Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Sat Jan 01, 2022 8:49 am

Not directly related, but I just read the book 1491.

It’s what archeologists believe the Americas were like before Columbus and the Spaniards started visiting. Populations, governments rose and fell. Wildlife populations were different. The natives are believed to have had a lot more agricultural, wildlife, and forest mgmt going on than just being “nomadic hunter gatherers”

But most importantly… European diseases, primarily smallpox, reduced the population of the Western Hemisphere by about 85%… imagine that…

It was a pretty interesting read, particularly given how the idiotic media sensationalism portrays everything that happens now like it’s a first ever catastrophe.

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Re: Omicron

Sat Jan 01, 2022 12:30 pm

Quack wrote:Not directly related, but I just read the book 1491.

It’s what archeologists believe the Americas were like before Columbus and the Spaniards started visiting. Populations, governments rose and fell. Wildlife populations were different. The natives are believed to have had a lot more agricultural, wildlife, and forest mgmt going on than just being “nomadic hunter gatherers”

But most importantly… European diseases, primarily smallpox, reduced the population of the Western Hemisphere by about 85%… imagine that…

It was a pretty interesting read, particularly given how the idiotic media sensationalism portrays everything that happens now like it’s a first ever catastrophe.

When Lewis & Clark made it to Mandan.....it was a more populated city than the one they left in St. Louis.

There were some pretty advanced tribes, but there were also some njggerish ones.....the Sioux in particular were loathed by everyone. They were one of two tribes to mess with Lewis & Clark....really the only one since the other involved some wannabe horse theft with the Blackfoot if I remember right. The Sioux basically saw them coming upstream in SD and surrounded them....their first instinct was to kill them and take their shit. Outnumbered and in a staredown with guns drawn against indians without them, eventually both parties were able to back away from one another.

Read anything "Native American" with some suspicion over whether or not what you're reading has been romanticized. Virtually all of what has been written in the past fifty to sixty years is the reverse of "white washing" history.

First off, realize that their is no such thing as "Native American." Their ancestors came here via the Bering Land bridge around 14,000 years ago.....my ancestors came here on a boat within the past 400 years......both represent what amounts to a second in human history, and much less than that of the Earth's history.

The people here before whites were the same as them since people are people. We're inherently good and inherently bad.....inherently driven and inherently lazy.....

Natives warred with one another, massacred each other, were peaceful and civil with one another, had slaves....often with one another....traded with each other....got each other sick with something new at times....and the list of similarities goes on and on.

The most well written history in regards to indians in this country is the old stuff....stuff written around the time it happened to a hundred years ago. People didn't have time to think about creating agendas....there was no "frame everything a certain way for posterity sake," i.e. people didn't write with a bias. Everything back then was pragmatic. The writers were people that if they were eating pork it meant they went back on their property and slaughtered a pig. They felt nothing doing it. It was what it was and was done with little fanfare or emotion.

Any modern writer....anyone who has been groomed and brought up through our modern education system.....wouldn't be able to handle slaughtering a pig. They write based off of emotion because they've been taught that's where good writing stems from.

When it comes to history that isn't the case and why modern history writers are garbage. It's why modern news media is garbage.....everyone feels entitled to put their slant on the stories they tell.

The old indian historians told what happened without any fanfare and as a result were about as impartial as it got. They were much closer to that way of life so when the Sioux killed a bunch of settlers....or the Ojibwa Chippewa massacred all the Sioux from villages named Onamia, Kathio, Vineland, etc., they wrote what happened.....without thinking about what impact their accounts would make from an "equality" standpoint.

Just be careful reading a lot of the indian history since in my opinion....most of it paints them living in this utopian like existence where they were much more advanced than they actually were, much more civil to each other than they actually were, and that whites ruthlessly destroyed them much more vindictively than they did.

Everything was pragmatically done with little fanfare back then.....taking over areas and expanding your territory was the way of the world. Their society wasn't any better than ours is today......people are people....they're good and they're bad.
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Re: Omicron

Sat Jan 01, 2022 2:59 pm

Under 15 has a 0.00002 mortality rate in MN.....

....definitely worth it to shoot them full of a questionable vaccine where the longterm effects aren't fully known yet.

Median age of people killed by covid in MN is 81. Deaths in nursing homes account for over half of all deaths. Despite the media constantly trying to spin it otherwise.....covid hits old people (and morbidly obese) hardest with few exceptions.


Delta has been the predominant strain for a while now.....

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Re: Omicron

Sat Jan 01, 2022 7:36 pm

Sorry to hear about the colleague

I'm kinda with FF...it's sometimes just your time. Do stories like that change my mind about getting a vaccine or not? No...I'm still not fully against getting it but haven't yet. And if I die because of that choice I guess it is what it is. Do I want to die? I mean no, but if it happens it is what is is. I could die any day I get in a vehicle...and I guess the vaccine could be viewed like a seatbelt...it's a precaution we take. Does it work all the time? No.

"Healthy" is hard to quantify...not as a poke to you gander just in general people quantify healthy as someone who they think doesn't take part in reckless activities and look fit.

When those people could have underlying health problems never discussed with others, family history, genetics, huffed spray paint as a teen, etc. Maybe you knew him good enough to know all that stuff...I'm just talking in general what most people consider healthy s a fit appearance when you hear them talk about this stuff

The only person I knew fairly well that died from this was a woman in her 50's to near 60, a subcontractors wife, that had a preexisting lung disease issue diagnosed years ago. She got covid could never recover.

I know 3 others fairly close that were hospitalized for it...all mid 50's to low 60's. My dad's gf, dad's ex estimator, and a family friend.

I know a lot of people given the business I'm in and...just haven't seen any of these freak occursnces of someone in their 30's or 40's dying or getting severely sick from this.

If I was 50+ I'd probably be a lot more inclined to get the vaccine.

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Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:44 am

I actually had a regression today. Splitting headache and coughing more again. Actually flaked on my co(k hunting plans after getting the truck totally loaded up the night before. Sh!tty. Hopefully tomorrow is better and I never have to miss a weekend of hunting for this chit ever again. Oh well, saved some gas money.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Omicron

Sun Jan 02, 2022 10:26 am

I agree with you FF… but we are still learning… one just has to realize new information will have that modern liberal slant.

You should read the book.

I’m not sure the Bering Land Bridge 12-14k years ago is holding up as the introduction of people to the Western Hemisphere. It may have been one of the events.

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Re: Omicron

Sun Jan 02, 2022 2:08 pm

Took another at home test, I’m still testing positive 11 days later. Awesome.

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Re: Omicron

Sun Jan 02, 2022 2:43 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:^^^ exactly. it should never have been sold as a permanent cure.

It never was sold that way. It was said over and over from the beginning that it will mutate. The larger the number of unvaccinated people, the greater chances of mutations the could be more or less threatening. When you have countries with large populations of unvaccinated people, like Africa, where omicron came from, some form of this virus will be around for a long time.

But it doesn’t make any difference what Fauchi or anyone else in the CDC, WHO or other organization said, you wouldn’t have believed it and there would still be a whole cottage industry out there to feed you misinformation.

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Re: Omicron

Sun Jan 02, 2022 2:58 pm

Do all you anti Vaxers feel the same about gun carry laws? I mean if it’s your time it’s your time. Just because you carry doesn’t mean you won’t die in a shootout. What are the chances of an law abiding citizen being gunned down vs. that same citizen dying of Covid? Which is the greater risk?

Also, those 40 year olds who have had it, survived but had some serious issues, what damage has been done to your organs that will haunt you down the road? Will you die of COPD… Kidney failure, liver failure in your 60s?

But forget all that, a free vaccine vs paying your deductible and out of pocket maximum for a hospitalization, just from a financial standpoint it makes sense to get the vaccine if it keeps you out of the hospital.

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Re: Omicron

Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:31 pm

hobbydog wrote:Do all you anti Vaxers feel the same about gun carry laws? I mean if it’s your time it’s your time. Just because you carry doesn’t mean you won’t die in a shootout. What are the chances of an law abiding citizen being gunned down vs. that same citizen dying of Covid? Which is the greater risk?

Also, those 40 year olds who have had it, survived but had some serious issues, what damage has been done to your organs that will haunt you down the road? Will you die of COPD… Kidney failure, liver failure in your 60s?

But forget all that, a free vaccine vs paying your deductible and out of pocket maximum for a hospitalization, just from a financial standpoint it makes sense to get the vaccine if it keeps you out of the hospital.

You’re giving me health anxiety.

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