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Re: Omicron

Tue Dec 28, 2021 8:56 pm

Here's some latest numbers from the MDH that on their own don't look very good.....

.....but are much worse once realizing how they're [obviously] skewed to make the vaccine not look as garbage as it really is.

There's a book everyone should read titled, "How To Lie Using Statistics." It's a thin little paperback and a quick read. Why should you read it?

Because Science is Statistics. Science = Statistics.....Statistics = Science

Just like politicians and dbags can more effectively push bullshit by throwing out some stats to the public....Science is throwing out some science is the same as stats and is the same as pure and utter bullshit if the science they're citing is crap science like most of the science produced today definitely is. The classic example of what I'm referring is:

"An extremely strong positive correlation exists between ice cream sales and the murder rate. They fall and rise together....their increases and decreases mirroring each other. When ice cream sales go does the murder rate."

Now, most people who hear that stat being cited as the fact it is......well, they're often not smart enough to think critically enough to realize that although there's a positive correlation it's not a direct positive correlation. One doesn't influence and effect the other.....they simply coincidentally share the same influencing factor, which is the weather. People are less likely to be outside and killing each other when it's cold to the same degree that people don't buy ice cream when gassing up or getting groceries and it's twenty below out.

What the MDH is doing with the following numbers isn't even as complex as that. What they're doing is on one hand stating the number of Minnesotans who've had one or more shot of the vaccine, a figure at 70%.....

....but on the other hand changing it to where they're counting only the "fully vaccinated" versus "not fully vaccinated" when keeping track of the breakthrough cases. So a lot of people they're counting as vaccinated are not being counted as vaccinated for breakthrough cases. This gives them all kinds of leeway and allows them to subjectively determine whether or not someone who has been vaccinated......i.e. received one or more treatments of the vaccine......isn't counted when the vaccine they're pushing doesn't work.

That's just one of many ways they're deliberately covering up the actual efficacy....the street efficacy of the vaccine.....being nowhere near what the "scientific research" shows the efficacy rates of the vaccine being.......

Screenshot_20211228-184037_Hancom Office Editor.jpg

Keep in mind the people at the MDH are worthless government employees like Jan Malcolm......a woman without any prior medical education or training of any kind....a fellow teacher that our Governor Dipshit [Walz] appointed despite having no qualifications of any sort for the job.

Why anyone would think fukcs like Jan Malcolm heading up the MDH are "trustworthy" or "experts" is beyond me.

Newsflash----these are the same state government dipshits who rolled out MNLARS.....a $200 Million debacle that got the taxpayers absolutely nothing.....a system that in modern times couldn't figure out software for the limited info on vehicle titles with the ability to print off a title. They spend a couple hundred million and got nothing when their task was really easy. These are the people in charge and pushing the vaccine.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:03 pm

I have read and not said much. I am a physician in a rural hospital in SE Mn.
This virus is the real shit! This is not a glorified cold! Our hospital is full 75% are COVID patients who are not vaccinated. I don’t give a rats ass about the statistics or what the media is saying or not saying.
Once again for all you idiots and anti Vader’s. The vaccine was not developed to keep you from getting COVID. It significantly lessens the likely hood you be hospitalized or, God forbid, die. From the damned thing.
This is my little corner of the world but this is my firsthand observation. Stay safe my fellow outdoorsman.

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Re: Omicron

Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:46 pm

I guess my only problem with that is, wasn't that pretty much what they said the vaccine would do? End this and protect you against infection?

I mean to me it's obvious the vaccine was purely a measure to limit hospitalizations...and all the measures taken were to limit strain on the hospital system.

Basically... everyone is getting this thing and that's when it will be over. But the vaccines and closures etc were put in place to extend the transmission over a longer period of time to not overburden the system. They knew from day 1 this was gonna get everybody.

Which... basically they flat out lied to the public

Which I get...if people were told this vaccine wouldn't prevent you from being infected and wouldn't stop a vaccinated person from spreading it but *hopefully* would make the symptoms lessened to the point you wouldn't be a burden to the hospital system. How many fewer people would have received it? Thereby increasing the burden on the hospitals. Vs what it was highly regarded as was a means to stop the spread and protect yourself from getting covid.

I mean isn't that what we've been told since vaccines came out? Protect yourself and stop the spread? It doesn't do that at all. It was a way to buy time/spread out infection over a longer timetable/manage hospitalizations.

If we had done nothing...we would have been done with this a long time ago. But society probably would have imploded due to the hospital systems crashing.

They lied right to our faces with a smile. And I get the reasons why it had to be limit hospitalizations occurring all at the same time. But it still don't sit well

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Re: Omicron

Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:59 pm

Felon can you apply your Covid science theory to the lake of the woods mystery you seem to have so much trust in science for. Haha jk.

It seems like the vaccine seems to help older and/or unhealthy people and I’m glad those folks in that category in my life, have for the most part, got it and got boosted. Plenty in this category are still dying. If you’re younger and healthy it seems to be a crap shoot. If you’re giving it to kids you drank too much of the koolaid. If you think we should be requiring people to vax to work or do anything else in our society you are a commie who has been scammed in to giving up our freedoms.

I’ve noticed certain families do better than others. Some families get ravished with several in the hospital or caskets. Others all are fine without a hospital visit. Even if it’s the same strain they all get. Gotta be a genetic or blood type deal would be my guess. It definitely affects people way different even younger healthy people.

I agree with take a gander it is definitely the real deal. It gave me symptoms I’ve never had with other illnesses that were super odd. Our bodies don’t know how to deal with a virus that isn’t remotely close to what have been accustomed to for centuries. They cooked up some weird shit in that lab.

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Re: Omicron

Tue Dec 28, 2021 11:01 pm

Great points maple. There have been lies all along. That’s the one thing our government is good at but the problem is they can’t keep track of the lies.

The vaccine isn’t performing since it’s not a vaccine. Are they even working on a real vaccine?

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Tue Dec 28, 2021 11:44 pm

Take-a-Gander wrote:Once again for all you idiots and anti Vader’s. The vaccine was not developed to keep you from getting COVID. It significantly lessens the likely hood you be hospitalized or, God forbid, die. From the damned thing.
This is my little corner of the world but this is my firsthand observation. Stay safe my fellow outdoorsman.

That's false.

Moving Goalposts.....I'm not saying you're guilty of it but you're at the very least complicit of moving the Goalposts in regards to what the vaccine was billed as when being rolled out versus what has now become obvious that it isn't.

The public was most certainly told that the vaccine was intended to prevent them from contracting the virus. Google it. Just search for what the efficacy rate is and it will state that clinical trials....medical research....AKA "the science" states that the vaccine has a very high 95% effective at preventing laboratory confirmed infection with the virus that causes COVID-19 in people who received two doses and had no evidence of being previously infected.

That is for Pfizer, and Moderna is about the same with a 94% efficacy rate against infection....


THAT STATES THAT IF YOU GET THE VACCINE YOU WON'T GET whatever the efficacy rate is.....those are the odds against getting it.....not what the odds are against winding up in the hospital or dying from it.


This is the type of bullshit that is directly behind why people don't get vaccinated. People in healthcare pulling a bait and switch and lying to people about what their industry professed to the if we don't remember it.

The vaccine was absolutely billed as being something that would prevent whoever took it from getting covid. Now a year later when those efficacy rates that were touted everywhere by the media as the number one reason to line up and take the shot are clearly total bullshit........

......once again the medical/healthcare industry moves the goalposts.....pulls a bait and switch, and basically says while lying through their teeth,

"The vaccine was never intended to prevent you from catching covid you was only ever intended to reduce your chances of serious illness once you were prevent you from winding up in the hospital or in the ground."

And guess what this type of bullshit reminds people of? All the other bullshit....

"All we need is two weeks to flatten the curve."

"Cloth masks aren't going to be required since they're not effective at reducing the rate of transmission...."

Fauci, Osterholm, all the experts said that and pretended like they didn't say that once the other dipshits in power got a hard on for instituting mask mandates.....then Fauci, Osterholm, and the rest were doing one of countless bait and switches and talking about how great cloth masks are as if they never pointed out how completely ineffective they are prior to that.

So way to go.....way to be part of the problem that you're not facing......way to contribute to the problem your industry is guilty of creating.

It's pretty fukcing sad when a guy on the internet not in your professional field instantly knew what you stated about the vaccine you're pushing is 100% patently FALSE. What you said couldn't be more wrong.....

.....and what do you think that does in terms of what you're hoping to do? Do you think that's helpful when trying to persuade people to get vaccinated?

What you just did couldn't be more counterproductive to what you're trying to push.

Repeat after me if you want to try an approach that is going to be more productive:

"Yes, we're seeing that the vaccines aren't effective at preventing people from catching covid like they were initially billed as being.......but they do seem to be pretty effective at keeping high-risk individuals more susceptible to serious illness from being hospitalized, winding up in the ICU, or dead."

Here's the thing.....the vaccine would be a lot more effective if only high risk people took it. You should know who those people are.....a couple sliding metrics of really old and really obese being the two main ones. If your industry had properly identified the importance of getting those individuals vaccinated versus pushing the vaccine to everyone and their five year olds...... would've greatly reduced the probability of mutations, probably prevented Delta from happening, and lead to a much better chance of this thing being over by now.

Because healthy people like myself shouldn't be vaccinated. Our natural immune systems are a more effective and better way to handle covid. Gradeschool, middle school, high school, and college kids? They should never be vaccinated unless they have asthma or are compromised in other ways.

The way this type of RNA vaccine is being overused is no different than antibiotics being overused until there's bacterial strains totally resistant to it.

If the vaccine would've been administered to the small portion of high risk individuals while letting all the low risk people making up the rest of society get covid naturally?

You'd still be dealing with only Alpha and would have a hell of a lot more beds open.

The only ones to blame for the shit show you guys are dealing with right now is yourselves. You need to change your tone, quit doing what you're doing, save everyone the attitudes....and acting as if the public is stupid and you know what you're talking about when even idiots like me can instantly catch you in a lie, call you out, prove you're wrong, and offer a better approach than any you've been using.

This took me two seconds to find.....the second thing I scrolled down to on the first search I did of, "covid vaccine efficacy rate."

It's pretty appalling that you're either not aware of these essentially you're stating that you're a medical professional guilty of spreading misinformation.....either deliberately or from your own negligence/incompetence. Regardless, do better. I'll save you from going into questioning you on your "75% unvaccinated are who are in the hospital you work at" [paraphrasing] statement and leave it at the CDC cited efficacy statement on the Pfizer vaccine that clearly shows you're wrong......if for some reason you disagree I'd love to hear what your rebuttal is.

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Re: Omicron

Wed Dec 29, 2021 12:41 am

Oh, and since I'm calling out Take-A-Gander for spewing blatant misinformation in regards to the vaccine not being intended to prevent people from getting covid....

Take-A-Gander wrote:Once again for all you idiots and anti Vader’s. The vaccine was not developed to keep you from getting COVID. It significantly lessens the likely hood you be hospitalized or, God forbid, die. From the damned thing.

All the idiots?! Seriously....WTF. These are the fukcing dbags working in healthcare these days. **** has the audacity to assert himself as a medical professional and then promptly calls anyone who believes REALITY instead of his INCORRECT understanding of what the vaccines were developed for......

Hahaha!! You can't make this shit up. The guy who makes his living in healthcare is calling out people for being wrong on something that they're actually 100% correct on and he embarrassingly doesn't have a fukcing clue what he's talking about......

......could there be a better example of why anyone with half a fukcing brain doesn't want to take what any of these dipshits have to say at face value?

How in the **** can a guy working as a healthcare professional not know what the efficacy rates are and what they mean for the vaccine that he's publicly pushing? Seriously? How does a guy come in hot like that when he couldn't be any more fukcing wrong if he tried to be?

Anyways, yeah......I'm just shaking my head right now at how ridiculous this pandemic really the point that the people in the industry pushing the vaccine don't know what the fukc they're talking about yet are cock sure as all get out......

The point to this.....besides calling a spade a spade and properly laying it on as thick as his skull is as to how he should be the last person to be giving advice on the vaccine or calling people out since he clearly doesn't know his fukcing head from his ass despite this topic literally being something that as a healthcare professional he has an ethical obligation to us, his patients under his care, and anyone else who puts faith in him having even an ounce of expertise in his field and unfortunately listens to his professional advice..........

I just wanted to add in how the J&J vaccine is fukcing complete trash and that you're much better off rolling the dice, being unvaccinated, and getting covid......

.....versus letting some dipshit healthcare professional convince you to get vaccinated, get injected with J&J, and then roll the dice with blood clots and other side effects.

Since Take-A-Gander is pushing misinformation on the vaccines never being developed to prevent people from catching covid........

.......I figured I better remind people how toxic that J&J injection is proving to be for A LOT of people and how the CDC now recommends to avoid taking it unless that's your only option.

You'd figure a guy pushing the vaccine would've mentioned that if he really cared or really knew what he was talking about.


When weighing out the risks from covid versus the risks from the J&J vaccine?

Fuggin' Easy Call To Make......covid 100 out of a 100 versus a toxic injection of blood clot causing covid "vaccine" that doesn't prevent covid.
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Re: Omicron

Wed Dec 29, 2021 12:53 am

There’s so many damn people in this country, it’s gonna take forever for the virus to burn through 30% that isn’t vaxxed.

I got the virus right at the end what the effective time period of the vaccine is.

The worst part is, now I’m gay and my d1ck is small(er)

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Re: Omicron

Wed Dec 29, 2021 1:40 am ... ame=iossmf

Data are indeed beautiful.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Wed Dec 29, 2021 1:46 am ... ame=iossmf

Data are indeed beautiful.

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