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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Fri Apr 09, 2021 7:49 am

Everything I've seen thus far on the news shows Chauvin's defense attorney as being less than competent. Our media is so disgustingly biased that it wouldn't shock me at all if he's actually awesome and just eviscerating everyone the prosecution has put on the stand. It certainly doesn't look that way but who knows. My gut tells me the defense attorney is subpar but I honestly have no clue.....since our media sucks to the point that a guy who had enough fentanyl in him to kill an elephant, a guy who was a total piece of shit that robbed a pregnant woman at gunpoint, a lifelong career criminal who was dumb enough to use counterfeit currency to buy smokes and then sit parked out in front of the place he used it at for an hour while he waited to complete a drug deal....

....somehow our media is biased enough to turn that guy into a martyr to where half the businesses in the biggest city who knows if anything they tell us at this point is even remotely what it seems to depict.

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Fri Apr 09, 2021 8:08 am

The media is completely untrustworthy in reporting this case. They are totally biased and not hiding it. I’m not watching closely but I heard some commentators saying the defense has missed a few opportunities to speak up.

But the defense hasn’t called any witnesses yet, right? It will certainly be interesting to see what they present in terms of toxicity and “bruising” etc to neck from the autopsy report.

I think chauvin is probably a dirtbag too but I think there’s an awful big chance Floyd was dying before chauvin arrived

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Fri Apr 09, 2021 8:23 am

I know a handful of people that have met Chauvin in passing, a few of which are about as pro cop as they come, and they all say Chauvin seems like an azzhole.

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Fri Apr 09, 2021 8:48 am

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:I know a handful of people that have met Chauvin in passing, a few of which are about as pro cop as they come, and they all say Chauvin seems like an azzhole.

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What about Floyd? You run across a handful of people who know him?

So an azzhole cop and a POS drug addict met and now both are off the streets. win/win

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Fri Apr 09, 2021 8:55 am

Regarding the media - it's a total joke. There is no such thing as a fair trial, for anyone. At one time years ago most likely but those days are over, I'm on active jury duty right now. Haven't had to go in and looks like I will not get called in but honestly I don't think I could be impartial and I'm prolly considered a super normal average joe.
If I do get called in and go thru some sort of questioning I will be honest and say how I feel.

But this chauvin trial is such a joke. Walzrus has said multiple times he is guilty, Ellison has said the same, fast tracking the record payment to Floyd's family was clearly to skew the trial, the list goes on and on. It's a formality, he was never going to get a fair trial.

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A Really Bad Coincidence

Fri Apr 09, 2021 9:26 am

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Fri Apr 09, 2021 9:31 am

Stute Slap wrote:Regarding the media - it's a total joke. There is no such thing as a fair trial, for anyone. At one time years ago most likely but those days are over, I'm on active jury duty right now. Haven't had to go in and looks like I will not get called in but honestly I don't think I could be impartial and I'm prolly considered a super normal average joe.
If I do get called in and go thru some sort of questioning I will be honest and say how I feel.

But this chauvin trial is such a joke. Walzrus has said multiple times he is guilty, Ellison has said the same, fast tracking the record payment to Floyd's family was clearly to skew the trial, the list goes on and on. It's a formality, he was never going to get a fair trial.

Just one. A gal I saw off and on for about 9 months before I met my current gf, knew George from one of his security gigs. Said he seemed very nice. She didn’t know him outside of that tho.

I would say my circles have more EMT and HCMC employee types than the types that would be associated with Floyd tho.....

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Fri Apr 09, 2021 10:19 am

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:
Stute Slap wrote:Regarding the media - it's a total joke. There is no such thing as a fair trial, for anyone. At one time years ago most likely but those days are over, I'm on active jury duty right now. Haven't had to go in and looks like I will not get called in but honestly I don't think I could be impartial and I'm prolly considered a super normal average joe.
If I do get called in and go thru some sort of questioning I will be honest and say how I feel.

But this chauvin trial is such a joke. Walzrus has said multiple times he is guilty, Ellison has said the same, fast tracking the record payment to Floyd's family was clearly to skew the trial, the list goes on and on. It's a formality, he was never going to get a fair trial.

Just one. A gal I saw off and on for about 9 months before I met my current gf, knew George from one of his security gigs. Said he seemed very nice. She didn’t know him outside of that tho.

I would say my circles have more EMT and HCMC employee types than the types that would be associated with Floyd tho.....

Wow small world dude

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Fri Apr 09, 2021 1:03 pm

Stute Slap wrote:
But this chauvin trial is such a joke. Walzrus has said multiple times he is guilty, Ellison has said the same, fast tracking the record payment to Floyd's family was clearly to skew the trial, the list goes on and on. It's a formality, he was never going to get a fair trial.

That’s because a lot of liberals don’t care about our constitution, due process, etc. They are driven by feelings.

Totally agree with you, this is so far from a fair trial. The payment for the civil suit before the criminal trial was so idiotic and definitely meant to send a message.

Ours news is now nothing more than political propaganda and it’s both sides. They don’t even really try to hide it anymore. Scary thing is a lot of people are too stupid to see through their bullshit.

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Fri Apr 09, 2021 2:20 pm

What I want to know is this....

Did any of the officers there, in however many squad cars were at the scene (at least two) have narcane? If not, then why not? My understanding is that this is something that a lot of officers have been trained to use and have available when working.

They obviously knew the guy was OD' still blows my mind that the entire media and most of the world missed the fact that EMT's don't just show up at arrest scenes.....the officers knew Floyd was OD'ing and the only way Chauvin should be convicted of anything is if they had narcane available and chose not to administer it.

Even then I'm not 100% on that saving him. If Narcane wasn't there then the next question I want to know......the type of question fifty years ago our media actually was competent enough in doing what's called "journalism" to ask.......why did it take nine minutes for the ambulance to arrive?

Abbott Northwestern is blocks away. Even HCMC coming from down town should've been able to make it there in four minutes tops.

Had an ambulance arrived in two minutes like it realistically should have and been able to administer Narcane.....would George Floyd still be alive?

Even if he wouldn't be alive, would half the city still have burned if the video showed Chauvin kneeling on his neck for 90 seconds prior to paramedics taking over and administering aid to a still conscious Floyd?

Maybe but maybe not....most likely not in my opinion.

What happened with Floyd was a really bad coincidence like the title of this thread states. The notion that Chauvin kneeling on a man who coincidentally dies of drug overdose just before he gets off him.....was solely on him is pretty unfair, regardless if he's a prick or not. What happened to Floyd was the culmination of a lot of things going wrong....a lot of different people's actions converging in the worst possible way with Floyd being the number one factor to what his fate ended up being. I'm not saying the guy deserved to die or anything like that but there were no less than a dozen truly retarded decisions he made that day that I think 99% of people would choose to not make the same choice that he did. Had he done just one of any of them different it would've resulted in what happened not playing out the way it did.

There are so many legitimately important questions that the media should have sought to find answers on. What I don't get is that a lot of the ones I just posed aren't the least bit racially biased yet they still never asked them let alone tried to get them answered.

The questions on Narcane being the most important. Where I stand on this is pretty obvious and I'm pretty feet are firmly planted where I'm standing.

Yet if it was discovered that Chauvin had narcane on him the entire time......

.....that changes everything and I'd agree that he's a murderer.

It changes my view of him as a grizzled, desensitized, hard ass cop who isn't afraid to put a foot across the line to get the job done who just so happened to be put in the wrong spot at the wrong time to where he looked really, really bad despite him actually trying to help the guy and never having the thought of wanting George Floyd dead ever even cross his mind......

.....and turns my view of him into the new view that he's a sadistic fukc who enjoyed being on top of a guy as the life went out of him while he OD'ed, and he enjoyed the fact that he could've maybe saved him....and was absolutely obligated to administer narcane under the oath he swore to honor protecting the civilians he took on the responsibility of protecting, voluntarily....he chose to take that responsibility on.

So to me.....the media investigating why there wasn't narcane there amongst four officers in at least two different squad cars is a pretty obvious and very fukcing important question that any schmuck journalist with half a brain would've thought to ask and get the correct answers to.

It's absolutely shameful that out of the insane amount of people reporting on this story global and how heavily invested they've been in covering it.......that not one **** dipshit out of all of them didn't come to the realization that investigating the lack of narcane being there and/or used was something they were obligated to find out and report that info to the public.
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