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Mergie Marauder
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Fall flight?

Fri Jul 30, 2021 7:30 pm

What’s with the shot ton on sea gulls lately?

I took a drive today and checked my trail camera and some local ponds for ducks. The power lines on the gravel roads had a ton of mourning doves on them.

Lots of does with twins or the same doe with twins on camera. One decent buck I have pics of from last year. He a a decent 2x3 this year. Almost mule deerish.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Fall flight?

Fri Jul 30, 2021 7:40 pm

Also I was looking through the farmers almanac that my mom gives me every year in my stocking and that bicth has been pretty much spot on for the summer.

With that said, it’s says several snow falls in mid to late October this year.

That combined with the drought and a full moon on oct 20th plus the calendar migration around the same time could be “epic”?
"You can't eat ethical." - Ron Spomer

"There's a feeling I get, When I look to the west, And my spirit is crying for leaving" - LED ZEP

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Re: Fall flight?

Sun Aug 01, 2021 10:29 pm

Ya gulls started their evening flights out to pelican early last week here

I gotta go check my cameras not even sure if the batteries are still good. Hopefully next weekend

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Re: Fall flight?

Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:13 pm

I saw a flock of teal while fishing this weekend. Made me wonder if some are already migrating because we typically do not have much teal production around that area. It is usually just woodies, mallards, geese and mergies.

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Re: Fall flight?

Mon Aug 02, 2021 8:12 pm

I saw a nice flock of teal on Saturday in an area I have been multiple times this summer without seeing any and had the same thought, could they be moving already??

Maybe Al could appear and share his wisdom- with minimal production and no young to raise, does that mean an even earlier blue wing migration is on tap?

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Re: Fall flight?

Mon Aug 02, 2021 8:44 pm

Maybe all the wildfire smoke has them confused.

Or maybe all this smoke is gonna block the sun's rays...leading to an earlier cool down/onset of winter and quite possibly the next ice age

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Re: Fall flight?

Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:27 pm

Seen’t both a sora and a Virginia rail this past week. The Virginia rail was still feeding babies. Wild chit.

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Re: Fall flight?

Mon Aug 02, 2021 10:44 pm

MN gets a teal season....teal head out 3 weeks earlier then normal.... teal seasons over before it starts.

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Re: Fall flight?

Tue Aug 03, 2021 3:28 am

kwackkillncrew wrote:MN gets a teal season....teal head out 3 weeks earlier then normal.... teal seasons over before it starts.

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Even worse, MN gets a teal season....few to any teal hatch on the continent immediately after it's announced....diminished population of adults, now no longer over-abundant, migrate three weeks early....

....Dennis Anderson is given cannon fodder to bitch louder than ever from here on out to eternity.....

....He's so pissed off he chooses to never retire for the expressed interest of bitching about it in every Sunday's STrib edition for years until one day it finally gives him a brain aneurysm.....

....Junior Anderson moves back to MN from MT to continue the cause, and bitch about the MN DNR having a teal season the rest of his long life.....

....all because he's bitter and has an axe to grind because "the teal season killed his dad."

We all die long before DA's kid does, so after being forced to endure their annoying bullshit to the day each of us finally gets to feel death's warm embrace just to finally get a reprieve from them bitching about the teal season in perpetuity....

....The End

Until DA Junior gets burried inside a giant mosaleaum that has a huge eternal flame shooting out the top designed to look like fiery cattails, burning beneath a hologram flock of flying teal....all this shit is possible in 2102 when the world has been ruled by robots for three decades by then.

The End of the End of the End......

Until the division of robot doctors (mechanics?) decide to re-animate DA's brain (Junior had it cryogenically frozen for this, of course), drain the blood out of it in order to surgically repair it, in order to then digitally download it into the robot body they've created in his likeness....that sits legless at a desk where it ironically pecks away at an ancient typewriter because the robots have become hipsters after three decades of power, which inevitably created their ensuing boredom and a lack of meaning and purpose to their robot lives, and now love watching any machine prior to their reign being operated, because it's vintage, and the arts and cultural heritage portion of the legacy amendment still exists to fund such historical museum exhibits for their amusement and longing for an identity....of knowing where they came from, and getting the fulfillment of being able to identify with a simpler time where their ancestors existed with such a distinct purpose that's utterly lacking from their present existence....they yearn for the simpler times when their ancestors were able to slave away and create something of value by utilizing the primitive power sources they harnessed efficiently from strange and different places.....such as human hands pecking at them in deliberate fashion.....

....and thus, robot Dennis Anderson types away.....story after story......for all of what turns out to literally be eternity......behind a large piece of thick plexiglass inside a popular exhibit in a robot museum, frequented by the lowest form of riff-raff mankind was fortunate to never have the displeasure of knowing.....lonely and soulless middle-aged robot hipsters.

....and there robot DA sits at his old desk plugging away at a vintage machine about how the MN DNR should've never held a teal season, over and over and over and over again never realizing he's stuck in hell because he still lacks the self-awareness to stop himself from being so naive as to believe he's died and gone to heaven....and ignorance is truly bliss, as they say.

The End that isn't an ending since this story is one of how DA will write infinite articles bashing the teal season for all of time......


....the symbol after "The" stands for "infinite" in case any of you didn't get something I thought was pretty clever but was probably just really retarded.
Hate Speech is Free Speech

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 2510
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Re: Fall flight?

Sun Aug 08, 2021 9:16 pm

Lots of ducks and geese have been flying around the last couple weeks. Geese are starting to hit the fields. Still seeing some late duck hatches that probably won’t fly till September. Saw some terns migrating today’s. Kinda felt like fall with the cold front this weekend

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