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Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Tue Jun 01, 2021 9:06 pm

lickmyvowels wrote:[quote="kwackkillncrew"]how does one teach a 2 year old not to scream. If you havent had a 2 year old keep your hypothetical comments to your self.
These kids are 5 to 10 years old.

But go ahead and make more excuses.

Sent from my moto g power (XT2041DL) using Tapatalk[/quote]No excuse needed. I didnt realise it was the same event. I was more saying my 2 year old screams and runs some times and its pretty tough to reason with a 2 year old.

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Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 2:45 am

Two year olds aren't kids....they're toddlers. Anyone who doesn't expect a toddler to be uncontrollably noisy at times has obviously never been around any toddlers previously.

But even then, just because people expect it doesn't mean their goodwill should be taken advantage of by subjecting a bunch of people at social gathering to their kid's painful teething.....or their hamburger ass from two days of diahrrea diapers.

There's a reason most churches have cry rooms. Use them. If you're somewhere else and it's obvious that whatever is causing little Billy to be ornery isn't his normal shit that a bottle and a nap will take care of?

Find a room....any room....and use it as a cry room. It's not like the parent is able to socialize when at a social gathering when the toddler has an why make the event less enjoyable for everyone else? They'll all understand that you wanted to stay and that you have a justified reason for not staying that's appreciated.

Again, not saying to pull the plug and bail after a few minutes of the tot being hungry and crying.....

I'm just saying to know that there is a point of diminished returns where it's not benefiting anyone, the parents or junior especially, by trying to gut it out. Know there's a line, and have a pretty good idea of when you're approaching it. Every family and tyke is going to vary.....just use discretion and a little common sense.

As far as my nephew, trust's weird when a kid is making a high pitched shriek. I didn't actually call him a phag. I did tell him he sounded like a girl, boys/men should never make noises that are that high pitched......Yada Yada Yada

The kid was deliberately making the most annoying high pitched shriek for hours. I guarantee everyone on the lake could hear it. We're [adults] all hanging out nearby....drinking beers, grilling, playing bag toss (cornhole sounds gay) and trying to talk. It honestly got to the point that no one could take it yet the parents are in the group of adults not doing anything about it.

I think a lot of parents become immune to their obnoxious kids. They learn to drone it out so they can stare at their phones. Other people hear it. It sucks. Don't be insulted, offended, or get pissy if someone else tells your kid to be quiet after they've been shrieking at the top of their lungs for hours. If you're going to do anything, apologize to the group for letting it get to the point where someone else had to step in and do your job while asleep at the wheel.

And it's not generational biased excusing their own bad behaviors to the detriment of the next generation by making them pay for what is hypocrisy.

Kids today are worse. Far worse. I never would've dreamed of doing any of the shit my nieces and nephews do. If I did it on accident I would've shit myself. This wasn't unique hk me....every kid I knew as a kid understood these same principles. Nowadays there's zero discipline and the concept of "adults" is non-existent.

I knew as a kid not to hold up an adult carrying tools and equipment while walking down a flight of stairs by standing in front of them and doing baby my 6yo niece did this morning. I told her to never get in the way or hold up an adult when they're working on something. These little fukcers think it's nothing but fukcaround time and that the world is filled with only kids... there's no distinction that they're second class citizens to adults and their job is to do as we say, stay out of our way otherwise, never to interrupt two adults that are talking, and don't do annoying shit or be an attention whore and do shit like baby talk. Any kid that can't figure out that there's nothing less cute than forced talking like a baby needs to be checked for Down's again. Nothing is more the point it's retarded.
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Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 7:28 am

It used to be kid's lives revolved around the parent's lives/schedules. From what I can see now it is role reversal. I vividly remember being in the 6th grade and my basketball team made it to the Championship game for Saturday basketball. Well, my parents had plans and the family was going out of town the next Saturday. There was no discussion about changing the family plans to allow me to play in the game. Now, anytime you ask someone if they are free they need to check their kid's schedules first. Giving this type of importance to kids schedules has contributed to them being little %&%^$# if you ask me. They notice their parents are catering to their every need and that results in a self important attitude where they don't know how to react when an adult does not defer to their whims or even tries to discipline them.

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Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 7:42 am

I hate being around kids and and I hate "kid culture". Especially hate when there is adult and the kids are just right in my space being loud and the parent just watches their kid yell in my ear.

"Kid culture" has to be the most boring sh!t ever. Like people go camping in big azz campers, and then the kids all play and do kid stuff, and all the parents do is sit around and prepare 3 meals every day. I hate it.

I love when parents are like "oh you think you're tired? You don't even have kids, you don't know how easy you have it. try doing all that plus getting kids ready for school etc etc". Yes! That is exactly the point of not having any kids!

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Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 8:21 am

I don't really have a dog in this fight..... but children have changed very little from generation to generation, the adults on the other hand....

and as the old famous saying goes for all the self righteous, poor-me-my-fishing-spot-is-noisy, I wish they were all like greta thunberg....

"if you can't look back at your younger self and realize your were an idiot, you're probably still an idiot"

these are first world problems at their finest.

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Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:30 am

Anyone have these POS parents that will come up to ask how the fishing is and then sit there and let there kids throw large rocks in the water right were you are fishing. I've actually thought life in prison wouldn't be that bad on them days.

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Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:40 am

Lots of great points and well written responses.....

JayRo wrote:It used to be kid's lives revolved around the parent's lives/schedules. From what I can see now it is role reversal.

Exactly. Back when I was on an upward trajectory, married, and planning to start a ex and I talked a lot about how our kids would be a part of our lives versus us being a part of theirs.

As with everything, there is a time and a place for a kid to be front and center and the focus of everyone else's lives. But those times should be moments, maybe a day, like their Birthday, and that's about it....unless they come down with leukemia or something serious.

If I had kids I would do the same exact shit as what I normally would be doing without kids 85% to 90% of the time. The adults would do what they want/need to do since they're the fukcing adults. AKA the people who pay the bills, put food on the table, have to work and take care of shit, and have way more on their plates being that they run the if there's an open afternoon on a Saturday and the kids want to go see some gay Star Wars film that just came out, mom wants to go to farmer's market followed by some thrift shopping, and dad [me] wants to fishing.....'d be a 65/30/5 breakdown in order of who's shit we end up doing going mom/dad/kids.

It severely pisses me off how most kids today think it's their parents job to entertain them. My 9yo nephew is always on a fukcing tablet and when he's told to turn it off waits about five minutes before going, "Hmph! I'm booooored!"

Whenever I hear it I bluntly go,

"There's no such thing as boredom.....only boring people."

Which is typically followed by parents, other aunts and uncles, and grandparents listing off stuff he could do and going, "Does that sound like fun? How about this idea....does that sound like fun?"

It's absolutely fukcing pathetic. Tell the fukcer to go play with some sticks or build a fort or do anything besides sit there and be a whiny, boring, pathetic loser.

Oh boo hooo! A kid is long as he's not screeching then I don't give a fukc. Either he figures out how to use his imagination and entertain himself or he's a boring loser no one will like throughout his life. Time for him to sink or swim.

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:I love when parents are like "oh you think you're tired? You don't even have kids, you don't know how easy you have it. try doing all that plus getting kids ready for school etc etc". Yes! That is exactly the point of not having any kids!

When I was six I got put on a weekly alternating rotation with my two older brothers where we'd alternate setting the table, clearing the table, and doing the dishes for a week. My parents never fukced with that shit. We also had weekly chores like cleaning the windows/glass, a bathroom, etc. I started doing my own laundry in the second grade not because I had to, but because I asked to do it. Being the third of six at that time I got sick of my favorite clothes going to the laundry room and not coming back for an indefinite amount of time....or at all.

I wanted independence as a kid. So did my siblings. If our parents were helping us with baking cookies, tuning up our bicycles, running an outboard, or building was because they jumped in to show us, which almost always pissed us off. We wanted to do it ourselves.

Nowadays parents seem to like catering to their whiny kids's demands. If they ask where their favorite shirt is it's answered with a, "Oh, I'm so sorry!" and then mom or dad dropping everything to frantically dig through the laundry until they find it and immediately wash it, and then hand deliver it folded and still warm from the dryer to their room with another sincere apology they didn't have it washed and delivered to them sooner.

It's fukcing pathetic.

Point being?

If you raise kids right they can actually do shit and contribute to lightening the household's load.

The parents that say shit like, "Wait until you have think you're tired now!? Haha!" are almost always the laziest parents who drown their kids in screens so they can do the same.

Mallard_maniac wrote:I don't really have a dog in this fight..... but children have changed very little from generation to generation, the adults on the other hand....

Well put.

That's the sad's not these kids's fault for being awful. It's the fault of their parents.

I just don't understand how the parents can't see how badly they're cheating their kids and setting them up for failure. They make them think the world revolves around them, that everyone is concerned about their feelings, and don't let them do stuff....let alone struggle and face adversity when doing where once they're out on their own they're not going to know what hits them.

This world can be a hard and brutal place even when you're prepared, tested, and toughened up for it. Hopefully I'm wrong and all these little fukcers running around today won't be softer than baby shit and fold like a cheap suit when it's their time to step out into it.....
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Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:15 am

I remember when I was young if a kid was screaming it was because something was wrong and all the adults came out to see what happened or what's wrong. It's a pedos wet dream these days.

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Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:19 am

lickmyvowels wrote:Anyone have these POS parents that will come up to ask how the fishing is and then sit there and let there kids throw large rocks in the water right were you are fishing. I've actually thought life in prison wouldn't be that bad on them days.

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I've always said something to them. There have been many a time I've laid into kids and/or their parents for messing with my program. I've had kids throw rocks a couple times but the much bigger offender for me has been dog owners...sometimes kids and dogs. People walk by and ask how the fishing is....then walk another ten yards and start throwing stuff for their dog to retrieve. They get an earful too.

One time I was ice fishing on Nokomis and I stepped out of my portable to take a piss and two kids, around six to eight years old, were kneeling next to where I had my tip-ups set.....tip-ups laying on the ice sideways with the little fukcers pulling the line up until they got to the hook and minnow and were dunking it, showing their mom and dad who were just standing there watching.

I marched over and told the dad what's I wasn't going to forget his family's faces, and they better hope I don't ever catch them in the park to have a picnic, grill out, be laying out on one of the beaches......because I promised to make a bee line right for them so I can grab their picnic basket and see what they got in it, or use one or their beach towels to dry myself off after I went for a swim using his kid's floaties and goggles.....made it clear that it was going to be tit for tat and that they just gave me an official invite to feel welcomed in grabbing any of their stuff and messing with it.

The guy got all pissy about it and told me I didn't need to be such a dick about it.....I told him this was me being nice and that if his wife wasn't there to serve as a witness and corroborate the story of how the fight started.....that his kids would be watching me beat their father's ass instead of watching him get an earful.

As always he and his wife threatened to call the cops or park police. I told them I wasn't going anywhere for at least a couple hours and to go right ahead.....told them to make sure to explain to dispatch how he was looking to get a couple officers called on a guy ice fishing who used some stern language after he let his out-of-control kids fukc with his shit....

No cops were called.....on this occasion. There was another time the following summer when a Ramsey County sheriff was waiting for me at the Hidden Falls landing in regards to a call about some guy yelling, swearing, running his boat around the callers boat......

I digress....different story for a different time.
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Re: RE: Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:26 am

Fish Felon wrote:[quote="lickmyvowels"]Anyone have these POS parents that will come up to ask how the fishing is and then sit there and let there kids throw large rocks in the water right were you are fishing. I've actually thought life in prison wouldn't be that bad on them days.

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I've always said something to them. There have been many a time I've laid into kids and/or their parents for messing with my program. I've had kids throw rocks a couple times but the much bigger offender for me has been dog owners...sometimes kids and dogs. People walk by and ask how the fishing is....then walk another ten yards and start throwing stuff for their dog to retrieve. They get an earful too.

One time I was ice fishing on Nokomis and I stepped out of my portable to take a piss and two kids, around six to eight years old, were kneeling next to where I had my tip-ups set.....tip-ups laying on the ice sideways with the little fukcers pulling the line up until they got to the hook and minnow and were dunking it, showing their mom and dad who were just standing there watching.

I marched over and told the dad what's I wasn't going to forget his family's faces, and they better hope I don't ever catch them in the park to have a picnic, grill out, be laying out on one of the beaches......because I promised to make a bee line right for them so I can grab their picnic basket and see what they got in it, or use one or their beach towels to dry myself off after I went for a swim using his kid's floaties and goggles.....made it clear that it was going to be tit for tat and that they just gave me an official invite to feel welcomed in grabbing any of their stuff and messing with it.

The guy got all pissy about it and told me I didn't need to be such a dick about it.....I told him this was me being nice and that if his wife wasn't there to serve as a witness and corroborate the story of how the fight started.....that his kids would be watching me beat their father's ass instead of watching him get an earful.

As always he and his wife threatened to call the cops or park police. I told them I wasn't going anywhere for at least a couple hours and to go right ahead.....told them to make sure to explain to dispatch how he was looking to get a couple officers called on a guy ice fishing who used some stern language after he let his out-of-control kids fukc with his shit....

No cops were called.....on this occasion. There was another time the following summer when a Ramsey County sheriff was waiting for me at the Hidden Falls landing in regards to a call about some guy yelling, swearing, running his boat around the callers boat......

I digress....different story for a different time.[/quote]Someday I need to tell the story of me and my cousin spot hopping the river catfishing at night and the Iowa "catfish guide". It involves him chit talking, a spotlight and a boat oar. Chit talking stopped real fast.

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