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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:16 am

I don't believe it's a conspiracy at all. It's complete and utter incompetence....and monkey see monkey do.

These people choosing to shut down are all fukcing morons.

The same amount of people would be dead whether we did it or not.

Again, look at the most susceptible and how fast they're dying...the people none of us ever come in contact with.

Shutting down didn't do a thing....if it did then all the dead wouldn't be coming out of nursing homes.

Those people would've died either way since I hate to break it to you, but they had a non-stop 100% compliance rate of Sheltering At Home. The only people that went in and out were licensed healthcare providers wearing masks, gloves, PPE, all that shit.

If SAH worked then nursing homes should've been the safest place from it, by far.

The people dying are dying because it's their time. This virus would've got the same amount of people had we done nothing.

Just watch, antibody tests will show more than 30% of us have already had the shit without even knowing it. That's how lethal it is.....'s not. ... ssion=true
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Re: RE: Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Apr 30, 2020 11:54 am

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:[quote="recker7676"][quote="Hansen"]How much of this is political? 80%? The dems know Biden isn't a viable candidate and clearly has early onset dementia. They are trying to do anything to weaken Trump.
The dems have always been about power and control by any means necessary. If it means 30 or 35% unemployment so be it. They just look at those people as ones they can get hooked on government. We are probably only a few weeks out from people saying the heck with the lock downs. Its been 7 weeks people can only do it so long.

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I remember another political party that wanted so much control they didn’t want to let gays get married.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro[/quote]Back when like 70% of the country agreed with it. Vote biden you will love it! Dementia joe will take care of you.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Apr 30, 2020 12:02 pm

recker7676 wrote:[quote="Drunk_Dynasty"][quote="recker7676"][quote="Hansen"]How much of this is political? 80%? The dems know Biden isn't a viable candidate and clearly has early onset dementia. They are trying to do anything to weaken Trump.
The dems have always been about power and control by any means necessary. If it means 30 or 35% unemployment so be it. They just look at those people as ones they can get hooked on government. We are probably only a few weeks out from people saying the heck with the lock downs. Its been 7 weeks people can only do it so long.

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk[/quote]

I remember another political party that wanted so much control they didn’t want to let gays get married.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro[/quote]Back when like 70% of the country agreed with it. Vote biden you will love it! Dementia joe will take care of you.

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk[/quote]

I will love the train wreck that will be the debates but that’s about as far as my love for either candidate goes.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Fri May 01, 2020 10:57 pm

No comments on extension?

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Re: RE: Re: COVID-19 Stats

Sat May 02, 2020 10:38 pm

recker7676 wrote:
Drunk_Dynasty wrote:[quote="recker7676"][quote="Hansen"]How much of this is political? 80%? The dems know Biden isn't a viable candidate and clearly has early onset dementia. They are trying to do anything to weaken Trump.
The dems have always been about power and control by any means necessary. If it means 30 or 35% unemployment so be it. They just look at those people as ones they can get hooked on government. We are probably only a few weeks out from people saying the heck with the lock downs. Its been 7 weeks people can only do it so long.

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk

I remember another political party that wanted so much control they didn’t want to let gays get married.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro[/quote]Back when like 70% of the country agreed with it. Vote biden you will love it! Dementia joe will take care of you.

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk[/quote]

Swing and miss there little recker.

It was never about power since legally before the marrage thing they were allow to have civil unions so they could have the same legal standing as married people (health insurance as spouses, power of attorney, spouses get others possestions after death, ECT. But no it really wasn't about that to the dems lawmakers. It was about forcing entities (churches ((aka them dam Christians)) religions) to do what they were told or go to jail and get fined. But like typical leftie bullchit that projects what they want and how they feel/act they pin the whole power thing on the right. I see it day in and day out on social media and if you have a memory span of two three days you can almost predict with certainty what the next accusation against someone on the right thats in the way of the left newest power grab. Ps before you cry about those bakers and the damn cake, they were never told they couldnt have a cake. The bakers just dont do pornographic cakes for anyone.
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Sat May 02, 2020 11:34 pm ... ii63ir4itk

This might even sway Recker to Biden.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Mon May 04, 2020 2:47 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:It's a world wide conspiracy to have a 1 World Govt like the elite 1,000 (that's who really controls the world) want to have. Bills Gates is part in it. So is Fauci (the chief CV19 guy in DC - he has patents on coronaviruses vaccines) Same as Pelosi, Hillary, Soros, etc are part of the 1,000.

Here's the difference between theory and conspiracy.

I agree with this and FF. I think the incompetence comes from media propaganda. If you look into what Bill Gates has done and said starting in like 2010 it is very convincing. Needs to get shut down.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Tue May 05, 2020 7:28 am

Minneapolis is closing roads to make more walking areas for people to social distance and I’ve seen zero people people using them. Like for real the sidewalks are fine, it wasn’t hard to make 6’ of space when walking around someone.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Tue May 05, 2020 9:43 pm

We don't need 6' of space. We don't need any of this's all completely and utterly pointless.

If wearing a mask, social distancing, or any of that bullshit worked.....

.....this map would be empty. There wouldn't be a single blue locstion marker on it, right?

Since these are facilities that have all been on total lockdown with the only people coming in and out wearing scrubs, gowns, N95's and gloves....and who are trained and licensed in the healthcare field and know what they're doing about a thousand times better than your average person walking through Walmart.

None of that bullshit worked. It all failed and failed **** miserably.

So how's it possible it works in the real world? Where the buildings we live in aren't on lockdown, like an actual lockdown, and we're all rubbing elbows at Walmart as we grab the same carts, shopping baskets, same items, and buy using the same cash, or same keypad to swipe our card?

This shit is absolutely everywhere....literally all around us at all just doesn't do anything to us.

It's so prevalent it somehow infiltrated basically every nursing home in the state and is wreaking havoc on the old crowd with dementia that shits their pants. When 95%+ of the deaths are amongst 0.4% of the population there's no need for anymore speculation.

This shit kills a very specific demographic with few exceptions and that's it. It'll continue to take out every old person a month or two early, no big deal since most don't even know where they are let alone what year it is.....what's two months to a year to someone who no longer has the cognitive ability to know what a day represents?

It'll wipe out the old and the dying which makes it the perfect virus in that it doesn't rob us of anyone of their time.

These people are all ready to go and there's no stopping the virus from taking them out. Just like there's no stopping us from not being affected by it. Germs, bacteria, and viruses enter our bodies constantly. Most don't make us sick because the virus is snuffed out by our immune system before it multiplies and takes off.

Most of us won't even show antibodies. The virus is that weak it can't even gain a foothold enough to even register as to ever coming in contact with us.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Tue May 05, 2020 9:55 pm

I read an estimate that SAH will wind up killing a hundred million globally due to the disruption in the world's largest exporter of food's supply chain.

They've been euthanizing hogs by the millions....China put a shitload of theirs in a giant pit doused them with gas, lit them on fire, and the squealing was horrendous and they slowly burned to least the ones that died right away.

We're going to see a major shortage of pork in a couple months. Like major. Like TP was two months ago.

When the US is short on any type of means that people elsewhere on the globe are dying of starvation.

All from the SAH trying to save old people that are already dead in my book.

There'll be 5 to 1 easy that die globally from starvation for every one that dies from covid...easily. it'll probably be 10 to 1.

SAH kills people. It's going to kill a shitload of people.

People that weren't old with dementia shitting their pants either. It'll be predominantly children.

Anyone who thinks that putting a mask on and staying at home is helping to possibly save someone is a moron for not realizing they're contributing to causing the deaths of millions.

Let alone the loss of jobs and deaths that will come from the impending poverty to come.

It's shameful.


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