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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:35 pm

Damn dog must of been up all night waiting for me to come home. Been sleeping since I got home. Image

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Jun 07, 2021 7:30 pm

Where to start... Image

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Jun 07, 2021 7:35 pm

Can't believe this movie hasn't gotten woked. Blackface, Klan and attempted lynching all in one scene. Image

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:09 pm

Yeah, the only problem is that they're mocking the's an anti-KKK movie. Libs love it....Clooney being king douche libtard.

"Hey Obama, it's George Clooney.
I'm calling to see if you want to ride on my boat and be dbags who think we're cool together."

My grandpa loved that movie but I think it would've been a lot better if the Klan lynched them all and that's how the movie abruptly ended.

It's kind of why I don't care for WWII movies. I know the good guys end up losing. The biggest problem I have with Nazi Germany is that they lost. Every WWII war movie is a reminder of that shitty reality. If only there was a Nazi Germany in the world today.....a beat down country that could become electrified by a great leader, a great people outpace everyone in everything, and a country the size of the state of Texas dominates the world like no other and almost takes it over and fully completes the cycle of revenge for what the world did to them after WWI.....kicked them while they were down for doing the same exact thing everyone else did....jump into a fight without any other reason than someone threw a punch at their buddy who they had made a deal as close friends do to have each other's backs in case some dbag at the bar decides to start throwing sucker punches.

Yet all the phaggy liberals and Hebrew influencers in this country have made it so you can't ever mention any of items on the long list of just absolutely truly amazing accomplishments the Germans had under Hitler. Figure out how to turn Atomic theory from a theory into Nuclear power and "the bomb."

"What type of bomb?"
"We're running A-4 T12 twister neckers."
"Oh, Shirley Temple's Black Cats eh?"
"Yeah, those are them....fukcing fairy phaggot little girl bombs. They've only got like two megatons of dynamite worth of pretty gay. What are running for bombs?"
"Our plane is taking off armed with the bomb."
"Holy shit sir, I didn't know i was in the presence of such an esteemed officer. A pilot flying the bomb!" [Bows and takes a knee after saluting him]

Let's see .. the Germans are responsible for nuclear power (and nuclear warfare), the finest most technologically advanced machinery and everything else, in crank, the best logo-colors-uni's ever, you know the end of fight club? How they blow up all the credit card institutions? How they erase all of the cocksuckers guilty of predatory lending and charging 18% to 30% interest in addition to all the hidden fees and charges....remember that....and what an awesome and bad ass ending it was?

Well, that's exactly what the Germans did only back then to blow up the credit card companies it meant gassing six million jews.

A bunch of awesome white guys doing bad ass shit, beating the rest of the world in every category possible, making advancements that benefited all of mankind to this day, and just some bad ass motherfukcers who put country and people before all else to the point they were honored to fight and die for it.....

....yeah, why would anyone be crazy enough to want a bunch of awesome white guys to win? I mean, they would've kept the world awesome for white guys....first and foremost....but it'd be better that it is now even for everybody they left in their wake. Oh, the horror!

Who would want that when instead the Americans won and gave us a country that today bends over to be fukced by everyone...literally every little minority faction internally and externally.....just lines right up to bend over and fukc Uncle Sam dry, no lube....since all lube is made in China and those commies won't source any of it to anyone for the purpose of giving Uncle Sam a less painful fukcing.

I highly doubt that if the Nazis won, and we were all speaking German, that half of the biggest city in our state would've burned after some high ass njgger OD'ed in police custody..... after doing the same dumb njggerish shit he did every day. I really doubt George Floyd square would be illegally blocking traffic to this day if we had some Nazis running this shit for the benefit of all....except worthless njggers and money grubbing jews.

I wish I had a billion dollars just so I could self-produce and direct the greatest underdog story and rise to greatness of all time:

"Adolf Hitler---Magnificient"

A story of an orphan from Vienna who was an artist before the man imprisoned him....incarcerated in a prison back in the 1920's....real hard time. None of the "watch TV while you eat your snacks" prison bullshit of today.

After he gets out what does he do?

Feeling victimized he resorts to living out the remainder of his life committing petty to violent crimes, knocking up a bunch of fat skanks and then never being a father to any of his kids, and running down every place he lived along with every neighborhood.....

Oh wait, that's what happens after every njgger like George Floyd does a short stint in prison.

Hitler instead starts speaking in beer halls about what's wrong with the world and a decade later nearly takes over and rules the world.

What motherfukcer can say that coming from absolutely nothing? I mean....Nothing.

And when I say "nearly" I'm talking narrowly missing his goal by a margin less than the skin on your teeth......

Hitler is the greatest story in human history for he is the most accomplished human being ever....and it's not even fukcing close.

I can see the trailer for "Adolf Hitler--- Magnificent" playing and it'd be an amazing picture. Think of it all "Hollywood'ed Up" with high end cinematography and the deep voice that narrates every movie trailer going,

"He was just a boy from Vienna who loved to paint, a boy who had nothing but his ideas and overzealous world had him incarcerated, tried to beat him down.....which made him into the perfect leader for his adopted country that felt the same.....and together.....they rose from the ashes and made history together as the greatest of all time....coming to theaters this fourth of July weekend.....Adolf Hitler....Magnificent-magnificent-ificent-cent--cent---cent......"

I know I'd be plunking down my money at the box office to catch that flick!!
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Tue Jun 08, 2021 10:26 pm

These days it dont matter if they are mocking the klan. Hell they been tearing down statues that ex slaves paid for, got rid the likeness/legacy of a rich black woman on food, removed statues of union generals/troops and removing the name of the man that freed the slaves from highschools because it was racist.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:56 am

I guess someone couldn't decide what toy he wanted to play with before falling asleep. Image

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:58 pm

I finally remembered to bring my phone out and got a picture of my smoking buddy. When I go out and make a screech owl sound he comes down and watches me. At night the little ones come down and call back to me. ImageImageImage

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:57 pm

^^^bad ass. Owls are the shit.
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Re: RE: Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:12 pm

Fish Felon wrote:^^^bad ass. Owls are the shit.
I've been taming this one. Getting so used to me that it flys down and grabs June bugs off the street infront of me.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:59 pm

June bugs are ridiculous this year....never seen so many....or even half as many as there are this year.
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