Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vaccines

Fri Apr 16, 2021 10:30 pm

Ya know now that you mention that I remember that from a while back...this vaccine don't prevent transmission. I gotta read into that more

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Re: Vaccines

Fri Apr 16, 2021 11:24 pm

CDC Says they are still learning if getting the vaccine will prevent you to spreading to others. I was wrong. That's why you shouldnt learn from people on the internet's. I would think if you had covid then you probably have the same chance of giving it to some one else if you got it again but who knows. I am just a land surveyor who likes to kill ducks and caribou who has had a few beers and scotch on the rocks.

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Re: Vaccines

Sat Apr 17, 2021 9:11 am

" Goes to show how much the government and media can control people with fear. "

This is so is our worst fearmonger........
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Re: Vaccines

Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:18 pm

I haven't been to a doctor in like twenty years....I'm not really that health conscious of a person. I did have my Fargo buddy and his wife chew me out after telling them I wasn't going to get they played switch hitter using a short straw as a bat to clear lines of blow off a mirror in their basement.....while drinking about six fingers of whiskey, neat. I tried to tap dance around answering until finally sick of being pressed said, "My body, My fukcing choice!"

I always find it odd whenever I'm hanging out with people and getting real fukced up......and they go all health conscious on the bit.....cause if they're really worried about their health......they might want to start with cutting back on the booze and drugs in addition to any vaccine they plan on getting. I make sure to mention that I'm not a medical doctor and to keep that in mind before following any of my advice.

I'd probably be more likely to blow up a plane in protest of a vaccine passport than I would be getting the vaccine just to fly on a plane. With HIPAA there's no way that's constitutional (domestic flights) and when it comes to international understanding is that it's the US customs who wants to see coming back in. Besides maybe a couple snotty European countries who else is going to be dumb enough to cripple their economy and crush tourism by keeping out Americans?

I could care less if people vax or don't vax.....but I like Stu's idea that if they are required then they need to do it across the board for everything. Any illness that people are getting a scrip filled for should be on it.....from the HIV to IBS meds, and especially pills for ED.....anything and everything medical science is responsible for putting into people's bodies should be required to be on there. If we're going to collectively go, "Fukc our rights under HIPAA!" then let's fukc our rights under HIPAA. If the powers that be want to force me to medically put something into my body and carry around a piece of paper proving I did it?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander......make all the same dbags have to show the same for their Valtrex scrip after an ill-fated night in Mexico when a BJ turned into unprotected sex and cold sores on their dick.

I bet they'll remember and then voice objection to doing it by citing the protections afforded under HIPAA real, real quick....
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Re: Vaccines

Mon Apr 19, 2021 10:14 am

I potentially knew some kids in high school who allegedly worked part-time at the local drug store and may or may not have sometimes worked the pharmacy register if things got busy.

Kinda like the government now has a “no fly list”, there may have been a similar “no enter list” for my hometown and surrounding areas.
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Re: Vaccines

Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:09 am

Nope and Nope.

Lemmings.... Lemmings as far as the eye can see....

mRNA vaccines do not work long term. (Vaccines like for Polio and Small Pox are not mRNA). What this vaccine does is alter your DNA genes. It's never been done before - you are being Guinea Pigs. They have ZERO clue long term what it will do to you. (Remember that normal vaccines take 7 to 10 yrs to develop - this was done in 6 months time).
Frankly you have got to be fukcing nuts to take it if you are of child bearing age - and if you at all paid attention to science classes in Jr HS - that includes the guys as your DNA is indeed transferred to your future child.
Just last night I listened to this discussion - there is a conspiracy not to report all the side effect so far known. Some people are coming to the ER 1 or 2 days after getting vaccinated having had strokes. Paramedics tell ER DRs - hey we are seeing a pattern. DRs in fear for their jobs are not reporting it for fear of being a labeled a troublemaker and then discredited by the Med Execs and big Pharma. Hmmmm...
Congress last June (Trump signed it) removed ALL liabilities from the manufacturers and those that administer it. Thus no legal recourse if anything what so ever goes wrong. Hmmmm...
Coincidence? Why was there no traditional flu reported this year? Zero. Nada. None. Usually there is 50 to 80K dead each winter in the USA from traditional flu. What happened to it this winter? Were these deaths part of the Covid death toll to inflate the #s to control the masses via fear? Hmmmmm...

Baaaa....Baaaaa.... Baaaaa.....

Some need to get WOKE.
Who are the movers and shakers behind the scenes to get the DNA altering vaccines? Bill Gates is one. He has publicly said that he wants to depopulate the world. (It's on video from about 5-6 yrs ago at a conference, easy to find). How does he want to do that, by altering the DNA and place micro trackers in his vaccine (yes to track those who have or have not gotten it - just like the yellow star and tattoos marked on Jews in 1940s Germany). Welcome to the New World Order of a One World Govt that he, Zuckerberg, Clintons, Biden, the Rothchilds dynasty, etc, and the other estimated 3000 people that actually control the whole world behind the scenes.

The Covid vaccine is just the tip of the iceberg....

God, help me be the man that my dog thinks that I am.

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Re: Vaccines

Mon Apr 19, 2021 12:21 pm

I got the J&J two weeks ago, along with my wife. We were in Florida and on a whim found openings that day. I felt fine after.

I wouldn't have got it but I spoke with my sister in law at length about it, it's downstream effectiveness and impact. She is a Pharm D at Mayo and I trust her judgement not internet epidemiologist and doctors. Based on her research when a vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus the virus don't infect them. The virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else. It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to get more people. That's enough for me. I'm sure there are anecdotal cases that refute that but it's few and far between. I really did it for my kids as my wife and I are around them the most and it will reduce the likelihood they will get Covid.

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Re: Vaccines

Mon Apr 19, 2021 4:25 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:there is a conspiracy not to report all the side effect so far known.

Very true. I wouldn't even say it's a's too overt to be that imo.

Rogan was talking about this a couple months ago on a podcast with Tulsi Gabbard. There was a FL doctor who died from the vaccine and if you searched under Google nothing came up but if you searched under DuckDuckGo a bunch of stuff came up....credible stuff from newspapers, etc.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc., they need to be stop them from self-interest regulation. Those sites are so widespread in culture that they need to be viewed as public services.....basically have them viewed as being the internet real estate equivalent to the public park next to the county courthouse. Anything that you have a right to assemble and say there needs to be protected the same on sites that the public gathers on. I'm not sure exactly where the line is drawn but that's not my job to figure out. Quite frankly, its pretty scary that Mark Fukcerberg, Jackoff Dorsey, and whatever homo is the CEO of Google can deliberately social engineer the public into blindly believing their personal bullshit without even knowing it. 95% of the populous is borderline retarded. They have little to no ability for independent thought or challenging widely accepted beliefs and opinions.

There's a reason the first amendment comes ahead of the 2nd amendment.....and they were listed as being more important than anything else. I'm more worried about the loss of my first amendment rights than I am my 2nd amendment ones. Censorship and social engineering.....lack of a free press........has created a populous so unaware of how their world, country, state, county, and cities are being run and the direction they're headed.......

......way more dangerous and frightening than any gun control measure.

P.S. thanks to this site's owner for allowing a forum where free speech isn't infringed upon and/or censored.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vaccines

Mon Apr 19, 2021 5:31 pm

I think the only reason vaccines take so long is cause of all the government red tape BS. When the private sector gets rolling, they can do a ton of stuff quickly.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Vaccines

Mon Apr 19, 2021 8:25 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:Nope and Nope.

Lemmings.... Lemmings as far as the eye can see....

mRNA vaccines do not work long term. (Vaccines like for Polio and Small Pox are not mRNA). What this vaccine does is alter your DNA genes. It's never been done before - you are being Guinea Pigs. They have ZERO clue long term what it will do to you. (Remember that normal vaccines take 7 to 10 yrs to develop - this was done in 6 months time).
Frankly you have got to be fukcing nuts to take it if you are of child bearing age - and if you at all paid attention to science classes in Jr HS - that includes the guys as your DNA is indeed transferred to your future child.
Just last night I listened to this discussion - there is a conspiracy not to report all the side effect so far known. Some people are coming to the ER 1 or 2 days after getting vaccinated having had strokes. Paramedics tell ER DRs - hey we are seeing a pattern. DRs in fear for their jobs are not reporting it for fear of being a labeled a troublemaker and then discredited by the Med Execs and big Pharma. Hmmmm...
Congress last June (Trump signed it) removed ALL liabilities from the manufacturers and those that administer it. Thus no legal recourse if anything what so ever goes wrong. Hmmmm...
Coincidence? Why was there no traditional flu reported this year? Zero. Nada. None. Usually there is 50 to 80K dead each winter in the USA from traditional flu. What happened to it this winter? Were these deaths part of the Covid death toll to inflate the #s to control the masses via fear? Hmmmmm...

Baaaa....Baaaaa.... Baaaaa.....

Some need to get WOKE.
Who are the movers and shakers behind the scenes to get the DNA altering vaccines? Bill Gates is one. He has publicly said that he wants to depopulate the world. (It's on video from about 5-6 yrs ago at a conference, easy to find). How does he want to do that, by altering the DNA and place micro trackers in his vaccine (yes to track those who have or have not gotten it - just like the yellow star and tattoos marked on Jews in 1940s Germany). Welcome to the New World Order of a One World Govt that he, Zuckerberg, Clintons, Biden, the Rothchilds dynasty, etc, and the other estimated 3000 people that actually control the whole world behind the scenes.

The Covid vaccine is just the tip of the iceberg....


Actually mRNA has been used to deliver chemotherapy to cancer patients, the vaccine challenge was how to attach the Covid protein and keep it available to stimulate the immune compliment. I would have to do some more research as to the potential to cause genetic alteration to DNA. Essentially the mRNA is a vehicle to deliver the protein.

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