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Mergie Marauder
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Re: RE: Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sat Jun 05, 2021 6:18 pm

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Ff- you seen to have ultimate freedom. If you can least vaguely...what do you do money wise that affords you this freedom
Don't incriminate yourself!

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Jun 06, 2021 1:04 am


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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Jun 06, 2021 7:47 am

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Ff- you seen to have ultimate freedom. If you can least vaguely...what do you do money wise that affords you this freedom

I'm single.

That pretty much sums it up. Single, as in I'm no longer worried about ever being in a relationship again....well, I'm a little worried at times.

After losing everything and getting divorced a guy realizes how very little they need when no longer planning for a future with a woman and starting a family. I'm almost forty, still kind of want it, think I might regret it a little later in life that I didn't try harder to get back what I lost, meet someone, get married again, and start a family.

Then I go out with a few chicks and feel very confident in how there's no fukcing way I'm ever getting married again. Unless some chick comes out of the past with a kid that's mine.......I'm not even going to entertain the idea.

The dating pool is pretty shallow when you're forty. There aren't any good woman left....they've all been picked over. You're stuck with fat annoying hogs, Feminist-BLM-ultra-liberal tatted up chicks with purple hair and like twelve piercings, or chicks with four kids that are Bible beaters after getting out of a relationship with a guy who probably wasn't unlike me. Almost all of them have kids....all of them are boring. I love to fukc 'em but don't really care for much else about them at this point....I can occasionally tolerate them enough to fool them into thinking I give a shit in order to bang them a few times and then not answer their calls and texts.

I like my nieces and nephews and enjoy spending time with them.....until they annoy the shit out of me. When I see them it's typically at the cabin or grandparents so if I want to take them out fishing I easily can, and if they start annoying me a half hour in or a couple hours.....I head in, once back they're with their parents, and then I go do whatever adult stuff I want to do.

I'm not sure if I would've been a good parent and husband.....probably it's kind of nice in a way that everything blew up in a manner where it wasn't my fault and I'll never doubt that I didn't try to be married with kids, career, 401K, Roth, saving for retirement, etc.

Once that's's scary at first how free you are....and loneliness can be a bitch at times, but not if you're busy, and the ex stuck me with three cats that I like and actually help a lot. I mock the "comfort animal" shit and would never bring them on a plane or any of that weird shit....but they are nice to have around.

Once you let go and start living your life only for don't need shit for money. It's astonishing how little you need to have everything you want when you're not doing it for, or in preparation for pleasing a woman.

Previously I was in insurance. I know more about insurance than anyone. I know more than anyone should know about it. Insurance is very compartmentalized. Someone who is an expert actuary....the best in the business....doesn't know a fukcing thing about what an agent does. An agent doesn't understand what underwriters do....underwriters don't understand the service side of it.....they don't understand billing....they don't understand claims.....they don't understand legal.....and that's just within one company that is a part of the company. Any insurance company.....pick any of them that account for half the ads you see during any pro or college football game.....they have multiple auto companies, multiple home/fire companies, life company, usually health which means DI (disability) since health insurance is a totally different sort of fukced up animal that is an industry I've never been agents and health insurance are two separate industries.....but all those separate entities operate independently of each like I said, very compartmentalized, with each hand not knowing what the other hand is doing. No one can see the forest through the trees......

......except for me. I know all of it. I can see all of it. And that's how I can make sense out of it to uncover $50 billion fraud schemes. That's why they tried to kill me...shut down my agency by placing armed security at my leased office space one night without notice and told me to never go back....then shipped the entire contents of my office, dead office plants bubble wrapped and boxed and all, the fukcers didn't sent every last paperclip.....shipped it to my house a week later....where there was a 24/7 three car security detail on me. One parked on my block North of my house, one parked South of it, and one roaming the neighborhood and running up my alley every ten minutes, since they had nowhere to park and I was back there a lot drinking beer and working on my boat during the five weeks there....while I waited for the $5 million up front and $10 million in future stock option deal to be consummated in exchange for me signing off on a release of contract that waived all rights to future litigation and had a gag order to never talk about anything that happened....which they all reneged on.

Harry Markopolos is a fukcing fraud. He was the guy who I worked with....was my supposed business partner for three years. He's most widely known for being the guy who caught Bernie Madoff, but that's total bullshit......the market got Madoff, Harry didn't do shit besides play the white knight and help serve as the perfect distraction to shift American's pissed off focus away from shithead dirt bags at AIG. I was going to say Goldman, Lehman, Countrywide, and list off the names that most people associate with the meltdown but in my opinion AIG is the most culpable, maybe the only one culpable. If they had the reserves like they were supposed to on their money insurance (derivatives are just money insurance, a way to hedge your bet, regardless of whether it's a credit default swap or a subprime tranche in a CDO) then other institutions such as Goldman would've been fine. They're all tied together, closely, so I'm probably just arguing semantics.....but I fukcing hate AIG, since beyond the meltdown they're the sister company (share assets wholly) with the company that ruined my life and tried to kill me....the most evil company ever....Allstate....which is nothing but a total house of cards. 81% owned by institutional investors like State Street, BlackRock, and Vanguard....the big three being guessed it....big three. Anyways, the reason why Allstate did all that shit to me is that no one has ever done what I did and they panicked, before realizing there was nothing I could do. If you only knew how many countless authorities and media I've contacted or gone and spoke with in person trying to hold Allstate accountable.....if I had a nickel for every one I'd have a shitload of nickels.

People have no idea what any of it means enough to understand the significance of it. Over $50 Billion in made up money....conjured out of thin air....none of it ever existing except on paper. I can show you guys hard evidence that is indisputable. Harry Markopolos needed less than five minutes to confirm the fraud over the phone....about as long as it supposedly took him to figure out Madoff was running a ponzi.

The reality is that there is no regulation of our financial markets. None. The SEC knew about Madoff, knows about countless fraud schemes, some that most likely will inevitably crash the global economy, the SEC works on behalf of investors, their line of work is asset protection, mainly for the crooks who run our markets, and they're certainly not looking out for Americans.

What I was lead to believe was that a Connecticut based medium sized hedge fund (billions in the mid teens under management) was going to partner with Harry, myself, and a guy named John McPherson to short Allstate coinciding with my Whistleblower case being made public.....Markopolos being the media darling going on interviews and creating enough bad press to crash the stock.

The practice case....the trial run prior to my case......was shorting GE in August of 2019. Harry & John successfully crashed GE 12% in a day and made millions on the short.

I'm going to go fishing.....can tell more later if interested.....
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: RE: Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Jun 06, 2021 12:42 pm

Fish Felon wrote:[quote="maplelakeduckslayer"]Ff- you seen to have ultimate freedom. If you can least vaguely...what do you do money wise that affords you this freedom

I'm single.

That pretty much sums it up. Single, as in I'm no longer worried about ever being in a relationship again....well, I'm a little worried at times.

After losing everything and getting divorced a guy realizes how very little they need when no longer planning for a future with a woman and starting a family. I'm almost forty, still kind of want it, think I might regret it a little later in life that I didn't try harder to get back what I lost, meet someone, get married again, and start a family.

Then I go out with a few chicks and feel very confident in how there's no fukcing way I'm ever getting married again. Unless some chick comes out of the past with a kid that's mine.......I'm not even going to entertain the idea.

The dating pool is pretty shallow when you're forty. There aren't any good woman left....they've all been picked over. You're stuck with fat annoying hogs, Feminist-BLM-ultra-liberal tatted up chicks with purple hair and like twelve piercings, or chicks with four kids that are Bible beaters after getting out of a relationship with a guy who probably wasn't unlike me. Almost all of them have kids....all of them are boring. I love to fukc 'em but don't really care for much else about them at this point....I can occasionally tolerate them enough to fool them into thinking I give a shit in order to bang them a few times and then not answer their calls and texts.

I like my nieces and nephews and enjoy spending time with them.....until they annoy the shit out of me. When I see them it's typically at the cabin or grandparents so if I want to take them out fishing I easily can, and if they start annoying me a half hour in or a couple hours.....I head in, once back they're with their parents, and then I go do whatever adult stuff I want to do.

I'm not sure if I would've been a good parent and husband.....probably it's kind of nice in a way that everything blew up in a manner where it wasn't my fault and I'll never doubt that I didn't try to be married with kids, career, 401K, Roth, saving for retirement, etc.

Once that's's scary at first how free you are....and loneliness can be a bitch at times, but not if you're busy, and the ex stuck me with three cats that I like and actually help a lot. I mock the "comfort animal" shit and would never bring them on a plane or any of that weird shit....but they are nice to have around.

Once you let go and start living your life only for don't need shit for money. It's astonishing how little you need to have everything you want when you're not doing it for, or in preparation for pleasing a woman.

Previously I was in insurance. I know more about insurance than anyone. I know more than anyone should know about it. Insurance is very compartmentalized. Someone who is an expert actuary....the best in the business....doesn't know a fukcing thing about what an agent does. An agent doesn't understand what underwriters do....underwriters don't understand the service side of it.....they don't understand billing....they don't understand claims.....they don't understand legal.....and that's just within one company that is a part of the company. Any insurance company.....pick any of them that account for half the ads you see during any pro or college football game.....they have multiple auto companies, multiple home/fire companies, life company, usually health which means DI (disability) since health insurance is a totally different sort of fukced up animal that is an industry I've never been agents and health insurance are two separate industries.....but all those separate entities operate independently of each like I said, very compartmentalized, with each hand not knowing what the other hand is doing. No one can see the forest through the trees......

......except for me. I know all of it. I can see all of it. And that's how I can make sense out of it to uncover $50 billion fraud schemes. That's why they tried to kill me...shut down my agency by placing armed security at my leased office space one night without notice and told me to never go back....then shipped the entire contents of my office, dead office plants bubble wrapped and boxed and all, the fukcers didn't sent every last paperclip.....shipped it to my house a week later....where there was a 24/7 three car security detail on me. One parked on my block North of my house, one parked South of it, and one roaming the neighborhood and running up my alley every ten minutes, since they had nowhere to park and I was back there a lot drinking beer and working on my boat during the five weeks there....while I waited for the $5 million up front and $10 million in future stock option deal to be consummated in exchange for me signing off on a release of contract that waived all rights to future litigation and had a gag order to never talk about anything that happened....which they all reneged on.

Harry Markopolos is a fukcing fraud. He was the guy who I worked with....was my supposed business partner for three years. He's most widely known for being the guy who caught Bernie Madoff, but that's total bullshit......the market got Madoff, Harry didn't do shit besides play the white knight and help serve as the perfect distraction to shift American's pissed off focus away from shithead dirt bags at AIG. I was going to say Goldman, Lehman, Countrywide, and list off the names that most people associate with the meltdown but in my opinion AIG is the most culpable, maybe the only one culpable. If they had the reserves like they were supposed to on their money insurance (derivatives are just money insurance, a way to hedge your bet, regardless of whether it's a credit default swap or a subprime tranche in a CDO) then other institutions such as Goldman would've been fine. They're all tied together, closely, so I'm probably just arguing semantics.....but I fukcing hate AIG, since beyond the meltdown they're the sister company (share assets wholly) with the company that ruined my life and tried to kill me....the most evil company ever....Allstate....which is nothing but a total house of cards. 81% owned by institutional investors like State Street, BlackRock, and Vanguard....the big three being guessed it....big three. Anyways, the reason why Allstate did all that shit to me is that no one has ever done what I did and they panicked, before realizing there was nothing I could do. If you only knew how many countless authorities and media I've contacted or gone and spoke with in person trying to hold Allstate accountable.....if I had a nickel for every one I'd have a shitload of nickels.

People have no idea what any of it means enough to understand the significance of it. Over $50 Billion in made up money....conjured out of thin air....none of it ever existing except on paper. I can show you guys hard evidence that is indisputable. Harry Markopolos needed less than five minutes to confirm the fraud over the phone....about as long as it supposedly took him to figure out Madoff was running a ponzi.

The reality is that there is no regulation of our financial markets. None. The SEC knew about Madoff, knows about countless fraud schemes, some that most likely will inevitably crash the global economy, the SEC works on behalf of investors, their line of work is asset protection, mainly for the crooks who run our markets, and they're certainly not looking out for Americans.

What I was lead to believe was that a Connecticut based medium sized hedge fund (billions in the mid teens under management) was going to partner with Harry, myself, and a guy named John McPherson to short Allstate coinciding with my Whistleblower case being made public.....Markopolos being the media darling going on interviews and creating enough bad press to crash the stock.

The practice case....the trial run prior to my case......was shorting GE in August of 2019. Harry & John successfully crashed GE 12% in a day and made millions on the short.

I'm going to go fishing.....can tell more later if interested.....[/quote]You forgot the plan old batchit crazy b#tches. I see though that you are in the same boat as me when it come to women. I got tired of the stupid games they play.

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Last edited by lickmyvowels on Sun Jun 06, 2021 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Jun 06, 2021 12:43 pm

Brah...go fishing!!!

Freedom is nice. My only obligation is my job...for a little longer, anyway. Pretty much disowned by the family as they know I really don't give a shit. Phuc that having a family bullshit!

Freedom is nice!!
Dominate The Skies.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: RE: Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Jun 06, 2021 12:48 pm

Bullet21XD wrote:Brah...go fishing!!!

Freedom is nice. My only obligation is my job...for a little longer, anyway. Pretty much disowned by the family as they know I really don't give a shit. Phuc that having a family bullshit!

Freedom is nice!!
Chit my family actively tries to fk me over (nothing is your fault if you always have someone to blame). If I had the money right now I'd take off and never be heard from again. Somedays I think panning for gold In Canada would be the way to go.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Jun 06, 2021 4:01 pm

Best melon knife evaImage

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Jun 06, 2021 6:32 pm

Fish Felon wrote:
maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Ff- you seen to have ultimate freedom. If you can least vaguely...what do you do money wise that affords you this freedom

I'm single.


I'm going to go fishing.....can tell more later if interested.....

You ever do much reading on the Rothschild family and their control over the world monetary supply?

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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:46 pm

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:
Fish Felon wrote:
maplelakeduckslayer wrote:Ff- you seen to have ultimate freedom. If you can least vaguely...what do you do money wise that affords you this freedom

I'm single.


I'm going to go fishing.....can tell more later if interested.....

You ever do much reading on the Rothschild family and their control over the world monetary supply?

I haven't. Good stuff? I know they are who run the fed.

People who challenge the notion that Jews run the world banking need to read the list of investors Madoff had involved in his ponzi......9 out of 10 are as Hebrew as Hanukkah.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:52 pm

It's all just very interesting as I get old enough to have the mental capacity and critical thinking skills to formulate my own opinions on this stuff. I don't have anything really fortified on the Rothschild's yet but it's very interesting stuff.

I just like breaking this stuff down and it's interaction with financial markets etc and the world we live in and what drives it. My biggest geek out...mainly because I try to turn that into financial gain for myself

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