Mergie Marauder
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Wed Nov 18, 2020 11:38 pm

Any of you guys get into it?

I lift 3 nights a week although I can no longer do heavy lifting like I used to, I do lighter more reps. But I really enjoy it been fairly consistent with it for 10 years now

Also run the dog approx 3 miles nightly...he absolutely loves running...there's no greater motivator than seeing him happy...even if I don't want to do it I know he looks forward to it all day and that motivates me. When he was a puppy I would take him for walks and jog a little here and there...and he'd jump up on the back of my knees when I slowed down. Realized he was telling me to run you lazy mf'er lol...hes got quite the personality.

I'm not some ripped beastly mf'er but guess it's probably beneficial... especially after seeing what my friends have turned into the last5 years as we approach 40

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Re: Fitness

Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:34 am

Sounds like you’re doing the right stuff. It is hard to stay in shape after age 40.

My dad, who lived to be 96, was active everyday. Mostly it was yard work or walking, but it kept him mobile and flexible. Our bodies are meant to move and we should listen to it.
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Re: Fitness

Thu Nov 19, 2020 8:46 am

I would like to carve out the time now that I no longer live an adventurous life but dam... straight up exercise is a mental hurdle equal to golf in my mind.

I walk a lot at work and I stretch every morning to keep my back from aching.

Saturday My 5year old daughter talked me into doing exercises they do at school... burpees, mountain climbers, windmills, jumping jacks, push-ups. Thought my rusty joints and bearings were going to explode or seize up. Talk about feeling old... especially since I walk so much but man... I don’t do anything fast or jerky anymore. Ufda. Wonder if I can get it back and do those things again

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Fitness

Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:03 am

Every day..... and I also have a job that keeps me pretty active.

I try to lift 5 (ideally 6) days a week and run 5 days so some days I double up. Lifting is usually an hour and running is 4-8 miles. I used to love lifting and dread running. Now if I only have time for one, I run... I don't feel like ive done anything if I haven't run. I'd love to do a ultra some day but the one's nearby take place at about the most inopportune time for me from a family standpoint and where I'd be training wise. Like Goggins' says in his book, regular marathons are for weekend warriors.... Ultra's are where it's at. I say that having never run an ultra though :grin:

I'm not advocating anyone do what I do. I'm blessed with more time than a normal working person to do things like excercise but at minimum do something. Get out and move. if you can only run 1/2 mile run 1/2 mile. If you can't lift heavy, at least lift light.... Eventually it becomes such a part of you its no longer work but more habit. Like brushing your teeth.

I've found as I've aged it's alot easier to stay in shape than get in shape.

Motivators..... go out in public and see what we've become. I know theres some that truly can't help it via metabolism, health issues they didn't ask for, etc... but a vast majority of our population don't seem to care about themselves until they need to (i.e. covid19 pandemic, better get in shape). Then spend a week chasing elk or deer in the mountains and see how tough animals can actually be.

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Re: Fitness

Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:05 am

Lifted 5 plus days per week for 20 years, got into crossfit 5 plus days per week until I severely broke my leg/ankle and caused irreplaceable damage in 2016. That injury changed my fitness to this date. Two surgeries and combined couldn't walk full weight for about 1 year, have no cartilage in my ankle so when I can't take the pain anymore need to get it replaced. That means zero running/jogging/can't do dead lifts or squats or any standing bar work or I pay for it the next day in that bad joint.
So I lost some good weight and put on some bad but not fat.

So now I am at a crossroads. So hard to wrap my head around not being able to lift hard as I get older. I don't know how Goggins or Cam Hanes train that hard without joint issues like I have.

I am currently working out again after covid every morning. Peleton biking one morning and peleton yoga the next. I feel kinda gay doing the yoga but really helps balancing out my body after the accident injuries. I have a sweet weight set up in my shed but no heat so don't lift at all in winter with Covid shutting down gyms. If there wasn't covid I would joint YMCA and lift lightly 5 days per week as well.

Hardest thing for me was admitting I am getting older and need to focus on health rather than strength....if that makes sense? I think it's more important to improve my cardio than strength.

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Re: Fitness

Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:37 am

^^^ I never paid much attention to crossfit until Rogan started being a pretty vocal critic of it which que'd me to look into it. I'm amazed there's not more injury involved w/ crossfit than there is (which is alot).

"need to focus on health rather than strength" - excerciese is only 1/2 the equation. diet and nutrition are just as critical. It's a symbiotic relationship.

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Re: Fitness

Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:38 am

Wife got a peloton a year ago so we are in the cult. Try to ride 3 days a week. Cross country ski in the winter and hike mountains in the summer. Its amazing how heavy a 25 pound baby on your back feels half way up the mountain.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Fitness

Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:57 am

How is the peloton? The office gym has one and literally nobody uses. Been wanting to give it a try.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Fitness

Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:03 pm

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:How is the peloton? The office gym has one and literally nobody uses. Been wanting to give it a try.

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The nice thing is you can make a profile and then it will save your abilities or metrics. So I like the power zone rides which is out put based on 7 zones of effort. If you do a test it will save your zones, then when doing a ride you use your zones so it's catered to your ability and you can track your improvements.

Plus some of the instructors have huge tits.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Fitness

Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:41 pm

I should give it a shot. I was running a good amount before it got cold, but since my “western” big game hunt in October I haven’t been very active.

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