Would you hunt the teal season in Sept if offered in MN?

Yes, definately
Yes likley I would go
Maybe I'd hunt them
No I'd pass
Total votes: 31
Mergie Marauder
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Re: Would you hunt the teal season in Sept if offered in MN?

Mon Mar 03, 2014 5:43 pm

If WI has a teal season we will certainly get a good idea of how many other species get taken by ignorant hunters. MN hunters are pretty dumb but WI hunters definitely take the cake. I saw a group from WI shooting seagulls last season. My only guess is they thought they were snow geese.

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Fish Felon
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Re: Would you hunt the teal season in Sept if offered in MN?

Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:54 am

Trigger wrote:
ducksmuggler wrote:MN has taken the back burner( does not want teal season) ..... WIS waterfowl biologist has stated that good or bad we should not look a gift horse in the mouth

Only in Minnesota would hunters fight against havin more days to hunt when we have our largest populations of ducks in the state. There is good reason why waterfowlers in every other state laugh at us.


I love all the speculation and conjecture about what will happen. The reality is no one knows until you hold the season. That's why we should take the days and have a teal season and then if it doesn't work we then stop the season. It's a simple concept they practice almost everywhere else but here.

In MN we listen to all the idiots like Dennis Anderson and the Old Guard of gray hairs who don't want any ducks shot here but have no problem going to other states and piling them up. They talk about how holding a teal season will lead to the demise of ducks in this state and all the mistake ducks shot will lead to the disappearance of our breeding population.

Look, even if the thing is a total disaster and every guy out there is shooting hen mallards it's not that big of a deal. Ducks are migratory and shooting some "local" breeders isn't irreparable damage. Our habitat will hold and maintain what it can hold and maintain. You can't stockpile ducks. If we have good habitat and conditions in the spring we're going to have more breeding ducks and when we don't we'll have less.

Everyone is so god dam worried about some idiot shooting a hen mallard or wood duck that might raise a brood here one year it is flipping ridiculous.
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Re: Would you hunt the teal season in Sept if offered in MN?

Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:27 am

I would not hunt teal here or there,

I would not hunt teal anywhere.

I would not could not in September,

I would not could not in November.

Not on a lake, not in a slough,

Not in a boat, and not with you.

I have to tell you I just don't care,

Enough to hunt just teal anywhere!

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Re: Would you hunt the teal season in Sept if offered in MN?

Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:07 am

^^^^^^^ The Dr Seuss of the MnFowl :lol:

Fish Felon wrote: all the mistake ducks shot will lead to the disappearance of our breeding population.

I do not ever recall anyone here saying that. But I and others are concerned about wanton waste of non legal ducks that will happen during a Teal only season. It is just plain ethically wrong to shoot a non legal duck and let them rot. We know that 50 years ago in the Mn spy blinds that there was a 50% attempt rate on non legal ducks.

And actually I am for trying the Teal season. But as I've stated a few times, I think the "best' solution for all concerned is an all specie 2 day hunt in mid Sept.
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Re: Would you hunt the teal season in Sept if offered in MN?

Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:20 am

Just on a math note: wouldn't the mistake ducks that get shot, just lose the opportunity to not get shot on opener?

Or is the theory that the mortality would be added?

For instance, if hunters shoot on average X% of ducks... then the mistake ducks will just fall into that %, but the actual ducks in a hunters bag decreases


Hunters shoot a total number of ducks in a year, regardless of how many ducks there are. So, the mistake ducks would be additive and hunters would have no appreciable decline in bag.

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Re: Would you hunt the teal season in Sept if offered in MN?

Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:51 am

h2ofwlr wrote:^^^^^^^ The Dr Seuss of the MnFowl :lol:

Fish Felon wrote: all the mistake ducks shot will lead to the disappearance of our breeding population.

I do not ever recall anyone here saying that. But I and others are concerned about wanton waste of non legal ducks that will happen during a Teal only season. It is just plain ethically wrong to shoot a non legal duck and let them rot. We know that 50 years ago in the Mn spy blinds that there was a 50% attempt rate on non legal ducks.

And actually I am for trying the Teal season. But as I've stated a few times, I think the "best' solution for all concerned is an all specie 2 day hunt in mid Sept.

That has been said a couple of times, and it was the premise of D-bagA's article.

If people's reasoning for not having a season is that other hunters MIGHT break the law or have bad ethics then these same people should be fighting to end all hunting.

And lastly, when was the last time we based modern decisions off 50 year old data??? Why do people continue to being that up? There were probably 50% more ducks of different species present back then.
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Would you hunt the teal season in Sept if offered in MN?

Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:13 am

lanyard wrote:I would not hunt teal here or there,

I would not hunt teal anywhere.

I would not could not in September,

I would not could not in November.

Not on a lake, not in a slough,

Not in a boat, and not with you.

I have to tell you I just don't care,

Enough to hunt just teal anywhere!

Not even if given the chance to hunt their peak migration?
"When we have as many hot button issues going on as we do at any given time, we must use a science based approach to management. It is not always the most popular, but is the only way way we can defend ourselves." Tom Landwehr, September 2013

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Would you hunt the teal season in Sept if offered in MN?

Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:10 pm

Do we get 10 teal?

I get the argument, but it's a bit of excitement about not a whole lot. Shoot your 6 birds faster? Fine by me. I don't really care either way. But honestly, I'll take advantage of it as much as a Sept 1 dove opener, August geese, and light goose conservation orders.

Fine by me if you have it though, and if you need my vote, you've got it.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Would you hunt the teal season in Sept if offered in MN?

Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:47 am

lanyard wrote:I would not hunt teal here or there,

I would not hunt teal anywhere.

I would not could not in September,

I would not could not in November.

Not on a lake, not in a slough,

Not in a boat, and not with you.

I have to tell you I just don't care,

Enough to hunt just teal anywhere!

Haha love it. Dr Suess....my favorite Doctor.

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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Would you hunt the teal season in Sept if offered in MN?

Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:36 am

I prefer Dr. McGillicuddy.... sound mind, better sprits.... and he bequeaths things....

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