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Re: Mn Busiest Gun Range....Mpls

Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:41 am

Businesses throughout most of South are saying they went from seeing squad cars cruising by multiple times every day to only a couple times each week. When I lived in South any of your main streets or avenues you'd pass cops constantly....all day. You really notice them on your way home from the dealers, but they never messed with people.....only fukcers causing shit. The amount of times I had a cop in front or behind me while I was drinking a beer and and had a hot pipe in the counsel while in my old '99 alero were too many to count.

Minneapolis cops were the best. As a white guy who tries to mind his own business I didn't have a care in the world. I honestly don't have a single bad thing to say, or a single bad experience to share. I considered MPLS cops the best I'd ever seen anywhere. They were always present but unless you were just asking for these dumb njggers constantly are.....they left you alone. Say "yes sir" and "no sir" and show them the respect they deserve and they were just really great people. Very level headed and pragmatic. There was a very simple, unspoken, mutual agreement between anyone with half a brain and the MPD.....

....If you weren't creating bullshit for them to deal with they weren't going to create bullshit for you to deal with.

Those business owners that considered seeing the cops passing by their place multiple times a day a good thing?

Well, they're only seeing them a couple times a week and they're not out just cruising around working their beat...they're flying by with their cherries on.

Which means their presence essentially longer exists....and just like their presence is gone so too will all those businesses, and then residents, and as the tax base erodes and white flight worsens you end up with a shithole only the njggers want to live in that the decent blacks are forced to deal with on their own.

And that's what BLM is accomplishing. Making places like MPLS into places like Milwaukee , Detroit, and Chicago. Where whites and blacks are extremely segregated from one another, and the living conditions and crime experienced by the blacks are dowmright third world.

That's what BLM is accomplishing with their fight to end systemic racism.....a more racist and segregated country than any period of our lifetimes.

White liberals are the worst thing that's ever happened to blacks in this country since slavery ended.
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Re: Mn Busiest Gun Range....Mpls

Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:13 am

I agree 100% about this statement.

That's what BLM is accomplishing with their fight to end systemic racism.....a more racist and segregated country than any period of our lifetimes.

I used to work downtown, technically I still do but haven't been down there since March. From what I've been told Nicollet mall is a total shit hole, borderline dangerous, even during the day

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Re: Mn Busiest Gun Range....Mpls

Tue Oct 27, 2020 11:30 am

You could give me season tickets to the Twins, Vikes and T-Pups and I would burn them all, I will never go to that shithole area again..............................
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Re: Mn Busiest Gun Range....Mpls

Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:04 pm

The real estate market is absolutely flying in the burbs...due to this white flight. It's cranking. They destroy one place then move further out with their progressive ideas, not realizing it was those ideas that pushed them out in the first place. It's madness

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Re: Mn Busiest Gun Range....Mpls

Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:49 pm

When the liberals destroy prior lake I'll move to Montana's flathead valley. Went to a rodeo in Columbia falls this summer and they prayed before it started after the pledge of allegiance. Bat shit crazy liberals have about 50 years before they impact that area.

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Re: Mn Busiest Gun Range....Mpls

Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:12 pm

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:The real estate market is absolutely flying in the burbs...due to this white flight. It's cranking. They destroy one place then move further out with their progressive ideas, not realizing it was those ideas that pushed them out in the first place. It's madness

It's flying everywhere, including in MPLS. I've been watching my old neighborhood expecting to see a dip in the market and some real deals.....being I was only blocks from 38th and Cedar and the riots and a lot of shit being target, cub, auto zone, Arby's, all burned. Do you know how many times I frequented the pawn shop they found the guy murdered and burned in? A lot. It was a pawn shop two blocks South of my dealer....He used to have me pick up a fried chicken meal at cub and some beverages and then take it off what i owed him plus hook me up fat. All that shit is gone.

Housing prices have stayed the same or gone up. There's a vacant lot to build on listed at $160K. A 1br 1ba 780 sq foot dump not far that's got a pending offer at $210K.

The inventory is that low that the shit is still that high.

I'm thinking in 5 years stuff like that little shithole will be going for $50K. That's what it's worth. Especially with the cops gone and taxes...holy shit the taxes.

Do you know how much money MPLS raked in on sales tax? Think of any sporting event or concert with all the bars packed.

There were more people downtown at 2pm on a random Tuesday than there is now on Friday and Saturday night at 9pm-midnight.

Frey being a moron and unwilling to cut any staff despite no money coming in and the fact they're not doing anything.... taxes are going to skyrocket. That's liberals for you. Somehow in their minds it's more important to keep a bloated staff of city workers that aren't doing shit, and do it at the expense of fukcing over the homeowners in the city. Just watch, there'll be double-digit property tax increases year over year over year, the next three years for sure.

Then Frey will lead a summit as to why there's declining homeowners homesteading in MPLS. Especially troubling will be the sharp decline in black home ownership. Frey will lead a city summit to address the issue and never once point the finger back at him being the problem and property taxes increasing to the point it starts pricing a fair amount of people out. People will be paying $5K-$6K in taxes every year to live in a shitty little bungalow in a neighborhood getting darker and sketchier by the week.

No Thanks, I'm good....mark me down as a pass.
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Re: Mn Busiest Gun Range....Mpls

Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:39 pm

:lol: Makes me wanna sell and go live at mom's for a couple years til everything crashes

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Re: Mn Busiest Gun Range....Mpls

Tue Oct 27, 2020 10:44 pm

The flight is real. Houses in the Western Burbs are selling like mad. Realtors that my brother works with daily state that they have dozens of buyers wanting to get out of Minneapolis and literally can’t find houses to get them into fast enough. Woulda never thought the real estate market would be like this, or woulda got my license this Spring when this all started going down. I just sold a vacant lot in 12 hours for 15% more than I paid for it a year ago and we’ll likely be listing our home soon for 20% more than we paid 10 months ago with zero improvements. The neighbors a couple of doors down went for sale today and it was constant traffic through that house until after dinner...and that’s on a random Tuesday. Anything remotely decent under $400K is pretty much selling immediately on this side of the cities. If you’re not tied to your home and can cash out now with a cheap place to go for awhile, I’d say you’d be a fool not to. That said, I see a lot more Biden signs around here than I ever could have imagined. It’s like a parasitic swarm of locusts. Move in, devour everything that’s good until it’s left in ruins, and then move a little further out to start the cycle again.
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Re: Mn Busiest Gun Range....Mpls

Wed Oct 28, 2020 12:19 am

I couldn't agree more about this being the peak, the biggest the bubble is going to get before bursting. Is it possible it jumps 5% yeah, definitely, but the odds of seeing 20% increases in equity in a year ain't happening.

What's far more likely is the market going down. There was a shitload of people living paycheck to paycheck scraping by that loss their job. The economy is going to tumble. We have a consumer based economy where 70% of commerce is a function of us buying shit. Be it dining out, entertainment, or buying shit we don't need....that was the majority of our economy.

When they shut down bars and restaurants 200,000 people lost their job in our state in a day....there was 2.8 million jobs at the time. So that is a staggering number.

That industry isn't coming back any time soon. We'll be lucky to see it support half that amount, tops, making half the amount of money they were before. Those people were able to make a living and own a home in a lot of cases. They don't have the job experience, education, training/certifications, or resume to transition into other blue or white collar work.

That's just one segment that's been hit by this where in a year to two years are going to account for a shitload of foreclosures, and a lot of them selling prior to that if they have somewhere else to go.

When it burst in 2007-08 the trough of the market happened in 2010 &11. I think we'll see something similar but the timing is going to be a little more difficult to predict due to the trillions the feds are dumping into unemployment and mortgage/rent assistance for those hit hardest by covid.

All they're doing is prolonging what's's inevitable. They can't keep paying the people who lost their job over covid and lock banks into not being able to foreclose on their mortgage forever.

I'm shocked the market is still as crazy as it is. If you're not in the home you see yourself in longterm I don't know why you wouldn't sell right now. It's not going to keep going up, it can't. There's no way little dumps in MPLS going for $250K now are going to hit $300K, just like there's no way houses at $350K-$400K in the 'burbs are going to be pushing $500K in a year.

Part of the reason people are hanging on instead of selling is due to there being such a shortage of inventory it's deterring people since where are they going to go? They're looking to sell and then buy at the same time. I don't know what the rental part of the equation looks like but my impression is there's a fair amount of vacancies. Why more people aren't selling and renting for a year or two is beyond me.....well, not really....selling, moving, and then renting instead of owning somewhere is a bitch. Everything about it sucks except for how much you'd come out ahead at the end after buying your "forever home" for pennies on the dollar (the forever home term infuriates me for some reason, probably because of how gay it sounds). If you have a fair amount of equity in your home you'd be able to pay for a large chunk of your next house with cash in a couple years after selling high and renting or crashing at the rents.

Lot of opportunities to come out ahead existing right now....
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Re: Mn Busiest Gun Range....Mpls

Wed Oct 28, 2020 12:45 am

It honestly makes you wonder if Minneapolis as we knew it is dead and never coming back???

It was a pretty amazing city in a lot of ways. Remarkably safe, clean, and upbeat when contrasting it with Detroit, Milwaukee, and Chicago. You look around at other cities in the Upper Midwest the only other one I'd maybe say is liveable in the named city proper is maybe Kansas City. Obviously Missouri's Eastern big city counterpart of St. Louis is hell on Earth. KC and Minneapolis the two cities on the Western edge of the upper Midwest. As pointed out, the riff-raff and the lunatics seem to be on a westward expansion.

Maybe it's just me but it's hard to fully comprehend Minneapolis being lost. Such a great city, liberal douches and politics aside, to live in or nearby. The ease and lack of any concern for hitting downtown for a night out that existed previously was fairly unique. You just did it. There was no thought other than wanting to go out so you hopped in the car, or train in my case, and went downtown to get all sorts of fukced up....just blackout stumbling drunk if you wanted to....and you could go stumble aimlessly into anywhere with not a care in the world. I had zero concerns. The amount of times I was blackout drunk and decided to leave the group only to get lost were many. I literally had no idea where I was or how to get back to an LRT station....times where I was so fukced up I ended up stumbling into areas off the beaten path enough to then wonder why I wasn't seeing cabs anymore.....where you wake up in your bed the next morning still really fukced up having no idea how you got home. Drunk enough to where my ex and I each on one occasion pissed the bed....both of us not remembering how we got home until we saw a charge to a cab, Uber, or parking garage and then realized we had to go get a car we forgot we drove downtown to start the night off.

And I was never worried about getting mugged, assaulted, or having some negroes curb stomp me and rape my woman. It never crossed my mind at all, let alone as something to be worried about.

Flash forward to today and I think you'd be a damn fool to not think about that type of shit as legitimate concerns. There's no way I'd think about doing even half the shit I way I'd do it on a dare.

Minneapolis as we knew it is done, and despite saying that and knowing that's the case I still can't fully grasp the idea that what was once so much fun is gone for good. Maybe not forever since most things go in cycles, but even if that's the case then we're looking at a down part of the cycle that's going to resemble 1960-1990. Three decades where you didn't go downtown for the combination of it not being safe and/or there not being anything to warrant wanting to go.

So that's the rosy view of things....a couple decades of it being a shithole before the kids being born today and in the years to come possibly think cities are cool enough again to spur growth, rehabilitation, and gentrification.

In other words, the Minneapolis we knew, loved, enjoyed, and all probably had quite a few memorable nights gone.
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