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Mergie Marauder
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Indians...Sioux In Particular

Wed Mar 06, 2024 6:16 am

Fresh off the state giving the shittiest humans to ever walk the planet....actually slither since they're fukcing snakes.....

Speaking of which....

Why did we need to change Calhoun to Bde-Mke-Ska? Oh, Calhoun wasn't the Dakotah word for it?

Well neither is Sioux motherfukcers and yet your people have adopted that for themselves. "Snakes" was the worst insult the Chippewa/Ojibwe could label them as with their word "Sioux." It'd be like black people having a public press release to tell the world they're going to go by "njggers" for what they want to everyone to call them.

I digress....

So those lying snake **** the Dakota Sioux...the worst of all the Sioux, which says a lot, recent swindled a beautiful state park away from you, me, and every other Minnesotan. We All Owned that land....and the Sioux took it....based on revisionist history....AKA "Lies." Fukcing SNAKE Ass motherfukcers.....

But our same state liberal uniparty of course wasn't going to stop there. They've introduced legislation to give 160,000 acres of state forest lands to White Earth....dumb kunt who wrote and sponsored the bill is claiming herself as a Lakota Sioux, which she's not...
She's just a citiot dipshit kunt....because if she actually was Lakota Sioux....she'd realize those Ojibwes massacred her people, drove them onto the plains from the North side of Mille Lacs and area North (Dakota inhabited South Side and were pushed South following the Ojibwe slaughter of their fukcing snake asses).

So yup....a bunch of bullshit history that isn't whites committing Genocide against the "Indigenous Peoples," which is a fargen lie! It was the other way around....if anyone was guilty for attempting Genocide on the other back then, it was the Sioux committing Genocide against the White Settlers. Fukcing snake ****....

Regardless, 250 square miles of state forest land purchased by sportsmen for conservation and to be open to the public..... slated to be gifted by the state to White Earth......out of the blue....White Earth never even asked for it.

Fukc this shithole State!! And **** the Sioux! Woodchuckers to prairie njggers! **** 'Em!!
Hate Speech is Free Speech

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:33 am

Agreed. This state is lost.

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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:38 pm

that is interesting down there. up here i would say 90% of the people who live in alaska (no matter what race you are) would rather have the original native names on things. few years ago the parks service changed Mt. Mckinley back to denali and it made the news in the lower 48. Few people i was friends with was complaining that it was progressive and bs, until i told them that it was denali prior to it being named mckinley (a president who never once step foot in ak) and it should have never been changed from the original name. Mcdonalds was probably pist beacuse their Mckinley Mac wouldnt make sense any more. Barrow changed their name a few years ago to Utiagivk or something like that. They realized they kind of screwed up when the found out all the addressed and everything else had to change. Most people use barrow and utiagivk interchangeably and i am sure you could still address a letter to barrow and it would get there just fine.

serious question, the amount some of you guys complain about mn is very apparent. Would there ever be a point where you would just move to a different state and finally stop dealing with it? Or is it really not that big of a deal and you just need to rant some where?
official sour toe member number 52,814

Coot Commander
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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:34 pm

Insanity. Pure insanity. The White Earth Band currently has access to this land the same as you and I do. They claim they are not going to restrict access to anyone once they take ownership. Put me down as skeptical on that. What is the point of making the land transfer if they aren't going to exercise their newfound "property rights"? While I thought the transfer of the land down by Granite Falls was the same kind of insanity, it was a pretty small number of acres. I want to say like 1,500 or something like that. And our insane State Legislature ear-marked several million dollars to replace those acres in the same geographical area and create a new State Park. Are they going to do the same thing here and replace these 160K acres?? I highly doubt it. else can you label this?

And where does it stop? They will not be satisfied until all land within the historical reservation boundaries are returned.

And yes, I would leave tomorrow if I could talk my wife into it. :roll:

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Wed Mar 06, 2024 8:52 pm

Count down is on for me leaving this pansy ass, Karen loving, woke state!
1yr, 1mo, 24days, 18hrs, 37mins, 44sec………

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Wed Mar 06, 2024 10:48 pm

I would also leave in a heartbeat. Unfortunately my wife opened a business that she’s committed to for a minimum of 7 years and our parents are aging.

We could move anywhere along I29 and be close enough to our parents. I sure hope she’s willing to move once our daughters are out of high school… if not sooner.

She was fairly liberal when we met but living and working around the red and white trash in Bemidji has helped her see that the government doesn’t help anyone or anything. She recently told me she’s “getting more conservative every day” … hopefully conservative enough to change residency even if she wants to be here part of the time.

This state has gone downhill so damn fast in the past 4 years. It was bad before, but it’s intolerable now

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:15 pm

The Indians want the rest of red lake and I’m sure the liberal dummies would love to give it to them. We need to get together a militia and get a war going if that happens.

The red lake Indians hate the US and yet our government keeps sending them money and resources. They want to be their own nation and I say we should make that happen with no US support. They wouldn’t last long.

I used to love this state and never thought I’d consider leaving but more and more I see myself bailing out when I sell and retire. We are on our way to being the next California.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:50 pm

The thing that keeps me here is parents. I'll leave when they are gone or at least have full residency in a more tax friendly state and live here in warmer months. I love the variety here overall but honestly outside hunting...nothing to keep me here.

And hunting is a stretch...

The tax savings in several other states would pay for getaways to good upland/waterfowl states.

Honestly in modern ages who cares where your residence is you aren't actually receiving and paying bills there you pay them all online

There's so many ways around it all and I've been researching all of it.

Hold a "residence" in SD for the tax implications and low cost and fall hunting, actually live at the cabin in MN for the warm months and rent a place in key West for 2 months in winter


Mergie Marauder
Posts: 1395
Joined: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:44 pm

Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Thu Mar 07, 2024 9:01 am

If the state is giving away 150,000 acres of state forest does that mean the DNR will be laying off a couple dozen employees?

Coot Commander
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Re: Indians...Sioux In Particular

Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:22 pm

From the Bemidji paper: The bill (Senate File 3480 and House File 4304) was sponsored by state Sen. Mary Kunesh, DFL-New Brighton, and Rep. Aisha Gomez, DFL-Minneapolis.

“The bill is changing as we speak,” Nelson said. “They are now wanting first right of refusal on (the sale of) private property

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