Mergie Marauder
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Re: Great Lake ducks dying.

Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:24 am

Bluebills and other divers have been using the great lakes long before the zebs invaded.

There are still plenty of bluebills that migrate through MN you just need to know where to look. We have shot plenty of lacey backs over the last few years and have witnessed the rafts from the old school days. It is all about finding the lakes that hold the food they like. One lake will be packed with BB's and all the surrounding lakes that appear no different are empty.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Great Lake ducks dying.

Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:27 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:
triplecurler wrote:Lack of diver duck houses.

Lets see yours... photo please. :lol:
image.jpg (14.58 KiB) Viewed 4789 times
Ask Al how to successfully nest wood ducks, see you next season.

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Re: Great Lake ducks dying.

Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:03 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:Actually it is accurate. I love it when someone disagrees but gives no supportive documentaion or alternative to debunk it, but intead calls me names. Now grow the hell up and leave the name calling out of it as this site is not about that.

Blue Bills are not coming through MN like they used to, Per research they have been going further east in their fall migrations. And there are about 1/2 as many BB as 40 years ago. Now prove it different or stiffle your keyboard.

First things first, take a Mydol and wash it down with a tall glass of cranberry juice since you are clearly menstruating.

Oh, it is accurate? That is good to hear. Sorry for not taking your word on it, random guy online, so let's see your supportive documentation illustrating what you're saying is true. I realize what I say isn't fact; but do you? I don't think so. I think you're so full of yourself that you actually believe your opinions are facts

Secondly, you accuse me of name calling. What names did I call you? You tell me to "grow the hell up and leave the name calling out of it;" please inform me and everyone of what names I called you? You won't because you can't. I never called you any names. You are acting very childish and trolling for a response. I'm sorry but I won't take the bait. Unless you can tell me what names I called you then you are a liar. Yes, I did just call you a liar; prove me wrong.

As far as your statement of;

^^^ That gives some credance to that the divers, especially BB are flying further east these last 20+ years than traditionally.

the reason why I said it was asinine and misinformed was because you said "BB [bluebills aka lesser scaup] are flying further east these last 20+ years than traditionally." Who's credence [please list it]? Traditional to what? Their normal Eastward migration?

Do the wintering grounds of the Chesapeake Bay, Pamlico Sound and Gulf Coast of Florida mean anything to you? What areas are East of those that they used to not go to? Lesser Scaup have always used the Great Lakes and always had an Eastward excuse me, but what the hell point are you trying to make?

Do you have harvest surveys to show that there's been an increased migration? Give me anything here to prove your point. I'd rather not make you look stupid but you seem to want that. ... -20081.jpg.
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Re: Great Lake ducks dying.

Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:44 pm

I am not/was not trolling at all. Sorry but I have no time for you at all.
God, help me be the man that my dog thinks that I am.

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Re: Great Lake ducks dying.

Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:28 pm

h2ofwlr wrote:I am not/was not trolling at all. Sorry but I have no time for you at all.

You have no time? This coming from the guy with how many posts? You are full of it.

You have plenty of time. What you don't have is answers. Everything I said was right and you have no rebuttal to it.

You would have been better off not replying anything at all versus saying what you did. I look forward to your umpteenth posts in the next few days...

...but you have 'no time.'

You are a liar.
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Mergie Marauder
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Re: Great Lake ducks dying.

Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:51 am

If you two are done with your slap fight now.... we need to come up with a plan or there won't be any ducks left.

Here's what's happening in New York and the same reports run down to Pennsylvania:

I'm not certain how we'd do it, but it seems that ice cover is the biggest problem and we need to fix it.

If there was some way we could make a really, really HUGE thermal radiator, like big enough to melt the ice on the great lakes... the ducks might have a chance. But that solution would likely require an operating cycle of 8+ hours per day, hydrogen nuclear reactions, a radius 109 x larger than earth, and be positioned somewhere about 93 million miles away so the whole Earth doesn't flame into an inferno.....

Now, where do we find such a device and how do we pay for it? I'm thinking a banquet is in order. We could do some raffles and giveaways, get some call makers to donate product and some decoy manufacturers could do some stuff. Maybe give everyone a barrel sticker when they come in. Once we have the banquet money maybe there are some matching grants from USFWS... they might even sponsor research on the topic and design the system. If we need more help, we could work with other groups.... maybe even the Audubon folks because ducks are birds. With a group like that, we could make a request of the Legacy Fund. It might take a few years, but it will be worth it, it's for the ducks!

Who's in?

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Great Lake ducks dying.

Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:14 am

Alright, looks like we made it about 6 months before Al's multiple personality disorder came back

Welcome fish felon / Luke / Al !!

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Great Lake ducks dying.

Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:17 am

lanyard wrote:If you two are done with your slap fight now.... we need to come up with a plan or there won't be any ducks left.

Here's what's happening in New York and the same reports run down to Pennsylvania:

I'm not certain how we'd do it, but it seems that ice cover is the biggest problem and we need to fix it.

If there was some way we could make a really, really HUGE thermal radiator, like big enough to melt the ice on the great lakes... the ducks might have a chance. But that solution would likely require an operating cycle of 8+ hours per day, hydrogen nuclear reactions, a radius 109 x larger than earth, and be positioned somewhere about 93 million miles away so the whole Earth doesn't flame into an inferno.....

Now, where do we find such a device and how do we pay for it? I'm thinking a banquet is in order. We could do some raffles and giveaways, get some call makers to donate product and some decoy manufacturers could do some stuff. Maybe give everyone a barrel sticker when they come in. Once we have the banquet money maybe there are some matching grants from USFWS... they might even sponsor research on the topic and design the system. If we need more help, we could work with other groups.... maybe even the Audubon folks because ducks are birds. With a group like that, we could make a request of the Legacy Fund. It might take a few years, but it will be worth it, it's for the ducks!

Who's in?

I do my part by burning tires, plastic, and styrofoam.
Dominate The Skies.

Mergie Marauder
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Re: Great Lake ducks dying.

Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:07 am

Nershi wrote:Bluebills and other divers have been using the great lakes long before the zebs invaded.

There are still plenty of bluebills that migrate through MN you just need to know where to look. We have shot plenty of lacey backs over the last few years and have witnessed the rafts from the old school days. It is all about finding the lakes that hold the food they like. One lake will be packed with BB's and all the surrounding lakes that appear no different are empty.

Prove it, what's the name of the lake?
DENNIS ANDERSON, Then, about five years ago, in 2020, there were no more ducks in the state,

Mergie Marauder
Posts: 954
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Re: Great Lake ducks dying.

Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:12 am

Bullet21XD wrote:
lanyard wrote:If you two are done with your slap fight now.... we need to come up with a plan or there won't be any ducks left.

Here's what's happening in New York and the same reports run down to Pennsylvania:

I'm not certain how we'd do it, but it seems that ice cover is the biggest problem and we need to fix it.

If there was some way we could make a really, really HUGE thermal radiator, like big enough to melt the ice on the great lakes... the ducks might have a chance. But that solution would likely require an operating cycle of 8+ hours per day, hydrogen nuclear reactions, a radius 109 x larger than earth, and be positioned somewhere about 93 million miles away so the whole Earth doesn't flame into an inferno.....

Now, where do we find such a device and how do we pay for it? I'm thinking a banquet is in order. We could do some raffles and giveaways, get some call makers to donate product and some decoy manufacturers could do some stuff. Maybe give everyone a barrel sticker when they come in. Once we have the banquet money maybe there are some matching grants from USFWS... they might even sponsor research on the topic and design the system. If we need more help, we could work with other groups.... maybe even the Audubon folks because ducks are birds. With a group like that, we could make a request of the Legacy Fund. It might take a few years, but it will be worth it, it's for the ducks!

Who's in?

I do my part by burning tires, plastic, and styrofoam.

Do like farmers do and cover anything and everything you burn with a thick layer of used waste oil. It's ok, they care about the environment, it says so on a commercial on Minnesota Bound.
DENNIS ANDERSON, Then, about five years ago, in 2020, there were no more ducks in the state,

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