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Re: Delta Variant

Sun Aug 29, 2021 10:28 pm

Nershi wrote:We need a mnfowl hunt with ff, gimp, dd and Al so they can hug it out and kill some birds. Make al great again. Maga! Ff could show gimp and dd the proper way to quote a post.

Hahaha! Love It!
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Re: Delta Variant

Sun Aug 29, 2021 10:39 pm

maplelakeduckslayer wrote:
Fish Felon wrote:Fever still currently at 101.6

You've had symptoms about a week now?

Yeah, thought I was going to die so went into the ER Saturday at 3:30am. All my readings and chest x-ray looked good. They gave me some Tylenol and Ibuprofen and sent me home.....despite it taking about a half hour to get a decent still for the x-ray because every time I inhaled as asked I'd start hacking up a lung. At one point I wound up laying on the water bottle I brought in.....wound up laying on my side drenched coughing uncontrollably for about an hour.

The doctor told me to get some robitussin when he called to tell me I tested positive since that's the only one over the counter with a little bit of codeine in it.

Text to my mom at 8pm:

"101.4 started the day off drenched with it dripping off me all over. Now I'm in bed under 5 blankets, hoodie on and up, sweat pants, wool socks.....thighs could best be described as having "lock jaw," can't move them, whole body is tight, cold, and shaking uncontrollably. Thermostat is set to 78 in the cabin.....keep pounding hot water with emergen-C packets.

Everytime I think it's winding down it finds a new way to make me every bit as miserable as I've been if not more so....."

Currently at 102.6 and covered in sweat....drenched. Like I can feel it running down my neck, down my abdomen, ass crack.....feels like I got out of the shower and laid down in bed without toweling off.

This shit is awful.
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Re: Delta Variant

Sun Aug 29, 2021 10:46 pm

I took the standard nose swab test which wasn't bad.....started going, "Oh Fukc! Fukc! Oh Fukc! Please doc, isn't there a mouth swab yet? Holy fukc! Please dear God No!!" when they told me what they were doing....

The new swabs are tiny, and short, I only barely felt the thing at the very end for like a second is all.

My dad, and my dad's buddy did the molecular test or whatever shit that takes like a day and can tell you if you have delta....both tested positive for delta. Pretty safe assumption that all of us have delta, despite the tests we took telling us if we were positive for covid is all.
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Re: Delta Variant

Sun Aug 29, 2021 10:47 pm

Dang hope you feel better

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Re: Delta Variant

Sun Aug 29, 2021 10:49 pm

I'm down 15lbs as well.....haven't eaten shit all week.....
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Re: Delta Variant

Mon Aug 30, 2021 6:04 am

Hope you kick it soon! (The delta, not the bucket)

Keep us posted.

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Re: Delta Variant

Mon Aug 30, 2021 7:30 am

You been in worse places and came back!

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Re: Delta Variant

Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:27 am

Both my wife and I have/had covid recently. Both are vaccinated with the J&J shot back in April. I first tested negative for covid, then two days later tested positive after my wife tested positive. The antigen test is very unreliable with many inconsistencies.

Was I sick? Not really, I had basically a head cold with 24 hours of weakness and chills. I never lost my taste or smell. I had this dry cough, runny nose for probably 4 days.

My sister in law who is a pharmD claims our symptom were mild because we were vaccinated. Maybe. Not sure what to believe with covid. The media, government, schools etc pushing the vaccine is very interesting to me. They know you’ll still get covid even if fully vaccinated.

Anyway I think what help me most is I have a BMI under 25, no comorbidities, immune system, etc.

I realize everyone is different but if I didn’t test positive I would have told you I had a mild cold.

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Re: Delta Variant

Mon Aug 30, 2021 2:06 pm

I do wonder if I had Covid although I did test negative... I got vaccinated, and I barely got sick, was out of it for a day, felt kinda out of for two days, mild cough, plugged up nose. My gf who is unvaccinated got sick right after me and got much more sick.

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Re: Delta Variant

Mon Aug 30, 2021 3:09 pm

Hansen wrote:Both my wife and I have/had covid recently. Both are vaccinated with the J&J shot back in April. I first tested negative for covid, then two days later tested positive after my wife tested positive. The antigen test is very unreliable with many inconsistencies.

Was I sick? Not really, I had basically a head cold with 24 hours of weakness and chills. I never lost my taste or smell. I had this dry cough, runny nose for probably 4 days.

My sister in law who is a pharmD claims our symptom were mild because we were vaccinated. Maybe. Not sure what to believe with covid. The media, government, schools etc pushing the vaccine is very interesting to me. They know you’ll still get covid even if fully vaccinated.

Anyway I think what help me most is I have a BMI under 25, no comorbidities, immune system, etc.

I realize everyone is different but if I didn’t test positive I would have told you I had a mild cold.

Sounds pretty similar to what my buddy had for symptoms after testing positive like the rest of us....after taking the J&J shot a month ago to get to his cabin in Canada.

A J&J booster increases it's efficacy rate by 9 Times.....saw that on the news two nights ago.

I can't tell you how much I wish I would've just taken the shot.

My dad is finally over it after 15 days of illness. I'm a few days behind was kind of weird in that both our symptoms took about four days of going from being able to tell we were sick with something, before getting slammed with a 103 fever and feeling like we were going to die.

Delta Variant ain't no joke.

This all came from my Dad visiting an old buddy on Lake Minnetonka. As a result I'm calling this the "Big Island Variant" with my dad being patient zero. There's nothing but raw sewage and super 'Rona in the waters off big island......this shit came out of some disgusting chick's snatch I bet.....
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