Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Aug 22, 2022 7:13 am

Yea and it can happen on a balanced lake too that isn’t just a boom year.

And it can also happen on what I would consider a mid size lake say 300-1000 acres. They don’t necessarily get fished out but they get hammered to the point that the population is knocked down enough that is goes from excellent to poor.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Aug 22, 2022 7:33 am

So should I tell everyone to shut up when they say comma-rants are eating all the fish because we will just have more fish later?

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Mon Aug 22, 2022 9:55 pm

Commierants! Ninjas of the sky. Only second to the ninja crows.

Them damn commies can’t hurt a fishery or fish out a lake with just a few beaks dangling in the water. Totally whacked! Tell them it’s the weather and a poor year class that are taking all dem fish. Hundreds or thousands of commies dangling their beaks could never hurt a fishery. Let em harvest as many as they want. They are their fish!

Sorry couldn't resist. Kidding aside, I agree with a lot of felons management philosophies.

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Tue Aug 23, 2022 7:31 am

“These red skins could never over run us!” - George Armstrong Custer

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Fish Felon
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Aug 25, 2022 6:14 am

Cormorants? You're comparing sport anglers to cormorants as an attempt at mocking me??

The comparison is like comparing the ebola Zaire to covid........or a street sweeper to a single shot .410 in terms of lethality.

But you make a really good point.....with fish eating other fish, and other animals like cormorants eating makes the effects of sport angling even that less relevant and unimportant.

See....cormorants only exist as a function of being able to harvest fish. They literally wouldn't exist if they didn't have an insanely prolific ability to dive underwater, chase fish, catch fish, consume fish, and thus....kill fish.

Cormorants are fish killing machines.

Unlike the handful of dipshits floating around on the surface of the water and dangling hooks off some strings....which they hope they'll pass some fish, have them be the right combination on a sliding scale of hungry to dumb, and trick a fish or two into taking their bait.

This makes sport anglers extremely unprolific at catching fish....since even the very best while fishing at their very best......

Still fukcing suck at fishing when compared to a cormorant. Tbe best fisherman ever would get his ass kicked by even a retarded cormorant.

Cormorants don't have to worry about high and low pressure systems, traveling to a lake with a "hot bite," the time of day.....or any of the other bullshit a lot of anglers need to have optimally in their favor in order to increase their odds and go out fishing and actually catch some fish for a change. Do you know how many fish....let alone how many "average" fisherman catches in a year?

It ain't an amount that can be counted using their fingers.

Most people who buy a fishing license have no idea what they're doing and almost without exception.....don't catch shit.

Yet you want to compare them to the freaking snipers of fish killing.....cormorants...who easily hunt and kill roughly the same amount of fish (in weight) every single effing day?

The take falls in line with the rest of the fisheries management takes on here very well.......
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Aug 25, 2022 7:15 am

........and God Help Lake of the Woods.

Nothing fukcs up a walleye lake with more certainty than not allowing anglers to keep fish over 20"

LOTW = Mille Lacs 2.0

It only took the dipshits twenty years....2002 to present to finally figure out that if you want a healthy big walleye lake...... want a very small amount of fish over 20" and a much smaller amount still of fish 24"+

Granted, the vast majority of walleyes over 20" died summer of 2020 into spring of 2021 due to starvation and the prolonged effects of starvation to the degree they experienced.....but by fall assessment of 2021 walleyes over 23" in Mille Lacs were cut down to an amount slightly of above nothing.

And that coupled with the DNR finally fukcing getting it and trying to harvest as many fish over 20" as possible......

.....the lake hasn't been this healthy in a long, long, very long time.

And it'll be a long, long, very long time before the DNR figures out their same colossal fukc up at LOTW.

Expect a relatively large amount of big/trophy fish, poor recruitment of year classes despite more than adequate reproduction. and very few "mids" going forward for the foreseeable future at LOTW.


Because the DNR is filled by a lot of really fukcing stupid people.....who cater to even bigger idiots, sport anglers....guys who want it all.

I mean....why wouldn't a 17" to 28" protected slot result in more fish in that size range showing up at the ends of the strings guys dangle in LOTW?

The only variable here is sport fishing....that's it, right? That's how simple fisheries management put a slot protecting the size of fish you want to see more of and, "Walla!" They always appear. Because the only possible reason they're not there in the first place is because guys dangling hooks off strings pulled them all out. With no other variables to the fish population besides sport is a push 'n' play type of deal.

Buckle Up for a long and bumpy ride. Hmmm, I wonder why all those little walleyes don't show up in the mid-to-upper-teens and low twenties?? Hmmm.....where have I seen this before? Lack of recruitment due to cannibalism as a result of too many upper-twenties in the lake??

LOTW is fukced.......awful, awful. awful management there right a result of the same exact idiotic mentality you guys have rolling around in your heads.

The inverse of what you think is true. A state limit of six fish with one over 20" would result in fixing the problem the 17" to 28" protected slot is attempting to fix, but is already well on it's way to exasperating the problem.

Unfortunately the only person who is going to care upon your realization that I'm right.....five years or more down the going to be you.

Nothing fukcs up a walleye fishery worse than not allowing guys to keep one over 20" as part of their limit.

You guys can't begin to comprehend how much of an anchor....the dead weight of a walleye population is represented by large fish.

But go ahead.....keep on doing you.....your mindset is the same as the one that exists within the DNR (i wonder why? It's almost like they've influenced your thinking?). So....guess that means you win. You and every other schmuck in the foreseeable future who'll go,

"Where are all the walleyes? Nothing but dinks while ice fishing, and then dinks some mid-teens, and quite a few big fish during open water....what happened to all the fish like we used to catch?"

And they, the DNR, and you all won't have the faintest fukcing clue despite this all being obvious as shit. This problem has already happened and been addressed with the same solutions and they didn't work.

So good luck with that.....have fun fishing up there and scratching your head wondering how all those walleyes in the protected slot went missing. I'm assuming you'll attribute it to guys keeping illegal fish.....since you live in a world of color but only see things in black and white.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Aug 25, 2022 7:55 am

Did you honestly think there was an ounce of seriousness in my cormorant post?

I seem to remember me saying lake of the woods was being over fished and you saying it has nothing to do with hook and line fishing pressure. Looks like your stance changed.

I haven’t been to lotw in a couple years but fished it a ton before then and there wasn’t that many big slot fish. Based on reports I’m seeing there still aren’t. It gets enough pressure that most get kept before they make it. I’ve never contributed the lotw decline to people keeping illegal fish but once again you make a false assumption. The limit needs to be lowered. 10’s of thousands of people on the lake each winter all winter has taken its toll. The amount of fish houses on lotw is ten fold compared to Mille lacs. There really isn’t a big fish problem like on Mille lacs. It’s a poor comparison and if you actually fished it regularly you’d know that.

So if sounds like all these people dangling their lines in the water can affect a fishery?

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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Thu Aug 25, 2022 9:01 am

Ice fisherman are the cormorants on the winter.

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Fish Felon
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Aug 26, 2022 1:12 pm

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:Ice fisherman are the cormorants on the winter.

Holy fukcing shit is that a retarded thing to say.

I'm starting to think that maybe you guys are just totally incapable of understanding this very simple and extremely important concept:

In order to catch a fish---it needs to voluntarily decide to bite your hook.

And again, don't get caught up in the exceptions to that rule....there are always exceptions....but in 99.9% of the times when a dude reeled in a string with a fish on the end of it?

That fish voluntarily chose to bite the hook at the end of the string.

Because of this extremely important element inherent to sport never being caught against their own will, since it was through their own free will in which they made the decision and voluntarily choosing bite a hook....... fishing will never harm a fishery.

There is too much other shit they'd rather eat in competition to your bait to ever catch too many and harm a fishery. The only time catch rates ever get to a point where it could is when there's a shortage of forage and the fish are hungry and begin to starve. Anglers actually help this problem by pulling enough fish out of the lake until the prey to forage ratio is back in check, fish density drops for a year or two and with it so does the bite, then things cycle back.....lots of fish, they deplete their forage, there's a hot bite, anglers take advantage of the great opportunity to catch a bunch of fish (what you guys misguidedly view as "fishing out a lake "), wash/rinse/repeat, and so on and so on.

So back to your atrociously retarded and truly idiotic cormorant analogy......

Cormorants fish by swimming around underwater looking for a fish they want to kill. Once they spot a fish they want to eat.....they run the fukcer down and eat it.

The fish cormorants catch are different than what sport anglers catch in that instead of talking a leisurely swim up to something shiny that they then look and peck at for a bit until they decide to bite it or not (usually the latter), cormorants chase fish down that are swimming away in horror....frantically trying to escape the horror of being eaten alive by a strange creature that can swim as fast or faster than they do, walk on land and breathe air, and use the skies to travel by flying wherever they want.......

Cormorants catch fish against their will. The fish has no say in the manner. It doesn't get to choose whether or not to get eaten by a cormorant the same as how they voluntarily choose whether or not to bite your hook, and there's no "catch and release" exercised by cormorants.....they catch and kill....everything they run down they's dead.....they don't throw anything back. The relative forage in the lake makes no difference to how effective they are at killing fish. There's no change in catch rates for cormorant fishing. They are always extremely high regardless if there's an abundance of forage or almost none at all.

Saying ice fisherman are like cormorants is beyond fukcing retarded. One is a dude sitting over a hole in the ice dangling a string with a hook on it, probably while drinking a beer, he has a single tiny, tiny point of contact in hopes of catching a fish, one literally the size of his lure/ ice fishing consists of a dude dangling a hook on a string in hopes that a fish will swim by and cross paths with his tiny little lure in a lake like a distant tiny star across a galaxy floating within the universe.....and if he's lucky enough to have some fish swim by within a few feet of a single fixed point randomly chosen within a sea of water.....then he's hoping that at least a couple of them will take the time to stop, stare at his lure, and after thinking about it....take his bait as their decision....and then hopefully he gets a decent hook-set or **** it up any other way before getting the fish up his hole, which we all know is easier said than done sometimes and a lot of fish can get away right at the hole some days....

So you have that fair summary of everything that has to happen....all the odds you must beat when ice catch a fish......which most guys put in a handful of hours over a handful of weekends during the winter months.....and your comparison to this low level of proficiency for catching fish is...... animal that has evolved into arguably being the most lethal fish killing machine alive, fish and non-fish species all included, no exceptions......cormorants are just simply the most ruthless and lethal fish killing predators to swim, fly, or walk this earth.....and they kill because they have's kill ot be killed, kill or starve, so unlike dudes dangling hooks off strings they're pretty fukcing determined to catch fish when they go fishing, and they go fishing pretty much all the time.....a lot of hours of every damn day.

So yeah........

Ice fisherman are just like cormorants.

Just like how a married couple having a nice dinner on their anniversary and then going home for some nookie.....and......kidnapping a chick, tying her up in a basement, and violently raping her.......are both technically "having sex."

So yeah......the best I could come up with to mock you guys's comparison of fisherman to cormorants is comparing consensual sex between a married couple to rape.

That's how big the distinction is when comparing cormorants to fisherman......they both catch fish..........just like a married couple screwing on date night and a dude violently raping a chick are both examples of people having sex........ they're "the same thing," right?
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Post a picture you took in the last week.

Fri Aug 26, 2022 3:40 pm

Wow felon, you really are the Rosie to my Common Man. It’s too easy to get you going.

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