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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Wed Aug 17, 2022 10:03 am

It takes a long time to grow big crappies and blue gills. Doesn't take a whole lot of pressure to fish out a small lake out of the keeper sized fish. Crappies especially can be very susceptible certain times of year.

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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:49 am

If it takes so much time to grow big crappies.....if that's the concern......larger fish within the fish population on smaller lakes (crappies in this case) versus quantity of size.....

Then throw back the big ones and keep medium to smaller fish.

I think the dumbest shit we do in MN is all the gay slots. There are exceptions to every rule but by and large, slots are an over-reaction to a non-issue and cause problems.

If you really are concerned about size/age distribution of a fish population the best way to manage it from a fisheries standpoint is by keeping fish in the order you catch them without giving any preference to a particular size/age group within the population.

For walleyes for instance, you really should only have about 7% of the population being old/mature fish (22" or 24" and above....can't remember which one it is right now, but the cutoff is one of the two). 7% max. They're dead weight. They present little to no value from a fisheries management standpoint that should be focused on harvest.

These animals belong to you and me....the citizens of the state......we own

Virtually every other state wildlife department is ran as a "Way of Delivering The Citizens of their State their Own Property."

Every fish....every deer....every freaking critter in this state.......

You and I own the same amount of stock in.

We are all equal shareholders to the equity property that is the wildlife of this state.

We own it.

The DNR's job is......the DNR's job should be "How Can People Receive Their Own Property As Easily As Possible."

If anything, the problem in this state is that there isn't enough fish harvested. People generally throw most shit back and they for sure throw back dinks.

If a crappie population has decent size distribution then the best way to keep it going is by not discriminating against any size classes. Keep the first ten you catch.....if you're worried about the gay azz legal limit. On most lakes the crappie limit should be unlimited when they're under 8," it shouldn't be legal to throw 7" crappies back. Either you're on a lake where that's literally about as big as they're going to get because it's stunted AF and dudes don't see value in what is otherwise a very delicious, healthier, natural resource we all own so keep the fukcers....take your property home instead of leaving it out there for a change......


The 7" crappie was pulled out of a healthy lake with good age/size distribution and you should keep it because catching it is going to generally reflect the relative distribution of that segment of the overall population (if that young year class represents 20% of the overall population than two out of your ten fish limit is going to be about right (averaged out over time....again, general concepts here, as with any wildlife management there are a shitload of variables....which you shouldn't worry about since it's dumb to abandon General concepts that are based in logic and reason due to principles like....I don't know, the type of prevalent bait being used is going to skew the harvest towards the older (larger in size) year classes, or how crappies often tend to school somewhat by age/year classes/relative size.....again, don't overthink it).

If you pull up a 7" or 8" crappie in a balanced lake with well-distributed year classes of various ages........ is throwing that fish back going to help the lake stay balanced? How is keeping only fish over 10" for your limit going to do anything but fukc it up? Assuming everyone does that and the lake receives this supposed insane pressure that will clear the fukcer out in a single winter?

If you want the lake to stay balanced than pull fish as they come without any regard for specific's more important towards keeping the lake balanced to keep the younger age groups than anything else you guys can possibly talk about.

Most decent to good crappie lakes will have a balanced age distribution as you pull them out. You're going to have maybe one, two, maybe three dinks (8.5" and under) out of the first ten you catch, "mids" will make up 4-6, and then you'll have 2-3 that are older, mature fish (10.5" or 11" in East Central but it'll vary depending on location, crappies in areas with faster growth rates might have the same age groups at 12" and up, etc.)

Here's the thing.....

This shit all varies.....lakes aren't stagnant. Lakes that you can normally catch some decent fish out of are going to have down periods where there's a smaller portion of the population that is comprised of mature fish. I'm pretty sure 2022 is fukced for year classes in this part of the state for warmer temperature nesting species of fish (bass, crappies, sunnies, etc.) I think with the late weather, late ice, absurdly cold, wet, and windy spring) that crappies didn't spawn worth a fukc where I'm at. Bass have had egg sacks in them all year. I never saw anything on a bed....never caught them when they school in to spawn, because I'm pretty sure they never really did.

What does this mean for fishing?

Well, in about 4-5 years there probably will be a lot of people bitching about the lake being "overharvested" because there'll be a lack of mature fish to catch, keep, and linenup for a pic like a total douche because you give a fukc about looking cool on bookface or snatchchat or dik dok or whatever gay fukcing shit is the "go-to online place" where miserable people try to fulfill their "lostness" and project their calculated image that no one gives two shit about but themselves......a wannabe sad source of validation......

That dbags aren't going to dream of grasping for with anything under a limit of their ten crappies 10" or 11" or 12"s....if you're really insecure and hope to project your desired identity of.....being almost as gay as the dudes on IDiOt Outdoors who have matching gay looking outfits for ice fishing with not only their names embroidered on them.....they have reflectors on them. Bright shiny shit on their matching they can shine a light and be able to see James Holst getting blown by some dude who just blew up his spot in the spirit of impressing a tool who makes a living off of getting dorks to fanboy out to him.

So yeah......if your only concern is to have the opportunity to fukc up the age distribution in a down year when it's even more important to randomly harvest across all year classes by keeping them as they come.......and think lakes are "fished out" because of a down year caused by mother nature......crazy concept, I know.....that other shit influences things like "nature" more than dudes dangling hooks off strings in a size area representing like 0.0000000001% of the surface area of any body of water dudes care to dangle a hook off a string in hopes of crossing paths with a fish, and then have it be both dumb and hungry when you do......

Mark my words......

In 4-5 years from now all the guys that like to fish more for prestige who need to validate themselves by keeping an impressive limit of fish.....because for some reason that holds more value than going fishing to see family and friends, get outside and experience doing something that's supposed to be fun in a location that hasn't been infiltrated by phaggots yet, with their existence a miserable one due to them think tinkering a couple minor rule changes will save resources they don't really care about from shit that's beyond gay like "climate change" or even worse......people wanting to take home some of the shit THAT BELONGS TO THEM.....but can't because some phag with a Bachelors of Bullshit pulled a research permit, thinks the point of science based wildlife management is to produce peer-reviewed science papers instead of producing QUALITY WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT....I.E. citizens of this state being relatively unencumbered when wanting to take home their own fukcing shit from the waters they also literally are an equity owning shareholder of.......

Good lakes are going to produce balanced, healthy fish populations....... long as you randomly pull out year classes of the fish you're harvesting relative to their percentage of the population.

So be like me and don't discriminate......keep the first ten crappies you catch, don't be afraid to keep a 13.5" walleye....they are amazing, everyone's favorite to eat, don't dull the knife, fry up perfectly, help balanced fish populations stay balanced, and hypothetically let's say some impossible thing happens like dudes dangling hooks off a strings somehow pull out too many of what is usually the most abundant portion or any fish population.....little ones.....the young ones......

They're also the easiest and quickest to even in the impossible scenario that'll never's no big two years there'll be more......

Unless something crazy like nature being affected by mother nature, and there's a shit sandwich like 2022 and oh boy!

We're left without a fukcing thing to do besides speculate on dumb shit like "how the lake got overfished" when actually it was something there's not a fukcing thing anyone can do to "manage" since Weather was actually to blame for an entire missing year class..............

Doesn't that make more sense?

Nature being dictated largely by macro level things we have little control over like how weather varies from year to year and this results in their being abundant year classes that given time will lead to "great fishing" despite whatever gay micromanaged bullshit regulation they tweak to appease a bunch of whiners on social media.

If there aren't any of the desired fish in a lake......give it a year or two before jumping to the ridiculous far-fetched conclusion that dudes dangling strings with hooks at the end of them were able to somehow pull every last fish you could possibly find desirable out of the one lake you for some reason believe should never cycle, or have ups and downs. For some damn reason the lakes you fish are supposed to be full of the fish you want, and apparently have an population pyramid like Italy where the age structure is alarmingly skewed towards being "Old As Fugg" instead of being like 99.9% of bodies of water and being skewed towards "Young, Young, Young Most of the Population Under Pre-School Age"

How people can be so stupid to think a handful of people fishing a handful of times and keeping a handful of the fish they own is the most likely way a lake isn't catered exactly to their liking is beyond me.

Do you know who is the most responsible for overharvesting our fisheries? What one demographic catches and keeps the most fish....takes the biggest piece out of the pie leaving less of the stuff we own there for us to harvest and take home?


It's sad because you guys are proof to me of how bad the DNR has fukced this state by how insanely retarded their liberal mindset and gay, overly-pretentious, totally disillusioned, and cracked out their outdoor culture of this state truly is.

Do you know how the DNR manages fisheries, by and large? The "science behind it?"

This is how they manage a large walleye lake for instance.

They use an algorithm that focuses on deriving a "exploitation rate." The exploitation rate is the "harvestable surplus" of a wildlife population that....theoretically....if the rate is accurate and the actual harvest doesn't deviate too much from it......then the wildlife population will stay level. Theoretically, harvest won't be a contributing factor to any ups or down the population experiences......which is why wildlife populations are surveyed, and tracked over time (by people who aren't fukcing morons and understand that the most unreliable data is the most recent, there's always the potential for an outlier caused by bad sampling and a shitty survey that doesn't accurately reflect the real number of animals in a wildlife population, and that's why years aren't important at all, but what is important are "long term trends").

So.....theoretically.....if everything works out flawlessly. Perfect sampling, perfect data/numbers accurate to the population gets plugged into the algorithms, an accurate exploitation rate is produced.....and the population of wildlife being managed will remain stable if harvest falls in line with the rate produced by a bunch of eggheads sitting in computer labs modeling shit they don't experience because they spend their days sitting at a computer, answering worthless emails and doing gay dumb shit because they're state employees, in a state largely ran by phaggots for the benefit of phaggots......I.E. to make anyone who's normal, likes to do shit like go fishing to avoid dealing with bureaucratic fukc types, catch and keep some fish, and get an escape from people talking about shit they pretend as if they care about like race, gay rights, gender fluidity, climate change, Ukraine, and the rest of the shit lovers have been tricked into thinking matter so they can pat themselves on the back and delusionally believe they're a good person because "they care about things that matter" because they're that lost, boring, and utterly miserable.

What you all need to realize about how worthless the DNR's science is for managing our fisheries......

Fish populations exist in a vacuum.....they are all the in the same environment, one that is capable of infinite population expansion. The only limiting factor to population growth is human harvest. There's literally nothing to factor in or represent things like "relative abundance/forage" or "fish eating a lot of other fukcing fish....all the time....non-stop....literally alive in the same environment you guys think dangling some hooks on a strings into has the potential to decimate."

If sportfishing is such a problem, and you believe the obvious sure-fire way to fix overharvest is more DNR management......


Do you guys really think that sportfishing.....dudes dangling hooks off strings in an area representing 0.0000000000000000000000000001% of the area of any fishable body of water is going to result in a harvest that somehow supercedes the harvest from fish needing to eat other fish in order to stay alive as a fish in the lake?

Think of how much food you consume in a year and what percentage of it is from fish you harvested via sportfishing.......

.....and when you come to grips with how miniscule that amount is?

Realize human harvest compared to fish harvesting fish by catching/killing/eating them is least a degree of a hundred to a thousand times less miniscule.

Here's another fun kernel of Fish Felon wisdom that is hair-brained in how little a change to the fish population is to DNR Bullshit "Welfare let's give idiots who want to work for the state jobs so they can think they're freaking GOD by tweaking a gay slot that was already worthless (at best, probably below worthless and messing shit up) by an inch........

I've shared some pictures of some sunnies being caught out front and how by all accounts....AKA me, my family, and friends who have been around long enough to have some anecdotal thoughts that seem somewhat reliable........

By all accounts the Sunnies in the lake are abundant in sizes larger than we ever previously recall. I'd literally caught one sunfish that hit 10" on the lake my entire life up through.....maybe 3-4 years ago. I've probably caught a dozen 10" or slightly over this summer.....decent ones in the 8" and 9" are in my opinion, a dime a dozen. I could throw a slip bobber tipped with a leech on a plain j-hook and catch enough nice sunnies in the 8" to 9" range any time the weather is such where standing on a dock to fish for an hour would be enjoyable.

Not unlike me, I took some credit for this development and believed that the larger sunnies were due to the effort to reduce small pike as a whole, my individual efforts to do shit like stock catfish and other random shit, and......well, I figured it had to be something that "we were doing," and by "we" i mean "dudes dangling some hooks off strings into the water from time to time."

I mean what else could it be? Why else would the sunnies become abundant in sizes nowhere near previously seen in 35-36 years? was another fisheries management success story! I tried to play God and did a damn fine impression.....maybe even one-upped him, if in the mood to risk coming across as delusional.......

.....and why would I risk doing that when everything I previously thought was already definitely delusional.

The sunnies are bigger because of a macro level change to their environment, a new food source that is protein packed, prolific, requires few calories exerted to large quantities......

The sunnies are eating zebra mussels. Every sunny I'm cleaning has a shitload of very tiny zebra mussels filling their guts. It's kind of mud-like in appearance but they're definitely zebes....small ones.....ones that you'll find on every long strand of mifoil that gets snagged by my hook on a string when I'm reeling it in.

Milfoil big change in terms of littoral acreage present to surface acreage of the lake.....even bigger change in terms of a new available food source that surprise-surprise......has lead to increased growth rates amongst sunnies, and I'm assuming most other panfish/bass/crappies species present......thought the increase in smallies and rock bass was caused by me dumping a handful of fish out of buckets a couple times a year.........

.......also very delusional since man doesn't manage nature for shit, and to a degree that's much less than qualifying as being "shit."

Shit changes, stuff cycles, AIS causes new population ups and downs (some good, some bad, and in the end absolutely nothing we should worry about since we can't change it even if it was really messing stuff up).

Go fish and be happy. Don't worry about anyone else taking home what is theirs too......they're equal shareholders, same as you.

People catching and eating fish is a good thing....a small relic of the past when man was more in tune with nature......more in tune enough to know that crops will have good and bad years, pigs might be lean one year at slaughter but fat the next, weather is also out of our control.......

.....and that's why you should be happy you're alive and able to experience it. Man is a part of nature......we have never been in charge of it and never will be......the only people dumb enough to discuss those virtues are happy to do so in the Meta-Gay-Verse.

You're either a child of God or a cosmic miracle.....either way you're pretty awesome.....act accordingly

Explain to me why we're here.....alive and in where it makes sense.....from a scientific management sense........

........and after someone can successfully do so.......I'll consider the possibility that somehow we're important enough of a factor that a mere handful of us dangling hooks on strings can drastically alter something that's been around and producing the same fish in about the same way for eons.

The only constant is change.

I too have fishing spots that once were great and now aren't very good.

It wasn't mismanagement......shit go have fun finding a new fishing spot versus worrying about the one that doesn't produce slabs like it did in order to look cool on bookface anymore.

Who gives a fukc?

Do you think if the lake the cabin is on got "fished out" (if such a thing was possible) I'd ultimately give a fukc?

It's a gay little lake.......I don't boat it, I rarely fish it, besides parking a camper out front in the winter.....even then.....not possible to be fished out, but if some crazy nuclear isotopes shit got in it and fukced it all to hell for what might as well be "eternity" in the human sense.......

......Do you actually think I'd care that much about "what I lost?"

Nope. I'd do what I always do and go fish somewhere else. If that spot gets fukced up to? Then onto the next one.

Nothing is ever going to stop me from going fishing and having it enrich my life......

Sure as shit won't be the DNR.... a bunch of loser state workers who have a singular goal of making shit suck because they're fukcing morons and think shit like dangling out two strings with hooks on them versus one string and hook is worthy of a being a criminal offense......and they can suck my dick because they're dicks
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:06 pm

what happened to all the monster crappies in red lake then? if they weren't over fished then the walleye must be to blame for eating all their food.
official sour toe member number 52,814

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Fish Felon
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Aug 18, 2022 6:51 pm

kwackkillncrew wrote:what happened to all the monster crappies in red lake then? if they weren't over fished then the walleye must be to blame for eating all their food.

Two things caused them to disappear:

1) they got old and died. Believe it or not, but hunting and fishing isn't the main source of mortality on any healthy wildlife population. Often, the mortality from hunting and fishing is a small....small....small percentage of the overall mortality.

Just like people get old and does everything else.

You guys seem to have this bizarre notion that dudes dangling a few strings with hooks on the is the main source of mortality on fish.....and that any fish that is caught and released will be in the same body of water to grow old and live on until eternity.....or until some dick decides to catch and keep something that he owns. The nerve of some people!

Don't worry about the fish other people catch....whether it's nets, strings and hooks, dynamite.....don't give a fukc in any way other than being happy for them.

I LOVE seeing people catching, keeping, and cleaning fish. It's awesome.

This fukced up "NIMBY" mentality some of you guys have been instilled with isn't healthy, and it isn't right. Even under the ridiculous notion that sport anglers can "decimate a fishery at will," even then....let's say the other dudes you're mean-mugging at every chance you get....sizing them....trying to gage how badly they're messing up the lake you like to fish.....wondering how many they're bringing home.......


The point of fishing isn't to catch's to have a good time. It's a lot easier to have a good time when you mind your own fukcing business and only worry about what you're doing.

We all own the property that is wildlife.....we have an equity share in it the same as if it is a company. Just like a stock certificate is proof of your ownership/equity of property/asset (company).....the same is true for how we own wildlife.

You go cash your shit out when you feel like it's in your best interests, I'll do the same, and how about we don't give a flying fukc about when others feel like cashing out and making the abstract concept of ownership into something tangible by bringing home some fish.

The regs and DNR and the people who follow it and the people who don't.....does not matter. No one has ever taken home a fish you were entitled to by catching before you and killing the fukcer. None of it matters because......

2.) It doesn't matter what fishing pressure there is or who catches and keeps what because like I said, and like you pointed out......the Red Lake Crappies Boom is the perfect example to hopefully help some of you "get it" so thank you very much for the assist.......

The Red Lake Crappies disappeared not due to any could've been a catch and release only crappies lake and there still wouldn't be crappies in it anywhere near like the late 90's into early 2000's.......

Because there weren't any more year classes.

Exactly like I was speculating about for 2022 in East Central MN......there aren't any more crappies because there weren't any made.

If a fish doesn't reproduce then management decisions on something that isn't there doesn't seem like a very practical endeavor, now does it?

Red Lake was never a crappies lake, won't ever be a crappies lake, and you can do every last management rule in the book to "stockpile crappies" that exist there naturally like a fukcing retard thinking if you have more breeders that the population is going to rebound.....hell, get some dork with a research permit to make everything 3' down to 1' an aquatic sanctuary starting the moment the water warms up to 52 degrees......that's a joke.....but what's sad is that is something that plausibly could happen in this state where everything wildlife related is ran by dipshits (DNR).

You can't stockpile fish. You can't make a body of water into something it's not. If it's good for supporting a certain type of fish? Then there you go. Catch the shit out of those fish knowing they're always going to be there......

.....even in the case of Red Lake Walleyes.

The recovery was sped up by stocking, but realize that Red Lake Crappies would've died out on their most, not stocking it twice with a minimal amount of walleye fry (it took less than 300 walleyes being stripped and milked to produce the fry used in both populate the largest inland lake in the state....weird, it's almost as if you don't need shit for "spawning biomass" to create a year the right lake, under the right conditions).

There used to be this incorrect notion/take out there of,

"I wish the DNR wouldn't have stocked Red and left it as a crappies lake....."


Not an option....why?

It's a walleye lake. The temporary fluke of the overhyped "walleye crash" was just that.....a total fluke. The DNR is fukcing retarded.....nothing needed to be done besides giving mother nature a little more time....3-5 years, tops.

The fluke was created by dudes lining the lake with an a labyrinth of nets so tight....I wish I could've done some drugs with a Red Lake member and taken a boat out to see the nets. It's amazing the utterly insane amount of nets and what it looked like....the buoys and errant nets floating....was never documented, but also makes sense since it's Red Lake.......

But that insane amount of nets created the boom by dropping the walleye numbers to where the crappies exploded in a lake where they'd normally get their asses beat into submission and not exist as anything more than a very, very, very small natural population level in comparison to the "Boom" it is it always has been for eons.

Do you know why the Indians pulled the nets out of Red?

News Flash: It wasn't because of the DNR or "management,"as they grand-standed, praised themselves for, got our dumb media to broadcast it as to all the sheep so it becomes real....

Management didn't stop all the nets.

There not being enough fish to warrant putting a net out stopped the nets.

Indians....Red Lake Indians especially.....are lazy and overall don't give a fukc about anything. What is the most shocking about the Red Lake Walleye Crash is that there was that many Indians who actually gave a fukc about something to not drink, shoot heroin, and put in the effort it takes to get enough shit together in working order, coordinate with others, and put out that many nets.

It's mind-blowing. It's also why no one needs to worry since Indians have seen a bigger decline in people going hunting and fishing than whites have. It's shocking they were able to take out that many walleyes......netting walleyes from Red Lake to where they crashed it honestly might be the most industrious and impressive accomplishment made by any group of natives in the history of this country.

the popular concept mythicalized by Don Perera....the biggest fukcing egghead moron out of a whole lot of them....a dude who's theories included there not being enough spawning males to produce adequate year classes in Mille Lacs.....or how he wasn't sure if the walleye fry they dumped into Red Lake would make it, since it wasn't taken from walleye stock in Red Lake.....he literally thought that it might be possible that walleye fry from the collection areas by Bemidji might not make it because they had different genetics than the walleyes that had "evolved specifically to Red Lake." Not even kidding....
That's how big of a fukcing moron Don Pereira is and he was the previous Chief of Fisheries for a dozen years.....his work heralded by all the dudes working in his own department who "scientifically peer-reviewed" his garbage, gave it all rave reviews, and then jerked him off........

I've read a lot of Don Pereira's work and he's a fukcing moron.....dumber than a box of rocks.....and if ever an opportunity arose for me to go head to head with him on a podcast where we could discuss his work.......I promise you.....guarantee......that I would point out umpteen reasons why all of it is fukcing retarded and the worst examples of "bullshit awful science" that people put stock in.....because hey, even garbage science is still technically science and society has become so fukcing stupid we use science as a buzzword that is synonymous with "fact" and you're some dick fundamentalist crazy person if you dare do anything but put blind faith in the science all these egghead dipshits produce in their computer labs while circle jerking each other.......

Management is pointless because man is hardly a factor in what drives population trends amongst healthy wildlife populations......and even if that weren't true.....for the management to work it'd have to be conceived by people who weren't fukcing retards and knew how to get shit done, as if they were working in the private sector where getting paid to do something means there are results you have to produce......

And all the people in the DNR are government employees of the worst ran they sit behind desks, play on their computers, try to sound smart by regurgitating the same in-house bullshit everyone else is.....probably related to Climate Change affecting something else it absolutely isn't (just a built in excuse to appease the liberal fukcs in this state while never ever having to produce any results)....

And the bullshit they regurgitate to try and sound smart is all insanely **** dumb......saying it's "retarded" is an unfair insult to people with special needs who are generally head and shoulders above anyone "working" for the DNR when it comes to being a productive member of society who has at least a little drive and a small capacity to use common sense......

They sit and talk, have zoom conferences, send emails, and conjecture ad nauseum about the dumbest shit ever ONLY BECAUSE they live inside a moron filled vacuum, totally insulated from anyone like me who would instantly point out using basic logic and reasoning that even they.....the people who claim to be scientists yet have completely abandoned using Scientific Method in favor of degrees and the number of peer reviewed papers (the moron circle-jerk) being what gives their work creditability instead of the work NOT BEING INSANSELY DUMB. These fukcers can't even write a paper that is worth reading......the obvious gaps in their methodologies and gaping holes in basic logic aside.....the shit is all fukcing garbage....complete and utter garbage.....and I'm simply talking about it having the basic values inherent in reading something that is well-thought out, pertinent, supported by seemingly credible sources of evidence/observations.

I'm talking about how these lazy worthless idiot dork fukcs can't write a paper where after I read it I'd go, "C....maybe C+"

And you motherfukcers actually expect them to produce results!? Like tangible....real....actual results that are easily quantifiable when we're out enjoying our property that we own together??? You think their management.....them tinkering with slot sizes and "special regs" (nothing special about regs used fukcing everywhere.....yeah.....real "special" just like they are everywhere else.....maybe skip the gay ass phaggot adjective and just call them "regulations." I'm sure some butt-pirate in the DNR got a promotion and a gold star for thinking up and writing a paper for why regulations should be labeled as "special."

Besides Mother Nature managing Nature......we're on our own.

Have fun, catch fish, and break every regulation possible while not being an idiot to where you face even minor consequences......but break every reg possible just for the sake of knowing they don't matter because they're fukcing dumb, don't do a thing, other than give some dumb liberal fukc a completely worthless job they get a pension for because they work for the shittiest department of the shittiest state

Fukc 'Em

And I say that not trying to go out of my way to be a dick.....I say "**** 'Em" because Guess What?

That's what they say about us.......that's the very clear way they've been paid to manage our shit for the use by us for at least fifty years now. They've fukced us all over for a loooooooong time.......

But yeah, their "special regs" that reduced harvest is the reason behind any good lake being good.....and dudes dangling hooks off strings not instantly decimating the population down to nothing. Without the DNR and their "special regs," so-so-so "special" just like Dana Carvey as the Church Lady said.......

That's what makes lakes good........some fukcing morons in a job they don't have to produce results yet can't ever get fired from....came up with while respectfully taking to each other and using proper buzzwords and going to all the state training on common sense stuff like not to call a black coworker a njgger, or be mean to them because apparently that's a thing that happens within state government. Lots of time spent on "training" (read the CO weekly report....apparently every CO is paid to spend half their work hours at Camp Ripley assisting in training new cadets, the like four that go through in a year).

All these fukcers are absolutely worthless. The laziest most worthless morons imaginable. Don't believe me? Everything they work on is public their work reports. If you ever want to feel better about what you're contributing to society?

Read some DNR and other government work reports. What's sad is these dumb fukcs all sing koombaya and think they're doing a bang up job......

......and why wouldn't they think that!

Who is going to tell them they're not? Sure as fukc not anyone inside their same insular vacuum full of morons isolated completely away from reality. It's not like if they do a shitty job and suck a competitor who gets the job done better will push their sorry asses out......a la all the gas stations of my youth getting put down by the greatest gas station chain ever to emerge and fill the same niche that already existed and was full/filled by doing it that much better.

Unfortunately the three letter acronym of that should be the lowest respected brand ever......too bad we didn't see the DNR be like PDQ and get fukcing destroyed by an organization that's ran by competent people who get results......Unfortunately there's no Kwik Trip that's ever going to come along and save us from these lazy dumb fukcs. Nope, we're always going to be stuck filling up at awful, shitty PDQ's for eternity when it comes to the societal niche of wildlife management being filled this phaggot filled, phaggot ran state........
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:45 pm

For gods sake somebody take this man’s adderal.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Aug 19, 2022 1:35 am

No one can beat felons style of rant.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:28 pm

Wow that’s a lot of words. I had to quit when I got to the part that you blamed it on the weather. So when a little basin lake is good, tons of people hear about it and show up and within a short period almost all of the fish are gone, and that’s due to the weather? A poor year class? They made the fish disappear that were there a month or two ago and not the dramatic increase in fishing pressure? That’s some upside down world chit.

I hope you’re doing okay felon and not back on the speed train. Those book length posts remind me of those days.

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Fish Felon
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Aug 21, 2022 12:17 am

Lakes getting fished out is a warped perception forming an individual's reality. It's reality being skewed by a negative mindset.

Lakes don't get fished out.....even if thry were to get fished out?

Who fukcing cares?

That's why MN fisheries management is the worst in the nation. It's been decades since we had a wildlife department in this state where their goal was to harvest out every big year class as much as possible......when mother nature provides you the right ingredients to grow a bumper crop?

Enjoy harvesting it.

Now the DNR completely, and most anglers in this state, act as if they're protecting the last dodo birds on their way to extinction.

It's just some fish. Always err on the side of extremely liberal harvests of them......

......since that's literally the entire point to managing fisheries is. It isn't to try to protect fish so guys can have easy catch and release fishing.

You do you....I'll do me.

I don't give a fukc about any fish you'll ever catch besides being happy for you.

Apparently an aspect of fishing for you is concerning yourself with what other people catch because you believe this reduces your ability to easily catch fish for some reason you think you're more entitled to having them bite the hook at the end of your string than they do.

I think it's pretty fukcing sad that's an aspect of your "fishing mindset," worrying about what others catch and keep....and then trying to limit their options because you're extremely misguided and believe this can benefit you.

You're worried about "the other assholes" completely unaware that you're the asshole. Lighten up, quit worrying about the imaginary fish you're speculating about in your head that all the other unknown anglers are "overharvesting."

You've literally yet to give a single example....make a good point.....everything you're basing your concerns completely speculation. Seriously, your argument might as well be why there needs to be reduced limits....due to the boogeyman magically turning them into goldfish crackers.....same amount of real world examples of that happening as there is for what you're claiming happens

Prety whacked.

Go ahead and prove me wrong......let's see you give one....just a single example.....of a lake that got "fished out" by sport anglers.

Can't wait to learn something new........I'm going to hold my breath as I eagerly await your you might as well address your response to "Mr. Blue-In-The-Face."
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Sun Aug 21, 2022 11:11 am

I assume when you say ‘you’ and ‘your’ you mean me. If so you sure put a lot of words in to my mouth and made a lot of generalized statements about me.

You said sport angling has no affect on fish populations and lakes can’t get fished out. I pointed out that it does affect populations and lakes do get fished out. Nothing more or less. Based on your last post it sounds like you are coming around to the fact that they do.

I am not going to find you examples. I could rattle off many lake names it has happened at but what is the point. Anyone who fishes a lot has seen several real world examples in their own experience. If you disagree that’s fine. Seems like your on your own with your opinion on this one.

If you are so confident you should post up the lake name your cabin is on with details on this snowmobile trail. I’ll come out and show you how to get them deep fish mid day. Pimp it on up a few forums and the masses would show and we could test your theory.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Aug 22, 2022 1:55 am

Nershi wrote:
I am not going to find you examples. I could rattle off many lake names it has happened at but what is the point. Anyone who fishes a lot has seen several real world examples in their own experience. If you disagree that’s fine. Seems like your on your own with your opinion on this one.

I've seen it several times as well. Mainly small lakes with a boom year of crappies. It takes one winter and they're gone. Not all, but to the point the population will not recover...unless the needed conditions occur and creates another boom year. It's not cyclic, it depends on the lake and weather conditions. Every lake is different. Some southern MN perch lakes go through similar occurances, where every "keeper" size perch will be caught in one winter...and the forage base that created big perch is no longer the little perch stay little...until the right conditions.

Under both scenarios...catch and release is completely pointless. Similar to Red Lake...there was no reason to conserve crappies...just kill them all.
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