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Re: RE: Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:26 am

Fish Felon wrote:[quote="lickmyvowels"]Anyone have these POS parents that will come up to ask how the fishing is and then sit there and let there kids throw large rocks in the water right were you are fishing. I've actually thought life in prison wouldn't be that bad on them days.

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I've always said something to them. There have been many a time I've laid into kids and/or their parents for messing with my program. I've had kids throw rocks a couple times but the much bigger offender for me has been dog owners...sometimes kids and dogs. People walk by and ask how the fishing is....then walk another ten yards and start throwing stuff for their dog to retrieve. They get an earful too.

One time I was ice fishing on Nokomis and I stepped out of my portable to take a piss and two kids, around six to eight years old, were kneeling next to where I had my tip-ups set.....tip-ups laying on the ice sideways with the little fukcers pulling the line up until they got to the hook and minnow and were dunking it, showing their mom and dad who were just standing there watching.

I marched over and told the dad what's I wasn't going to forget his family's faces, and they better hope I don't ever catch them in the park to have a picnic, grill out, be laying out on one of the beaches......because I promised to make a bee line right for them so I can grab their picnic basket and see what they got in it, or use one or their beach towels to dry myself off after I went for a swim using his kid's floaties and goggles.....made it clear that it was going to be tit for tat and that they just gave me an official invite to feel welcomed in grabbing any of their stuff and messing with it.

The guy got all pissy about it and told me I didn't need to be such a dick about it.....I told him this was me being nice and that if his wife wasn't there to serve as a witness and corroborate the story of how the fight started.....that his kids would be watching me beat their father's ass instead of watching him get an earful.

As always he and his wife threatened to call the cops or park police. I told them I wasn't going anywhere for at least a couple hours and to go right ahead.....told them to make sure to explain to dispatch how he was looking to get a couple officers called on a guy ice fishing who used some stern language after he let his out-of-control kids fukc with his shit....

No cops were called.....on this occasion. There was another time the following summer when a Ramsey County sheriff was waiting for me at the Hidden Falls landing in regards to a call about some guy yelling, swearing, running his boat around the callers boat......

I digress....different story for a different time.[/quote]Someday I need to tell the story of me and my cousin spot hopping the river catfishing at night and the Iowa "catfish guide". It involves him chit talking, a spotlight and a boat oar. Chit talking stopped real fast.

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Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:39 am

We have learned if you want to stay sane we have to pick out battles. The battles we let her think she wins is when we are at home without any one around. When we are in public we make sure she understands she needs to be respectful of other people and not act like a nut case. Slowly she is understanding that. The worst part of it all is other people being judgy about how we raise her. You get nasty looks from people no matter what you do.

She also wins more battles on airplanes because it's the quickest way to make her happy with out her thinking the world is going to end. Which sucks but it makes the plane ride more enjoyable for all involved.

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Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:41 am

People with out toddlers on planes think they want to kid to be quiet more then anyone but the parents want that kid to be quiet way more then anyone else on that plane. I never understood that until we had a kid. Now when I see other parents with loud toddlers I look at them and give the "I feel your pain face"

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Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:47 am

A different time when I was shorefishing the river (Pool 2 below the dam) from Hidden Falls park......I'd had several groups of people come by and either launch their kayaks right next to me, or stopped and thrown sticks for their dogs, enough to the point I had a hair trigger after getting pretty pissed off. I'd even tried moving spots by walking 50-60 yards up thinking then people could flock to where I had been since for whatever reason it was a big draw for everyone it seemed.

Nope....didn't work. They just did the same shit at my new spot. People are retarded. For some reason seeing me standing on the bank made them think the water there was safe for their dog, launching, or that they wouldn't get in trouble....fugg if I know what those idiots were thinking.

There was an Asian chick working her dog right next to right next to where if I kneeled down to throw a new crawler on the dog was all over me.....trying to lick my face.

I happened to catch a fish when this was happening, and the dog was wading in barking at what ended up being a small sheepshead. The dog was all over me as I unhooked it..... I bit the head off it, spit it out onto the dog, looked up at the chick, showed my teeth and then growled, and then grabbed my backpack, my rod, and slowly walked out of there staring out at the river while her dog was going nuts barking and licking the bloody fish head and the decapitated bleeding body as she stood there with her mouth agape and hand over it too stunned to do anything.

I used this same tactic only on one other leaves a lasting impression.
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Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:56 am

kwackkillncrew wrote:People with out toddlers on planes think they want to kid to be quiet more then anyone but the parents want that kid to be quiet way more then anyone else on that plane. I never understood that until we had a kid. Now when I see other parents with loud toddlers I look at them and give the "I feel your pain face"

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Oh dude.....I've always had sympathy for toddlers on planes. Ever since my first time flying and my younger toddler brother screaming while the rest of us tried to get our ears to pop.

See that's totally different. The stuff you're bringing up is not at all what I'm talking about. For toddlers, crying and being loud is more or less an involuntary action. You can't blame a toddler when it has no control....not even the faintest beginning of a comprehension of what's going on, or an awareness of anything. If you hide behind a blanket they think you've disappeared.

You'd have to be a complete asshole to get upset at either the toddler or the parents when the kid is crying on a plane. Every time I've experienced it the parents are embarrassed and trying their damndest to get their kid to stop. You've got to feel for them in that situation.

A 9yo kid who is voluntarily choosing to be loud and annoying is completely different. They know, or should know, better and have some awareness for the adults well within earshot.

A toddler making noise involuntarily and kids voluntarily making noise are two totally different things imo.
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Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 11:11 am

truth ff. no reason kids that are older then kindergarten should be screaming for now apparent reason. idk if it was "different back in the day" but i can easily tell the parents who give a dam and the parents who dont give any chits. I feel like when people say back in my day it was totally different, may have not noticed the other peoples chitty parents or kids because they were too busy being disciplined when acting like a nut case, and in the end grow up to be generally a normal person. Kids can be tough they are all different, the lab description earlier was pretty accurate. Some kids are better at some things and tougher with other things. I feel if a parent gets lucky they can be a expert with their kid, but their experiences are going to be completely different then some one else's. Asking for advice is more of just venting to some other parent and their advice generally wont help your situation out because what worked for their kid wont work for yours most of the time.

man we need some more hunting/fishing threads this is way off topic for some rednecks like us.
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Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 11:28 am

Not really unrelated to hunting and fishing since parenting the old saying goes:

"Take your kids hunting so you don't have to someday go hunting for your kids."

It's a decent off-topic summer thread.

You touched on the question that I struggle to find an answer I'm confident in:

"Was it different back in the day, or are things largely the same as they've always been?"

I think back to the summer evenings when my siblings and I would be fishing off the dock, with usually a couple neighbor kids out there as well who got the invite for a cabin weekend......

....and I know we had to have been noisy as hell a lot of times.

Is it possible we were just as noisy and my parents were like the ones I'm now bitching about in their ability to drown it all out? Become deaf to it and not have it register?

Yeah, it's certainly possible....I guess. I don't think we were as bad but it's possible.

On the other hand, us being loud was different....usually stemming from throwing someone off the family friend of my younger brother's age famously packed five changes of clothes and had them all completely soaked by Friday night fall one weekend.....back in the good old days when kids didn't have cell phones in their pockets or other electronics to ruin....

If any of us would've made the shrieking noise once that my nephew made for not even five hours oldest brother for sure would've called whoever made it a phag and told them that if they made it again he was going to punch them, and I think most of us would've done the same if he hadn't been there.

We were loud but it was usually when reeling in a fish or telling one another off.....not making a high pitched shrieking like some tranny.
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Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 11:36 am

maybe birds of a feather flock together. Some screamers may have tried to enter your flock when you were younger and you forgot you punched them in the face. Your parents saw you punch them but they were fine with it since they stopped screaming. Then when the screamer went home his parents ask your parents what happened and they said the kid got tackled when playing smear the queer. The screamer was then outcast from your flock and everybody wins.
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Re: RE: Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 11:54 am

kwackkillncrew wrote:maybe birds of a feather flock together. Some screamers may have tried to enter your flock when you were younger and you forgot you punched them in the face. Your parents saw you punch them but they were fine with it since they stopped screaming. Then when the screamer went home his parents ask your parents what happened and they said the kid got tackled when playing smear the queer. The screamer was then outcast from your flock and everybody wins.
You will get what we are talking about once you come across some of the shriekers. This ain't screaming or yelling. They hit notes that their voice box literally cuts out because of it. Sad thing is it seems to be a trend that more and more keep doing. I don't understand where it's coming from. It's not anything that was being done by anyone 5 years ago. This is a damage your vocal cords type of sound coming from them.

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Re: Noisy & Obnoxious Kids

Wed Jun 02, 2021 12:07 pm

Fish Felon wrote: They're all just a bunch of loud, screaming, shitty, bratty, little fukcs.

Not all. Some, yes. But not all.
God, help me be the man that my dog thinks that I am.

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