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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:20 pm

I'm not [necessarily] saying it's wrong......

.....just saying you're with PETA on this one.

The crazy....dumb fukc....whacko....dipshits....over at PETA....that's who you're aligned with on this one.

Personally I don't give a shit about anything killing birds......I like killing birds......I'm not going to be a hypocrite and get pissed about something else that also likes to kill birds......

.....until there aren't enough birds for me to get mine.

Keep in mind that the people who conducted that study are very pro-birds and even more anti-hunting than they are anti-cat.

2.4 Billion is a lot of anything. Hunters kill around 15 million doves a year.....and what? 10 million ducks?

Think of how many pile pics of ducks you see? How many dudes live-breath-eat-shit duck hunting? Dudes hunting over managed land for months at a time over the best decoys and pit blinds that exist......

.....and yet we're talking seven to barely eight digit kill counts on that one type of bird, and somehow cats are killing ten digits?

Fukc that bullshit....I don't buy it....or I at the very least have doubts in the legitimacy of that figure.

There's not that many cats. Compared to the 80's and 90's pre-coyotes all over the country side there ain't shit for feral cats roaming today that they're used to be.

Seriously, how often do you actually see "ditch tigers" these days?

Where cats kill a lot of birds?

Urban areas.

When I lived in South Minneapolis my cats killed a shitload of birds......

.....99% were unprotected European Sparrows.

It was rare for them to come in with something happened maybe once a year.

Of that supposed 2.4 billion birds I'd like to know how many are invasive/unprotected species being killed in urban areas.....

.....I'd put money on it being the vast majority of them.
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sat Feb 26, 2022 5:56 pm

I just plain don't like domestic and feral cats. No more, no less. I do like bobcats though. They're pretty cool.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:22 pm

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:58 pm

Long story for why I brought this lil guy camping.....but cats don't travel well, he got freaked out, got his way through the screen, and managed to jump out the window of a moving camper.

I plastered the small town next to where he got out with flyers offering a reward. He was in the wild for six months when I got a phone call at 2am in the morning, middle of January, -20 out, from a chick who had caught my cat. She and I each drove an hour one way to meet up.....and she refused to take any money, not even for gas, after she'd spent four nights waiting in her car trying to catch my cat.....fukcer was too smart for his own good and kept going in a kind animal trap, stepping over where he needed to hit to trip the gates shut, and kept eating the food without getting caught. She finally caught him by putting a cab of soft food under a weighted plastic tub propped up by a stick with a string tied to it, with the other end to her finger, inside her car parked in her driveway, where she sat and waited with a brick on the break pedal to illuminate behind her with red light.....he was too smart to come in with lights on. Kept getting beat up by a neighbor's cat on the way in. He was in rough shape when I got him, but he's done great in the two years since....and is now eight years old.

He had a collar on when he escaped but it was gone when he was caught six months later. Is chipped....but that doesn't do much to deter some fukc from shooting him.

I've seen dogs chasing deer on multiple occasions when I had a rifle in the truck with me. I legally could've waxed those dogs. You know why I didn't?

Because the thought of shooting someone's pet would weigh pretty heavily on me.....and why the fukc would I about a dog chasing a deer or two? They're just deer. Who gives a fukc? Why would that upset me enough to shoot what is most likely....or at the very least a decent chance....of being someone's pet?

MN is a fairly populated state. There aren't many spots where you could shoot a cat or dog that's not within a quarter mile as the crow flies from a house.

You're not shooting're shooting people's pets.

Over what.....your fake concern over some [supposed] fukcing tweety birds getting killed?

Who gives a shit?

Does your faux concern over tweety birds begin to even compare to people's real concerns over their actual pets?

Before you pull the trigger the next time on that cat, or dog, think of some little kid at the nearest house crying themselves to sleep when their pet doesn't come home that evening and never will.

If your concern for tweety birds is that great to where you can stomach some little kid....or adult....being really torn up over the loss of animal that meant a great deal to them.....

....go ahead then, pull the trigger.

But I for one think you're a sadistic lying fukc since no one in their right mind actually cares about friggin' tweety birds that God Damn much.

There....I've said my piece on the subject....and will let it go from here on out.

Oh yeah, one last cat that was lost sits by the door, and then stands up and taps the door knob with his paw when he wants out. He follows me around when I'm outside, comes fishing with me in the boat, and loves to "buzz the tower," come bum rushing at me out of nowhere when I got outside and he's already out....just as excited as hell I'm outside with him....then follows me around....hangs out with me doing whatever it is I'm doing. I like him as much as any dog I've ever had. Whatever you've felt about a dog or other pet....I feel the same about him. I'm pretty damn happy no one shot him when he was on the loose.

Just because it isn't your pet....doesn't mean it isn't someone else's pet.



The previous one is Blondie, this one is Blondie Jr.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Feb 27, 2022 12:25 am

Tundra Swans
God, help me be the man that my dog thinks that I am.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Feb 27, 2022 10:57 am

There’s worse shit a cat can run into out there besides me. Letting a cat outdoors to get hit by a car or get eaten by a coyote is honestly just poor pet ownership. If a pet owner doesn’t even give a sh!t about their cat, why should I?

Felon, don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re a very intelligent psychopath, I’m not at all surprised cats are one of the few things you seem to actually give a sh!t about.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Feb 27, 2022 11:19 am

About the only thing that is going to kill a cat up here is a human. Cats are too circles around the foxes....have too many trees to climb and get away.

Out in the country?

A cat going up a grassy draw in the middle of a tilled field that runs into a couple coyotes is gonzo.

I don't know man. Ruthlessly killing what very likely is someone's pet because it might kill tweety birds that you were never witness to....seems pretty psychopath to me.....on the level of people shooting dogs because they saw it chase a frigging deer, but hey... least in that case you were witness to the animal doing something wrong, right?

Waxing a cat that's outside just enjoying the day when you've literally witnessed it harming nothing?

That's some fukcing Dahmer shit man.
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Feb 27, 2022 11:25 am

Sh!t, game recognize game. Maybe I’m a psycho too.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Feb 27, 2022 11:57 am

I’m pulling the trigger without remorse if the cat is free roaming.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Feb 27, 2022 2:53 pm

Anyone who has a cat and doesn't let them out of the house is a sadistic person. Cats should be let out to roam just like dogs should get let out to roam. Animals aren't like kids these can't just hand them an iPad and call yourself a good parent. They deserve to be let out.

The female cat I have likes catching frogs. That's all she ever catches....frogs. Is that an issue? Do you guys [fake] care about frogs as much as you do about tweety birds?

I've never seen a cat come back with a pheasant, duck, or game bird....never seen one bring in even a dove.

I can't say the same for dogs. In the spring, I've seen dogs show up with hen pheasants, hen ducks, and one time a grouse.....presumably all nesting birds....birds that we all like to hunt.

So why aren't you guys just as adamant, or more adamant, about shooting dogs?

I see way, way, waaaaaaay more dogs roaming around....sometimes collared dogs, sometimes not....usually a lab or some pointer. I see a lot more dogs roaming than I do cats.

Why aren't you guys shooting them?
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