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Life Changes

Sun Apr 18, 2021 9:10 pm

Welp. We'll see where this goes

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Re: Life Changes

Mon Apr 19, 2021 6:20 am

Good luck with the transition!

I know you’re not excited about staying with the biz and also not exactly thrilled to sell it but I think you’ll be happier in the long switching gears.

Any plans for the next chapter or are you retiring when it sells?

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Re: Life Changes

Mon Apr 19, 2021 8:45 am

What that mean?

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Re: Life Changes

Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:07 am

Corp goals and realistic goals are never in reality it seems, I hope you do what's best for you MLDS, one thing I have learned after being in business for myself for 32 years I have finally learned to say the word NO, it was hard not to say no when I was soo far in debt, but now it's much easier , I will be 62 this year and going to try and make 65 before I pull the plug.........
This crowd has gone deadly silent... Cinderella story, out of nowhere, former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters Championship. It looks like a mirac- It's in the hole! It's in the hole!~ Carl Spackler

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Re: Life Changes

Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:14 am

That takes balls to walk away from a business, but if that's what you want to do ya gotta do it.

What's your plan now?

Will you miss seeing random dildo's laying around?

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Re: Life Changes

Mon Apr 19, 2021 10:23 am

I know several people in related industries who all own their own businesses. There is more work out there right now than any of them know what to do with. With your skill set, and acquired business acumen over these past several years, I’m rooting for you and am confident you will be killing it doing something else not far down the line. Be your legit own boss and make your million.
"The less I know about other people's affairs, the happier I am. I'm not interested in caring about people."
- Ron Swanson

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Re: Life Changes

Mon Apr 19, 2021 10:36 am

Thanks all...ya I'm not really certain if this is what I want to do for sure but they are throwing their weight around and backing me into a may not be what I want but may be smartest thing to do currently. If I were to stick with it I fear they'll really pull some shit on me

I've given a lot of thought to what I'd potentially's kinda hard to fathom as I've really only ever done this. I can't retire haha

I know it sounds probably pretty far fetched...but I absolutely love the financial markets and have enough track record I think I could trade from home full time as a living. To take additional pressure off I could pay off my house and land mortgage and basically need very little income monthly. This is the only thing the last 4 years that has kept me going and brought me any joy in that time period. Chasing the dream of ultimate freedom this could provide.

This is an ultimate dream of mine as I would have ultimate freedom. Could work from anywhere in the world or never leave home. Tons of time to do what I love and take care of aging parents. And be there for my own future family.

I've thought about opening a new business doing housing inspections...I can work on my own it'd be fairly flexible I know how to market it and what I do currently would be a great background. Can be super flexible hours.

I could work for my dad but think he's on his way out. Or maybe even take over his business

My mom and her sister also own/took over their dad's business that I could join.

Could get a part-time estimating/marketing job in the industry I'm currently in... allowing me to pursue the financial markets while still having some income. Oh maybe sell hourly one on one market training to supplement income from trading

Hell I could go back to school and get my masters in business if I really wanted to

I could get a job at any number of places...not being cocky I just understand the world to a very high degree and smart and a hard worker.

The question is do I want to? Do I want to deal with people on any level any more? The honest answer is I don't...the way this world is going...what people are like...even just driving you notice the complete dumbasses out and about? I just don't know if I can deal with any of it anymore.

I dunno...if it goes through I'd probably take some time for myself...emotionally get my head straight, take the gf on a vacation she deserves somewhere nice.

This isn't a big scary thing to me as I know the person I am and what I'm capable of. But it'd be a chance to finally pursue true happiness

The random dildos will definitely be missed...the cats latching into my face not so much

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Re: Life Changes

Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:22 am

"To thine own self be true" Shakespeare,

At the end of the day you answer to 2, the one in the mirror and the One above.

I wish you the best on whatever you decide to do.
God, help me be the man that my dog thinks that I am.

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Re: Life Changes

Mon Apr 19, 2021 4:52 pm

Good for you homey, I hope it goes as good or better than you hope!

I used to own my own insurance royally fukced by corporate. Similar set-up by the sounds of it where you're an independent contractor paid on a 1099 but essentially an employee and subjected to abide by their bullshit.

The problem with corporate America is what you see on day trading.......there's a lot of garbage companies (and good ones too) that are forced to constantly change shit and restructure just for the sake of appearance. That's what shareholders want. Even medium to small companies are forced to deal with it since they're usually owned by some parent company, that's a subsidiary of a large corporation, that is wrapped up in a DE incorporated holding company, and their shareholders want to see all the buzzwords play.....with "Innovation" being number one.

Good companies are stable and never change anything. They find their niche, work out their business processes and operations, and then don't change a fukcing thing for the next fifteen years.

Unfortunately that's not what investors find sexy......and ultimately every company is self-serving to who owns it.....whether that's a single person like you or me......or institutional investors owning millions of shares of common stock. When it's the latter?


They might be good companies to invest in but from my own experience and what I've seen they're the worst fukcing companies to do business with......crooked as hell and not only will they fukc over their business partners, but they seem to relish doing it.

Ultimately what it comes down to is that the most valuable thing in this life is time. The only reason why I value money at all is because it can afford you time. The world's richest man has the same net-worth as every penniless vagrant the day he dies. Net-worth to me is determined by the percentage of your life that you're able to do what you want while answering to no one. When you're forced to be somewhere doing something you don't want to do......your life is passing by while not belonging to you. We all only have so much sand in our hour glass.....try to have as much of it belong to you as it falls through and piles up in the bottom......because once the top is empty? You matter how much money any of us can accumulate it doesn't mean shit since when it's all said and done you can't buy any of that sand back.
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Re: Life Changes

Mon Apr 19, 2021 5:29 pm

I still have no clue what’s going on but I hope the changes work out for the best.

Just sell buy some Doge Coin, you’ll get rich.

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