Mergie Marauder
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Re: Coronavirus

Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:14 pm

No solutions. Just along for the ride and screwed (actually more screwed because I have asthma) like everyone else.
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Re: Coronavirus

Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:36 pm

This sh!t is like your golf score, you want the lowest number possible. When you know you aren't doing good, you stop counting.

We stopped counting.

If we wait to prove that the all the ICUs will be full and there isn't a bed for the woman given birth that's having complications, it's a bit too late. You or your kid needs an emergency appendectomy and sh!ts full of Covid-19 wind suckers, 250 people is at least one too many.

They need to affect the government rate on a couple of the empty hotels and build quarantine centers for Covid-19. They get that done, sh!t can mostly go back to normal. They don't activate a plan and wing it, that's when the "what if's" the media plays on happen. So, it doesn't spread and the "No Big Deal" crowd says "told you so". It does spread, the media says "told you so".

Either way, there is no win in this.

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Re: Coronavirus

Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:15 pm

So are China's numbers completely garbage or did the virus actually originate in the US?

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Re: RE: Re: Coronavirus

Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:52 pm

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:So are China's numbers completely garbage or did the virus actually originate in the US?
We will number know the true numbers from china or iran. They will never tell the real truth.

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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:16 am

HnkrCrash wrote:There is no scenario in which life goes back to normal on May 15, 2020. The US will have easily surpassed 25K fatalities and 500K confirmed cases at that time with no slowdown nor end in sight.

Is 25k a lot? .000075 of our population.

My guess is we are probably over 500k cases already. Half or more of the people who have it show no symptoms, none, not even a slight cough. We are primarily only testing sick people so confirmed numbers are low and deaths per infected are high. If we ramp up testing nationwide I have no doubt we’ll blow through 500k confirmed cases quick.

There should be a slow down eventually right? Isn’t that the flattening the curve concept? Are you saying the bottom of the other side of the curve is months away with no slowdown or end in sight?

I’ve been avoiding the news and watching a few sites tracking the stats. This is a good one. Might have got it from someone on here but can’t recall.

The number of deaths per million got me thinking last night. Currently Italy is at 135 per 1 million people. They have 60 million people populated in a country smaller than some of our states meaning population density is high which will certainly heighten the curve which we’re seeing now in New York. America is much more spread out, has a better healthcare system and also had more time to prepare for this so I feel our numbers will be much better. Let’s say this really takes off and gets bad and we hit 150 per mill that’s about 50k dead .00015 of US people. I personally don’t think it’ll get that bad but who knows. CDC stats say 23k-59k died from the flu last year. Kinda puts things in perspective when you analyze numbers instead of listening to the sky is falling news. Obviously this is a lot different than the flu, just analyzing the death numbers.

This is killing old and sick people. These people die from all kinds of stuff, the flu, falling and cracking a rib, normal respiratory illnesses, etc. dying sucks but it’s a part of life that a lot of c-19 fatality victims were approaching either way. If this thing was killing kids and healthy people this would be a whole different conversation.

We need to be careful and take some measures to slow this. We also need to use all resources to get our healthcare prepared and lanyard pointed out some great ideas. I’m not so sure we need to take such drastic measures that we are that are crushing our economy for years to come which will certainly take a toll on our fatality and mental health rates in this country. At least that’s my take looking at the stats so far. Hopefully they don’t take a nasty slide.

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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:03 am

21 million less cell phone signals in China over the last 3 months

Google it ... demic/amp/
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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:20 am

New Rochelle NY, the epic center in NY, the whole high school has been turned into a hospital for cv19 patients. But they have curbed(flattened the numbers) the new cases this past week. How? By what we are going to do starting tonight in MN. Remember they started it over 2 weeks ago.

I have repeatedly seen 4 charts. 1 is the do nothing, 1 is the social distancing, 1 is to close non essential biz, no groups and 6' social distancing, and 1 is a lock down (Martial law) like they did in China. Based on #3, we'll be dealing with this for at least another 4 months as it won't peak until end of May and well into June, this is for USA.
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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:58 pm

Charts and projections require reliable data. There is not reliable data with this virus so any chart is just someone’s guess on how this plays out. And as we’ve seen the guesses of severity vary significantly.

Try to stay positive Al. We got this.

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Re: Coronavirus

Fri Mar 27, 2020 11:17 pm

All this talk about mental health being closed off from the world...for someone that hates dealing with retards daily it's been like any other day outside being able to drive from South metro to any time of day...with no slowdowns. Epic

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Re: Coronavirus

Sat Mar 28, 2020 8:50 am

The best numbers we're likely to get is from South Korea as they did the most testing combined with specific targeted actions.

Again, the challenge to this isn't how many people get Covid-19, it's how many ass hats take up ICU beds. The more knuckleheads with CV-19, the higher the likelihood existing ICU beds fill.

They fired up the prison in Appleton:

People can argue all day long if it's worth the expense, if anyone will really see the forecast numbers, etc. We're seeing less for the simple reason is we've done pretty good at locking ourselves down and have lower population density. Directly to Nershi's point, it's likely most people that have it don't know it. These are the highest risk because they will continue travel and carry the virus. What South Korea was good at was tracking the case connections and getting everyone quarantined.... basically, a whole lot of Typhoid Mary's walking around:

The tail to the curve is going to be long. The goal is to suppress numbers infected so the curve stays lower than ventilator capacity. If the market comes through and delivers 80,000 ventilators, it gives us more opportunity to open up travel and interstate commerce because we have more places to stick CV-19 cases rather than the clinic or hospital down the street.

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