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Fish Felon
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:31 am

I'd say it's considerably more difficult meeting and hooking up with chicks nowadays than pre-internet or even ten to fifteen years ago.

Internet dating fukcing blows.

The problem with it is that it puts the cart before the horse.

When you meet someone in real life....most married couples met at work or through a mutual friend and being at least loosely in the same social circle. When you'd go on a first date with someone you'd already probably been around them on numerous occasions. There's already established mutual attraction and chemistry prior to going on your first date. You know what type of personality they have. In short, you already know you like each other prior to going on a first date. Will it be enough to go the distance? Lead to a long term relationship? Marriage? Kids?

Probably not, but the odds are much better.

When you go into it already liking the other person you either consciously or subconsciously make an effort to overlook the other person's faults, things that on paper are not desirable, their red flags. You rationalize these away because of your like for the person overall and because you Want to Make it Work.

With online dating it's the exact opposite, especially when it comes to women looking for a mate. They're consciously or subconsciously making an effort to find reasons why it won't work. They're looking for red flags and making them into deal breakers instead of looking them over and smoothing them out against their positive overall view of their suitor.

I swear, going on most first dates is worse than most job interviews. Or the constant messaging wanting to know this, wanting to know that,

"why didn't your marriage work?"

"Bitch, I've never even fukcing met you. Why are you thirty-three with a five year old kid, have never been married, and there's no guy in the picture? WTF happened there?....kunt?"

That's pretty much most online dating exchanges in a nutshell.....
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:43 am

Online dating certainly gives women the illusion of infinite choice.

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Stute Slap
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Wed Apr 01, 2020 12:15 pm

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:Online dating certainly gives women the illusion of infinite choice.

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Yeah but after they get slammed two dozen times on the first date by guys named Chad or Derek (pics of him working out, riding a crotch rocket, etc) and then ghosted they start to maybe realize it is an illusion of infinite choice and not a reality. Prolly more like 3 dozen dudes hit'em and run first but at some point....

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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:27 pm

Fish Felon wrote:She asked multiple times walking up to her apartment and then while making out and dry humping....she kept asking, "You're not going to stick it in my ass, are you?"

Seriously asked me like ten times....not sure if that has happened to her a lot but she was definitely concerned about it....and no, it wasn't some kink where she was asking because that's what she wanted me to do....

So did you at least give it a try and play it off as an accident if it wasn’t well received? Pretty sure she wanted you to siihb.

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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:06 pm

Stute Slap wrote:[quote="Drunk_Dynasty"]Online dating certainly gives women the illusion of infinite choice.

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Yeah but after they get slammed two dozen times on the first date by guys named Chad or Derek (pics of him working out, riding a crotch rocket, etc) and then ghosted they start to maybe realize it is an illusion of infinite choice and not a reality. Prolly more like 3 dozen dudes hit'em and run first but at some point....[/quote]

Yup, and guys have no reason to settle down cause they can keep **** a new fataroonie every week with the occasional slightly above average chick every now and then.

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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Thu Apr 02, 2020 4:08 am

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:Yup, and guys have no reason to settle down cause they can keep **** a new fataroonie every week with the occasional slightly above average chick every now and then.

True. I honestly don't need sex that often. One here one month, another there a couple months later, usually one quasi-girlfriend for a month or two and getting laid a lot....then break up and don't get laid for four to six months....then one here one month, another there a couple months later, wash rinse repeat.

I've never been controlled by pussy. I like it as much as the next guy but at this age....I'm not going to stay up all night driving drunk bitches back and forth across a couple different counties just for the prospect of some snatch.

I had a chick want me to come over and stay at her place tonight in Hudson....told me it was her birthday....was too tired....fukcing sucked......wish I had a little heads up, would've got some sleep last night. Oh well.
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Fish Felon
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Thu Apr 02, 2020 4:22 am

Stute Slap wrote:
Drunk_Dynasty wrote:Online dating certainly gives women the illusion of infinite choice.

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Yeah but after they get slammed two dozen times on the first date by guys named Chad or Derek (pics of him working out, riding a crotch rocket, etc) and then ghosted they start to maybe realize it is an illusion of infinite choice and not a reality. Prolly more like 3 dozen dudes hit'em and run first but at some point....

So true. You'd be amazed how many chicks have told me that what made them swipe right on me was that I didn't have any shirtless bathroom selfie pics, I took the time to write a profile bio, and I didn't come across as a creeper who'd text them dick pics first thing....guys are fukcing idiots. Still don't get why guys get off on sending a picture of their dick to a chick they've never met. How can they be that dumb to realize that any chance they had of meeting up with that chick and showing her your dick in person went out the window the second you clicked send thinking it was a good idea to show her your dick via text messaging.....

As far as the shirtless selfie pics there's a reason I don't post any. I pale as fukc most year, tan to predominantly farmers tan the rest, I'm hairy, and my middle-aged body is pretty flabby. I'm surprised I'm in as good of shape as I am considering I eat only shit food....but nowhere near good enough to be thinking me shirtless would be appealing. Then again, I'm sure there's a filter I can apply. Dear God the filter thing pisses me off. Every chick has profile pics that are filtered....might have to start asking them to text me a unfiltered photo of themselves in good lighting with no make-up on before I agree to meet with them. Ugh
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:58 pm


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Fish Felon
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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:59 pm

Damn....what I would do to.....



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Re: Fish Felon's Trannys on Tinder Thread

Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:47 pm

Dont build up your spank bank to quick or you will run out of room for trannies!

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