cv-19 shows that he is delusional.
We are 2 weeks behind Italy and a ticking bombs across the US. The MAIN outbreak with the flattened curve will be 3 to 6 weeks from now. And People on average just do NOT have food stockpiled for more than 2 weeks. It's going to get VERY interesting when people run out of food and TP. Can you say roaming gangs stealing from others? I think there will be martial law in most major cities as a result.
NY/NJ is a cluster fukc right now with the fuse lit and 1" away from that area exploding and very likely 100K could be dead in those 2 states alone in the next month with their combined pop of 30M. If 10M get it over the next 3 months, that's 300K dead based on 3%, which seems to be a realistic %.
We could see bulldozers making mass graves for the people, entire rural farms being converted to cemeteries. Heck you'd need crematories like the Nazis used at Auschwitz to try to keep up with the dead everyday. :o
If this (3M dead from 100M infected in USA over the next 3 months) happens - can you say 40% laid off and a world wide economic depression that will make 2008 and 1934 look like Sunday afternoon picnics.
Also hyper inflation will happen as they keep printing money. My suggestion - buy precious metals as a hedge not to loose value. Gold surged $100 yesterday. We could see it at $3k by summer and $5k in a years time as the USD devalues.

Speaking of ships - they found the virus still alive on infected passenger ships after 17 days of no one on board. :o I read about it yesterday from I think is was CDC or WHO or a similar credible source.

We are so FUBARed it is ridiculous!

Does anyone have an extra ar-15 or similar with 500 rounds of ammo to sell me?


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Re: Coronavirus

Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:46 am

Aahhhh...Stute gets me every time! Lol!
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