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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Tue Apr 07, 2020 12:38 pm

Read the article I have a link to in the original post, specifically read their sampling methods:

The mortality rate is .0016 for people under 40.

Beyond the sampling methods which explains why that number is at least fairly accurate....the biggest reason why I think it's accurate is the mortality rate for the flu is .0010

0.16% for COVID-19
0.10% for the flu

For people under 40 years of age.

That seems right to me. The actual percentage still seems high to me. But if 10 people under the age of 40 out of a 100,000 flu cases dies it makes sense to me that it'd be 16 out of 100,000 for COVID-19.

It's significantly worse....but it's not even twice as bad as the flu, it's the flu and a half....or a really bad strain of the flu.

The ratio comparison between the two shows both why this virus is serious and not "just the flu," but it's also not the black plague either.
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Apr 08, 2020 1:36 am

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:47 pm

Bumping this up.

Of the 160 deaths in MN as of yesterday 113 had underlying heath issues. Did they even really die from Covid? That's what were protecting the really old and sick? ... id19-in-mn

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:28 pm

The numbers don't make sense cause this had nothing to do with saving people and everything to do with resetting the economy. The numbers will never make sense none of this needed to happen from a public health crisis standpoint. Its way bigger than that

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:30 pm

Well, the "Old Folks Flu" is officially a fukcing joke.

When virtually every person dying from from this shit you never saw at Target, Walmart, eating at a restaurant, bellying up to the bar, walking in a's a segment of society we literally never came in contact with any of them....

.....because they live in nursing homes and are unable to leave the building. Ever.

So what the fukc is the point of this bullshit?

They might as well put which ones Aren't filthy with Corona on the map...
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:43 pm

There seriously rona in that many facilities? Geez

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:58 pm

Deaths went from 160 to 300 in 6 days and overall case count doubled from 2000 to 4000 in about 10. We are just getting started in MN.

Also now seeing deaths under age 50.
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Tue Apr 28, 2020 11:53 pm

HnkrCrash wrote:Deaths went from 160 to 300 in 6 days and overall case count doubled from 2000 to 4000 in about 10. We are just getting started in MN.

Also now seeing deaths under age 50.

Yeah, ONE...a single person under 50 so far and guess what?

Also a resident of a nursing home....

What does that tell you? That they were living in a nursing home at age 44?

The sickest of the upper echelon of the sickest of the sick.

Can you even imagine how sick and sorry that poor fukcer had to of been? Bed-ridden in a nursing home at age 44?!

COVID-19 is doing most of these people a favor....doing God's work. As I've said all along unless you're extremely old and extremely sick and/or living in a nursing home.....this shit is nothing.

When they describe these people as having underlying health conditions they're not talking about a middle-aged dude who technically is obese going off of BMI......

.....they're talking morbidly obese to where they're bed-ridden, have asthma, hypertension, and are currently going through chemo.

That's the degree of sick and unhealthy we're talking here....the kind that takes most dudes like us 90 years of abusing our bodies to where they're that broken down and susceptible.

Coronavirus toll continues to grow in Minnesota: 28 new deaths reported Sunday

Frederick Melo

PUBLISHED: April 26, 2020 at 11:27 a.m. | UPDATED: April 26, 2020 at 6:08 p.m.

Categories:Government & Politics, News

The state of Minnesota on Sunday reported a record 28 new deaths related to COVID-19, including three residents in their 40s and 50s.

The fatalities, averaging more than one per hour, represent a one-day high even as thousands of workers prepare to return to their physical workplaces Monday after a monthlong hiatus. The 28 fatalities are five more than the previous high, set one day before.

Victims included a 44-year-old Hennepin County resident living in a long-term care facility, the youngest known victim in official state tallies of the dead.

“This is a heartbreaking loss for our state and my thoughts are with each grieving family,” Gov. Tim Walz tweeted Sunday. “This won’t be the last hard day, but if we continue to look out for each other and stay home we can help protect our neighbors and loved ones.”

On Sunday morning, the state Department of Health reported 156 new laboratory-confirmed infections, down from a record-high of 261 new cases the day before. Declines on Sunday were expected as testing tends to slow on weekends.

The counts include 27 new cases in Nobles County, where testing of workers at a Worthington meat plant impacted by the virus was expected to continue through the weekend. Another 45 cases were detected in Hennepin County and 17 in Ramsey County.

Across Saturday and Sunday, individual cases were spread throughout the state.

To date, the state has confirmed 3,602 cases based on limited testing targeted to the seriously ill, vulnerable and front-line health care workers with known exposures. Total fatalities from COVID-19 are 272.

The median age of hospitalized and intensive care cases is 64 and the median age of all deaths is 83. The 28 patients who died ranged in age from 44 into their 90s, with an unusual cluster of three deaths under age 60.

They included a Hennepin County resident in their 40s, a Hennepin County resident in their 50s and a Washington County resident in their 50s. All three had underlying health conditions, officials said, and the two Hennepin County residents resided in long-term care facilities.

“We’ve been saying all along that COVID does not discriminate,” said Julie Bartkey, a spokesperson with the Minnesota Department of Health. “Anyone with underlying health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, is more vulnerable. Today’s news is a grim reminder.”

The geographical spread included 22 deaths in Hennepin County, two in Anoka County, two in Clay County, one in Dakota County and one in Washington County.

Twenty-three of the deaths were in long-term care facilities. Of the five that were not, there were two people in Hennepin County in their 70s, two people in Clay County in their 90s, and lone cases in Washington and Dakota counties. In Minnesota, the majority of known COVID deaths to date have occurred in congregate care sites.

The information released Sunday morning by the Department of Health is considered current as of 4 p.m. Saturday.

Less than half of Minnesota’s known cases, or 1,774 cases, have recovered and no longer need isolation. Roughly a quarter of known patients have required hospital care. There were 285 patients hospitalized as of Sunday, with 115 in intensive care.
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:24 am

22 of the 23 were out of Nursing Homes Sarurday, and 23 of 28 were out of Nursung Homes Sunday.

So of the 51 new deaths over the weekend 45, or 88%, were residents of Nursing Homes.

Of the 272 deaths tallied as of Sunday, 212 were people residing in Nursing Homes, or 78%.

At just under 25,000 residents living in the 395 Nursing Homes statewide.....well, they represent 0.4% of the state population....and yet oddly enough account for 78% of the deaths.

Again, these are people no one has ever even seen in public for a loooong time. They literally can't move. They can't drive a car, they can't fukcing walk, they can't eat, and they shit and piss themselves. They can't take care of themselves and the help they need is so significant their family has chosen to send them as a loved family member somewhere it costs a shitload of money to get the care they need in order to survive from one day to the next while drooling in a bed watching Matlock reruns.

If all the people dying are people society literally never comes in contact with......

.....then why in the fukc was the best solution to this problem deemed as shutting down society?

How in the fukc could the dipshits in charge not realize this right away?

While you and I were stuck sheltering at home not having people over, not going anywhere, not socializing.....

....the only people susceptible to this were still living stacked on top of each other with several hundred in a building with their caregivers going in and out like clockwork.....since being on a work schedule they were in and literally on the clock.

Weird how you don't hear of every caregiver working in a nursing home getting sick?

You know why?

Because this shit doesn't do a fukcing thing to you!!!

Every last motherfukcer working in a home has to of had it. Look at the map. Who had to of brought it in? It definitely wasn't the old people that are bed-ridden that's for sure. It was staff.

Covid is so common and everywhere that every Nursing Home was infiltrated by their caregivers coming and going and living in a shelter in place world like the rest of us. Yet THEY ALL GOT IT AND CARRIED IT IN

Do you know why none of us are getting sick?

Because you don't get sick from this virus. The vast majority of people are totally asymptomatic....will never show any signs or even consider they have it. The only way they'll know is by taking a test for antibodies.

Again, I'm certain of this because if it wasn't true then every last caregiver in NH's would've came down with it. Even if hypothetically they didn't bring it in, which they most surely did, how come they're not dropping like flies as a result of working there?

Think about it.....none of the normal aged and healthy staff are getting it while working in a disgusting petri dish of it.

Think about it.....

0.4% of the population accounting for 78% of the deaths....that number is actually higher. It's for sure over 90% and I'm guessing over 95%.

The only reason why we're seeing it so isolated to NH's is because that's the extent of it. That's who will get it and be the only ones who get badly sick from it, and die from it.

Yes, there will be a handful of freak cases. One in a million, one in a hundred thousand at the highest ratio.

MN has 5.7 million people, and if 3 million of them get the virus, and 1 out of 100,000 is like any other fukcing virus, germ, or bacteria in that it will occasionally have a freak occurence where it takes someone down that it shouldn't.

So yes....out of 3 million. People there's going to be 20-45 freak cases where someone goes that shouldn't have been taken by it.

That doesn't mean the virus is killing healthy people of whatever age they are.....which we'll know every one because the media is hell bent on pushing fear. 20-45 cases out of 3 million means there's a story once to twice a week of another freak death where one person that actually lives in society with the rest of us body versus the hundreds they're stacking up outside the old folks home.

Don't be duped. Use your head. Realize this virus hurting you is a myth. It ain't fukcing happening to anyone who is healthy enough to go duck hunting.
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:47 am

“We’ve been saying all along that COVID does not discriminate,” said Julie Bartkey, a spokesperson with the Minnesota Department of Health.
This kunt needs to shut the fukc up and quit LYING.


Besides gay men catching GRID in the early 80's, there has never been a more discriminatory virus EVER!

The flu has a higher rate of mortality under age 65 than Corona does. Corona will have a higher mortality overall, and higher mortality rate overall, and wind up being more deadly than the flu.... having high deaths in an extremely concentrated demographic.

How concentrated?

Oh...I dunno...about like 0.4% accounting for 78% of the deaths, or 88% this past weekend. The rate is skewing higher and higher towards Nursing Homes.

This shit's a fukcing joke to anyone that can wipe their own ass and tie their shoelaces...

For real.

You know how dumb society has become? How passive all of us sheeple we are?

We let these dipshits ruin our lives and control us. Dumb fukcs like Julie Bartklry 'who's just been saying it all along how COVID-19 doesn't discriminate...'

Let me ask you this.....

If our state had even fewer blacks than it does....let's say blacks accounted for only 0.4% of the population, and again....this is purely hypocritical....that 0.4% of the state's population of African Americans accounted for 78% of all deaths..... any of you believe for a split second a single one of these motherfukcers would be in the papers of on the news every single fukcing day stating COVID-19 doesn't discriminate?


Honest to God, we've all become stupid pushback at all for these liberal **** and cuck Republicans in our state just absolutely ruining our lives. We just bend over and take it with no lubrication over and over again and hardly make a single herd moan. It's fukcing pathetic.

Check this I said....the real figure is actually higher for the deaths coming out of Nursung Homes. The staffed assisted living centers for seniors often attached to nursing homes and part of the same building.....those deaths don't get counted as being out of Nursing Homes.

Between the 78% they couldn't lie and mislead the public about, and with a handful in the press watching it more closely, that's why you're seeing weekends like this past one where damn near 90% were accurately listed as coming out of a NH.

Make no mistake.....All of the deaths are coming out of these in 98.5%


One last time for now......


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