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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Fri Jul 24, 2020 2:29 pm

Hnkcrash wrote ...."Both my wife and I are fortunate to have been blessed with lucrative careers when things are “normal”."

Banking, medical, advertising, properties,insurance,investments, Porn movies---that last one is a joke ??? that's not being too invasive....

My Thought's.......
I really don't think this Covid will ever go away entirely, it will be here for a long time and people will have to learn to live with it, they may come out with a vaccine which will prolly help some and for others it will be meaningless like the Flu vaccine is for some people now, how many times have you went to the Dr and they said you have a virus and it has to run it's coarse. I'm going to be curious to see the numbers in 4-6 weeks to see if Dictator Walrus is right or if he's full of crap with the mask deal...................
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Fri Jul 24, 2020 2:43 pm

Yes and yes and no on the career fields.

Funny you mention porn. My wife asked a couple of days back if my new plan was to start doing porn to make extra money. While I’d be all for it, there’s the whole thing about dudes always having to start out doing stuff with other dudes which is a non-starter. Was also thinking about trying to find the business card that some smoking hot chick gave me years ago suggesting I go donate sperm and getting my nut plumbing reattached to make some extra coin doing that, but my wife wasn’t so keen on that idea.
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Fri Jul 24, 2020 3:04 pm

HnkrCrash wrote:Yes and yes and no on the career fields.

Funny you mention porn. My wife asked a couple of days back if my new plan was to start doing porn to make extra money. While I’d be all for it, there’s the whole thing about dudes always having to start out doing stuff with other dudes which is a non-starter. Was also thinking about trying to find the business card that some smoking hot chick gave me years ago suggesting I go donate sperm and getting my nut plumbing reattached to make some extra coin doing that, but my wife wasn’t so keen on that idea.

LOL.......I always tell my wife we should of made porn movies for extra cash........haha......she always looks at me like "ya right".......
This crowd has gone deadly silent... Cinderella story, out of nowhere, former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters Championship. It looks like a mirac- It's in the hole! It's in the hole!~ Carl Spackler

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COVID-19 Stats

Fri Jul 24, 2020 3:31 pm

Just start an only fans account. You can skip the guy-guy stuff and start selling filthy vids from the comfort of your iPhone.

However, Your kids might be beat up by other kids in school demanding your wife puts anal vids online.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Fri Jul 24, 2020 4:29 pm

HnkrCrash wrote:Both my wife and I are fortunate to be blessed with lucrative careers when things are “normal”. She also does consulting work in addition to her normal job which has completely stopped with everything going on. My hope all along has been that as a nation we can beat this thing to save lives and get things back to normal in a reasonable timeframe so that my family and all others can get back to health and prosperity. No doubt I’ve contemplated a career change many times throughout this, but even with the mounting losses, it’s difficult to walk away and start over when you’ve experienced the success when this crap isn’t happening. That said, I am starting to build out a business plan to fulfill a dream that’s been put on hold for way too long, so maybe there will be something positive to come out of this. Others aren’t so lucky though and literally every day people don’t follow the evolving recommendation and advice of the experts it’s costing lives, long term health effects and money for millions of Americans. It honestly dumbfounds me as to why a minority of the population refuses to try anything to get this over with as things continue to get worse and the untold losses continue to mount.

Yeah after thinking about it, I understand how it's hard to walk away from something when it has been lucrative in the past. I've been there. I guess my thought is if you could apply whatever it is you are doing to a slightly different application and still pull big cheese but I'm sure you've thought of that already.
It does interest me you aren't willing to say what industry you work in, I'd guess med device sales or possibly reselling Nascar memorabilia on ebay if you are really big time.
Anyway good luck dude, I hope you get back to raking it in.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:11 pm

I'd guess med device sales

You’d guess correctly.
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Sat Jul 25, 2020 3:12 am

HnkrCrash wrote:[At this point every person I see not wearing a mask and not social distancing is costing me (and millions of others) money. Everything society can do to get this crap over with ASAP so that people stop getting sick and/or dying and the economy opens back up is worth it IMO. Doing nothing and pretending things are completely fine is not solving for this. Regardless of whether or not you personally believe in the severity of the virus, the vast majority of Americans (and the rest of the world) have come to the conclusion that it’s nothing to take lightly and are voting accordingly with their behaviors and wallets.

Masks don't do anything....they don't.

If there was a chance they did anything at all....I'd have no problem putting one on. Nothing about this is public health related at this point. It's about control, fear mongering, it's all bullshit.

Do I know what the point is? I have no idea. None of this makes any sense. I can't think of a single reason that would make sense and be a motive to justify something like this.

But rest assured, this is all bullshit.

Think about it.

It's safe to sit a seat apart from one another in a relatively small aluminum tube that recycles the air fifty to a hundred people are breathing over several hours [airplanes]....

....yet sitting a seat apart in an open air stadium to watch a baseball game isn't safe?

Thousands upon thousands of people can be shoulder to shoulder breathing each other's breath [protesters/rioters].....

....yet schools aren't safe for kids....the least impacted from this virus....when there is zero scientific evidence of children transmitting covid to adults.

If you're under fifty years old?

You are three times more likely to die from the flu than you are from covid?

If you're under twenty?

The flu has a mortality rate nine times higher than covid.

The US hit 4,000,000 cases of covid.... only 56,000,000 more to go to equal 2009's swine flu, which was much more lethal....considering that when you look up the death count those actual deaths from swine flu.

Of the 150,000 covid deaths how many are legit?

As in covid on it's own killed someone that would've lived 10+ years had they not contracted covid and died....

I'm betting it's less than 5,000....probably a decent chance it's under 1,000.

Again, I'm talking deaths as in how we count cancer deaths.

When an 8 year old gets leukemia and dies?

Leukemia killed that kid. That illness was the direct cause of death and had they not died from it they most likely would have reached an average life expectancy.

When a 28 year old chick gets breast cancer and dies from it?

Same thing.

Covid though?

It's literally a one in a million chance.....unless you're old as shit, morbidly obese, have a compromised immune system, etc.

Millions of people die in the US every year. Covid is a hoax. It's a real virus...a real thing...but it's a fukcing strain of a cold, and not even a bad one. People have been dying from colds for a long time. Not people under retirement age or anything, but respiratory illness is number six for most deaths in this country and has been for a long time...the cold really only kills old people that are already on death's door?

Sound familiar?

For whatever reason, political, global power, economic nuclear bomb, civil unrest....I don't know....couldn't begin to tell you what this is all about.....but mark my's absolutely, positively about something.

What they've done is put a giant magnifying glass over deaths from the cold and freaked people the fukc out over what has existed forever....old people dying from the cold.

This could literally be done about just about anything.

If the media said there was a new strain of cancer and then covered nothing but lung cancer, testicular cancer, brain cancer, any type of cancer......if it was covered day in and day out like covid is.....

.....people would lose their shit and freak out over an illness that has killed [X] amount of people forever. None of us are that versed with most illnesses unless it has directly touched our lives. For example:

How many people in the US die from lupus every year?


Kidney Failure?

How many people contract Lyme's disease?

How many infants die from SIDS?

If the powers that be wanted to....they could've picked any of those and ran with it and if they did it in the same manner?

The world would be freaking out about that right now instead of covid.

If wearing a mask and social distancing were so important....then why does Fauci not give a shit about doing them?


The guy threw out the first pitch a couple days ago and then sat in the crowd in-between a couple friends and family...KNOWING other people had to have been watching him. Had to of. He still didn't give a shit. That's how little masks and social distancing matter. The main medical guy in the land for this exact thing doesn't care.

Why should I?
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Sat Jul 25, 2020 3:16 am

Masks are useless. Everyone pulls them down when inconvenient. No one....wears them all the one is compliant with them to where they'd work, even if they could work if worn and used properly.

What do people do when they sneeze?

They pull their mask down and use their arm to cover it. Watch for it. People don't sneeze into their mask and then walk around with a bunch of phlegm-shot-nastiness smearing their face.

Think about it. No one does that.
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Sat Jul 25, 2020 11:21 am

Interesting timing. I was at an outdoor barbecue at a buddies place last night whose wife happens to work the COVID unit at a local hospital. She was talking about the testing numbers and how aside from just the COVID test itself there are a number of other labs that pop with COVID patients she’s treating. She said she’s had occasions where patients present with telltale COVID, blow up all the other labs, but test negative for COVID. She also talked about the folks who register, but don’t actually get tested for whatever reason, who later get a positive result. She made the comment that she deals with COVID every day and knows that it’s real and serious, but the testing still seems messed up which is causing additional unnecessary spread and inaccurate reporting.
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Sun Jul 26, 2020 3:16 pm

Is it real and serious?

For working aged healthy people it's not....

The numbers don't back it....and the numbers have been inflated and fake. The fake numbers show it's nowhere near as fatal for people under 50 as the flu. How many people have you ever seen freak out over the flu killing them? I've never seen anyone do that.

The only people I've known to have it are my buddy and his wife in Fargo, and no one that knows them, or them especially, believes they actually had it.

So I know no one who's been affected by the illness. Obviously we've all been affected by the side effects of the illness but no one I know has been affected by the virus.

If this thing was real we'd all have a buddy, or a buddy of a buddy's wife who died from it.

We're going on five months in and the only people who have died in MN are old people. How old? 79% were living in nursing homes or LTC. So they were not just old, but so old and decrepit they couldn't even live on their own. Four out of five people of the 1500 (Walz guaranteed 25K dead by now) couldn't even get out of bed, get dressed, feed themselves, shower, and take a shit on their own. They needed someone to help them do any one of those things.

Of the remaining 21% most were old...a lot of them old as shit....not in a home either because they couldn't afford it or had family members that refused to put them in a home.

Those are facts. That's not me speculating.

Every nurse thinks it's real and serious. They've been brainwashed into believing that daily....and that they're heroes. They're fishing for a pat on the back.
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