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Re: Vaccines

Wed May 19, 2021 11:02 pm

I know folks that think the vaccine is rushed and don’t want to bother, my gf is one of those people.

I don’t know an actual computer chip vaccine believer.

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Re: Vaccines

Thu May 20, 2021 7:27 am

Tell your dads girlfriend she has already been chipped. It’s in her cell phone she carries with her everywhere.

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Re: Vaccines

Thu May 20, 2021 4:11 pm

She's so friggen annoying man. She's one of the true crazies on either side of the political spectrum

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Re: Vaccines

Sun May 23, 2021 1:58 am

Do I believe there's chips in the vaccine?

No, for the exact reason Nershi stated. What would be the point?

I also see why a lot of people believe it....due to how fukced up the handling of covid has been. The pressure behind the vaccine has been extremely confusing. If there's an efficacy rate of 94-95% against the virus infecting you and essentially 100% efficacy against the virus hospitalizing and/or killing you.......

.....then why does anyone care about case numbers, daily death counts, social distancing, masks, testing, or any of the other bullshit they've forced on us?

Get the shot and shut the fukc up. You've no longer have anything to worry about according to the experts. There's no reason to care if other people get covid, or get the vaccine because it no longer affects anyone who got the the immunization.....and are immune. If other people want to make what you think are bad decisions? Why would anyone vaccinated give a shit? It's not like their bad decisions will affect anyone who's vaccinated.

It'd be like having a teenage daughter and finding out the high school chick down the block got knocked up and thinking somehow her bad decisions will affect your daughter and cause her to get knocked up.

It doesn't work that way....if you believe the covid vaccine is the panacea that the experts say it is then as soon as you get it you're golden.....meaning you're out. You're out of living in a world believing other people are responsible for your health and that we collectively need to act like a bunch of fukcing sheep because that's what they told us. As jf some guy walking through a Walmart not wearing a mask makes any difference as to whether or not everyone else gets it.....

....if everyone else in Walmart was truly concerned with catching covid then why are they at a fukcing Walmart? Order your shit from Amazon and stay home. Anyone who was upset or offended or thought ill-will towards someone not wearing a mask is a fukcing moron. Don't put yourself around a store full of people that are total strangers if you don't want to get sick. Duh. Don't expect people to wear masks in restaurants since those are places where their one and only reason they exist is for people to dump food or drink into their mouths and down their throats. That's it. Restaurants don't double as an H&R Block, an Edward Jones, or a Schinder's......there is no other service that will be provided to you when walking into a restaurant other than being served shit you put in your mouth. So what fukcing retard thought it was smart to make people wear masks in restaurants? Why would anyone concerned about their health who think masks are effective at all go to a restaurant....a place where random strangers flock to in order to pay to put shit in their mouths?

Don't go to a restaurant if you're only going to places where there's a reasonable expectation that people's mouths will be covered.

The nerve of people going to restaurants and getting upset over anyone there not wearing a mask is the type of shit that's so infuriating it makes me want to start shooting people.

Stay the fukc home if it's that big of a concern to you!

.....and that's why I hate this motherfukcing vaccine, because I thought it would finally end all that bullshit. All the dipshits shopping shoulder to shoulder at Walmart or sitting at a bar eating a burger and fries while pissed because the bartender wasn't wearing a mask would finally shut the fukc up. Once they'd get the shot none of that shit would matter to them anymore. The false belief that others were responsible for affecting their personal health would no longer be applicable....because they had been immunized.

The fact that it hasn't resulted in that....the fact that the same dipshits who believed I was somehow a risk to them when shopping at Walmart without a mask on instead of realizing they were a risk to themselves for shopping at Walmart to begin with now believe that somehow I'm a threat to them getting covid by not being vaccinated when they're already vaccinated?

It makes me wish they'd get super AIDS and die.....because that's what these dipshits deserve.

And it is 100% the fault of their delusional asses that some people believe there's chips in the vaccine....because that reasoning actually makes more sense on paper than the reasoning behind a vaccinated person giving a fukc if anyone else gets vaccinated under the guise that somehow it's a risk to their health.

The logic is so fukcing stupid and baseless that the vaccine being an ulterior motive to plant us all with microchips actually makes way more sense.

Some people can't figure things out and believe in the microchip deal as a result. Some people like myself figure things out and believe in what the reality is.......

......the people pushing the vaccine are just a bunch of whiny, bitchy, retarded, entitled, self-centered, fukcing assholes.

There's no ulterior motives.....the people pushing it are just really that big of assholes in their totality....complete cock suckers, kunts, and assholes. That's it. It's that simple.
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Re: Vaccines

Sun May 23, 2021 10:39 am

That's really the one thing I've realized the last several years is the flow of information, how it's presented and attempted to be pushed into the's all there to manipulate and cause certain people to act certain ways. Especially in watching the stock market closely...this whole world is about manipulation of information and making stuff sound a certain way when it isn't that way at all. Nothing has driven this into my head more than following the stock's quite comical the stuff they try to push. But it's in every aspect of our lives not just the markets

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Re: Vaccines

Sun May 23, 2021 5:28 pm

Unless you are morbidly obese you really ain't got much to worry about with the covid.

Hell my 90 yo father with diabetes, asthma, blood clots, swelling legs and high blood pressure was just told to drink water and take musinex when he got covid. Then the doc gave him the shot and he got sicker from the vaccine (not a real vaccine btw) shot than the actual virus he had months before.

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Re: Vaccines

Wed May 26, 2021 11:05 am

12,000 plus hospitalized a few days after the shot and 4,500 dead from the shot per the CDC.

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Re: Vaccines

Wed May 26, 2021 1:02 pm

Some doctor on NPR said it will be inevitable that businesses and restaurants make being vaccinated a requirement for entry and equated it as being the same as banning smoking indoors. This example is exactly what I don't understand. Smokers can harm non smokers so that makes sense. How can unvaccinated harm vaccinated people??

Why do vaccinated people worry about unvaccinated people if they believe the vaccine works?

I saw a tweet the other day saying the vaccine is the new 5 k

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Wed May 26, 2021 1:56 pm

I think a restaurant will want only vaccinated people because they will worry that if they become a vector for covid they will get shut down, so they will only allow vaccinated people in to avoid that whole mess. I could be totally wrong but I would imagine that is there reasoning because it doesn’t make sense for vaccinated people to be scared of the unvaxxed

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Re: Vaccines

Wed May 26, 2021 2:15 pm

Faulsy has said there is no reason for vaxed people to worry about getting it now. I'm sure he'll waffle on that though. I seriously don't understand how anyone can listen to anything he says.

Fun fact....Biden just shut down the investigation on the origin of the virus...wonder what there is to hide?

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