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Re: Vaccines

Mon May 17, 2021 4:54 pm

Lol. Hmm. Be a tough one. Really will be interesting to see how all the travel stuff works out in the next year

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Re: Vaccines

Tue May 18, 2021 8:50 am

naw there's no side effects.... Eric Clapton begs to differ.... ... rmath.html
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Tue May 18, 2021 10:17 am

Don’t be a dumbazz your whole life, fwler.

A guy that’s put white stuff from South America up his nose his whole life is scared of a vaccine?? That’s rich. Dude also has a history of neuropathy and has a spell of it after he took his vaccine. Classic scenario correlation/causation.

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Re: Vaccines

Tue May 18, 2021 10:47 am

My 71yo parents aren't getting it. They're healthy. I don't get why any healthy person would ever get it. We've all had it in this past year. If you don't think you did? Trust did. I'll never get tested for it unless I'm ever at a point where I'm hospitalized (for any reason) since I won't really have a say in the matter at that point.

Most people are like myself in that they never even knew they were sick. The virus is so weak that most people's immune systems crush it before they even get out of neutral and into first gear.....and never have antibodies since the virus never had a chance to make you sick.

Do you know how much shit our bodies are constantly killing? Bacteria, viruses, micro-infections, dust particles, foreign bodies, it's never ending.

If you're body is strong enough to where you never "got covid" at this point....why in the fukc would you get the vaccine?

"Hey, how's it going? We're going to inject this random smorgasbord of shit into you that scientists made under extreme pressure and duress. After they frantically rushed to create this concoction while sleep-deprived and suicidal we decided to skip like 98% of the standard trials we normally do as safeguards to make sure there aren't severe side effects like blood clots that'll kill you or's possible this shit will just make you sterile....or be similar to putting lead powder on your cereal every day for a month. Who the fukc knows at this point. Like I said we skipped most of the shit aimed at figuring that stuff out. The good news is that it's purely precautionary since the virus obviously doesn't affect you whatsoever. Alright, time to roll up your sleeve.....or wait....let's go ass on this one....I like going ass every now and then even though it'll make it sore enough that'll you'll need a hemhroids pillow to sit down for the next three days to a week. Time to drop trow there buddy.....giddy up."

Unless you're 85 and in a home why would you take it?

Are you guys getting your shingles vaccinations too? 'Cause that can be a real bitch after turning eighty as well I hear. Shit....might just as well get your prostate removed....good chance it could become cancerous in your Golden Years.

Let's just do everything we possibly can that's medically preventative against shit that won't be a concern for at least another few decades.

In one year our medicine shifted from treating the ill to treating the healthy.....under the false premise that healthy people are the ones who are responsible for the ill getting ill.

It's quite honestly maybe the most insane thing society has ever done.

Throwing women down wells to see if they're a witch and float.....despite 100% of the times the method was deployed the bitch drowned. Just drown more bitches and eventually a witch shall be exposed.

Less crazy than treating the healthy instead of the ill.

Blaming the bubonic plague on the rat-like Jews instead of the rats?

Less crazy than treating the healthy instead of the ill.

Stoning women to death because they were seen in the company of another man that wasn't their husband.....thus, she obviously had to be fukcing him.

Less crazy than treating the healthy instead of the ill.

Even burning down half the businesses in the largest city in our state because a dumb POS degenerate njgger OD'ed while in police custody.....

Less crazy than treating the healthy instead of the ill.

Fukcing Bizzarro world....where yet again I get to be the asshole for deploying common sense.
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Re: Vaccines

Tue May 18, 2021 11:07 am

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:A guy that’s put white stuff from South America up his nose his whole life is scared of a vaccine??

He went ahead and got it so he couldn't have been too afraid of it.

I would've preferred the vaccine killed him since I hate Clapton....he fukcing blows.....on stage thinking he's all cool playing his strat he named "Blackie" (gay) with his eyes closed and doing head tilts while making facial expressions like he's laying in bed farting.

Kurt Cobain said it he hoped he'd never end up like Clapton.....being a total dbag that plays lame ass elevator music just because he's old. The dude was in the Yardbirds and Cream and then turned into a total phaggot.

The worst thing about him was when a total celebrity rich fukc..... he let's his toddler fall off his penthouse balcony of a NYC high rise to explode like a water melon on the city street.....because he was too self-absorbed to watch the kid....or I dunno....maybe put some safety fencing around the open bottom of his swanky patio.....or for fukc's sake, just buy a baby gate.

And what does he face for killing his kid?

No ridicule or scorn....let alone criminal charges for parental negligence and manslaughter.


Instead Clapton writes maybe the worst fukcing song in human history and gets showered with Grammys for it. "Tears From Heaven" is the cheesiest, most appalling display of total narcissism and complete lack of a moral compass. To profit off doing one of the worst things a person could ever do......absolutely fukcing vile.....just putrid.

So yeah......kind of wished the vaccine would've caused him to die a horrible death.

As far as the cocaine goes A) Clapton probably did a couple lines twice and then played it up like he was some giant cokehead so he could write a "cool song" about it ("Cocaine" blows...fukcing horrendous a Clapton gem) and B) I fail to see why doing cocaine would strip away someone's right to be skeptical of the vaccine. He's still entitled to his opinion on it.......

....and him having a negative opinion on the vaccine and sharing it publicly now gives me one minor thing I can say I like about Eric Clapton if ever in the situation of trying to nail a chick who likes him and not wanting to lie and be phony while trying to say something positive about him.
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Re: Vaccines

Tue May 18, 2021 12:45 pm

Fish Felon wrote:
Are you guys getting your shingles vaccinations too? 'Cause that can be a real bitch after turning eighty as well I hear.

Yea I do plan to get that one. My aunt got shingles in her late 50's or early 60's and it was the worst 4 months of her life. I know another person who lost part of their vision from it. I plan to get the shingles vaccine but my doc said I am not old enough yet. I can't remember the age he recommended, maybe 50?

Is there a good reason to be leery of taking the shingles vaccine? Serious question as I have not looked in to it.

I have been hearing a lot of reports of people with serious reactions to the covid vaccine. Fear of the vax really had little to do with why I did not take it. I have no concern of getting covid so why take a vaccine to prevent it? Like you said, I figure odds are, I have had covid or have been seriously exposed and fought it off.

Take your vitamin D folks (and not just for covid). That may just be a better preventative than the vaccine. Too bad the media didn't spread that message early. Positive news about covid doesn't sell so it went basically unreported.

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Re: RE: Re: Vaccines

Tue May 18, 2021 1:10 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:naw there's no side effects.... Eric Clapton begs to differ.... ... rmath.html
Who cares. Just because it's a person well known then it's more relevant? Besides he took a vaccine that I dont even think is available here. So you must be one of them sheep you talk about all the time since your going to follow the steps of some washed up singer. People do realise there are side effects of 99% of vaccines right. When enough people get a vaccine some one is going to react different to it. Since some people get the shits when they eat dairy are you not going to drink milk or put cheese on a sandwich.

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Re: Vaccines

Tue May 18, 2021 2:22 pm

When you start giving millions of people vaccine shots your bound to have a few who will react, no way getting around it, they could of researched it for 5 more years but doubt anything would be different, wife got her shot and I got mine, I don't care if people don't get the shot and I'm not gona brag that I got it, just part of life for wife and I..............wife also got the shingles vac and I plan on getting that soon.......I care what Eric Clapton says as much as I care what Lebron James says......ZERO...... they can phuck themselves for all I's America, do as you want........
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Re: Vaccines

Wed May 19, 2021 1:37 am

Nershi wrote:
Fish Felon wrote:
Are you guys getting your shingles vaccinations too? 'Cause that can be a real bitch after turning eighty as well I hear.

Yea I do plan to get that one. My aunt got shingles in her late 50's or early 60's and it was the worst 4 months of her life. I know another person who lost part of their vision from it. I plan to get the shingles vaccine but my doc said I am not old enough yet. I can't remember the age he recommended, maybe 50?

Is there a good reason to be leery of taking the shingles vaccine? Serious question as I have not looked in to it.

No, I plan on getting the shingles vaccination down the road when it becomes a concern to my health.....

....just like why I'll be getting the covid vaccine no earlier than age 75 after they've worked out all the bugs----no need for it yet.
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Re: Vaccines

Wed May 19, 2021 9:51 pm

I'm just curious are there any here that think the vaccine has like computer chips and shit? Or is the consensus just that it's not really necessary, like the flu vaccine so why put something in your body that is untested and unneeded?

I'm the later...I really only know one person that is like full on, there's a computer chip in this vaccine and it's gonna be used to control the masses etc. That's my dad's gf. She believes every single thing that pops up on her FB feed. I mean she thinks Biden is dead and there's a standin for him at this point...some really off the wall stuff she takes hook line and sinker

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