Mergie Marauder
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Jul 22, 2020 6:12 pm

Can the govt just buy us all those bubble things to roll around in and play bumper cars at the grocery stores?

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Jul 22, 2020 6:59 pm

The mask mandate is maybe the most pathetic abuse of power I've ever seen.

The fact that Walzrus made this mandate right after the bonding bill he wanted passed was shot down yet again during the end of the second special session isn't a coincidence.

Walz was using the mask mandate and most of his other executive orders as bargaining chips to try to get votes to pass the bonding bill. He publicly stated he was willing to void half of the 75 ED's he's created since taking on executive powers.

For those of you not in the loop on this, the Republicans lead by Kurt Daudt in the house....well, Daudt said that he would stop the bonding bill from passing until Walz relinquished his Executive Powers and let the legislature do what they were elected to do...represent us.

A statewide mask mandate?

Should've been voted on by the legislature.

Future possible business shutdowns?

Those should only happen unless voted on and passed as a resolution through the legislature.

We have a dictator. I'm not being overly dramatic, I'm not exaggerating....that's what type of government you have when one person can literally close businesses statewide on a whim. When one person yields that type of power, the power to literally shut down the economy of an entire state without any oversight, you live under a dictatorship. A single person should not be allowed to make that decision totally unchecked.

Our fat fukc Governor is drunk on power. Thank God for Kurt Daudt having the balls to stand up and say, "Fukc You! This isn't right. This isn't how our system works. We elect people to represent us to vote on things of this nature."

Could there be any larger decision made at a government level than shutting down your entire economy?

I want my rep voting on that. I want him representing my interests and the rest of my fellow constituents. What this state has turned into is absolutely fukcing absurd.

Walz and Flanagan are the two biggest puke fukcs I've ever seen hold office.

How disgusting is it that he's using Executive Decisions that were supposedly made for the sake of public health as a way to leverage votes?

If this mask mandate was seriously for public health, and putting yourself in Walz's shoes and hypothetically truly believing that, how big of a piece of shit are you to then use it to try to lure the Republicans into voting for the bonding bill you want passed? What value did those three dozen ED's have if you're willing to cancel them instantly in order to get what you want?

Walz doesn't believe these do anything for public health. If he did he wouldn't be using them as leverage. He knows they're total bullshit but like the true crony he drunk on power and thinks he can get away with anything.

I hate that fat fukc so much......
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:24 am

HnkrCrash wrote:I see this as a win-win for everyone! The anti-maskers got exactly what they were hoping for as all the “scared sheep” will be indoors (wearing their masks of course) and the anti-maskers won’t have to deal with them any longer while out in public. And the rest of society can go about their lives in a seemingly normal fashion with the addition of a simple face covering.

Will be fun to see how the whole survival of the fittest thing the anti-maskers tout plays out over the coming months as they will now have to grow their own food, make their own clothing, take care of their own medical needs, etc. cause they certainly won’t be supporting or going to the places where they would normally procure these goods and services as their rights are being infringed upon by having to wear a mask. Winter is only a few short months away, I hope they are getting prepared to show people just how patriotic, brave, and tough they are.

Dude you should post up all your exponential growth numbers you have been telling us about since March....let me guess "it's right around the corner" right? ;)

Here is what pisses me off about the mask deal. It is based on nothing - like wouldn't it make sense for lard ass to say "any business or gathering with 6 or more people" or "twin cities metro" or some way to qualify it like if we hit this metric, mask won't be needed. So a guy with two employees in middle of nowhere MN legally has to wear a mask?
It also pisses me off that now the f'ing mask is a political lynch pin, but people don't admit it's based off science and they just really want to help fellow mankind by wearing a mask or not wearing a mask when really they just really want to piss off the other party.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:28 am

I think you need to go troll his daughter more. She seems like a nice person, understanding. Hope Walz?

The mask thing is so stupid.

Mayo Clinic on how to wear a cloth mask. ... t-20485449

How to wear a cloth face mask
The CDC recommends that you wear a cloth face mask when you're around people who don't live with you and in public settings when social distancing is difficult.

Here are a few pointers for putting on and taking off a cloth mask:

Wash or sanitize your hands before and after putting on and taking off your mask.
Place your mask over your mouth and nose.
Tie it behind your head or use ear loops and make sure it's snug.
Don't touch your mask while wearing it.
If you accidentally touch your mask, wash or sanitize your hands.
Remove the mask by untying it or lifting off the ear loops without touching the front of the mask or your face.
Wash your hands immediately after removing your mask.

Regularly wash your mask with soap and water by hand or in the washing machine. It's fine to launder it with other clothes.
And, here are a few face mask precautions:

Don't put masks on anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious or otherwise unable to remove the mask without help.
Don't put masks on children under 2 years of age.
Don't use face masks as a substitute for social distancing.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:29 am

Fish Felon wrote:The mask mandate is maybe the most pathetic abuse of power I've ever seen.

The fact that Walzrus made this mandate right after the bonding bill he wanted passed was shot down yet again during the end of the second special session isn't a coincidence.

Walz was using the mask mandate and most of his other executive orders as bargaining chips to try to get votes to pass the bonding bill. He publicly stated he was willing to void half of the 75 ED's he's created since taking on executive powers.

For those of you not in the loop on this, the Republicans lead by Kurt Daudt in the house....well, Daudt said that he would stop the bonding bill from passing until Walz relinquished his Executive Powers and let the legislature do what they were elected to do...represent us.

A statewide mask mandate?

Should've been voted on by the legislature.

Future possible business shutdowns?

Those should only happen unless voted on and passed as a resolution through the legislature.

We have a dictator. I'm not being overly dramatic, I'm not exaggerating....that's what type of government you have when one person can literally close businesses statewide on a whim. When one person yields that type of power, the power to literally shut down the economy of an entire state without any oversight, you live under a dictatorship. A single person should not be allowed to make that decision totally unchecked.

Our fat fukc Governor is drunk on power. Thank God for Kurt Daudt having the balls to stand up and say, "Fukc You! This isn't right. This isn't how our system works. We elect people to represent us to vote on things of this nature."

Could there be any larger decision made at a government level than shutting down your entire economy?

I want my rep voting on that. I want him representing my interests and the rest of my fellow constituents. What this state has turned into is absolutely fukcing absurd.

Walz and Flanagan are the two biggest puke fukcs I've ever seen hold office.

How disgusting is it that he's using Executive Decisions that were supposedly made for the sake of public health as a way to leverage votes?

If this mask mandate was seriously for public health, and putting yourself in Walz's shoes and hypothetically truly believing that, how big of a piece of shit are you to then use it to try to lure the Republicans into voting for the bonding bill you want passed? What value did those three dozen ED's have if you're willing to cancel them instantly in order to get what you want?

Walz doesn't believe these do anything for public health. If he did he wouldn't be using them as leverage. He knows they're total bullshit but like the true crony he drunk on power and thinks he can get away with anything.

I hate that fat fukc so much......


This has nothing to do with 'rona.

When can we stop wearing masks?

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:42 am

Bro my mask sits in the door compartment of my truck next to a pliers, ear plugs and spent .223 casings and when one side gets dirty I just flip it around so the dirty side is against my face looool

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:51 am

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:Bro my mask sits in the door compartment of my truck next to a pliers, ear plugs and spent .223 casings and when one side gets dirty I just flip it around so the dirty side is against my face looool

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Yeah man I don't know what stinks worse, my breath or the one disposable mask I own.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:52 am

Hansen wrote:I think you need to go troll his daughter more. She seems like a nice person, understanding. Hope Walz?

The mask thing is so stupid.

Mayo Clinic on how to wear a cloth mask. ... t-20485449

How to wear a cloth face mask
The CDC recommends that you wear a cloth face mask when you're around people who don't live with you and in public settings when social distancing is difficult.

Here are a few pointers for putting on and taking off a cloth mask:

Wash or sanitize your hands before and after putting on and taking off your mask.
Place your mask over your mouth and nose.
Tie it behind your head or use ear loops and make sure it's snug.
Don't touch your mask while wearing it.
If you accidentally touch your mask, wash or sanitize your hands.
Remove the mask by untying it or lifting off the ear loops without touching the front of the mask or your face.
Wash your hands immediately after removing your mask.

Regularly wash your mask with soap and water by hand or in the washing machine. It's fine to launder it with other clothes.
And, here are a few face mask precautions:

Don't put masks on anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious or otherwise unable to remove the mask without help.
Don't put masks on children under 2 years of age.
Don't use face masks as a substitute for social distancing.

Pay attention to how much people fiddle **** around with their mask. They are constantly adjusting it, touching it, etc. nonstop

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Jul 23, 2020 10:20 am

Well if masks are the answer I see no reason the stadiums will not be filled to the brim this fall and all schools back in session, masks are the answer I guess......I just hope I don't starve to death before this pandemic is over.........................I better get my garden in soon.......
This crowd has gone deadly silent... Cinderella story, out of nowhere, former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters Championship. It looks like a mirac- It's in the hole! It's in the hole!~ Carl Spackler

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Jul 23, 2020 10:43 am

No NFL preseason!!!!!!

I think the NFL has talked about filling the stadiums with mask required people.

I saw one player say he was born to play in empty stadiums because nobody went to his college games either. I got a chuckle out of that.

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