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Former vice President Biden

Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:50 am

Anyone else catch that Biden gave Putin a list of 16 things to NOT do cyber attacks on? Talk about a fk'n idiot.

He also said that BLM is just marching to be heard and are lawful. While the Jan 6th people killed a cop. Both untrue. FYI the cop died of natural causes (so says the autopsy).

Then there was the moment that he had flashcards and admitted that he had a list of news reporters that he was only allowed to call on for questions and nobody is even bothered by it.

Do you feel safe and free yet?

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Re: Former vice President Biden

Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:54 am

With all the anti trump posts per page on here just recently I can't believe I'm the only one bringing this's almost like some people just hated trump because that was the thing their simple minds were told to do.

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Re: Former vice President Biden

Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:57 am

Anyone else catch that there is mumblings that the FBI was instagating people online and at the Jan 6th "insurrection"....even if just slightly true it should be enough to scare the chit out of you no matter where you stand politically.

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Re: Former vice President Biden

Thu Jun 17, 2021 11:01 am

Yeah the list of things not to attack? What kind a of a puss move is that, how about no attacks?

And the list of who to call on, and undoubtedly they also approved the questions in advance so he has a script to answer them is so, so f'd up. And then he was dumb enough to mention

Love or hate Trump, he would call on everyone and take crap and tough questions over and over, I respect him for that at least.

Biden is just way past his prime to the point of him being incapacitated. Crazy times we live in, nothing we can do about it tho so whatever.

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Re: Former vice President Biden

Thu Jun 17, 2021 11:20 am

Newsmax Scroll is reporting biden will give money to Egypt for solar energy, another win for Elon.

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Re: Former vice President Biden

Thu Jun 17, 2021 12:14 pm

If Biden were a republican the media would be absolutely destroying him and his family. There are so many examples with actual evidence that are so much worse than all the things that they were frothing at the mouth over with Trump. There would be several federal investigations in the works. But since he is a dem the media is radio silent. When there are interviews they just lob softballs. It is pathetic what the federal politics and media in this country have become. We've reached a point, that most of the media is nothing more than an extension of the democratic party.

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Re: Former vice President Biden

Thu Jun 17, 2021 1:25 pm

Stute Slap wrote:Yeah the list of things not to attack? What kind a of a puss move is that, how about no attacks?

What's worse is that Putin now knows exactly what to attack. Hopefully Biden and his peeps are smart enough to give a list of sixteen things that are more or less subterfuge....and sixteen things we don't give a shit about....but obviously Putin is smart enough to expect that.....

I don't know. It's frustrating as an American to not be able to tell what's subterfuge and what's retarded leadership. That's why I think it makes the most sense to just skip it altogether. Like both sides don't already know what the others most important shit to be hacked is already. That's why I think most of the stuff that falls along those lines is purely said to direct or misdirect us sheep.

Who knows who is actually in charge right now. We all know Biden isn't writing his speeches, helping to edit them, adding or removing excerpts, or cognitively able to comprehend his own speeches.

I don't think many are actually privy to who the actual braintrust is right now that is calling all our shots.

The media is owned by our enemy---China. That's the biggest problem with capitalism....your enemy has the ability to just buy you instead of having to defeat you.

Why else do you think we have a media that is trying to divide us an incite anarchy?

Two whites are killed by cops for every black person yet the media only covers the ones involving blacks as an obvious effort to usurp confidence in our authorities, cause civil disobedience, and push us closer to a race war.

Or look at their ridiculously biased coverage towards Asians. In the height of the pandemic hysteria, George Floyd rioting, our economy shut down in tatters, a heated and testy presidential campaign....during all that one of the biggest topics being pushed across all media is how calling covid the "Wuhan Virus" is racist. Or even look at the supposed rise in "Asian Hate Crimes," which is total bullshit. Crimes against Asian Americans were so low that an increase of 150% is statistically insignificant. It's going from two cases to three, essentially. Most of the "increase" is from anti-Asian rhetoric. It's false reports of people supposedly yelling anti-Asian racial slurs. Some black kids and Asian kids talking shit at a train station and someone yells out "Fukcing Chinks!" That counts as one....etc. What they're using to create this false increase aren't even's reports of people supposedly saying shit to Asians.

As far as the increase in crimes against them.....look at the statistics....yes, they're up.....because crime is up across the board, by a lot.

Whenever I see that shit it's hard to not think those headlines and the media's focus on them is a directive straight outta Beijing.

Biden is owned by the CCP. You don't give someone $1.7 Billion to not have them in your pocket.

The media doesn't even contest that this happened. They just say it was a deal with Hunter Biden that was totally separate of his Dad and completely on the up-and-up...

...despite the fukcer flying to the meeting where the deal was done on airforce two with his Dad.

Burisma? Same deal. The media says it was all on the up-and-up so case closed. Biden is on video bragging about the quid-pro-quo he pulled to get a prosecutor who was investigating his son fired....yet some unnamed whistle-blower supposedly over hears Trump doing a quid-pro-quo deal with the same President of Ukraine.....

He gets impeached. Biden was on the up-and-up though....doing God's work apparently.
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Re: Former vice President Biden

Thu Jun 17, 2021 4:38 pm

Agree with all of it.

I would even go so far as to say the Putin and Biden didn't discuss or negotiate anything of any consequence by plan. It's just a pure show by both sides to the sheeple for different reasons.

The difference that a republican president and a dem president is treated by the media is a joke. I actually like how hard they were on Trump, they should be that hard on all of those elected pieces of shat.

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Re: Former vice President Biden

Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:29 pm

I'm fine with the press being hard on elected officials and agree that they should be.....but with Trump it was a whole different animal. There were plenty of warranted criticisms but too many more were more or less fabricated that bordered on the absurd. They weren't objective in their criticism and they were even less objective when it came to giving credit. Remember when during the debates he said how there'd be a vaccine going in the arms of Americans before the year was over and they trounced him, acted like he was delusional, and claimed the notion to be preposterous?

What I'm hoping will happen, if we have any semblance of a free press left, is that all the reporters/journalists who hammered Trump will get sick of being unable to ask Biden a question and respect him less and less until they've finally removed their bias and rose colored glasses.

I'll never forget one of Trump's first press conferences from the West wing when afterwards he fielded questions for an hour and a half. His staffers kept checking to see if he was OK and to give him a possible if Trump didn't know what he was doing or would be afraid to be like, "Show's Over," and walk off stage.

Trump was a leader. Now he might not have been a leader everyone particularly cared for, but there was no doubts any time....over who was in charge.

All those punk ass whiny reporters who asked him jaded question after thorny question....are now forced to face the reality that they're flaccid and useless under Biden....minus the handful that are allowed to read the questions that his camp has previewed and prepared responses for him to read off a teleprompter.

If those ink stained little wretches have any decency they'll get rightfully pissed by their lack of involvement and access to the President and start taking shots.....

....since who really knows who the fukc is in charge right now.

That should be Item Number One all these reporters put out to pasture should be investigating.....who the fukc is running the country.

It's kind of important information people like to know. All we know is it sure as hell ain't Biden. The fukcer can't peel his own bananas let alone mush them up so he can eat them.
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Re: Former vice President Biden

Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:39 pm

Trudue or whatever that Canadian puke is was heard saying that Biden won't be president after 2022 and karmelo will be president....which imo was the plan all along.

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