Mergie Marauder
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Re: George Floyds

Mon Jun 01, 2020 8:46 pm

Walz says he was "out over his skis" when he said 80% of the people causing destruction were outsiders. No shit...what a fugging moron

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Re: George Floyds

Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:00 pm

Soooo...see the latest one in atlanta?

I mean, at what point can police use lethal force? Guy causes a struggle and takes an officers taser...runs away but pointe it at the officer...

Sorry totally justified. And atlanta fires the officer. What a shit show this is going to turn into

At what point is it ok for an officer to use force? What if the suspect had used the taser on the officer...gained control of the officers gun...then used it on the officers and/or public?

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Re: George Floyds

Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:36 pm

Any time you resist arrest opens the door to lethal force being used. I'm not saying it's always justified.....just saying you don't see cops killing any perps who didn't resist arrest....

....except for that one time.

Unlike Floyd, Justine Daymond didn't have the cops called on her for committing a felony.....she wasn't a lifelong criminal, she wasn't high on fentanyl laced meth, and she didn't resist arrest.

Nope she was gunned down by a black cop in her alley after trying to do her civic duty by calling in what she thought was a possible rape occurring behind her house.

Yet no marches, riots, looting, or buildings burned for her.

And that's why you know these people are full of shit. If they were out to stop police brutality they would've flipped out when Daymond was killed. It's not about police brutality. It's all about victimization of themselves. If Daymond had been black and the cop had been white?

The city wouldn't have burned for Floyd since it would've already burned for Daymond.

These people are incessantly outraged...they can't tell you why exactly....they can't tell you what they want exactly. They want to be pissed off and bitch and hate....they want to hate this country.

Racism is a myth. I've literally never seen a form of systematic racism take place...ever...not once in my life.

If a black kid graduates high school with a 'C' average and can show up to work on time most days, and show up most days....

....they'll have all kinds of opportunities afforded them throughout their lives. All they have to do is walk through the doors when they open for them and be willing to do the work.

What's keeping down a disproportionate amount of blacks in this country is shit black culture. Plain and simple. And that can only be fixed within the black community.

Hell, if BLM focused their efforts on stopping the thousands upon thousands of blacks murdered by blacks instead of the one or two that are the result of police brutality....think of how much better the lives of black people in this country would be?

The fact that if I said any of what I just said in any sort of forum would result in me being the figurative form of a public lynching and being labeled as a racist piece of shit the rest of my life is why we're fukced. How are we supposed to fix the problem when we're not allowed to point out the problem lies almost exclusively within the black community? We "have to" find a solution....but it can't involve the black community doing anything or changing in any way, shape, or form.

Yeah, good luck with that....I'll be over here trying to not give a fukc since there's nothing that can be done. The problem is I can't avoid one can....and I'm so fukcing sick of having to listen to it and see it everywhere. I want to just scream,

"It's not just racism at play here. That's a very, very small component of the problem.

Hate Speech is Free Speech

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Re: George Floyds

Tue Jun 16, 2020 11:22 pm

See the dumbasses in st cloud? A rumor got spread on social media that two black guys were shot... protesters broke into a liquor store and set a dumpster on fire...when in reality officers struggled with a suspect and one of them was shot in the hand by the officers returned fire.

This isn't going to last...I mean...this keeps going like this it's going to explode. It's been quelled so many times it just keeps building up.

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Re: George Floyds

Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:08 am

I think we are the point that if a black person gets killed by police there will be riots,
looting and shit is gonna get burned. Circumstances of the incident be damned.

Meanwhile whites continue to get killed by police or attacked by blacks and it hardly makes the news.

The liberals and liberal media want a race war. They think it helps their cause. They are fueling this. I think some blacks are starting to see that. Especially the educated ones that vote. This whole thing might blow up in the libs face come Election Day.

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Re: George Floyds

Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:02 pm

^^^^ Spot on!
God, help me be the man that my dog thinks that I am.

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Re: George Floyds

Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:40 am


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Re: George Floyds

Thu Jul 02, 2020 11:34 am

Really...take the battle to Gettysburg SD lol. Wow

I can just about hear the town's conversations right now

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Re: George Floyds

Fri Jul 03, 2020 12:32 am

Hope trump tells this moron to take a fugging hike...stand back and do nothing as the cities are burned and looted then hold your hand out lol.

C'mon man


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Re: George Floyds

Fri Jul 03, 2020 6:37 am

To be fair, trump just having twitter meltdowns didn’t help anything at all for MN. He’s our FIRST woman president in my opinion.

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