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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Mon Jul 27, 2020 9:00 am

And don't forget your elected representatives bought a warehouse, a WAREHOUSE to hold the bodies as we were sure to be stacking them up in the streets as the funeral homes overflowed by now...........................

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Mon Jul 27, 2020 12:22 pm

Two more succumb to this vicious, vicious virus.....

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:46 pm

Lol. This is economic I just haven't put the pieces fully together yet. I think partly to force boomers into retirement/close weaker business to increase the labor pool for large corporations.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:47 pm

Boomer business owners I should say

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Jul 29, 2020 3:56 pm

Listen to felon
Hate hate hate hate hate hate

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Sep 09, 2020 3:48 pm

Either they were intentionally lying to us or they are horrible at data modeling. At the start 74,000 Minnesotans were going to be dead, less then 2,000. More than 2/3rds of that number folks from LTC. This whole thing is political. I have a friend in Sweden and he says life is back to normal, no masks, crowds, soccer games with fans, school in person etc. I know dozens who have had covid, mostly from AAU basketball and they were sick for 24-36 hours and that's it.

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Sep 09, 2020 7:02 pm

I thought it was gonna be obliterated by now since we've been wearing masks everywhere for how long now?

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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Wed Sep 09, 2020 7:03 pm

Fortunately sounds like mostly young healthy kids who caught it in your circle.

I also know dozens who have caught it. A few kids, but the vast majority between the ages of 35-60. For over half, they were knocked off their asses for a solid 2 weeks and they all said it is much worse than the flu and the sickest they’ve ever been in their entire lives. Some ended up in the hospital, 1 nearly died. All in generally good health otherwise and nowhere near Gilbert Grape’s mom or knocking on death’s door going into it.

Thankfully, for the most part it does not seem to be as severe for kids and I feel we are all lucky that the early projections to this point have not come to reality.

As far as Sweden, look at their population as a whole versus the US and it tells the story immediately. Apples versus oranges. Their relatively single, fit, healthy society with a 14% obesity rate versus the US where 66% of the population is overweight and 44% are obese. With obesity pretty universally agreed upon as one of the highest risk factors for severe outcomes, it makes complete sense that they are pretty well back to normal.
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Sep 10, 2020 7:09 am

Up until a couple months ago I knew no one that had it. We had a couple waves come through and I now know several people who have had it of various ages. Most of them had almost no symptoms and none were hospitalized. Several got it and did not spread it to their family members in their household. Worse outcome I know of is a young guy who still hasn’t got his taste and smell back a couple months later. That would suck. The people I heard of who died in our area were very old.

I do know of several businesses that were previously healthy that have died and won’t be coming back. I still think we will look back at this as the biggest over reaction in history.

I can’t wait till the mask mandate is over. I doubt our liberal governor will lift that any time soon.

Glad to see that you backed off a bit from, ‘we’re all gonna die’, mentality hnkrcrash.

Ironically it seems like most of the people I know who got it were the most cautious about this. I think a lot of illness is mental and living in fear increases your odds in getting it. I know several people like myself who basically kept on living life the same and didn’t get it or spread it. That we know of anyway...

Unhealthy and old people die from various stuff. We went from, ‘take care of yourself’, to ‘take care of everyone else’. Time to let the healthy get back to life and protect the old, unhealthy and vulnerable.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: COVID-19 Stats

Thu Sep 10, 2020 8:21 am

Dude at work was on one of the cruise ships that got held at the Panama Canal for a while. It was a brutal experience lol. He got it and had to just chill in his room for two weeks, knowing no help was coming and he’s not going to get and real medical aid. Said there was about day and half that were you pretty scary.

Man my anxiety would have been astronomical at that point.

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