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Mergie Marauder
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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Mon Apr 12, 2021 2:21 pm

One thing I've heard many cops say behind closed doors, "female cops get people killed." YIKES

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Mon Apr 12, 2021 2:44 pm

Bad deal again, video of Chief saying left side taser, right side pistol and she grabbed the wrong one, but why didn't they move the kid farther from the car door and shut the door, get the f---ing cuffs on him and as Nershi states, if kid listens to orders we don't even know the arrest much misinformation out there already, heard they stopped him for scent trees hanging on mirror and heard expired tabs, but the looting and rioting is just STUPID....early Christmas shopping again I guess......
This crowd has gone deadly silent... Cinderella story, out of nowhere, former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters Championship. It looks like a mirac- It's in the hole! It's in the hole!~ Carl Spackler

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Mon Apr 12, 2021 3:16 pm

A chick cop fukcs up and accidentally shoots and kills a mulatto kid..... it's time to riot and loot businesses for those of us who....uh, are against accidents?

Man, smashing up some store fronts and then stealing whatever you can get your hands on will really stick it to "the white man" and let him know you mean business. He better get that the hood crowd won't tolerate.....uh, a white woman cop accidentally shooting a 20yo half white kid raised by his white mother.

This bullshite is all about the white man oppressing the black man!
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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Mon Apr 12, 2021 3:25 pm

Looting from people who had literally noting to do with the injustice I'm upset about is the language of the unheard.

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Mon Apr 12, 2021 3:45 pm

'Idiocracy' was pretty prophetic in a lot of ways. The devo of mankind's collective intelligence was spot on, but the movie missed by not capturing how violent and bitter humanity will become......
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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Mon Apr 12, 2021 3:55 pm

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:One thing I've heard many cops say behind closed doors, "female cops get people killed." YIKES

It makes sense. Chick cops are capable of handing out traffic tickets and working the cross walk in front of an elementary school....

....but arresting a big ass dude who's violent on serious charges who isn't looking to be taken into custody?

Who wouldn't want a 5' 4" 135lbs chick working that beat?! She's the right man for the job a'ight.
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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:03 pm

Yeah it's kinda a bad one mistaking your gun for a the same time in all these cases if they'd just comply nothing would happen. It's so friggen frustrating.

Aren't tasers typically like yellow...I assume they feel different in your hand weight and fit wise as well but I've never held one

I get in the heat of the moment how it could get mixed up but wasn't necessarily a split second deal she was holding it out in front of herself for a couple seconds

Gf don't live down there just works luckily

Gf showed me what my sister was posting on social medias... definitely the black sheep of the family

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:37 pm

I def think it was extreme incompetence. Never underestimate human incompetence.

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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Mon Apr 12, 2021 8:53 pm

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Yeah it's kinda a bad one mistaking your gun for a the same time in all these cases if they'd just comply nothing would happen. It's so friggen frustrating.

It's frustrating enough to the point of thinking about it makes me want to smash shit.

The left doesn't give a shit about blacks. If they did they'd be pushing to dump millions into a PR campaign focusing on educating blacks on what is expected when arrested.

There should be a law where the news is required to once a week play the highlights of the local police arresting a violent criminal that show the idiots the proper way to handle yourself when being arrested and not wind up dead.

Who in the fukc is dumb enough to think they have any chance of getting away? There's no chance....None. if you're in the driver's seat and you see cherries behind you, and you're driving around with an arrest warrant in your're fukced. There is Zero chance of getting away. There's like a .002% chance of fleeing and getting away for a few hours before they show up with a helicopter, hounds, and paramilitary SWAT teams.

How in the fukc do you go on the lamb in 2021? You'd have to get an old car with no onstar, pay cash for it off CL or something, and then make sure you have a good road atlas because you're never going to be able to use a phone ever ever....and then you're going to have to find a way to get smuggled to El Salvador or Venezuela or some place where you really don't want to live. South America and Africa are total shitholes, and those are your options....maybe Russia if you're rich.

It's just so unbelievably stupid to resist arrest. It's so unbelievably counterproductive to the cause of "not being in jail." Every time I see a story like this I can help but think, "dumb njggers," every time. Russian Roulette is a stupid game with bad odds....and resisting arrest is essentially playing RR with six bullets chambered instead of one. You're chance of them finding/catching/fukcing you is 100%. Not 99.999% but 100%. The only way you'll be able to avoid them getting you and whatever punishment you were facing being tripled is by eating a bullet. You're either going in, or you're going in the ground....that's the one and only way that you'll avoid being taken into custody. How people can be this insanely retarded to not get that just blows my mind. You think blacks parents....or in this case white parent....would tell their kids, "if you ever get arrested....shut your fukcing mouth and do what they tell you. Answer "yes sir" or "no sir" and nothing beyond that. If they ask you to answer a question that requires an explanation and you're already in cuffs then don't answer it. Shut your mouth and don't say a word and after two or three questions without you giving them a response of any kind, not even eye contact, they'll stop talking to you. When you get to jail call me and I'll get you out as fast as humanly possible. Don't worry about anything at that point beyond staying quiet and me getting you out. Don't say anything without a lawyer present."

And I'm not saying whites don't have any need for that convo either since.....two (or more) whites are killed by police for every black killed. Depends on the year, but the last time I looked at the FBI crime data/statistics 2:1 is the Floor goes up to three to one some years if I remember right.

Yet you almost never hear about a one. Justine Damond is the only one I can think of off hand that's been in the media at all.

That right there tells you how calculated and biased the narrative is we're getting pushed on us constantly. You'd think the media would occasionally cover a case of a white person being killed by a cop every so often just to make it not look so obvious.
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Re: A Really Bad Coincidence

Tue Apr 13, 2021 4:01 am

Fish Felon wrote:
The left doesn't give a shit about blacks. If they did they'd be pushing to dump millions into a PR campaign focusing on educating blacks on what is expected when arrested.

Brah, dey born wiff dat.
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