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Re: Vaccines

Mon May 10, 2021 7:17 pm

You would need to brain wash aaallll the EMTs and aaaalllll the nurses and aaallll the doctors. It’s simply not feasible. My buddy is a nurse at HCMC and laughed at all the covid precautions since the jump. There are still plenty of level headed people in the medical industry that would be immune to brain washing.

Ask Tucker Carlson if he’s vaccinated looool.

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Re: Vaccines

Mon May 10, 2021 7:52 pm

Hanlan’s Razer or whatever. There’s a lot of stupid people in this world and given the state of politics not very many smart, good people are running for office. Most of those who do, lose.

There’s plenty of anti-vaxer pro-trump nurses in NW MN

Strange world we live in.

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Re: Vaccines

Mon May 10, 2021 8:00 pm

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:You would need to brain wash aaallll the EMTs and aaaalllll the nurses and aaallll the doctors.

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No you’d just need to control the media and tech companies which has already happened. Once you control the means of mass communication you can control information and the narrative.

Many doctors came out to voice differing opinions about covid. Youtube, Twitter, Facebook etc immediately censored them. Big media refused to cover an alternative view that didn’t support the message being pushed. Didn’t matter the doctors or scientists educational background, intelligence level or the data behind their opinion or views.

I think that is a big reason so many people are skeptical about covid and the vaccine info.

And the fact that doctors and nurses are being fired for differing opinions on covid or the vaccine is a pretty good way of controlling them.

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Mon May 10, 2021 9:01 pm

We live in a capitalist society. Bottom line, money controls everything, and clicks and views get the money. What media outlet or journalist would turn down covering a mass conspiracy and a chance at being a hero, and all the wealth that comes with that?

Still doesn’t make sense for a mass cover up.

The only thing that could cover a lie that big, would be violence.

I’m not saying the media is innocent or non-biased in a lot of BS by any means. I’m most worried about what the government reports as fact that may not be. Just look at Governor Meatball is New York.

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Re: Vaccines

Mon May 10, 2021 9:10 pm

You are right, money does control everything. Big money doesn’t come from clicks. Look at where the money is coming from. Then you’ll understand why our media and tech companies are censoring and controlling the flow of information.

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Re: Vaccines

Tue May 11, 2021 12:02 am

What do we actually know about the J&J vaccine halt? At first the media reported there were six people dead from blood clots and that prompted the suspension from use of it. Then a week or two later (I can't remember the exact timeline), a few days before they announced it's re-approval for use the story was fifteen people had died, all women.

What was pretty fukcing weird was there was never any names.....never any pics of them followed by loved ones crying and/or talking about their loss and what it was like.....there was none of that shit. Zero.

Think back to the various stages of covid. To quell the masses realizing that young people were basically fukcing immune, or the risk to them was so infinitesimally small it's pretty much a horse apiece....well, the powers that be saw this as an issue. Why? I don't have much of an idea. Everything around covid was so fukcing bizarre I honestly don't think we learned anything in terms of how to deal with a potential real pandemic down the road, and there is no scenario that would shock me as to what really happened. Everything from what we've been told actually was true at face value all the way to whatever Wuhan Flu China unleashed it on the world to take down the US having it blow to to big and backfire and them trying......again, I don't fukcing know and I don't know if anyone fully knows. Even the past president or the current one. I think Trump, Biden, Big Name Politicians and World Leaders, I don't think anyone really knows what happened. I think even someone like the president who has more info from covert Intel to regular Intel to first hand face to face information is still left scratching their head wondering what really happened. They might know more details about our country's response and what was covered up, attempted to be covered up, what was propagated by the media as smokescreen, but in the one on the planet isn't scratching their head wondering WTF just happened.

So my official take on covid overall is that no one has an official take. No one's take isn't full of some borderline conspiracy theory sounding shit because no one knows. Our governor was adamant there'd be 60,000 Minnesotans dead by last where the state bought a large commercial freezer operation that cost them $7million dollars because they thought this was a pertinent thing to do....a good plan.....a way to stop there from being piles of rotting bodies flooding our streets and making us gag. That's not an embellishment.....that's what literally happened. There's an invoice from the MN dept of Health to the legislature for the freezer in public record.

So yeah.....when the governor was telling us there'd be 60K of us dead by last June and our bodies would feel the that point?

What the fukc is the distinction between a conspiracy theory and what was reality?

Because it all kind of morphed into being one in the same when your governor is getting in on it. Conspiracy theories---what do you call Walzrus buying a freezer for all the corpses?

If some blabbdering drunk at a bar told you about "the State" buying a commercial freezing facility for $7 million to fill with all the dead bodies of possibly you and me and the rest of the tens upon tens of thousands dead Minnesotans and you'd never heard about this news item and had no idea whether it was true or not, how do you think you'd react?

You'd either call the guy out as a conspiracy nut job or you'd think it hoping he'd eventually go away and leave you alone.

There isn't anything that is a conspiracy theory when it comes to covid.....there are just theories. If Walz gets to theorize there'd be so many of us fukcs dead in the streets that he saw fit to but a freezer to throw 60K rotting corpses is in......

.....then how is a h2ofwlr or anyone else a whack job conspiracy theorist for saying that there's been a pattern locally with people reacting badly to the vaccine with some people dying and there being instructions given to and through the proper authorities to cover it up because the powers that be don't want people freaking out about the vaccine and becoming afraid to take it?

Why is that crazy?

Anything goes when you got a SJW diva who is the political version of a hypochondriac running the show that goes by the name of Tim Walz. The fukcer bought a freezer to house our bodies in but it's beyond him to do a minor cover up locally by getting people who either like him and thus want to do a good job for him.....or don't care for him and thus don't want to lose their job because of him......

I mean really, do you think it'd be that hard for the MN dept of Health to strong arm a handful of EMT's? All they'd have to do is threaten them with pulling their license and putting them out of a job? I'd bet most would shut right the fukc up.

Plus on top of that there's HIPAA and all that's not like EMT's, RN/CNA, or any Healthcare worker is legally allowed to talk about that shit anyways.....what EMT would have the balls to go on the news and say they question the safety of the J&J vaccine? Why would any EMT do something that stupid?

What you get instead is a buddy of an EMT after having a few beers and being out fishing, golfing, softball game, couple's date night, kid's birthday party......

What would happen in reality if there were several cases of people dying and lots more getting sick locally would be an EMT mentioning it to a buddy while drunk. Like, "Oh, you're getting vaccinated and planning on getting the J&J because it's a single dose? NO! Don't Get That One!" and then they'd give them some friendly advice on all the side effects they're seeing....and that's how it would go down and be heard of by the public. In casual conversation while said very subtly....word of mouth....which can easily be dispelled by the media or powers that be since they're one in the same. The media is more powerful than all the politicians combined, and controlled by the same powers that be.

Going back to the example of the powers that be being old and not wanting young people to take covid lightly......

.....every couple days there was a news story with some young mother crying about her grade school to high school kid dying of covid on the news. Day after day....week after week....more families with more stories of their young ones dying of covid.....with pictures of their smiling faces edited in-between and at every segway to the next covid news items of the day.

Yet funny how with the six J&J deaths....I mean, oh it was fifteen...all women....

Funny how there were no names or pics of their smiling faces played in-between segments of their family members crying behind one final smiling pic of the deceased used as the segway headed into sports or weather.

If you don't think those six....fifteen.....two hundred.....could be a couple thousand by now, or more, you're dreaming.

What do we really know about the J&J vaccine?

About the same as we know about what really went down with covid.....we don't know Jack ashit.

It's not like the state doesn't have a spot to hide the bodies if they wanted to....$7 million in our taxpayer money paid for it. There could literally be three hundred bodies there in it now dead from the J&J vaccine. The cover up on something like that it is child's play. Every family would be told it's one in a million side effect....console them for their loss, send a lawyer to their house to instruct them on how they need to not say anything about their case publicly or privately since it will potentially jeopardize their chances of honoring their loved one by getting millions in punitive damages against J&J via tort......

....all it takes is one lawyer to tell them to be quiet and they'll get millions and then string the family along for two to three years leading up to legal proceedings that never happen and that shit is buried for eternity....never sees the light of day.

I don't think some of you get how easy it is for the fukcers running shit to get away with a cover up. They literally do it weekly to at least monthly.

DD the mayor of the city you live in allowed a violent mob to burn down a vital precinct in his city......pretty fukcing easy cover up, wasn't it? Might as well lit the match and thrown the Malatov cocktail bomb himself....literally faced a single question on it from Paul Bluhm that he deflected and then literally never had to answer for burning down his own city.

But yeah, strong arming a few EMT's into not talking to the media about shit they're legally not supposed to talk to anyone about..... that is some far out whackjob conspiracy theory shit there i tells ya!
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Tue May 11, 2021 10:07 am

Idk man. EMTs are a different breed. They see horrible sh!t day in and day out. A lot of them feel like they have nothing to lose, least of all their job. I think if they were told to be hush hush they would blow things up.

One of my best hunting buddies was an EMT until about a month ago. When he had to fish a dead kid out of a swimming pool he decided to get a new job, one that pays a lot more.

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Re: Vaccines

Tue May 11, 2021 10:44 am

Fish Felon wrote:
Drunk_Dynasty wrote:Like an EMT would hesitate to blow up a conspiracy theory because they are afraid to lose their $16/hr job lolololololol.

No, but an EMT brainwashed into believing they're front line in a war against covid would.

This virus has done some weird shit to people especially people in Healthcare/medicine.

Google has been covering up side effects to the vaccine for sure. The first guy to die from the vaccine was a 40 year old guy in FL....who was a doctor if I remember right. They talk about him on Rogan, the most recent episode with Tulsi Gabbard as the guest. They talk about how if you Google the guy and the death....nothing would come up. Even if you searched his exact name and town/state....nothing. No keywords or phrases would bring up anything about him of his death on Google, but there was all kinds of shit on duck duck go or yahoo and other search engines.

I side with h2ofwlr on this one. I don't think it's conspiracy theory shit either.....I just gave an example and there are a lot more in regards to how the vaccine is being pushed to a degree where the media won't report on any side effects, Facebook, Google.....all these fukcs are willing to lie and either censor any story or just not give the public access to what is actual news......

.....all because they think they're being virtuous and doing God's work.

And people do some crazy shit when they believe it's being done for the greater good.

I don't think it's far fetched at all that there could have been numerous people hospitalized with side effects and even multiple people dead locally due to vaccine side effects. Look at Walzrus and the rest of the fukcs running this state....they are so fukcing desperate for people to get vaccinated it's weird....creepy actually. It wouldn't be that hard for an EMT to not say shit about it since I'm guessing most believe they're fighting in a frigging war right now. Walz probably had a secret meeting to convince whomever and then pinned medals of honor on them made of plastic.

I'm only slightly kidding on the last part. Look at the world we live in. These people are nuts. This vaccine means more to them than it ever should to any rational person.

The lack of information coming out about possible side effects being a deliberate effort of Biden/Dems/Walz/Media/etc. isn't conspiracy.....they've done it, and they're doing it. If you don't think there has been a deliberate effort made to bury any story that's bad PR for covid vaccines you're being extremely naive in my opinion.

I haven't looked into what h2ofwlr was taking about specifically on my own so I can't speak to it on any level really........other than disagreeing with those that think it's that outlandish or isn't within the realm of possibility for what we have going on in 2021.

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Re: Vaccines

Tue May 11, 2021 10:51 am

The part I bolded and underlined is exactly correct. Any decision you make no matter what there are pros and cons. There are pros and cons to the vaccine and even if the pros greatly out weigh the cons, the cons aren't even discussed and if you even bring that up you will instantly be call a "conspiracy" nut case. Or you will be accused of watching Tucker Carlson.

If you don't think there is a concerted effort to not acknowledge or discuss possible negative outcomes you by the media or politicians you are actually as big of a nut case as a true anti vaxer.

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Re: Vaccines

Tue May 11, 2021 11:09 am

Tucker got the vaccine tho....

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