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Re: Election

Thu Nov 05, 2020 9:14 am

Were phucked as sportsman, there will be a ammo tax, a gun tax or some liberal BS tax, they always come up with one......
This crowd has gone deadly silent... Cinderella story, out of nowhere, former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters Championship. It looks like a mirac- It's in the hole! It's in the hole!~ Carl Spackler

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Re: Election

Thu Nov 05, 2020 10:16 am

Anybody got any 80% lowers they wanna sell me???? ??????

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Re: Election

Thu Nov 05, 2020 11:48 am

The Bible says it will be a weeping and moaning and gnashing of teeth. Regardless of the outcomes there will be a lot of the aforementioned going on. Just gonna try to relax and take it all in, whoever is going the weeping and moaning.

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Re: Election

Thu Nov 05, 2020 12:41 pm

9manfan wrote:Were phucked as sportsman, there will be a ammo tax, a gun tax or some liberal BS tax, they always come up with one......

If it's a Fed tax, they would need to directly tax the manufacturers/distributors ike with Pitman-Robertson. We do not have a mechanism for Federal Sales Tax. Your Federal gas tax is paid at wholesale distrution, not at retail, they just show you at the pump, but that's factored into the retail price.

That doesn't leave out State or local taxing district, but they aren't really setup for success due to mobility and interstate commerce. If it was a thing they could successfully tax, Minneapolis/Henn Cty would have done it years ago. It would be as successful in decreasing crime as Gun Buy Back programs.

If they go after manufacturing directly the greatest risk is stifling manufacturing locally and a trade war with other countries since they already pay a 10% excise fee on imported firearms/ammunition.

Add in the Senate will remain Rep, the Dems lost seats in the house and the Pres can't raise taxes.... it never gets out of committee. Mid-year, if they get away from the Q"Anon BS and run McCain types vs the unhinged, they take the house and flip seats in the Senate. But if the Tea Party/Trumpian faction keeps after it, crap will swing more blue. The risk to the cost of your ammo isn't some liberal wanker from CA as it is a Right Wing Nutter that is CONVINCED it will happen and arms themselves with affirming conspiracy theories to the point it becomes self-fulfilling prophecy.

If the Republican's lose the Pres this run, Biden is 1 and done. Harris will appeal to traditional Liberal strongholds, but won't play at all in the swing states and could be the thing that flips MN Red for a presidential run..... Biden's not winning as much as Trump is losing. Whatever good he's done is overshadowed by how many people are sick of his sh!t. If he could have just STFU and stayed off twitter he'd be in for a 2nd term.....

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Re: Election

Thu Nov 05, 2020 12:50 pm

lanyard wrote:Biden's not winning as much as Trump is losing. Whatever good he's done is overshadowed by how many people are sick of his sh!t. If he could have just STFU and stayed off twitter he'd be in for a 2nd term.....

Statement of the year right here. DJT admirably got alot done in his 4 yrs..... if he would have shown a tiny bit of empathy and generally acted like an adult this would have been a landslide in his favor. There were times in the past 4 years America needed his abrasiveness but not all the time. I don't fault anyone for being fed up with his nonsense on twitter. This was his to lose and he may have done it in epic fashion.

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Thu Nov 05, 2020 1:21 pm

People are sick the whole “they’re the enemy schtick” trump espoused. His irrational hate towards McCain is probably what might have flipped AZ blue, and could be what cost him the election. I’d call that poetic justice if I was McCain guy.

Trump is an azzhole. He’s not a d1ck. That’s an important distinction to make. All the chit he talks let’s people buy into this fantasy that they can be azzholes too, and that was his original draw. He allowed people to live out their azzhole fantasies. MLDS even said in this thread he likes and wishes he could talk to his customers that way, but it’s all fantasy, because no business can sustain itself treating people that way. Nobody can sustain being an azzhole forever. Human beings don’t like it, we don’t like authoritative and tyrannical leaders.

Trunk was gifted Antifa and far left agitators. Losing to 77 year old Biden with a corrupt cop as his running mate is beyond embarrassing. This is missing and open net. This is a deep shame on his family. They will be seen as losers for generations because of this.

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Re: Election

Thu Nov 05, 2020 1:42 pm

The sad truth is that a free press is always for sale. China owns our media. Biden is China's least he wasn't a cheap whore for them, a billion and a half ain't cheap.

Once you realize that China owns our media everything will start making sense.

Russian interference?

What's the best way to not get caught if you're actually interfering with everything American?

Find yourself a patsy and the play the deceitful game of misdirection. No one will ever look into and investigate any of the shit pointing towards you when they're convinced it's someone else and intently focused on what they perceive as their enemy. Russia was a ready-made fall guy for the Chinese. All the history between us, societal shifts in our cultures (what the phags here cry are human rights violations over there), and a leader who's corrupt and insecure over his country's share of global influence to posture more often then the Chinese could hope for to make Russia seem like the obvious choice.

Russian interference? Because they supposedly had a handful of dudes trolling Facebook?

China owns our media. They literally determine what information our populous is bombarded with several thousands times a day. Think of all the stimuli your brain receives in a 24 hour news cycle. Every time there's a TV or radio going somewhere in the background with a news update, every time you glance at your phone, look at a billboard while driving.....

....that shit doesn't exist because it doesn't work. Every last little bit of all those messages are received and planted somewhere in your cortex.

If you don't like Trump I can almost guarantee the reason why is that you've been programmed to not like him. You lay out what he's done for the country and what's there to not like?

I'm not sure how common this experience is, but I'm guessing it's fairly relatable....

While growing up, was there a guy in your class who was a pompous arrogant ****...the rich kid? Who's dad was a lawyer (especially) or maybe a doctor? The type of kid who got a brand new car Mercedes or beamer for his 16th birthday? The type of kid that always got out of any consequences that were the result of their misbehavior because if they got suspended or something you'd see their parents walk into school in a bad ass suit, march straight into the administrative office, be warmly greeted by the schmuck principal before he closed the door for their meeting? The type of kid that you thought was a total cocky douche and maybe even despised.......

......until you became friends with him in high school and once you were on each other's side you realized that he was pretty fukcing cool, and it was really fukcing awesome to always have him going to bat for you? When you did something and got suspended for five days....what it meant when he got his reduced to two days after his parents came in and told the principal (or cops) this shit wasn't going to fly that it meant the principal was going to reduce yours to two as well.

It's pretty nice having a total prick that always looks at everything from the standpoint, "What am I getting out of this?" very much be including you when he says "I."

Too many people never got that he wasn't in this for himself. He didn't want to become president for himself. He did it for this country. I don't think even he thought he had a serious shot at president. I think he believed he could bring a lot to the table as president....knowing how the global economy works and all the ways America is getting screwed over on both ends of every deal (trade agreement) we were in. Then once he started to test the waters I think more or less to satisfy his own curiosity, not unlike me trying to paint or anything you all have taken up having a curiosity about whether you'd be good at it, but then as his message started resonating with the masses and the crowds began to grow he started taking it seriously....all the way to the white house.

Trump bent China over the barrel on trade talks and he was just getting started. If he had another four years we would've seen manufacturing come back in a big way. Not 1950's through 70's big, but the biggest since then. Millions of high paying manufacturing jobs big.

We don't even make the steel for the shit we build here anymore....we make so little I feel that statement is valid. When the price of gas was at $4 in what 2014? Companies were looking into getting US steel since shit from China got really expensive....well, the labor, materials, lack of tariffs, devalued currency to the dollar, all the shit deliberately put in place to create a streamlined system designed to fukc us and make it impossible for any American to even try to compete....that was all still there and cheap as ever, but the only thing they can't change to favor them is China being on the other side of the globe and having to pay the transportation cost in getting their shoddily made wares here. High oil and petrol prices lead to increased prices of Chinese goods. So as a result some American companies started pricing out what steel made here cost thinking that even if it was considerably more it still might cost less after saving on transportation since stuff made here is already here.

What those companies found out was that we don't have a steel industry anymore. As in let's say you're a filet knife company and want to order 10,000 steel blades so you can assemble them by putting a wood handle on them, package them, and sell them as your product......

.....there was nowhere to place that order in our country. That type of manufacturing no longer exists. That's how thoroughly effective the Chinese have been at destroying American manufacturing. All the shit that used exist here is gone. If you want a mass produced knife stamped with U.S. on the steel you have to go to an antique store to find one.

Steel.....the basic building material for damn near everything and we don't make it anymore. That's like being a kid in school and not having notebooks....some type of paper to write on and a pen or pencil. How do you stand a chance when you don't have the basic stuff required to do the job? If you don't even have the option of trying how will you ever have a chance to succeed? If you don't make basic shit needed for pretty much everything, like steel, how can you ever begin to try bringing US manufacturing back? How are you going to create jobs here when there's nowhere to place an order at for the basic components a company is looking to pay for so they can build a plant, hire employees, assemble the product that's the basis for their business, to sell to the American consumer?

It's a big problem that has exponentially negative effects. Think of how limited you are as a country if you can't produce any goods? Think of how exposed that makes you from every strategical standpoint. Think of how many jobs you have limited yourself from ever creating by not having basic manufacturing capabilities?

For those of you who think US manufacturing ain't ever coming back you're least in thinking it can't come back, with Trump losing I don't think it ever will because China won't let it happen. China runs this country. That's why a guy coming out of left field, not a part of the establishment they bought and paid for (Repubocrats are one in the same equally owned by China), who identified how China was screwing over the US in a manner even the dumbest American could understand, and stated exactly how he was going to take care of it..... it any wonder the Chinese owned media has been on a 24/7 smear campaign against him ever since he threw his hat in the ring?

No president has ever gotten such exceedingly biased reporting and flat out misinformation driven into the minds of Americans than Donald J. Trump.

This country needs to wake the fukc up really soon otherwise we might as well start teaching Mandarin in schools so the coming generations will be able to understand what their oppressors are talking'd give them a fighting chance of someday being free again.

We're going to see everything go back to the way it was without it getting the requisite time to bare fruit for us. With Trump in we'd see enough manufacturing start to come back to where people would see it's real despite our media trying to brainwash them into believing it's not possible.

Those who think manufacturing isn't coming back don't get it.

Will we ever be manufacturing stuff for the rest of the world like we were post WWII when we were China before China was China?

No. That's not what anyone is suggesting.

There is always going to be a place and need for a country to manufacture things for their own people as the consumer market. Every country makes shit that is consumed only by their citizens. Maybe it costs a little more, maybe it's not quite as well's still close enough in quality and pricing to the competition that enough fellow countrymen will buy it.

My brother in-law is a German national from Hamburg. Do you think in Germany if some dude wanted to start a filet knife company and was looking for to place an order to a domestic company for 10,000 blade blanks that wouldn't be possible? Despite how you're not going to see Germany stamped across many to any of the blades you see for sale here in the'd still be able to fill that order there.

The other thing about my brother-in-law is how obsessed he is with his money going towards German companies. He, and thus my little sister, will only shop for groceries at Aldi's for instance since Aldi's is a German company. If there was only a Cub in town and the nearest Aldi's was a hundred miles away he wouldn't shop at Cub. He'd eat out for a couple meals, go through all the canned goods and stuff in the freezer that's been there for years first, and eventually if he was going to be stuck in this place for a while he'd start making monthly or bi-monthly hundred mile trips to Aldi's while driving there in his Volkswagen.


Buy American. Seriously, I challenge you to buy American for at least your Christmas gifts or Birthday presents or stuff like that. I don't care if you buy them what you were going to anyways.....I'm just saying supplement it with an additional gift that's American. Go on Etsy and buy some crafting shit some chick made in her garage in New Mexico or some shit to give with whatever other Chinese made shit you normally would give her. Even if it's something that costs $10 or $15 and is a trinket side gift....

.....Go out of your way to buy something American when you're burning through cash being a materialistic consumer. Unless you're buying stuff like tires for the car and toilet paper you can go out of your way to find something American to buy when purchasing gifts. It'll make you get creative and buy stuff that's more unique and will look like you put a lot of thought into it....buying American instead of Chinese in that regard will probably get you laid.


Don't forget that Joe Biden is a career politician lying fukc who sold China our military technology as VP for $1,500,000,000.00 A billion and a half dollars.

That's how he got the nomination, that's how he benefited from the one-sided, blatantly biased media coverage of the candidates, that's how he got in.......China got their guy in. They paid a lot to buy him, they paid a lot to get him elected, they pay a lot (and make a lot) to control our media. They're not investing all that to lose money....they make it all back and a lot more by fukcing us over and making us completely reliant on them for Everything we consume or use. Even medications keeping people alive....if you ever are one of those people then the Chinese literally have control over whether you live or die. A country full of pill poppers and we can't even make our own......

Everywhere else in the world their news only talks about their countries in a positive light. It's like how we root for the Vikings despite knowing they suck.....because that's our team. That's how the media and people are in other countries.....even when they know they suck you're not going to stop them from rooting for their team....their media is always going to cover their country like PA covers the Vikings.

We're the only country in the world where the media covering their country is almost all negatively biased against their own country. Who does media coverage portraying degenerate njggers as saints to cause rioting and the burning of cities benefit? It's certainly not us. Think about it. Think about how during an economic shutdown, pandemic fears at hysterical highs, all sorts of things going on simultaneously that aren't just news stories but historical events occurring......

.....and one of the biggest running narratives being pushed above it all was how calling covid the "Chinese Virus" was racist and xenophobic.

Only the Chinese would be worried about something like that damaging their image to Americans. No "independent free press" on American soil would come up with the notion that "Chinese Virus" is racist and then hammer it as hard as they did as long as they did.......

....and that could've only happened if China owns our media like they do.

The media is by far and away the biggest threat this country is facing.

It's a deliberate stream of misinformation aimed at creating civil unrest, killing patriotism within the citizens of this great country, and brain-washing Americans to do what they want....mainly to be anti-American and do stupid shit like vote for Joe Biden.

Donald Trump is the greatest president during any of our lifetimes who put more on the line for his countrymen than we could ever hope for from a president.

If you disagree I don't blame you.....

.....I blame those slanty eyed chink commie **** for brainwashing you into disagreeing and being unable to see the true greatness of Trump as a leader.

I just really hope enough of his 'America First' Trumpism has been planted to grow over time and save us from our own demise.

For now we're stuck with Biden.....can't wait to [as a country] suck China's dick with each one-sided trade out of millions, get butt raped by a new NAFTA, grovel to Europe, give aid and military defense to all the freeloading homos, and in probably three months from now be back in all the gay shit like the Paris Climate Accord like a bunch of cocksucking phaggots.
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Re: Election

Thu Nov 05, 2020 3:21 pm

not going to lie, read about half your rant and gave up. The problem i see is that rich boy trump never got his ass kicked and feels he can be a asshole to every he wants cause he has money and lawyers and at one point a dad who would probably "took care of it" His ego couldnt keep him off social media. He thinks he is the best greatest thing to ever walk the earth and he will tell ya that....he has. And if he loses you could bet your ass he is going to bring all sorts of lawsuits to the table as well. wah wah wasnt fair, he cheated, i am going to bring my lawyers and go after you guys all while crying and complaining on the twitters and face books.
official sour toe member number 52,814

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Re: Election

Thu Nov 05, 2020 3:45 pm

kwackkillncrew wrote:not going to lie, read about half your rant and gave up. The problem i see is that rich boy trump never got his ass kicked and feels he can be a asshole to every he wants cause he has money and lawyers and at one point a dad who would probably "took care of it" His ego couldnt keep him off social media. He thinks he is the best greatest thing to ever walk the earth and he will tell ya that....he has. And if he loses you could bet your ass he is going to bring all sorts of lawsuits to the table as well. wah wah wasnt fair, he cheated, i am going to bring my lawyers and go after you guys all while crying and complaining on the twitters and face books.

I would echo this statement.

Trump has spoken terribly of people who the join the military. When you have guys like Mad Dog Mattis resigning, that’s a really bad sign. See, rich cocksucks like Trump only care about money. Notions of honor, integrity, duty, these are all entirely unrelatable the Uber wealthy, they think it’s cute. Of course he thinks things like guys who join the military are suckers and losers, they ALL think that way.

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Fish Felon
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Re: Election

Thu Nov 05, 2020 6:07 pm

While growing up, was there a guy in your class who was a pompous arrogant ****...the rich kid? Who's dad was a lawyer (especially) or maybe a doctor? The type of kid who got a brand new car Mercedes or beamer for his 16th birthday? The type of kid that always got out of any consequences that were the result of their misbehavior because if they got suspended or something you'd see their parents walk into school in a bad ass suit, march straight into the administrative office, be warmly greeted by the schmuck principal before he closed the door for their meeting? The type of kid that you thought was a total cocky douche and maybe even despised.......

......until you became friends with him in high school and once you were on each other's side you realized that he was pretty fukcing cool, and it was really fukcing awesome to always have him going to bat for you? When you did something and got suspended for five days....what it meant when he got his reduced to two days after his parents came in and told the principal (or cops) this shit wasn't going to fly that it meant the principal was going to reduce yours to two as well.

It's pretty nice having a total prick that always looks at everything from the standpoint, "What am I getting out of this?" very much be including you when he says "I."

kwackkillncrew wrote:not going to lie, read about half your rant and gave up. The problem i see is that rich boy trump never got his ass kicked and feels he can be a asshole to every he wants cause he has money and lawyers and at one point a dad who would probably "took care of it" His ego couldnt keep him off social media. He thinks he is the best greatest thing to ever walk the earth and he will tell ya that....he has. And if he loses you could bet your ass he is going to bring all sorts of lawsuits to the table as well. wah wah wasnt fair, he cheated, i am going to bring my lawyers and go after you guys all while crying and complaining on the twitters and face books.

I'd rather have a president who's an asshole to everyone while standing up for himself (that means Americans) than a sleazeball career politician like Biden who will suck them off for the right amount of money.

You want a guy going into meetings with foreign leaders who's an asshole. A guy that is going in with the mindset that other guy is there to do what's best for their country even if at the detriment of your country. Expect that they're looking to fukc you over as much as you'll let them.....and then do the same thing back to them using the immense leverage you have as president of the US.

It sounds like you guys will be real happy with Joe. He's not an asshole. He's real friendly....just like a stripper at the Seville. Every whore is nice to butter you up until you pay them.

Joe will get along with every world leader just splendidly. That's because he's there looking to sell you out.....not defend you and act on your behalf.

Why would you want that?

As far as the lawsuits, I'd be suing too. There's a bunch of very liberal volunteers in the bluest of counties counting ballots that will ultimately decide who is the president. They won't allow anyone from the Trump campaign in to observe them while they're counting them. Why they're being counted without reps from both campaigns present to observe is idiotic. Why are they closing off the process to all outsiders? I'm not saying any wrongdoing should be assumed.....but if I was in charge of the count I'd open the doors to both campaigns and the press.

Just the act of making it a closed door affair instantly makes it in doubt and inherently means it'll be illegally challenged. If nothing shady is happening then what is their to hide?
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