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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:49 pm

Free tacos tho.......

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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:00 pm

For the sake of humanity and all things sacred, PLEASE STOP this thread. The constant barrage of these nightmare images is comparable to military Psy Ops for prisoner torture and interrogation. I got to believe that you see images of these freaks in your sleep! At least, get a Catholic Priest to perform on exorcism on your computer.
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:34 pm

Stute Slap wrote:Free tacos tho.......

This crowd has gone deadly silent... Cinderella story, out of nowhere, former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters Championship. It looks like a mirac- It's in the hole! It's in the hole!~ Carl Spackler

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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:31 pm

Or maybe it's this hottie that h2ofwlr is porking?



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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:39 pm

It's funny how this little honey of h2ofwlr doesnt want to show "her" front crotch area.....hmmm, I wonder why?



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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:53 pm

You know....I bet h2ofwlr is probably more into the intellectual writer type.....


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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:36 pm

cstemig wrote:For the sake of humanity and all things sacred, PLEASE STOP this thread. The constant barrage of these nightmare images is comparable to military Psy Ops for prisoner torture and interrogation. I got to believe that you see images of these freaks in your sleep! At least, get a Catholic Priest to perform on exorcism on your computer.

Thank You Chuck! See that is exactly the response any normal man should have towards these fukcing phaggots!

I don't want to see them....I hate seeing them....these motherfukcers deliberately go out of their way to wind up in the feeds of normal guys. They're sick and twisted fukcing assholes. They've taken something that used to be awesome and almost completely ruined it for me. There's nothing worse than viewing some hotties, swiping right, and then one of these phaggots pops up and it makes me do a 180 from how I was feeling to making me want to vomit. Seriously, these fukcers are going to pay. If it isn't me who snaps and starts taking these fukcing tranny's out it will be someone like me. There are hundreds of normal non-phaggot men these motherfukcers are revolting daily and making them go beyond resentment towards trannys but outright hatred.

I've legitimately banged quite a few decent chicks off tinder. Two years ago? Never saw a tranny on there....ever. Nowadays? There's a half dozen that pop up in my food on some days.....WTF

What sucks is now I'm so fukcing paranoid I can't just blissfully swipe through chicks indiscriminately. I read their profiles, look at their pics, and there are quite a few chicks where their jawline looks to squared or I kind of see an Adam's Apple or they're just kind of plain.....I'm not taking any chances and I'm swiping left. It sucks that that ruined what used to be sweet blissful entertainment.

Here's an example of why I still use tinder despite the influx of phaggots.....

This is the chick that was propositioning herself to anyone that'll pay her phone bill. What's the highest her phone bill is going to be for two months and they're threatening to shut it off?

$250? $300? $350? I'd be shocked if that shit is hitting $400....but fugg it....I got more than that on me now.....for her? That's about the best discretion one could use when blowing discretionary income.

I'm not going to show her full profile because she has her snap on there and I'm still holding out hope that there's a small chance I get a hold of her before some other dude.....I'm guessing she's already got that shit paid by now but you never know......



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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:37 pm

God damn she fine as fugg....



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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:41 pm

So hot.....imagine flipping through chicks like this Chuck and then having one of those fukcing phaggots pop makes you want to murder the motherfukcer



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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:47 pm can any dude not see a chick like this and have it turn his crank? What type of man would rather fukc, suck, and get fukced by another man when he could instead be having sex with a woman?

1. Extreme mental in it doesn't get any more severe.

2. Total fukcing losers....look at all these sick losers....part of it is they're so fukced up and insecure that they've never got pussy and are too pussy...they're afraid of it. That's how pathetic these fukcing degenerates are. They probably find women attractive but they're such losers and so intimidated by the thought of actually pursuing pussy....successfully.....they instead choose to try and become what they're too big of a loser to ever obtain otherwise.

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