Mergie Marauder
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Thu Apr 15, 2021 9:28 pm

So who's gotten it, plans on getting it, refuses, etc?

I haven't gotten it and wasn't really planning on it unless it's required to travel to foreign countries, which I hope to do in the near future.

At least in the short term...there's still people who want it and have trouble getting it like my 62 yo mom. I'm 36 and healthy so I see no need to get one and take away from someone who legit needs it or wants wants it.

Gf was deemed an essential worker and received it as she works for a hospital system. Outside a sore arm she hasn't had any issues.

So...what's your take?

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vaccines

Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:29 pm

I’ll get it when it’s easy to get. I ain’t scared of it any more than I am of covid.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vaccines

Fri Apr 16, 2021 6:46 am

I’m fully vax’d. I was in the right place at the end of the day and there were unused doses they wanted to get used so I said you betcha.

I had Covid in November so scientifically I don’t think the vax will help much but I could be wrong.

I just want to go to Canada ASAP and I’m sure it’ll be needed for border crossings... although it seems the chances of the border opening for hunting season are pretty unlikely

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vaccines

Fri Apr 16, 2021 7:49 am

Considered essential (although I question the definition) so it was offered to us earlier on.

I passed. No politics or chest thumping....

The concern I have (minus the obvious issues going on with the J&J) that my doctor couldn't even tell me is moving fwd what the vaccine looks like. He thought boosters would probably be needed every few years but wasn't sure. Wasn't sure on the length of effectiveness.... etc... That's our frontline medical staff. I'm in the camp that it's probably safe enough, not likely a govt conspiracy..... but I don't want to start a giant downward spiral of needing a booster every 6mos. Latest article I saw (how much can you trust those?) was moderna or Pfizer CEO saying a booster would "likely" be needed every 12 mos and that the vacccine greatly reduces chances of CVD19 for only 6mos from 2nd dose. Soooo...... Say I do get the shot, when will I need a booster and when would I have to start worrying about CVD19 again? And why do I still need to where a mask and scoical D around other vaccinated people?

The unknowns for me aren't the long term effects from the vaccine like alot of the anti-vaxers are concerned with. It's how long/often will I have to be re-vaccinated? Had friends/family run the full gamut from no side effects at all to missing close to a week of work from being sick.

If govt's start using it as a restrictive card for travel or other things I'll likely get it.

I don't fault anyone for getting it or not getting it.

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Re: Vaccines

Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:06 am

I got my 2nd shot 2 weeks ago today, wife had gotten hers a month before me as where she works she was essential, after she had her 2nd shot she asked me if I was going to, I said I will when things calm down and the older people all get theirs,picked her up from work 2 days later and she said got you lined up for shot, I was like this week ?? They have a pharmacy where she works and they didn't have 1 dose spoken for and if not spoken for they have to throw it,so I got my shot's, were both in our early 60's.............she had Phizer and had bad headache and tired the next day, I had Moderna and was alittle tired the next evening but nothing serious at all..........
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Re: Vaccines

Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:23 am

I haven't got it.

I had covid so not real concerned.

Just going to wait awhile, no hurry. The more "they" push it on me, the less I want to get it. But if I want to travel and they require it I'll have no choice but until then I'm not real concerned one way or the other.

The whole vaccine passport does piss me off. Not so much for international travel because that is already a requirement for places in South America, and other places I've been to for like yellow fever, etc but if they require it for resturants, concerts, etc then they also should have one for all contagious diseases. Aids, herpes, etc

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Re: Vaccines

Fri Apr 16, 2021 11:04 am

I am fully vaccinated. I got the pfizer. 3 weeks ago alaska opened up vaccines for any one over the age of 16. Its pretty crazy to see how hard it is to get one in america and up here its pretty easy. Other then a sore arm i had no other side effects. My wife got hers (moderna) real quick since she is a veterinarian and qualified right away some how. She was fine after the first vaccine. the day after the second one she was feeling a little sick and sore but still went to work. The next day she woke up feeling fine. my biggest push for getting it was that if i did get covid and didnt have symptoms then gave it to an elder family member and they had serious issues from it i would feel terrible.
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Re: Vaccines

Fri Apr 16, 2021 11:34 am

In this area I'm hearing they have more vaccine then people to give it to right now, that prolly changes from week to week, I have 1 boy and his wife who won't get it, 1 son and his wife have gotten their shots and other son and his wife are expecting so I know she wont, don't think they will get shots either after kid arrives, I have no issue if they want it or don't, had a nefew get married last summer and I know they want to start a family and they both won't get it,thinking this will be the norm going forward.........
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vaccines

Fri Apr 16, 2021 1:05 pm

Haven't got it and do not plan to, in the near future anyways. With my age and health I am very low risk and I have no fear of getting it so I see no need to take a vaccine to prevent it. Similar to Kwack, my only concerns about getting it was not knowing I had it and giving it to someone in the vulnerable age group. The older people that I am with in my personal and work life have all got it so that worry has gone down a lot.

I think it is crazy that there is talk of a vaccine card to be able to travel, go to entertainment etc. It is even crazier that most people seem to be okay with that. Add it to the list of things that have surprised me of what people are willing to allow from this thing. If you would have told me that people would be so willing to fold and give up rights to big government for a virus with these statistics before this happened I never would have never believed it. Goes to show how much the government and media can control people with fear.

If they really start requiring a vaccine card there will be no problem getting a fake. There are already vaccine cards for sale on the internet and if a more sophisticated card is required I have no doubt that you will be able to get a fake vaccine card. Canada here I come!

I haven't been following it closely but it seems like it is more easy to get in rural areas based on feedback I have got from people who want it or got it. They are already giving it to people under 18 in my area. You have to be insane to give this to your child. There are plenty of unknowns with this mRNA vaccine. I am guessing it is safe but this covid is no risk to kids so why risk it? Probably a lot of helicopter parents that eat up everything CNN and Fauci tell them.

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Re: Vaccines

Fri Apr 16, 2021 7:57 pm

Since I already had covid with basically no symptoms I checked in to whether I even needed the vaccine and how it all works. From what I can tell, the vaccine protects you only. You can still be exposed to the virus and pass it on to someone else. You just won't get sick yourself. So be aware of that fact if you're reason for getting the vaccine is to not spread covid to someone else. It doesn't prevent that at all.

So to me, any rules saying you need the vaccine to participate in an event or travel are all BS. The vaccine does nothing to stop the spread of covid, it only keeps people from getting sick when they get the virus.

It's been a couple months now, but I think that info was on the CDC website. I also saw the likelihood of getting it a 2nd time is very low and the few cases of a 2nd round were less severe than the first round.

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