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Re: Omicron

Thu Jan 13, 2022 10:55 pm

Nershi wrote:Supreme Court blocked the vaccine mandate. Let’s go brandon!

Let's Go Brandon---LGB!!!!

Quack wrote:One step closer to the dems packing the Supreme Court!

How so?
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Re: Omicron

Fri Jan 14, 2022 2:29 pm

Nershi wrote:Supreme Court blocked the vaccine mandate. Let’s go brandon!

Yesterday was the worst day Biden has had yet and I love it. He is a angry hateful man.

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Re: Omicron

Fri Jan 14, 2022 4:14 pm

Between the SCOTUS decision and 2 members of Dems Senate not supporting the filibuster nuke option, he indeed had a bad day.

I wish he would just drop of a stroke and we'd be done with him. BUT then that idiot VP would be POTUS and who would the Dems appoint as VP? AOC? Or some other nut job? :o

I still think Biden will be out between Dec and Jan next year. Dems will wait to see outcome of midterm. If they don't win, they'll use 25thA in Dec. while they still have the power to select new VP. If they win, they will wait until later part of Jan to invoke it so it does not seem as sneaky to voters. That way Kamala is set up for 2024 to run as POTUS.

As for packing the SC - If any SC member dies - Dems appoint new member. Just like the Repubs did.
The worry is that some SC members may "retire" and the that's how it'd be stacked.
God, help me be the man that my dog thinks that I am.

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Re: Omicron

Mon Jan 17, 2022 12:11 am

What's the best way to avoid dying from covid?

Get vaccinated, right?



The best way to avoid dying from covid?

A: don't live in a nursing home.



56% of all deaths in MN...nursing homes. Not exact since people have checked in since the pandemic, maybe? Fugg....come to think of it....there probably hasn't been much of an influx.....

Sorry, just don't want to come across as deliberately misleading. Keeping the numbers easy under the safe assumption that the ratio is pretty close.

1 out of 6......

1/6th of people in nursing homes have died from covid in the state of MN.

Anyone who thinks covid is a serious threat to anyone but the extreme old and extremely unhealthy. The shit isn't AIDS from Freddie Mercury in the 80's = Death Sentence

I mean holy shit.....look at how many more kids are being hospitalized these days?! This new covid is brutal on the youngins....


Let's see.....

How many kids in those age groups are in MN?

Let's say it's 250K in each....

Let's see....

1.5 × 25 = 37.5

Holy Shit!

Almost forty kids per age group have been hospitalized from covid since the pandemic began. I bet they were all half month to three month stints too.....those poor kids aren't getting out in a two or three days like those spry blue hairs. AKA a "hospitalization" isn't a "hospitalization," it's a misleading stat.
If they used "hospital days" like any statistician with half a brain would've used for units of measurement.....since guess what? I bet my ninety minute ER visit where they didn't do shit counts me as a "hospitalization," which is totally the same thing as a 90yo who spent two months in a hospital bed before dying.

If the issue is hospitals being over crowded.....why in the **** wouldn't you track hospital days by age group?

You know what probably accounts for half the hospitalization visits by kids?


Our fukcing fear mongering media, and guess who else?

Every fukcing idiot who's a medical professional talking about how serious this shit is.

When people are told there's a pandemic and if they get sick there's a good chance they'll die eighteen times per news hour....Guess What?

They might panic and seek medical attention because the people who are bitching about being understaffed and overwhelmed are the same people who are telling everyone to freak the **** out.

If you're under 65, can walk up and down a flight of stairs after getting out of bed, taking a piss, and putting some clothes on prior to cooking breakfast and going to work......

....if you can do all those things on you're own and aren't morbidly obese......obese is fine....
I'm talking morbidly obese......and you don't have asthma, smoke four packs a day, or are going through chemo.....


Get one of those things that go clip onto your index finger that give your oxygen readings.....and unless it gets below 80......don't worry about it. Just ride it out, drink fluids, get up and move around a little a few times a day.....I kept a bobber rig off the dock the entire time for that very me a reason to walk fifty yards and back.

If you do will be fine.

Don't do what I "healthcare" that consisted of four wannabe egg head quacks take turns walking into a small room and scold me for not being vaccinated, not doing a fukcing thing for me.....the bearded dbag 30yo hippie doctor who called me to inform of me nothing, "Well, you tested positive to no surprise," that I should go out and buy some robitussin cough syrup since that's the only one left over the counter that still has a little codeine left in it because that'd help with my coughing. So guess what I did? I got in my car and drove to four different stores in three towns after testing positive to covid because those were doctor's orders....I never did find any.....made it just fine without it.

Do you know what that just fukcing awesome health care cost me? What the invoice was going to bill me prior to insurance?

Just under $7,000

For them to be dicks to me and not do a fukcing thing for me......sent me home to ride it out without giving me a freaking Tylenol.

Stay out of the hospitals......steer clear of these fukcing dipshits.

It's funny how all their narratives?

Even their own totally skewed and biased in their favor numbers clearly show they're full of fukcing shit!

I'll post chart after chart THEY MADE and use it keep cutting them up all day every day!

Oh yeah....

There have been three kids under the age of 15 to die from covid in MN since the start, according to them, and for all any of us know.....every last one of them was terminal with leukemia.

Not a joke.

I guarantee that if you had the full medical history of those three kids they weren't normal kids playing on the play ground with all the other school kids the week before......fukcing Guarantee It!

When they came up with only three....compared to pushing 6K out of nursing homes....out of a population less than 35K-40K?


And don't feel sorry for them either......the number one group of people responsible for healthcare workers being overwhelmed is healthcare workers.

This pandemic is a bullshit and contrived self-fulfilling prophecy.

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Re: Omicron

Mon Jan 17, 2022 1:36 am

What percentage of nursing home patients do you think are vaccinated?

I'd put that number at just a hair under 100%

Yet they're still dropping like flies.....weird.

The death rate is starting to slow down in regards to correlating with the case numbers.

Want to guess why?

It's not the vaccine slowing it down.

There's only so many old fukcers close enough to their death bed left after it's taken out about 1/6th of them.

Only the healthcare industry would be dumb enough to go "covid is still burning through all the low hanging's a raging wildfire of a pandemic for the unvaccinated!"

The fukc it is!

How high do the case counts and vaccination rates need to get simultaneously before those dipshits will finally abandon that bullshit.

Weird how in MN over 95% of people above 65 are fully vaccinated......

.....and that group of people accounts for like 85+% of the deaths. I guarantee you every ward of the state that got put in a home is fully vaccinated....yet one out of six is dead.

Killer vaccine man, literally!

"But Blah Blah Blah if you're 30-40 being fully vaccinated means you're twenty times less likely to die from covid....Blah Blah Blah Fauci....."

Fuggggg.....I don't know why they didn't rig that stat to be like a hundred times less likely......

......since you can make stats say whatever the fukc you want when all you need to do is fudge a tenth of a decimal point......since anything times Zero ends up being Zero.

If you're middle-aged or under, not needing machines or a pile of meds to keep yourself on this side of the snow, well guess what?! I've got some great news for you!

You're a thousand times less likely to die from covid than I am!

Your chance is Zero but mine is only a chance of Zero. Shit, I better get my vaccine soon!

0.0000001 to 0.000001 is a hundred times difference.......think about it....this shit is obvious since guess what?


Are your kids at home from school these days? Has the state decided to give you and your kids the shaft? To rob them from the normal socialization and learning that's critical to their life long development?

Do you know why they gave your kid(s) the shaft?

Because they're fukcing idiots and they're trying to save people in nursing homes who have lived their lives and are on their death bed.......they care more about the less than 30,000 state residents in nursing homes than they do the children of this state. They've sacrificed our future to try to save people that are already dead. If covid doesn't get them something else will....soon.

Trading down for old people over our youth is a severely fukced up and bad call to make any way you slice it. If you're insane enough to sacrifice a ton of significant stuff by the rest of the greater good?

It better better fukcing be right!

Look at the numbers/figures on the charts I just posted.....

Why aren't kids in school?

They've got hospitalization rates next to zero, covid doesn't kill them....if you think three kids under the age of 15 were riding their bikes one week with their friends and two weeks later in body bags because they caught're out of your fukcing mind.

But I guess it all makes sense because K-12 kids spend so much time at nursing homes and all......obviously that's why all these old people have died from covid.......

....grade school kids spreading it around in nursing homes.

You know what? I think it's about time Walz gets serious about ending this pandemic.....

No child births allowed in MN until it's over. Mandatory Abortions for all pregnant women. Those fetuses could be in preschool in five years, and then it's just more of the same......

Little kids killing old people with covid!

The only way to save all our centurnarians is by getting rid of all the kids because they're carriers. It's so obvious! Target the most innocent and most unaffected by this's the only surefire way out of this!

If we don't become more proactive in eliminating all these "covid kids" I truly think we'll end up having to be reactive to a high percentage of 70-80-90-100 year olds dying......and think of how fukced we're going to be if our old people start dying off in rates higher than the rest of society? We'll be totally fukced guys!!!
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Re: Omicron

Mon Jan 17, 2022 2:35 am

Anyone who wants to throw out "blah blah blah" about the unvaccinated.......

.....better come at me with some actual figures on the unvaccinated.

Read everything on this chart:


Why isn't there a category for me?



but all you pro-vaxxers can keep referring to me as "unvaccinated" or....I'm not really an anti-vaxxer......if you want to infect some gene splicing questionable mRNA shit, go ahead and roll the dice. Anyone who wants it should have it available.

Just quit lying about it being effective.

Since a shitload of people are fully vaccinated yet the chart for cases and positive case rate:


Is clearly the worst it's ever fukcing been, by far. When the entire population was unvaccinated and next to no one had antibodies yet.....somehow that first big wave we fared better than we are now when the vast majority is fully vaccinated.

Quick question for you know how you keep on claiming the pandemic is a raging fire amongst the unvaccinated?

Why didn't this same fire we got raging now.....well, if it's raging amongst only the unvaccinated and there's like less than 30% of the population not fully vaccinated..... come it didn't do that when that figure was a 100%?

If 30% is "still plenty of easy covid targets" then what the fukc happened when it was 100% easy targets? Covid saw we were too vulnerable and decided to give us a head start so it'd be more sporting?

Even when trying to make the numbers work out for the other side of the argument....having it be 150% more contagious amongst only 30% of the population doesn't add up for things being the at the new low.

Here's what I'd love to have a pro-vaxxer from the medical community answer for me.....

What are the hospitalization rates and death rates for unvaccinated people under age 65 in MN?

Under the definition:

"Fully vaccinated is defined as 14 or more days after they have completed all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine."

Recommendation doses = boosters

So if you've received both doses of Moderna or Pfizer....guess what!?

The state of MN counts you and me the same.....we're both "Not Fully Vaccinated"

Now ask yourself why they would do it that way........what do you think would be easier to count/compile/tabulate/track. I'll put it this way....

There are two large groups of people in MN that need to be accounted for. For the first group you need to check a slow to update centralized state website.....and you need to check it for several things over and over again for two week to month long time periods. I.E. just because it lists something on there today doesn't necessarily mean it's correct. That information could just be waiting to if someone tested positive you'll need to check it right away, and then one or multiple more times within a month, and it'll be like 95% accurate at that point. Once you know you're looking at the updated you have to check several dates, and which one of three different tags might have occurred on those dates....let's call em "brands." One brand you immediately mark it as "not fully vaccinated" if you see'll coincide with a single date event in most cases. Yeah, that one is no good so we're going to throw all those ones out....they don't count. Then with the other two, there has to be three date events for all three....if there is, you need to check the last date and then the date of the positive test, and if it's within 14 or more days of each if they're 13 or less days apart....those ones also don't count.

The other group of people is simply the list of people not in the system....they've never been entered, have done nothing to get their name into the system, and most likely never will. So the second thing of people is technically already counted......if you could somehow cross reference a list of state citizens with the other centralized data base, in the year 2022

So which group would you pick to tabulate?

The state of MN picked the first one.

Now what side do you think they error on.....keeping in mind these are state workers, flaming libs working at the MDH, as pro-vaccine as it gets.......

So I'm sure they'd never say, "fuggit," and chalk up a potential breakthrough case that makes the vaccine better while doing the chore of trying to determine between "fully vaccinated" or "not fully vaccinated."

Do you know why you'll never see any actual reports for "unvaccinated?"

Because the medical community is a bunch of narcissistic fukcs and liars and chooses to create shitty science, and unethically ruin good science.....


You won't find any actual "unvaccinated" figures because unvaccinated people are concentrated in age demographics and types of people (healthier) than the people who've taken one or more doses of the vaccine.

That'd be the flip doing it....

If I wanted to be a lying, unethical, crooked fukc like those at the MN dept of Health and DELIBERATELY create a data set of numbers that DELIBERATELY misrepresent my agenda?

"Unvaccinated" and "Vaccinated" where the definition for vaccinated would be:

"Any person who has received one or more doses of any brand of vaccine is defined as "Vaccinated."

Even trying to be a fukc like the pro-vaxxers are and skew the numbers, my data set would still represent a less biased pair of sample groups.

And the numbers produced by anyone who had the time, money, determination, and pull to get them....

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Re: Omicron

Sat Jan 22, 2022 1:54 pm

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