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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Fri Apr 09, 2021 3:44 pm

why dont they put a person who isnt on drugs in the same situation in court. Be like a MMA thing. Have a person the same weight as the cop and a person who is of the same body type as floyd (just not on drugs) Put the "cops" knee on the dudes neck and have him tap if he cant breath. find one guy that is extremely on georges side and one who is extremely on the cops side to get the knee to the neck that way its a little less bias. Was it a non breathing situation or was his weight cutting off blood supply. I dont follow this stuff nearly as much as you guys.
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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:30 pm

^^^That's actually not a bad idea.

He started saying, "I can't breathe," in the back of the squad car untouched. He asked to be let out so he could lay on the ground, which they obliged him with. The spot he's laying is where he chose to lay down. Chauvin came over to show the rookies a thing or two and used the knee restraint he was taught to hold him there.

He was talking at first so he obviously didn't have enough weight on him to compress his airway until it was blocked and he couldn't breathe because if Chauvin did that he wouldn't be able to talk.

Not being able to breathe is a textbook symptom of a fentanyl overdose. Technically he died from cardiopulmonary arrest....caused by some very severe underlying health conditions, Floyd being higher than anyone alive can possibly ever know, and freaking out knowing he was going to die.

I think it'd be pretty hard to choke someone out with their knee to the back of their neck at the angle Floyd's windpipe was in relation to the ground, not to mention his size. If Floyd was on his back with his windpipe facing straight up? Then I think he'd be able to asphyxiate and possibly kill him. It takes a lot to choke someone out when they're in a choke hold and you basically have your arms around their neck leveraging your arm strength like they're in a vice.

Chauvin isn't some big guy....maybe a couple hundred pounds??? With a knee on the ground supporting a lot, maybe most, of his weight....and the angle he's pressing into Floyd's neck....and the size and strength of Floyd?

There's no way Chauvin kneeling on his neck would choke him out. It's enough weight to stop him from being able to get up, maybe enough to mess with his breathing a little but I don't think it'd be possible to kill him when the pressure point is the side of his neck where it's the strongest. Not the front where it's the weakest.
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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:40 pm

I think Steven Crowder did a vid like that. Never watched it tho.

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:58 pm

I actually had my wife kneel on my neck. While very uncomfortable and possiblely cutting off blood, I never felt like I was going to die die to not breathing.
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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Fri Apr 09, 2021 8:53 pm

The experts are all making prosecution look very good based on their testimony. One was saying Floyd would have went into a coma before the fentanyl killed him, and that never happened. Idk I try to watch the trial but then get bored way too quick after 3 minutes.

All the police trainers and police chief basically threw him under the bus with the knee on neck technique not being a part of training.

Idk... if my life was essentially on the line, I just feel like Chauvin should have picked a better a lawyer. The guy just doesn’t seem super sharp, kinda has a fat face. If I was in deep chit, I’d want a lawyer with a chiseled jawline.

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:50 am

He did go into a coma....for maybe a minute. He had a blood/fentanyl level of 11 ng/ml.

I don't know the exact figures offhand, but I feel like the ones I'll be using to make a comparison are fairly relative.

What's the blood/alcohol level of being drunk? As in heavily buzzed to flat out drunk?

0.12 to 0.18-ish....getting above 0.20 and you're in the realm of waking up after blacking out to find yourself on some random person's couch with a splitting headache, your tongue and lips bleeding because they're dry as paper and cracking, you've vomited down the front of your shirt, and luckily it's not your couch because you pissed yourself.

Death from alcohol poisoning/overdose?

0.35 to 0.40-ish. My understanding after doing a quick search is that if you get above 0.40 there's a good chance you're toast. I'm sure they've found plenty of bodies of people who drank themselves to death with amounts above and below.

So to put how fukced up Floyd was in perspective.....

....he had the alcohol equivalent to the amount of fentanyl in his system of a:

1.00 to a 1.10 blood alcohol content.

Or....over 1% of his blood was alcohol. Or over 2.5% of it was booze if you're converting it to 80 proof booze....just because that sounds cooler.

I think the notion of the experts comparing him to a "normal" fentanyl overdose is a pretty unfair and misleading comparison.

We're talking the top one percent of the top percentile for fentanyl overdose deaths here. The dude is a one in ten thousand elite OD'ing sumbitch.

On top of the fentanyl he had weed, speed, and booze in his system.....he also had been smoking a pack or two a day probably since he was twelve, and has congestive heart disease. Had Floyd skipped the drug cocktail and going to Cup Foods that day to instead go to a doctor's appointment for a physical and a series of invasive tests?

He might not have left. I'm not sure how it works for's probably retarded to imply they'd do an emergency angioplasty or open heart of something.......but if that ever was a thing based on risk of heart attack for people who aren't presidents or Saudi royalty....Floyd would be in that category.

That's what I don't get.....why the Hennepin coroner/medical examiner is changing his tune now because his autopsy very clearly illusttates how unhealthy Floyd was. The dude was near death as it was....a massive heart attack just waiting to happen.
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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Mon Apr 12, 2021 11:44 am

Y'all see the latest one? Looks like the gf is packing this week only a few blocks from her work

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Mon Apr 12, 2021 12:39 pm

Yeah, I saw it on the news. They reported he had a warrant out for his arrest but didn't say what it was for. Pretty big difference between a missed court date and a violent crime....seems like that'd be pertinent info needed to guage how the police reacted.

The only side out is from the dipshit who got shot's family and obviously probably biased for him & against the cops. I love how Walzrus issued a statement over his outrage over another black man being killed by police and the only one who's been on TV is the kid's (20yo) mom....who's white....looks Irish.

If the kid threw it in drive and was fleeing the arrest...unless there was an officer in front of the car then they shouldn't have shot him. That's my preliminary gut reaction but as always, we need to wait and let the details emerge from both sides before passing any judgment. Who the fukc knows at this point....need to give it time.

But yeah....I'd be getting my ass out of there too if I lived where your girlfriend does. They fukced up a lot of shit last night...looting, rioting, etc.....and that was with all the resources they had at the ready standing by in case shit goes down from the Chauvin trial. It makes you wonder how bad it would've been without a riot gang of law enforcement at the ready a short distance away coincidentally & conveniently??
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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:06 pm

If the only thing keeping a person from looting and stealing is fear of getting caught, not because its immoral, that person is actually an obedient coward. So sick of these opportunistic fu(ks.

Not sure what he was pulled over for originally for, but he was being arrested for having warrants for possession of a pistol without a permit. Seems the cop meant to go for her taser and shot him. I watched the vid, she seemed genuinely shocked she just shot him with a gun and not a taser.

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:59 pm

Walz pouring gas on the fire with his tweet. Seems like he likes watching our state burn.

The cop definitely made a mistake and meant to tase him. Unfortunate situation for sure. Per usual had the suspect not resisted none of this would have happened.

This should turn up the dial to the chauvin riots and looting this summer.

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