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Zuck vs. Musk

Mon Jun 26, 2023 3:25 pm

It's been confirmed by Dana White that both Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are dead serious about fighting in the Octagon for a pay-per-view UFC match.

Who will win?
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Re: Zuck vs. Musk

Mon Jun 26, 2023 6:03 pm

Musk if he gets in shape. Would be entertaining especially if one of them can KO the other.

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Re: Zuck vs. Musk

Mon Jun 26, 2023 8:26 pm

It will never on a million years happen.

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Re: Zuck vs. Musk

Mon Jun 26, 2023 10:31 pm

Drunk_Dynasty wrote:It will never on a million years happen.

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Why not?

They've both trained in mixed martial arts for a while, there's a serious dislike of the other, and the biggest reason why it will happen?


They both have big egos, which is normal for two dudes that have both been the wealthiest person on the planet and are currently like #1 and #5. The two of them know that if they agreed to it and got into the will literally be the biggest fight in human history and shatter any previous pay-per-view record.

I'm not saying it is definitely going to happen, but I'd say right now it's a 50/50 coin flip odds of happening. Both of them have personally spoken with Dana and have been dead serious about wanting to do it. This isn't just some bullshit back and forth Facebook or Twitter beef.....this is the real deal. If either one backs out now they'll look like a bitch. How do you speak to Dana White personally and tell him you're in....and then back out without looking like a bitch?

They can't....and like I said....ego.....both dudes have too big of an ego to turn back now. We'll see....might just end up being a glorified game of chicken with each of them waiting for the other to buckle first, but there's enough steam to think there's actually a legitimate chance of this fight happening.

If it does I'm rooting for Musk all day, but if I had to bet I think I'd take Zuck the dirty fukc. He's twelve years younger, smaller, but more fit and seems to be at a much more advanced level of MMA. Musk talking about the different MMA types of training he's done seems more casual and for fun. Zuck seems like an evil robot who's really pissed off and will be more determined. I think Zuck is the type of dude who won't tap....Elon's going to have to drop him or choke him out for the KO....whereas I think if Musk gets in a weak/loose triangle or some shiz I could see him tapping right away. Elon's the man, and if he gets motivated and determined enough to do it....he's got a significant size advantage and can take out Zuckerberg.
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Re: Zuck vs. Musk

Wed Jun 28, 2023 4:24 am

Fight doesn't need to happen. Mission complete when middle age dudes are chatting about it on an internet duck forum: Zuckerberg regains some social relevance and gets to talk 'bro' for a day; Musk basks in his PT Barnum brand. They'll need manicurists instead of cut Dr's ringside.

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Re: Zuck vs. Musk

Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:45 pm

This fight actually happening is gaining steam. How confident in it not happening are you DD?
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Re: Zuck vs. Musk

Thu Jun 29, 2023 3:33 pm

I mean... as much as I think its a gimmick, I'm def tuning in (or finding a pirated stream) at the very least.

I just really don't see it happening. From the pics and vids I've seen of both of them training, I think Zuck wins pretty easily. I really dhope it happens tho. The whole thing would be hilarious.

Although my line of thinking is more in line with Lanyard's. The mission is to get people talking, not actually fight.

Just based off this picture below, Musk's grappling in @SS. Musk is in what's called "scarf hold" position, which is really only good for wrestling and judo. In an MMA fight where people don't care about being pinned like in wrestling, anyone blue-belt and above would be taking Musk's back and choking him, even a competent white belt would. I know Fridman is a black belt, so he's obviously going easy on him.


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Re: Zuck vs. Musk

Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:52 pm

....Andy are you goofing on Elvis....

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Re: Zuck vs. Musk

Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:51 pm

Seems about as good an idea as a few billionaires taking a ride to the Titanic

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Re: Zuck vs. Musk

Mon Jul 03, 2023 5:49 am

GSP has offered to train Musk....I dunno....with an all-time great, some may even consider the goat (Khabib is the goat and it's not even close imo) training him he's going to have a shot.

Musk is obviously incredibly intelligent and probably able to pick up most skills easily if he the question becomes whether or not he wants to, or is able to fully invest himself into training for the fight.

Zuckerberg seems to have a lot more free time than Elon. Zuck could be largely AWOL from his company for a year and it wouldn't matter. Musk on the other hand....Tesla and SpaceX require a lot of his undivided attention. Twitter is the one exception where he isn't needed that much after cleaning house and getting a new CEO in might actually be better for both him and the company to be less involved.

I think Musk sincerely wants to take the fight and might, but I could also see him bowing out a month or two prior to fight night after seeing training/sparring videos of Zuckerberg surfacing and realizing his hour long training sessions twice a week aren't going to cut it....being doughy and untrained is a bad way to head into a fight with anyone, let alone a freaking sociopath like Mark Zuckerberg.
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